Supramolekulaarse keemia uurimisrühm
Uurimisrühma juht
Seotud struktuuriüksus
TalTech prioriteetne teadussuund
Supramolekulaarse keemia uurimisrühm tegeleb uute käeliste uureapõhiste molekulaarsete mahutite arendamisega. Tegeleme efektiivsete ja keskkonnasõbralike sünteesimeetodite välja töötamisega, kasutades muuhulgas mehhanokeemiat. Uurime molekulide ja supramolekulaarsete kompleksite struktuure ning molekulidevaheli vastasmõjusid. Keskendume kukurbituriilide perekonda kuuluvatele makrotsüklitele – hemikukurbituriilidele, ning nende kompleksidele. Eriti huvitume heade optiliste omadustega porpfüriinide kompleksitest ning nende rakendamisest supramolekulaarsetes süsteemides. Uurime kiraalse induktsiooni teket ning supramolekulaarsete komplesite spektroskoopilisi iseärasusi. Nii saame valmistada adaptiivseid sensoreid ning välisstiimulitele reageerivaid ise-organiseeruvaid molekulide süsteeme. Uute molekulaarsete mahutite disaini abil on võimalik välja töötada uusi rakendusi nii materjali- ja keskkonnateaduses, kui ka toidu-, farmaatsia- ning põllumajandustööstusele. Uurimisrühm panustab uute tehnoloogiate välja töötamisse üleeuroopalises teadlaste ja ettevõtjate konsortsiumites: ja COST MechSustInd.
Uurimisrühma liige
Klassifikaator (Frascati)
supramolekulaarsed retseptorid
roheline keemia
orgaaniliste ühendite analüüs
monokristall röntgen difraktsioonanalüüs
Seotud projektid
Tähtsamad tulemused
2023. aasta silmapaistvaim publikatsioon ilmus mõjukas keemiaajakirjas, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, kus näidati, et süsinik-süsinik sidet saab väga reaktiivsete metallide juuresolekul tekitada ka vähese energiakuluga, toatemperatuuril ning tahkes faasis. See teadusuudis leidis ära märkimist „kuuma artikli“ tiitliga ning illustreeriti ajakirja kaanepildil.EL tulevaste siirdetehnoloogiate arendamise projektis (H2020 FET-OPEN, INnovative chemIcal sensors for enanTioselective detectIon of chiral pOllutants) leidsid TTÜs väljatöötatud hemikukurbituriilid rakendust saasteainete tuvastamisel ja elektroonilistes ninades. Projekti tulemusena anti sisse ka patentse leiutise taotlus (EP23181344.5).
- Dalidovich, T., Nallaparaju, J. V., Shalima, T., Aav, R., Kananovich, D. G. Mechanochemical nucleophilic substitution of alcohols via isouronium intermediates // ChemSusChem (2022) vol. 15, 3, art. e202102286. - Šakarašvili, M., Ustrnul, L., Suut, E., Nallaparaju, J.V., Mishra, K.A., Konrad, N., Adamson, J., Borovkov, V., Aav, R. Self-assembly of chiral cyclohexanohemicucurbit[n]urils with bis(Zn porphyrin): size, shape, and time-dependent binding // Molecules (2022) vol. 27, 3, art. 937, 13 p. : ill. - Shalima, T., Mishra, K.A., Kaabel, S., Ustrnul, L., Bartkova, S., Tõnsuaadu, K., Heinmaa, I., Aav, R. Cyclohexanohemicucurbit[8]uril inclusion complexes with heterocycles and selective extraction of sulfur compounds from water // Frontiers in chemistry (2021) Vol. 9, art. 786746, 8 p. : ill. - Konrad, N., Horetski, M., Sihtmäe, M., Osadchuk, I., Senge, M. O., Borovkov, V., Aav, R., Kananovich, D. et al. Thiourea organocatalysts as emerging chiral pollutants : en route to porphyrin-based (chir)optical sensing // Chemosensors (2021) vol. 9, 10, art. 278. - Salvatore, L., Gallo, N., Gallo, N., Borovkov, V. et al. An insight on type I collagen from horse tendon for the manufacture of implantable devices // International journal of biological macromolecules (2020) Vol. 154, 1, p. 291-306. - Sharma, M., Hussain, S., Shalima, T., Aav, R., Bhat, R. Valorization of seabuckthorn pomace to obtain bioactive carotenoids: An innovative approach of using green extraction techniques (ultrasonic and microwave-assisted extractions) synergized with green solvents (edible oils) // Industrial Crops and Products (2022) vol. 175, art. 114257. - Dalidovich, T., Mishra, K.A., Shalima, T., Kudrjašova, M., Kananovich, D. G., Aav, R. Mechanochemical synthesis of amides with uronium-based coupling reagents : a method for hexa-amidation of biotin[6]uril // ACS sustainable chemistry & engineering (2020) vol. 8, 41, p. 15703−15715 : ill. - Kanagaraj, K., Xiao, C., Rao, M., Fan, C., Borovkov, V. et al. A quinoline-appended cyclodextrin derivative as a highly selective receptor and colorimetric probe for nucleotides // iScience (2020) vol. 23, 3, art. 100927, 67 p. : ill. - Yin, Z., Guo, J., Zhang, R., Hu, X., Borovkov, V. Direct asymmetric three-component Mannich reaction catalyzed by chiral counteranion-assisted silver // The journal of organic chemistry (2020) vol. 85, 16, p. 10369−10377 : ill. - Laanesoo, S., Bonjour, O., Parve, J., Parve, O., Matt, L., Vares, L., Jannasch, P. Poly(alkanoyl isosorbide methacrylate)s : from amorphous to semicrystalline and liquid crystalline biobased materials // Biomacromolecules (2021) vol. 22, 2, p. 640-648. - Khose, V.N., Hasan, M., Khot, S.C., Mobin, S.M., Borovkov, V. et al. Directional Approach to Enantiomerically Enriched Functionalized [7]Oxa-helicenoids and Groove-Based Selective Cyanide Sensing // Journal of organic chemistry (2019) vol. 85, 4, p. 1847−1860 : ill. - Kananovich, D., Elek, G. Z., Lopp, M., Borovkov, V. Aerobic oxidations in asymmetric synthesis : catalytic strategies and recent developments // Frontiers in chemistry (2021) vol. 9, art. 614944. - Hu, X., Guo, J., Wang, C., Zhang, R., Borovkov, V. Stereoselective Biginelli-like reaction catalyzed by a chiral phosphoric acid bearing two hydroxy groups // Beilstein journal of organic chemistry (2020) vol. 16, p. 1875−1880. - Trubitsõn, D., Martõnova, J., Kudrjašova, M., Erkman, K., Järving, I., Kanger T. Enantioselective organocatalytic Michael addition to unsaturated indolyl ketones // Organic letters (2021) vol. 23, 5, p. 1820-1824. - Konik, Y.A., Kananovich, D.G. 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Supramolecular Chirogenesis in bis-porphyrin: crystallographic structure and CD spectra for a complex with a chiral guanidine derivative // Symmetry (2021) vol. 13, 275, 14 p. : ill. - Osadchuk, I., Borovkov, V., Aav, R., Clot, E. Benchmarking computational methods and influence of guest conformation on chirogenesis in zinc porphyrin complexes // Physical chemistry chemical physics (2020) vol. 22, 19, p. 11025−11037. - Konrad, N., Meniailava, D., Osadchuk, I., Adamson, J., Hasan, M., Aav, R., Borovkov, V., Kananovich, D. et al. Supramolecular chirogenesis in zinc porphyrins: complexation with enantiopure thiourea derivatives, binding studies and chirality transfer mechanism // Journal of porphyrins and phthalocyanines (2020) - Peterson, A., Ludvig, M-L., Martõnova, J., Kaabel, S., Fomitšenko, M., Aav, R. et al. 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Binding between cyclohexanohemicucurbit[n]urils and polar organic guests // Frontiers in chemistry (2021) Vol. 9, art. 701028. - Kanagaraj, K., Yang, C., Borovkov, V. Chirogenesis in supramolecular systems // Fundamentals of supramolecular chirality. : World Scientific, 2021. p. 85-147. - Osadchuk, I., Aav, R., Borovkov, V., Clot, E. Chirogenesis in Zinc porphyrins : theoretical evaluation of electronic transitions, controlling structural factors and axial ligation // ChemPhysChem (2021) vol. 22, 17, p. 1817−1833 : ill. - Prigorchenko, E., Ustrnul, L., Borovkov, V., Aav, R. Heterocomponent ternary supramolecular complexes of porphyrins : a review // Porphyrin Science by Women. Volume 3: Materials, Sensors, Energy and Catalysis. : World Scientific, 2021. p. 816-833. - Borovkov, V. (eds.) Chiral auxiliaries and chirogenesis ii // Symmetry (2021) Vol. 13, 7, art. 1157. - Zubrytski, D. M., Elek, G. Z., Lopp, M., Kananovich, D. G. 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Suprastars of chemistry : editorial // Frontiers in Chemistry (2022) vol. 10, art. 932508. - Ustrnul, L., Borovkov, V., Aav, R. Chirogenesis in supramolecular systems // Chirogenesis in Chemical Science. Singapore : World Scientific, 2023. p. 69-123. - Borovkov, V., Aav, R. Preface // Chirogenesis in Chemical Science. : World Scientific, 2023. p. vii-xi. - Manera, M. G., Giancane, G., Borovkov, V. et al. Magnetoplasmonic waves/HOMO-LUMO free π-electron transitions coupling in organic macrocycles and their effect in sensing applications // Chemosensors (2021) vol. 9, 10, art. 272. - Norvaiša, K., O’Brien, J. E., Osadchuk, I., Twamley, B., Borovkov, V., Senge, M. O. Importance of molecular symmetry for enantiomeric excess recognition by NMR // Chemical communications (2022) vol. 58, 35, p. 5423-5426. - Du, R., Han, L., Zhou, Z., Borovkov, V. 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Site-selective and stereoselective C–H functionalization of N-Cyclopropylamides via a directed remote metalation strategy // Organic letters (2019) vol. 21, 4, p. 969-973 : ill. - Khose V.N., John M.E., Pandey A.D., Borovkov V., Karnik A.V. Chiral heterocycle-based receptors for enantioselective recognition // Symmetry (2018) vol. 10, 2, 75 p : ill. - Elek, G.Z., Koppel, K., Zubrytski, D., Konrad, N., Järving, I., Lopp, M., Kananovich, D. Divergent access to histone deacetylase inhibitory cyclopeptides via a late-stage cyclopropane ring Cleavage strategy. Short synthesis of Chlamydocin // Organic letters (2019) vol. 21, 20, p. 8473-8478 : ill. - Adamson, J., Nazarski, R. B., Jarvet, J. Pehk, T., Aav, R. Shortfall of B3LYP in reproducing NMR JCH couplings in some isomeric epoxy structures with strong stereoelectronic effects : a benchmark study on DFT functionals // ChemPhysChem (2018) vol. 19, 5, p. 631-642 : ill. - Kaabel, S., Aav, R. Templating effects in the dynamic chemistry of Cucurbiturils and Hemicucurbiturils // Israel journal of chemistry (2018) vol. 58, 3/4, p. 296−313 : ill. - Aav, R., Mishra, K. The breaking of symmetry leads to chirality in cucurbituril-type hosts // Symmetry (2018) vol. 10, 4, 26 p. : ill. - Ustrnul, L., Kaabel, S., Burankova, T., Martõnova, J., Konrad, N., Borovkov, V., Aav, R. et al. Supramolecular chirogenesis in zinc porphyrins by enantiopure hemicucurbit[n]urils (n = 6, 8) // Chemical communications (2019) vol. 55, 96, p. 14434-14437 : ill. - Bettini, S., Pagano, R., Borovkov, V., Giancane, G., Valli, L. The role of the central metal ion of ethane-bridged bis-porphyrins in histidine sensing // Journal of colloid and interface science (2019) vol. 533, p. 762-770 : ill. - Peterson, A., Kaasik, M., Metsala, A., Järving, I., Adamson, J., Kanger, T. Tunable chiral triazole-based halogen bond donors : assessment of donor strength in solution with nitrogen-containing acceptors // RSC advances (2019) vol. 9, 21, p. 11718–11721 : ill. - Kaasik, M., Kaabel, S., Kriis, K., Järving, I., Kanger, T. Synthesis of chiral triazole-based halogen bond donors // Synthesis (2019) vol. 51, 10, p. 2128-2135 : ill. - Mamardashvili, G., Maltceva, O., Lazovskiy, D., Khodov, I., Borovkov, V. et al. Medium viscosity effect on fluorescent properties of Sn(IV)-tetra(4-sulfonatophenyl)porphyrin complexes in buffer solutions // Journal of molecular liquids (2019) vol. 277, p. 1047-1053 : ill. - Kaabel, S., Stein, R. S., Fomitšenko, M., Järving, I., Frišcic, T, Aav, R. Size-control by anion templating in mechanochemical synthesis of hemicucurbiturils in the solid state // Angewandte Chemie international edition (2019) vol. 58, 19, p. 6230-6234 : ill. - Matt, L., Parve, J., Parve, O., Pehk, T., Liblikas, I., Vares, L., Jannasch, P. et al. Enzymatic synthesis and polymerization of isosorbide-based monomethacrylates for high-Tg plastics // ACS sustainable chemistry & engineering (2018) vol. 6, 12, p. 17382-17390. - Hasan, M., Borovkov, V. Helicene-based chiral auxiliaries and chirogenesis // Symmetry (2018) vol. 10, 1, 48 p. : ill. - Kaasik, M., Metsala, A., Kaabel, S., Kriis, K., Järving, I., Kanger, T. Halo-1,2,3-triazolium salts as halogen bond donors for the activation of imines in dihydropyridinone synthesis // Journal of organic chemistry (2019) vol. 84, 7, p. 4294–4303 : ill. - Magna, G., Šakarasvili, M., Stefanelli, M., Giancane, G., Bettini, S., Valli, L., Ustrnul, L., Borovkov, V., Aav, R., Monti, D., Di Natale, C., Paolesse, R. Chiral recognition by supramolecular porphyrin-hemicucurbit[8]uril-functionalized gravimetric sensors // ACS applied materials and interfaces (2023) vol. 15, 25, p. 30674−30683.