Even food on the battlefield needs to be armed! Market overview of long shelf-life breads
statement of authorship
Kärt Leppik, Anna Traksmaa, Rain Kuldjärv
location of publication
year of publication
p. 62
conference name, date
14th Baltic Conference on Food Science and Technology "Sustainable Food for Conscious Consumer", FoodBalt 2021
R.Kuldjärv on TalTech doktorant
Open Access
Open Access
TalTech department
subject term
meals ready-to-eat
long shelf-life
combat rations
Leppik, K., Traksmaa, A., Kuldjärv, R. Even food on the battlefield needs to be armed! Market overview of long shelf-life breads // 14th Baltic Conference on Food Science and Technology "Sustainable Food for Conscious Consumer" : FoodBalt 2021 : book of abstracts. Tallinn : Center of Food and Fermentation Technologies, 2021. p. 62.