- Automatic visual code quality evaluation for wood industryPõlder, Ahti; Abiline, Indrek; Tamre, MartProceedings of the 7th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic Industrial Engineering : 22-24th April 2010, Tallinn, Estonia. [II]2010 / p. 554-559 : ill
- Calibration methods of coating thickness gauges = Pindepaksuse mõõtevahendite kalibreerimismeetodite uurimineAbiline, Indrek2008 http://www.ester.ee/record=b2431359*est
- Calibration of coating thickness gaugesAbiline, Indrek; Laaneots, Rein; Nanits, Mats-MaiduProceedings of the 4th International Conference Industrial Engineering - New Challenges to SME : 29-30 April 2004, Tallinn, Estonia2004 / p. 117-119 : ill
- Calibration of coating thickness gaugesAbiline, Indrek; Laaneots, Rein; Nanits, Mats-MaiduProceedings 10th IMEKO TS7 International Symposium on Advances of Measurement Science : June 30-July2, 2004, Saint-Petersburg, Russia. Vol. 22004 / p. 372-375 : ill
- Calibration of thread limit plug gaugesAbiline, Indrek; Laaneots, ReinProceedings of the Third National DAAAM Conference in Estonia : SCIENCE '981998 / p. 30-32: ill
- Magnetic measuring method of coating thicknessAbiline, Indrek; Laaneots, ReinProceedings of the 2nd International Conference, 27-29th April 2000, Tallinn, Estonia / DAAAM International Vienna, DAAAM National Estonia2000 / p. 19-22 : ill
- Measurement uncertainty of surface contour with complicated formAbiline, Indrek; Laaneots, Rein; Nanits, Mats-Maidu; Riim, JürgenProceedings of the 5th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic : Industrial Engineering - Adding Innovation Capacity of Labour Force and Entrepreneur : 20-22 April 2006, Tallinn, Estonia2006 / p. 101-105 : ill
- Offengelegte Patentanmeldung DE 10 2007 062966 A1. Methode zur Kalibrierung von SchichtdickennormalenLaaneots, Rein; Abiline, Indrek; Nanits, Mats-Maidu; Riim, JürgenPatentblatt2008 / 26, p. 62484
- On the uncertainty of measurement by measuring the form of a surfaceAbiline, Indrek; Laaneots, Rein; Nanits, Mats-Maidu; Riim, JürgenProceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Engineering2007 / 2, p. 84-93 : ill
- The calibration method of coating thickness gaugesAbiline, Indrek; Laaneots, Rein; Nanits, Mats-MaiduOST-03 Symposium on Machine Design2003 / p. 169-176 : ill
- The coating thickness and its definitionAbiline, Indrek; Laaneots, Rein; Leibak, Alar; Riim, JürgenProceedings of the 6th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic "Industrial Engineering" : 24-26th April 2008, Tallinn, Estonia. [1]2008 / p. 13-18 : ill http://innomet.ttu.ee/daaam08/online/Design%20Engineering/Abiline.pdf