Technology governance and innovation policy
Head of the research group
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TalTech priority area
The group is the leading centre for science,technology and innovation systems and policiesin Estonia.The basic research of the group centres on thefollowing topics: Techno-economic paradigms and the roleof the state, Future innovation systems and policies, Innovation bureaucracies and management of innovation policiesThe policy-oriented work of the group covers thefollowing topics: Green transition and mission-orientedinnovation policies Tackling societal challenges through innovation Drafting and implementing smart specialization strategies and policies in Europeand Estonia Management STI policies and instruments Evaluations of innovation polices andgovernance systems The impact of Global Value Chains onnational innovation systems and policies innovation in the context of smart cities.
Research classification (Frascati)
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Important results
Liiv, I.; Karo, E.; Soe, R.alf-M. (2023). Computer aided corporate sense-making and prioritization for SDGs. In: Mazzi, F.; Floridi, L. (Ed.). The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence for the Sustainable Development Goals. (365−378). Cham: Springer . (Philosophical Studies Series; 152). DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-21147-8_20.
- Kattel, R., Drechsler, W., Karo, E. How to make an entrepreneurial state : why innovation needs bureaucracy. New Haven ; London : Yale University Press, 2022. xvii, 270 p.*est - Kirs, M., Karo, E., Ukrainski, K. Transformative change and policy-making : the case of bioeconomy policies in the EU frontrunners and lessons for latecomers // Innovation : the European journal of social science research (2022) vol. 35, 4, p. 514-546. - Müür, J. Intermediating smart specialisation and entrepreneurial discovery : the cases of Estonia and Helsinki‑Uusimaa // Journal of the knowledge economy (2022) vol. 13, 1, p. 541-573. - Kirs, M., Lember, V., Karo, E. Technology transfer in economic periphery : emerging patterns and policy challenges // Review of policy research (2021) vol. 38, 6, p. 677−706. - Saltelli, A., Bammer, G., Bruno, I., Reinert, E. et al. Five ways to ensure that models serve society: a manifesto // Nature (2020) vol. 582, 7813, p. 482−484. - Mazzucato, M., Kattel, R. COVID-19 and public-sector capacity // Oxford review of economic policy (2020) vol. 36, S1, p. S256-S269. - Mazzucato, M., Kattel, R., Ryan-Collins, J. Challenge-driven innovation policy : towards a new policy toolkit // Journal of industry, competition and trade (2020) vol. 20, p. 421-437. - Saltelli, A., Benini, L., Funtowicz, S., Reinert, E. et al. The technique is never neutral. How methodological choices condition the generation of narratives for sustainability // Environmental science & policy (2020) vol. 106, p. 87-98. - Kattel, R., Lember, V., Tõnurist, P. Collaborative innovation and human-machine networks // Public management review (2020) vol. 22, 11, p. 1652-1673. - Soe, R.-M., Müür, J. Mobility acceptance factors of an automated shuttle bus last-mile service // Sustainability (2020) vol. 12, 13, art. 5469, 19 p. : ill. - Drechsler, W., Kattel, R. Debate: The developed civil servant-providing agility and stability at the same time // Public money and management (2020) vol. 40, 8, p. 549-551. - Valdmaa, K., Pugh, R., Müür, J. Challenges with strategic placed-based innovation policy: implementation of smart specialization in Estonia and Wales // European planning studies (2021) vol. 29, 4, p. 681-698. - Reinert, E.S., Reinert, F. A. 33 economic bestsellers published before 1750 // European journal of the history of economic thought (2018) vol. 25, 6, p. 1206–1263. - Albala, S. A., Kasteng, F., Eide, A. H., Kattel, R. Scoping review of economic evaluations of assistive technology globally // Assistive technology (2021) vol. 33, S1, p. S50-S67. - Holloway, C., Morgado Ramirez, D. Z., Bhatnagar, T., Oldfrey, B., Morjaria, P., Moulic, S. G., Ebuenyi, I. D., Barbareschi, G., Meeks, F., Massie, J., Kattel, R., et al. A review of innovation strategies and processes to improve access to AT : looking ahead to open innovation ecosystems // Assistive technology (2021) vol. 33, S1, p. S68-S86. - Kuc‑Czarnecka, M., Saltelli, A., Olczyk, M., Reinert, E. The opening of Central and Eastern European countries to free trade : a critical assessment // Structural Change and Economic Dynamics (2021) Vol. 58, p. 23 - 34. - Bellone, M., Ismailogullari, A., Müür, J., Nissin, O., Sell, R., Soe, R-M. Autonomous driving in the real-world : the weather challenge in the Sohjoa Baltic Project // Towards connected and autonomous vehicle highways : technical, security and social challenges. Cham : Springer Nature, 2021. p. 229–255. (EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing). - Mazzucato, M., Qobo, M., Kattel, R. Building state capacities and dynamic capabilities to drive social and economic development : the case of South Africa // The future of the South African political economy post-COVID 19. : Palgrave Macmillan, 2022. p. 43-74. (International political economy series). - Muizniece, L. University autonomy and commercialization of publicly funded research : the case of Latvia // Journal of the knowledge economy (2021) vol. 12, 3, 22 p. : ill. - Kattel, R., Mazzucato, M., Haverkamp, K., Ryan-Collins, J. Industriestrategie der nächsten generation für Deutschland // Wirtschaftsdienst (2020) vol. 100, p. 757-762. - Tõnismann, T., Virtanen, J. Science policy meets post-new public management : Estonian and Finnish reforms 2012–2015 // Journal of Baltic studies (2021) Vol. 52, 1, p. 127-145. - Tõnismann, T. Practices and discourses of internationalisation : sociology in the Baltic States before and after the collapse of the Soviet Union // Revue d’histoire des sciences humaines (2022) vol. 40, p. 181-206. - Mazzucato, M., Kattel, R. Grand challenges, industrial policy, and public value // The Oxford handbook of industrial policy. : Oxford University Press, 2020. p. 311-336. - Mikheeva, O., Juuse, E. Development finance in the Baltic States and the process of Europeanization // The reinvention of development banking in the European Union: industrial policy in the single market and the emergence of a field. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2021. p. 253−282.
"The Reinvention of Development Banking in the European Union" - Mazzucato, M., Kattel, R., Ryan-Collins, J. Las políticas de innovación impulsadas por retos : hacia nuevas herramientas de política // Cuadernos del cendes (2021) 107, p. 25-52. - Kattel, R., Takala, V. The case of the UK's Government Digital Service : the professionalisation of a paradigmatic public digital agency // Digital government : research and practice (2023) vol. 4, 4, art. 28. - Raudla, R., Juuse, E., Cepilovs, A. Policy learning from crisis in financial regulation and supervision : comparative analysis of Estonia, Latvia, and Sweden // Journal of Baltic studies (2019) vol. 50, 4, p. 495-514. - Kattel, R., Burlamaqui, L. (eds.) Schumpeter’s capitalism, socialism and democracy : a twenty-first century agenda. London ; New York : Routledge, 2019. xii, 317 p. (Routledge studies in the history of economics). - Burlamaqui, L., Kattel, R. Introduction - capitalism, socialism and democracy at 75 : new interpretations and new dimensions // Schumpeter’s capitalism, socialism and democracy : a twenty-first century agenda. London ; New York : Routledge, 2019. 18 p. (Routledge studies in the history of economics). - Karo, E., Kattel, R. Public administration, technology and innovation : government as technology maker? // Public Administration in Europe. The Contribution of EGPA. Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 2019. p. 267-279. (Governance and public management). - Mikheeva, O., Tõnurist, P. Co-Creation for the reduction of uncertainty in financial governance : the case of monetary authority of Singapore // Halduskultuur: The Estonian journal of administrative culture and digital governance. [Tallinn] : Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology, 2019. p. 60-80. (Halduskultuur : The Estonian journal of administrative culture and digital governance ; vol. 19, no. 2).*est - Juuse, E., Raudla, R., Cepilovs, A., Mikheeva, O. The Europeanization of financial regulation and supervision on the Baltic–Nordic axis: the perspective of national bureaucracies // Journal of Baltic studies (2019) vol. 50, 4, p. 409-433. - Tõnismann, T. Paths of Baltic States public research funding 1989-2010 : between institutional heritage and internationalisation // Science and public policy (2019) Vol. 46, 3, p. 391-403. - Raudla, R., Mjøset, L., Kattel, R., Cepilovs, A., Mikheeva, O., Tranøy, B. S. Different faces of fiscal bureaucracy // Halduskultuur: The Estonian journal of administrative culture and digital governance. [Tallinn] : Ragnar Nurkse School of Innovation and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology, 2018. p. 5-36. (Halduskultuur: The Estonian journal of administrative culture and digital governance ; vol. 19, no. 1).*est - Tõnurist, P., Valdmaa, K., Raudla, R. Impact of climate discourse on national scientific networks in energy technologies : the case of Estonian science and industry linkages // Halduskultuur : the Estonian journal of administrative culture and digital governance (2019) vol. 20, 1, p. 20-45 : ill.*est - Pataccini, L., Kattel, R., Raudla, R. Introduction: Europeanization and financial crisis in the Baltic Sea region: implications, perceptions, and conclusions ten years after the collapse // Journal of Baltic studies (2019) vol. 50, 4, p. 403−408. - Raudla, R., Cepilovs, A., Kattel, R., Sutt, L. The European Union as a trigger of discursive change : the impact of the structural deficit rule in Estonia and Latvia // Central European journal of public policy (2018) vol. 12, 2, 15 p : ill. - Ukrainski, K., Kanep, H., Kirs, M., Karo, E. Segregation of EU13 countries in EU framework programmes illuminates important challenges for cohesion policy // CESifo forum (2018) vol. 19, 1, p. 16−23. - Mikheeva, O. Financing of innovation : national development banks in newly industrialized countries of East Asia // Journal of Post Keynesian Economics (2019) Vol. 42, 4, p. 590 - 619. - Kattel, R., Cepilovs, A., Lember, V., Tõnurist, P. Indicators for public sector innovations : theoretical frameworks and practical applications // Administrative culture = Halduskultuur = Административная культура = Verwaltungskultur = Hallintokulttuuri. Vol. 19, no. 1. [Tallinn] : Ragnar Nurkse School of Innovation and Governance, Tallinn University of Technology, 2018. p. 77-104 : tab. (Administrative culture = Halduskultuur = Административная культура = Verwaltungskultur = Hallintokulttuuri; vol. 19, no. 1). - Raudla, R., Cepilovs, A., Kuokštis, V., Kattel, R. Fiscal policy learning from crisis : comparative analysis of the Baltic countries // Journal of comparative policy analysis : research and practice (2018) vol. 20, 3, p. 288–303 : tab. - Perez, C. Transitioning to smart green growth: Lessons from history // Handbook on green growth. Cheltenham : Edward Elgar Publishing, 2019. p. 447-463. - Karo, E. Mission-oriented innovation policies and bureaucracies in East Asia // Industrial and corporate change (2018) vol. 27, 5, p. 867–881. - Mergel, I., Kattel, R., Lember, V., McBride, K. Citizen-oriented digital transformation in the public sector // dg.o 18 : Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research : Governance in the Data Age : Delft, Netherlands, May 30-June 01, 2018. New York : ACM, 2018. art. 122, 3 p. (ACM International Conference proceedings series). - Lember, V., Kattel, R., Tõnurist, P. Technological capacity in the public sector : the case of Estonia // International review of administrative sciences (2018) vol. 84, 2, p. 214-230. - Ainsalu, J., Müür, J., Soe, R.-M. et al. State of the art of automated buses // Sustainability (2018) vol. 10, 9, art. 3118, 34 p. : ill. - Kattel, R., Mazzucato, M. Mission-oriented innovation policy and dynamic capabilities in the public sector // Industrial and corporate change (2018) vol. 27, 5, p. 787–801. - Müür, J., Karo, E. Learning from public sector innovation pilots: the case of autonomous bus // Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research (2023), 24 p.