- Changes in innovative activities of Estonian firms in period 1995-2005Lumiste, Rünno; Roosimölder, LembitProceedings of the 6th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic "Industrial Engineering" : 24-26th April 2008, Tallinn, Estonia. [2]2008 / p. 339-344
- Effect of mean stress on fatigue strength of duplex steels in synthetic white water environmentSaarna, Mart; Peetsalu, PriiduProceedings of the 6th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic "Industrial Engineering" : 24-26th April 2008, Tallinn, Estonia. [2]2008 / p. 531-536 : ill http://innomet.ttu.ee/daaam06/proceedings/Materials%20Engineering/55Saarna.pdf
- Impact wear tester for the s[t]udy of abrasive erosion and milling processesTarbe, Riho; Kulu, PriitProceedings of the 6th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic "Industrial Engineering" : 24-26th April 2008, Tallinn, Estonia. [2]2008 / p. 561-566 : ill http://innomet.ttu.ee/daaam08/online/Materials%20Engineering/Tarbe-rev.pdf
- Improvement of productivity in Al weldingStepanov, Aleksandr; Laansoo, AndresProceedings of the 6th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic "Industrial Engineering" : 24-26th April 2008, Tallinn, Estonia. [2]2008 / p. 363-368 : ill http://innomet.ttu.ee/daaam08/Online/Engineering%20Management/Stepanov.pdf
- Investigation of the surface fatigue of carbide composites and PVD hard coatingsSergejev, Fjodor; Antonov, Maksim; Gregor, Andre; Hussainova, Irina; Kulu, Priit; Kübarsepp, JakobProceedings of the 6th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic "Industrial Engineering" : 24-26th April 2008, Tallinn, Estonia. [2]2008 / p. 543-548 : ill http://innomet.ttu.ee/daaam08/online/Materials%20Engineering/Sergejev.pdf
- Laser treatment of surfaces of tool and PM steels and steels with coatingsSurženkov, Andrei; Allikas, Georg; Zimakov, Sergei; Kulu, Priit; Müller, H.Proceedings of the 6th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic "Industrial Engineering" : 24-26th April 2008, Tallinn, Estonia. [2]2008 / p. 555-560 : ill http://innomet.ttu.ee/daaam08/online/Materials%20Engineering/Surzhenkov.pdf
- Multiphase microstructure forming purpose in lightweight compositesKommel, Lembit; Kimmari, EduardProceedings of the 6th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic "Industrial Engineering" : 24-26th April 2008, Tallinn, Estonia. [2]2008 / p. 479-484 : ill https://www.academia.edu/60674244/Multiphase_Microstructure_Forming_Purpose_in_Lightweight_Composites
- Necessity for e-manufacturing model in tooling cluster and its essenceLõun, Kaia; Riives, Jaan; Otto, TaunoProceedings of the 6th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic "Industrial Engineering" : 24-26th April 2008, Tallinn, Estonia. [2]2008 / p. 345-350 : ill https://www.researchgate.net/publication/290349485_Necessity_for_e-manufacturing_model_in_tooling_cluster_and_its_essence
- Recycling of hardmetal scrap to WC-Co powder by oxidation-reduction processJoost, Renee; Pirso, Jüri; Viljus, MartProceedings of the 6th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic "Industrial Engineering" : 24-26th April 2008, Tallinn, Estonia. [2]2008 / p. 449-454 : ill https://www.researchgate.net/publication/289593153_Recycling_of_hardmetal_scrap_to_wc-co_powder_by_oxidationreduction_process
- Relaxation of residual stresses in brush-plated gold coatingLille, Harri; Kõo, Jakub; Rjabtšikov, Aleksander; Laaneots, ReinProceedings of the 6th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic "Industrial Engineering" : 24-26th April 2008, Tallinn, Estonia. [2]2008 / p. 491-496 : ill http://innomet.ttu.ee/daaam08/Online/Materials%20Engineering/lille-koo-ryabchikov-laaneots.pdf
- Risk factors in project management life cycleKaraulova, Tatjana; Kramarenko, Sergei; Ševtšenko, EduardProceedings of the 6th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic "Industrial Engineering" : 24-26th April 2008, Tallinn, Estonia. [2]2008 / p. 327-332 : ill https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325194647_RISK_FACTORS_IN_PROJECT_MANAGEMENT_LIFE_CYCLE
- Sliding wear of chromium carbide based cermets under different wear conditionsJuhani, Kristjan; Pirso, Jüri; Viljus, Mart; Letunovitš, SergeiProceedings of the 6th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic "Industrial Engineering" : 24-26th April 2008, Tallinn, Estonia. [2]2008 / p. 455-459 : ill http://innomet.ttu.ee/daaam08/Online/Materials%20Engineering/Juhani.pdf
- A stochastic programming model for supply chain planningKüttner, ReinProceedings of the 6th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic "Industrial Engineering" : 24-26th April 2008, Tallinn, Estonia. [2]2008 / p. 333-338 : ill
- The properties of different barrier coatingsPihl, Toomas; Vainola, Vello; Pihl, RiinaProceedings of the 6th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic "Industrial Engineering" : 24-26th April 2008, Tallinn, Estonia. [2]2008 / p. 519-524 : ill http://innomet.ttu.ee/daaam08/Online/Materials%20Engineering/Pihl.pdf
- Thermally induced cracking in aluminum/boron carbide compositeKimmari, Eduard; Kommel, LembitProceedings of the 6th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic "Industrial Engineering" : 24-26th April 2008, Tallinn, Estonia. [2]2008 / p. 467-472 : ill https://www.researchgate.net/publication/268056237_Thermally_induced_cracking_in_aluminumboron_carbide_composite
- Using of small punch test for determination of tensile properties for power plant steelsKlevtsov, Ivan; Dedov, Andrei; Molodtsov, ArtjomProceedings of the 6th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic "Industrial Engineering" : 24-26th April 2008, Tallinn, Estonia. [2]2008 / p. 473-477 : ill https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/USING-OF-SMALL-PUNCH-TEST-FOR-DETERMINATION-OF-FOR/a805d3e782523dc705919256b453002f5a71598f
- Using stohastic optimization for modelling of the new composite from recycled GFPKers, Jaan; Goljandin, Dmitri; Majak, JüriProceedings of the 6th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic "Industrial Engineering" : 24-26th April 2008, Tallinn, Estonia. [2]2008 / p. 461-466 : ill
- Wear of PVD hard coatings in sliding contactsSivitski, Alina; Ajaots, Maido; Põdra, PriitProceedings of the 6th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic "Industrial Engineering" : 24-26th April 2008, Tallinn, Estonia. [2]2008 / p. 549-554 : ill http://innomet.ttu.ee/daaam08/online/Materials%20Engineering/Sivitski.pdf
- Verification of new 1000 [degree] C tester designed for investigation of wear-corrosion properties of advanced materials for high temperature applicationsAntonov, Maksim; Hussainova, Irina; Kimmari, Eduard; Juhani, KristjanProceedings of the 6th International Conference of DAAAM Baltic "Industrial Engineering" : 24-26th April 2008, Tallinn, Estonia. [2]2008 / p. 395-399 : ill http://innomet.ttu.ee/daaam08/online/Materials%20Engineering/Antonov.pdf