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- Enforcement of competition rules in regulated industries : abuse of dominance practices in the new EU member states, candidate countries and potential candidatesSvetlicinii, Alexandr; Botta, Marco8th ASCOLA Conference "Competition Law as Regulation", 23-25 May 2013, Lecce, Italy2013
- Regulatory implants and local enforcement practices : article 102 TFEU as a tool for price regulation in the new EU member states and candidate countriesSvetlicinii, Alexandr; Botta, Marco14th Mediterranean Research Meeting : workshop 14 : Regulatory Implants and Local Legal Regimes in the Mediterranean Region, 20-23 March 2013, Mersin, Turkey2013 / [11] p
- The right of fair trial in competition law proceedings : Quo vadis the courts of the new EU Member States?Botta, Marco; Svetlicinii, Alexandr9th ASCOLA Conference Procedural Fairness in Competition proceedings : University of Warsaw, 26-28 June 20142014 / p. 1-24
- The standard of judical review in EU competition law enforcement and its compatibility with the right to a fair trade under the EU Charter of Fundamental RightsBotta, Marco; Svetlicinii, AlexandrProtecting human rights in the EU : controversies and challenges of the Charter of Fundamental Rights2014 / p. 107-127