Anorgaaniliste materjalide teaduslabor
Uurimisrühma juht
Seotud struktuuriüksus
TalTech prioriteetne teadussuund
Labor tegutseb kolmel prioriteetsel suunal nii globaalselt kui Eesti riigi võtmes:• Kriitiliste toormete ressursibaasi laiendamine alus- ja rakendusuuringutega Eesti fosforiidi ja kaasnevate mineraalide (graptoliitargilliit) väärindamise uute jätkusuutlike meetodite väljatöötamiseks - väärtuslike komponentide nagu fosfori, vanaadiumi ja haruldaste muldmetallide eraldamiseks;• Kasvuhoonegaaside emissiooni vähendamine kui rohepöörde üks oluline eesmärk, mis hõlmab aluseliste tööstusjäätmete (põlevkivituhk, klinkritolm) kiirendatud karboniseerimise protsesside ning kütuste hapnikus põletamise kui sobiva CO2 püüdmistehnoloogia keemilis-tehnoloogiliste aluste väljatöötamise. Võimalikud rakendused on ehitusmaterjalide saamine koos samaaegse CO2 sidumisega;• Põlevkivituha taaskasutamise rakendusuuringud sadestatud kaltsiumkarbonaadi tootmiseks koos tekkivate jäätmete kompleksse ärakasutamisega.
Klassifikaator (Frascati)
sadestatud kaltsiumkarbonaat
termiline analüüs
Seotud projektid
Tähtsamad tulemused
2023. a olulisemate tulemustena võib välja tuua H2020 projekti (CLEANKER) lõpetamise ja ResTA programmide (ResTA23 ja ResTA18) täitmise. Eesti fosforiidi ning kaasnevate mineraalide jätkusuutlike töötlemistehnoloogiate väljatöötamise käivitamisega ResTA projektides näidati võimalust saada Eesti fosforiidimaagist kätte nii fosforväetised kui haruldased muldmetallid, rakendades väävelhappelise töötluse asemel soolhappelist töötlust. Näidati võimalust eraldada väärtuslikud metallid (vanaadium, molübdeen) kaasnevast graptoliitargilliidist.Ragn-Sells AS tellimusel tehtud rakendusuuring, mis käsitleb sadestatud kaltsiumkarbonaadi (PCC) saamist põlevkivituha baasil, jätkus lisauuringutega, millega loodetakse jõuda tööstuslikus mastaabis tehaseni.
- Kaljuvee, T., Tõnsuaadu, K., Einard, M., Mikli, V., Kivimäe, E.-K., Kallaste, T., Trikkel, A. Thermal behavior of Estonian graptolite-argillite from different deposits // Processes (2022) vol. 10, 10, art. 1986. - Gruselle, M., Tõnsuaadu, K., Gredin, P., Len, C. Apatites based catalysts : a tentative classification // Molecular catalysis (2022) vol. 519, art. 112146. - Tõnsuaadu, K., Kallas, J., Kuusik, R., Hacialioglu-Erlenheim, G., Trikkel, A. A new perspective on fluorapatite dissolution in hydrochloric acid : thermodynamic calculations and experimental study // Inorganics (2021) vol. 9, 8, art. 65, 11 p. : ill. - Uibu, M., Tamm, K., Viires, R., Reinik, J., Somelar, P., Raado, L-M., Hain, T., Kuusik, R., Trikkel, A. The composition and properties of ash in the context of the modernisation of oil shale industry // Oil shale (2021) vol. 38, 2, p. 155–176 : ill. - Usta, M.C., Yörük, C.R., Uibu, M., Hain, T., Gregor, A., Trikkel, A. CO2 curing of Ca-rich fly ashes to produce cement-free building materials // Minerals (2022) vol. 12, 5, art. 513, 24 p. : ill. - Liivand, K., Kazemi, M., Walke, P., Mikli, V., Uibu, M., Macdonald, D.D., Kruusenberg, I. Spent Li-Ion battery graphite turned into valuable and active catalyst for electrochemical oxygen reduction // ChemSusChem (2021) Vol. 14, 4, p. 1103-1111. - Remmel, A.-L., Ratso, S., Divitini, G., Danilson, M., Mikli, V., Uibu, M., Aruväli, J., Kruusenberg, I. Nickel and nitrogen-doped bifunctional ORR and HER electrocatalysts derived from CO2 // ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering (2022) vol. 10, 1, p. 134-145. - Eensalu, J. S., Tõnsuaadu, K., Oja Acik, I., Krunks, M. Sb2S3 thin films by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis of antimony ethyl xanthate // Materials science in semiconductor processing (2022) Vol. 137, art. 106209 : ill. - Link, S., Yrjas, P., Lindberg, D., Trikkel, A., Mikli, V. Ash melting behaviour of reed and woody fuels blends // Fuel (2022) vol. 314, art. 123051. - Link, S., Yrjas, P., Lindberg, D., Trikkel, A. Characterization of ash melting of reed and wheat straw blend // ACS omega (2022) Vol. 7, 2, p. 2137-2146 : ill. - Peikolainen, A.-L., Uibu, M., Kozlova, J., Mändar, H., Tamm, A., Aabloo, A. Carbon xerogel from 5-methylresorcinol-formaldehyde gel : the controllability of structural properties // Carbon trends (2021) 3, art. 100037, 11 p. : ill. - Yang, X., Tamm, K., Piir, I., Kuusik, R., Trikkel, A., Tõnsuaadu, K. Evaluation of Estonian phosphate rock by flotation // Minerals engineering (2021) vol. 171, art. 107127, 10 p. : ill. - Puthiya Veetil, S.K., Rebane, K., Yörük, C.R., Lopp, M., Trikkel, A., Hitch, M. Aqueous mineral carbonation of oil shale mine waste (limestone) : a feasibility study to develop a CO2 capture sorbent // Energy (2021) vol. 221, art. 119895. - Eensalu, J. S., Tõnsuaadu, K., Adamson, J., Oja Acik, I., Krunks, M. Thermal decomposition of tris(O-ethyldithiocarbonato)-antimony(III) - a single-source precursor for antimony sulfide thin films // Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry (2022) vol. 147, 8, p. 4899-4913 : ill. - Vind, J., Tamm. K. Review of the extraction of key metallic values from black shales in relation to their geological and mineralogical properties // Minerals Engineering (2021) vol. 174, art. 107271. - Kaljuvee, T., Uibu, M., Einard, M., Traksmaa, R., Viljus, M., Jefimova, J., Trikkel, A. et al. Thermal behavior of ceramic bodies based on Estonian clay from the Arumetsa deposit with oil shale ash and clinker dust additives // Processes (2022) vol. 10, 1, art. 46. - Tamm, K., Zadeh, Z. A., Kuusik, R., Kallas, J., Yang, J., Tõnsuaadu, K., Trikkel, A. Effect of flotation time and collector dosage on Estonian phosphorite beneficiation // Minerals (2021) vol. 11, 2, art. 114. - Shalima, T., Mishra, K.A., Kaabel, S., Ustrnul, L., Bartkova, S., Tõnsuaadu, K., Heinmaa, I., Aav, R. Cyclohexanohemicucurbit[8]uril inclusion complexes with heterocycles and selective extraction of sulfur compounds from water // Frontiers in chemistry (2021) Vol. 9, art. 786746, 8 p. : ill. - Kaljuvee, T., Uibu, M., Yörük, C. R., Einard, M., Trikkel, A., Kuusik, R., Trass, O., Štubňa, I., Hulan, T., Loide, V., Jefimova, J. Study of thermooxidation of oil shale samples and basics of processes for utilization of oil shale ashes // Minerals (2021) vol. 11, 2, at. 193. - Csaki, S., Štubna, I., Kaljuvee, T., Dobron, P., Lukač, F., Trnik, A. Electric properties of anorthite ceramics prepared from illitic clay and oil shale ash // Journal of materials research and technology (2022) vol. 21, p. 4164-4173. - Hulan, T., Štubna, I., Kaljuvee, T., Knapek, M. Young’s modulus of illitic clay in the temperature region of quartz transition // Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry (2022) vol. 147, 14, p. 7701-7707. - Gruselle, M., Tõnsuaadu, K., Gredin, P., Len, C. Hydroxyapatite-based catalysts in organic synthesis // Design and applications of hydroxyapatite-based catalysts. : Wiley-VCH, 2022. chapter 10. - Kulu, P., Goljandin, D., Traksmaa, R., Kaljuvee, T., Gregor, A. Thermal properties of calcium-aluminate based materials // IOP conference series : materials science and engineering (2021) vol. 1140, art. 012028, 7 p. : ill. - Kulu, P., Goljandin, D., Traksmaa, R., Kaljuvee, T., Gregor, A. Thermal properties of calcium-aluminate based materials // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2021) vol. 70, 4, p. 508-515 : ill. - Link, S., Yrjas, P., Lindberg, D., Trikkel, A. Determination and comparison of ash melting temperature of a biomass blend by laboratory methods and thermodynamic modelling // 28th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition : 6-9 July 2020 (Virtual), Marseille, France : proceedings. : ETA-Florence Renewable Energies, 2020. p. 322-328. - Yörük, C.R., Usta, M.C., Uibu, M., Kaljuvee, T., Trikkel, A. CO2 mineralization by burnt oil shale and cement bypass dust : effect of operating temperature and pre-treatment // Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry (2020) vol. 142, p. 991–999 : ill. - Húlan, T., Štubňa, I., Kaljuvee, T. et al. Acoustic emission of Estonian clay Arumetsa during firing // THERMOPHYSICS 2018: 23rd International Meeting of Thermophysics 2018 : Smolenice, Slovakia, 7–9 November 2018. [Melville, New York] : AIP, 2018. art. 020016, [6] p. (AIP Conference Proceedings ; 1988, 1). - Tõnsuaadu, K., Gruselle, M., Kriisa, F., Trikkel, A. et al. Dependence of the interaction mechanisms between l-serine and O-phospho-l-serine with calcium hydroxyapatite and copper modified hydroxyapatite in relation with the acidity of aqueous medium // Journal of biological inorganic chemistry (2018) vol. 23, 6, p. 929–937 : ill. - Trass, O., Kuusik, R., Kaljuvee, T. Activation of oil shale ashes for sulfur capture // Oil shale (2018) vol. 35, 4, p. 375-385 : ill. - Kaljuvee, T., Tõnsuaadu, K., Traksmaa, R. et al. Thermal behaviour of Estonian phosphorites from different deposits // 2nd Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Conference, Budapest, June 18–21, 2019 : book of abstracts. : AKCongress, 2019. p. 134-135. - Berber, H., Tamm, K., Leinus, M.-L., Kuusik, R., Uibu, M. Aggregate production from burnt oil shale and CO2 - an Estonian perspective // Oil Shale (2019) vol. 36, 3, p. 431-447 : ill. - Leinemann, I., Pilvet, M., Kaljuvee, T., Traksmaa, R., Altosaar, M. Reaction pathway to CZTSe formation in CdI2 : Part 2: Chemical reactions and enthalpies in mixtures of CdI2–CuSe–SnSe and CdI2–CuSe–SnSe–ZnSe // Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry (2018) vol. 134, Issue 1, p. 433–441. - Kaljuvee, T., Jefimova, J., Loide, V., Uibu, M., Einard, M. Influence of the post-granulation treatment on the thermal behaviour and leachability characteristics of Estonian oil shale ashes // Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry (2018) vol. 132, 1, p. 47–57 : ill. - Leinemann, I., Nkwusi, G., Timmo, K., Volobujeva, O., Danilson, M., Raudoja, J., Kaljuvee, T., Traksmaa, R., Altosaar, M., Meissner, D. Reaction pathway to Cu2ZnSnSe4 formation in CdI2 : part 1. Chemical reactions and enthalpies in mixtures of CdI2–ZnSe, CdI2–SnSe, and CdI2–CuSe // Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry (2018) vol. 134, issue 1, p.409 - 421 : ill. - Berber, H., Tamm, K., Leinus, M-L., Kuusik, R., Tõnsuaadu, K., Paaver, P., Uibu, M. Accelerated carbonation technology granulation of industrial waste : effects of mixture composition on product properties // Waste management & research (2020) vol. 38, 2, p. 142-155. - Dedova, T., Oja Acik, I., Polivtseva, S., Krunks, M., Gromõko, I., Tõnsuaadu, K., Mere, A. Influence of solution composition on sprayed ZnO nanorods properties and formation process: Thermoanalytical study of the precursors // Ceramics international (2019) vol. 45, 2, p. 2887-2892 : ill. - Kaljuvee, T., Štubna, I., Hulan, T., Csaki, Š., Uibu, M., Jefimova, J. Influence of waste products from electricity and cement industries on the thermal behaviour of Estonian clay from Kunda deposit // Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry (2019) vol. 138, issue 4, p. 2635–2650 : ill. - Link, S., Tran, K-Q., Bach, Q-V., Yrjas, P., Rosin, A. et al Catalytic effect of oil shale ash on CO2 gasification of leached wheat straw and reed chars // Energy (2018) vol. 152, p. 906-913. - Maide, M., Lillmaa, K., Salvan, L.K., Uibu, M., Lust, E., Nurk, G. Influence of electrolyte scaffold microstructure and loading of miec material on the electrochemical performance of r-soc fuel electrode [Online resource] // Tartu Ülikooli ASTRA projekt PER ASPERA : Funktsionaalsed materjalid ja tehnoloogiad : [7-8 märtsil 2018, Tallinn : teesid], GSFMT Scientific Conference 2018 : Tallinn, March 7-8, 2018 : abstracts. Tartu : Tartu Ülikool, 2018. 1 p. - Lüsi, M., Erikson, H., Sarapuu, A., Kaljuvee, T. et al. Electroreduction of oxygen on carbide-derived carbon supported Pd catalysts // GSFMT Scientific Conference 2020 : Tallinn, February 4-5, 2020 : abstracts. Tartu : [s.n], 2020. p. 57 : ill. - Linge, J.M., Erikson, H., Merisalu, M., Matisen, L., Käärik, M., Leis, J., Sammelselg, V., Kaljuvee, T. et al. Oxygen reduction on silver nanoparticles supported on carbide-derived carbons // Journal of the electrochemical society (2018) vol. 165, 14, p. F1199–F1205. - Štubňa, I., Húlan, T., Kaljuvee, T., Vozár, L. Investigation of dynamic mechanical properties of Estonian clay Arumetsa during firing // Applied clay science (2018) vol. 153, p. 23-28 : ill. - Usta, M.C., Yörük, C.R., Hain, T., Gregor, A., Kuusik, R. Trikkel, A.,Uibu, M. et al. Evaluation of new applications of oil shale ashes in building materials // Minerals (2020) vol. 10, 9, art. 765, 19 p. : ill. - Javed, K., Krumme, A., Viirsalu, M., Krasnou, I., Plamus, T., Vassiljeva, V., Tarasova, E., Savest, N., Mere, A., Mikli, V., Danilson, M., Kaljuvee, T. et al. A method for producing conductive graphene biopolymer nanofibrous fabrics by exploitation of an ionic liquid dispersant in electrospinning // Carbon (2018) vol. 140, p. 148-156 : ill. - Mooste, M., Kibena-Põldsepp, E., Vassiljeva, V., Uibu, M., Krumme, A. et al. Electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction based on electrospun polyacrylonitrile, styrene–acrylonitrile copolymer and carbon nanotube composite fibres // Journal of materials science (2019) vol. 54, p. 11618–11634 : ill. - Yörük, C.R., Meriste, T., Sener, S., Kuusik, R., Trikkel, A. Thermogravimetric analysis and process simulation of oxy‐fuel combustion of blended fuels including oil shale,semicoke, and biomass // International journal of energy research (2018) vol. 42, 6, p. 2213−2224 : ill. - Link, S., Arvelakis, S., Paist, A., Liliedahl, T., Rosen, C. Effect of leaching pretreatment on the gasification of wine and vine (residue) biomass // Renewable energy (2018) vol. 115, p. 1-5 : tab. - Link, S., Yrjas, P., Hupa, L. Ash melting behaviour of wheat straw blends with wood and reed // Renewable Energy (2018) vol. 124, p. 11-20 : ill. - Hulan, T., Štubna, I., Ondruška, J., Kaljuvee, T. et al. Young’s modulus of different illitic clays during heating and cooling stage of firing // Materials (2020) vol. 13, 21, art. 4968, 14 p. : ill. - Hulan, T., Knapek, M., Kaljuvee, T., Uibu, M. et al. The Formation of microcracks in water-saturated porous ceramics during freeze–thaw cycles followed by acoustic emission // Journal of nondestructive evaluation (2021) vol. 40, 1, art. 13. - Kaljuvee, T., Tõnsuaadu, K., Traksmaa, R., Einard, M. et al. Thermal behaviour of Estonian phosphorites from different deposits // Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry (2020) Vol. 142, Issue 1, p. 437-449. - Uibu, M., Siirde, A., Järvik, O., Trikkel, A., Yörük, C.R., Hazak, A., Konist, A. et al. ClimMIT - Climate change mitigation with CCS and CCU technologies // Proceedings of the 15th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference 15-18 March 2021. : SSRN, 2021. 9 p. - Usta, M.C., Uibu, M., Yörük, C.R., Tamm, K., Kuusik, R., Trikkel, A. et al. Mineral sequestration of CO2 from Vernasca Ca-looping demo system : scale up to a pilot // Proceedings of the 15th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference 15-18 March 2021. : SSRN, 2021. 12 p.: ill. - Uibu, M., Usta, M. C., Tamm, K., Žuravljova, A., Kallas, J., Kuusik, R., Trikkel, A. Mineral trapping of CO2 for cement industry de-carbonization // 14th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference Melbourne 21-26 October 2018 (GHGT-14). [S.l.] : SSRN, 2019. 8 p. : ill. - Shogenova, A., Shogenov, K., Uibu, M., Kuusik, R., Simmer, K., Canonico, F. Techno-economic modelling of the Baltic CCUS onshore scenario for the cement industry supported by CLEANKER project // Proceedings of the 15th Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies Conference 15-18 March 2021. : SSRN, 2021. 13 p. : ill. - Yörük, C.R., Uibu, M., Usta, M.C., Kaljuvee, T., Trikkel, A. Correction to: CO2 mineralization by burnt oil shale and cement bypass dust: effect of operating temperature and pre-treatment (Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, (2020), 142, 2, (991-999), 10.1007/s10973-020-09349-9) // Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (2020) Vol. 142, 2, p. 1001. - Najafli, E., Ratso, S., Ivanov, Y. P., Gatalo, M., Pavko, L., Yörük, C. R., Walke, P., Divitini, G., Hodnik, N., Kruusenberg, I. Sustainable co2-derived nanoscale carbon support to a platinum catalyst for oxygen reduction reaction // GSFMT Scientific Conference 2023 : Tartu, 23-24 May, 2023 : abstracts. Tartu, 2023. - Tõnsuaadu, K., Kallas, J., Kallaste, T., Urtson, K., Einard, M., Martin, R., Kuusik, R., Trikkel, A. Estonian Phosphate Rock Dissolution in Hydrochloric Acid : Optimization of Acid Dosage and Concentration // Minerals (2023) vol. 13, 4, art. 578. - Jurkeviciute, A., Grigorieva, L., Tõnsuaadu, K., Blum, K. Comparative analysis of the qualitative characteristics of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde resins based on styrene-modified oil shale alkylresorcinols // Materials research express (2023) vol. 10, 3, art. 035304, 14 p. : ill. - Usta, M. C., Yörük, C. R., Uibu, M., Traksmaa, R., Hain, T., Gregor, A., Trikkel, A. Carbonation and leaching behaviors of cement-free monoliths based on high-sulfur fly ashes with the incorporation of amorphous calcium aluminate // ACS omega (2023) vol. 8, 32, p. 29543–29557 : ill. - Jurkeviciute, A., Grigorieva, L., Tõnsuaadu, K., Yashicheva, T., Bondarev, D. Non-aldehyde resins based on resorcinol and natural alkylresorcinols modified with styrene // Materials research express (2023) vol. 10, 10, art. 105301.