Gradientsüsteemide dünaamika uurimisrühm
Uurimisrühma juht
Seotud struktuuriüksus
TalTech prioriteetne teadussuund
Uurimistöö keskendub erinevat mastaapi füüsikalistele protsessidele, mis mõjutavad oluliselt biogeokeemilist aineringet ja kontrollivad ainete transporti ning segunemist vertikaalselt kihistunud Läänemeres, sh hüpoksilises ja redokskliiniga seotud veekihtides. Fookus on submesomastaapsetel protsessidel, nende lokaalsel ja suuremastaapsel mõjul vee- ja ainevahetusele basseinide, ranniku- ja avamere ning veekihtide vahel, mis mh mõjutavad kevadõitsengu, miksotroofsete liikide ja süsinikuvoogude dünaamikat. Mereökoloogiliste uuringute fookuses on planktilised ja bentilised algtootjad, merepõhja selgrootud, nende dünaamika ja roll Läänemere aineringes ning mere mikroprügi ja ohtlike ainete mõju elustikule.Uurimismeetoditest on kesksel kohal kontaktmõõtmised kasutades uurimislaeva Salme ja uutel tehnoloogiatel põhinevaid autonoomseid seadmeid, sh unikaalset, profileerivat põhjajaama ja allveeliugurit. Protsessuuringutes rakendatakse numbrilist modelleerimist. Mere-elustiku uuringutes kasutatakse mh läbivoolutsütomeeteriat, spektroskoopiat, mikroskoopiat ja metageneetilist analüüsi.Uurimistöö praktiliseks väljundiks on merekeskkonna seisundi seire ja hindamise meetodite arendamine, inimtegevuse mõjude hindamine, sh Keskkonnaministeeriumi nõustamine merestrateegia väljatöötamisel, osalemine keskkonnakaitse alases rahvusvahelises koostöös ja Eesti mereala ruumilises planeerimises. Arendatakse mikroprügi seire meetodeid.
Uurimisrühma liige
Klassifikaator (Frascati)
submesomastaapsed protsessid
innovaatilised vaatlus- ja analüüsimeetodid
Seotud projektid
Tähtsamad tulemused
2023. aastal: Mudeltulemuste abil näidati, et Läänemere pinnakihi kineetiline energia ja submesomastaapsete protsesside intensiivsus sõltub atmosfääri mõjust ja on sesoonselt suurim sügis-talvel ning identifitseeriti suurema submesomastaapse muutlikkusega piirkonnad, sh Soome laht. Tuvastati, et Soome lahes toimib ookeani subduktsioonile sarnane protsess, kus atmosfääri mõju (energia ja aine/soojuse vood) transporditakse veesambas sügavamale piki apvellingu tõttu kaldus olevaid isopükne. Jätkati keskkonna DNA-põhiste meetodite arendamisega füto- ja zooplanktoni seireks Läänemeres ning Jaapanit ümbritsevatel merealadel. Pikaaegse keskkonna DNA andmestiku põhjal analüüsiti Ohoota mere koosluste dünaamikat ja liikide levikumustreid seoses keskkonnatingimustega.
- Laas, P., Künnis-Beres, K., Talas, L., Tammert, H., Kuprijanov, I., Herlemann, D.P.R., Kisand, V. Bacterial communities in ballast tanks of cargo vessels - Shaped by salinity, treatment and the point of origin of the water but “hatch” its typical microbiome // Journal of environmental management (2022) vol. 324, art. 116403, 10 p. : ill. - Liblik, T., Väli, G., Salm, K., Laanemets, J., Lilover, M.-J., Lips, U. Quasi-steady circulation regimes in the Baltic Sea // Ocean science (2022) vol. 18, 3, p. 857-879. - Mishra, A., Buhhalko, N., Lind, K., Lips, I., Liblik, T., Väli, G., Lips, U. Spatiotemporal variability of microplastics in the Eastern Baltic Sea // Frontiers in marine science (2022) vol. 9, art. 875984. - Almroth-Rosell, E., Wåhlström, I., Väli, G. et al. A regime shift toward a more anoxic environment in a Eutrophic sea in Northern Europe // Frontiers in marine science (2021) vol. 8, art. 799936. - Kuprijanov, I., Väli, G., Sharov, A., Berezina, N., Liblik, T., Lips, U., Kolesova, N., Maanio, J., Junttila, V., Lips, I. Hazardous substances in the sediments and their pathways from potential sources in the eastern Gulf of Finland // Marine pollution bulletin (2021) Vol. 170, art. 112642, 19 p. : ill. - Sildever, S., Laas, P., Kolesova, N., Lips, I., Lips, U., Nagai, S. Plankton biodiversity and species co-occurrence based on environmental DNA - a multiple marker study // Metabarcoding and metagenomics (2021) vol. 5, p. 175-197 : ill. - John, M.S., Nagoth, J.A., Ramasamy, K.P., Mancini, A. et al. Synthesis of bioactive silver nanoparticles by a Pseudomonas strain associated with the Antarctic Psychrophilic Protozoon Euplotes focardii // Marine drugs (2020) vol. 18, 1, art. 38, 13 p. : ill. - Lehmann, A., Myrberg, K., Post, P., Chubarenko, I., Dailidiene, I., Hinrichsen, H.-H., Hüssy, K., Liblik, T., Lips, U., Meier, H.E.M., Bukanova, T. Salinity dynamics of the Baltic Sea // Earth System Dynamics (2022) Vol. 13, 1, p. 373−392 : ill. - Liblik, T., Wu, Y., Fan, D., Shang, D. Wind-driven stratification patterns and dissolved oxygen depletion off the Changjiang (Yangtze) Estuary // Biogeosciences (2020) vol. 17, 10, p. 2875–2895 : ill. - Yarimizu, K., Sildever, S., Hamamoto, Y. et al. Development of an absolute quantification method for ribosomal RNA gene copy numbers per eukaryotic single cell by digital PCR // Harmful Algae (2021) vol. 103, art. 102008, 13 p. : ill. - Mack, L., Attila, J., Aylagas, E., Lips, U. et al. A synthesis of marine monitoring methods with the potential to enhance the status assessment of the Baltic Sea // Frontiers in marine science (2020) vol. 7, 16 p. - Rajasabapathy, R., Ramasamy, K.P., Manikandan, B. et al. Bacterial communities associated with healthy and diseased (skeletal growth anomaly) reef coral Acropora cytherea from Palk Bay, India // Frontiers in marine science (2020) vol. 7, art. 92, 8 p. : ill. - Rajasabapathy, R., Ramasamy, K., Lips, I., Mohandass, C., James, A. Genomic features and copper biosorption potential of a new Alcanivorax sp. VBW004 isolated from the shallow hydrothermal vent (Azores, Portugal) // Genomics (2020) vol. 112, 5, p. 3268−3273. - Liblik, T., Väli, G., Lips, I., Lilover, M.-J., Kikas, V., Laanemets, J. The winter stratification phenomenon and its consequences in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea // Ocean Science (2020) Vol. 16, Issue 6, p. 1475 - 1490. - Naseem, T., Bibi, F., Arif, S., Waseem, M., Haq, S., Azra, M.N., Liblik, T., Zekker, I. Adsorption and kinetics studies of Cr (VI) by graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide-zinc oxide nanocomposite // Molecules (2022) vol. 27, 21, art. 7152, 16 p. : ill. - Laas, P., Ugarelli, K., Absten, M., Boyer, B., Briceno, H., Stingl, U. Composition of prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbial communities in waters around the Florida Reef Tract // Microorganisms (2021) vol. 9, 6, 1120. - Nagai, S., Sildever, S., Nishi, N. et al. Comparing PCR-generated artifacts of different polymerases for improved accuracy of DNA metabarcoding // Metabarcoding and metagenomics (2022) vol. 6, art. e77704. - She, J., Buhhalko, N., Lind, K., Mishra, A., Kikas, V., Costa, E., Gambardella, C., Montarsolo, A., Faimali, M. et al. Uncertainty and consistency assessment in multiple microplastic observation datasets in the Baltic Sea // Frontiers in marine science (2022) vol. 9, art. 886357. - Nagai, S., Sildever, S., Suzuki, T. et al. Growth and feeding behaviour of Mixotrophic Dinophysis species in laboratory cultures // Dinoflagellates: classification, evolution, physiology and ecological significance. [S.l.] : Nova Science Publishers, 2020. p. 129-168. (Marine and freshwater biology).
"Dinoflagellates: classification, evolution, physiology and ecological significance" - Podkuiko, L., Kasemets, M-L., Lips, I., Kikas, T. Cultivation of Algae Polyculture in Municipal Wastewater with CO2 Supply // Environmental and Climate Technologies (2020) vol. 24, 3, p. 188-200. - Zhurbas, V., Väli, G., Kuzmina, N. Striped texture of submesoscale fields in the northeastern Baltic Proper : results of very high-resolution modelling for summer season // Oceanologia (2022) Vol. 64, 1, p. 1-21 : ill. - Laas, P., Ugarelli, K., Travieso, R. et al. Water column microbial communities vary along salinity gradients in the Florida Coastal Everglades Wetlands // Microorganisms (2022) vol. 10, 2, art. 215. - Stoicescu, S.-T., Laanemets, J., Liblik, T., Skudra, M., Samlas, O., Lips, I., Lips, U. Causes of the extensive hypoxia in the Gulf of Riga in 2018 // Biogeosciences (2022) vol. 19, 1, p. 2903-2920. - Вяли Г., Журбас В.М. Seasonality of submesoscale coherent vortices in the Northern Baltic Proper : a model study // Фундаментальная и прикладная гидрофизика (2021) Vol. 14, 3, p. 122−129. - Christensen, A.,Tsiaras, K., Murawski, J., Hatzonikolakis, Y., She, J., John, M.S., Lips, U., Brouwer, R. A cross disciplinary framework for cost-benefit optimization of marine litter cleanup at regional scale // Frontiers in marine science (2021) vol. 8, art. 744208, 18 p. : ill. - Jefanova, O., Mažeika, J., Petrošius, R., Martma, T., Liblik, T. et al. Baltic Sea water tritium and stable isotopes in 2016-2017 // Isotopes in environmental and health studies (2020) vol. 56, 2, p. 193-204. - Liversage, K., Kotta, J., Kuprijanov, I., Rätsep, M., Nõomaa, K. A trophic cascade facilitates native habitat providers within assemblages of multiple invasive marine species // Ecosphere (2021) vol. 12, 6, p. 1-13 : ill. - Nygard, H., Lindegarth, M., Darr, A., Lips, I. et al. Developing benthic monitoring programmes to support precise and representative status assessments: a case study from the Baltic Sea // Environmental monitoring and assessment (2020) vol. 192, 12, p. 1−18 : ill. - Sildever, S., Nishi, N., Inaba, N., Asakura, T., Kikuchi, J., Asano, Y., Kobayashi, T., Gojobori, T., Nagai, S. Monitoring harmful microalgal species and their appearance in Tokyo Bay, Japan, using metabarcoding // Metabarcoding and metagenomics (2022) vol. 6, art. e79471. - Gröger, M., Placke, M., Meier, H. E. M., Börgel, F., Brunnabend, S.-E., Dutheil, C., Gräwe, U., Hieronymus, M., Neumann, T., Väli, G. et al. The Baltic Sea Model Intercomparison Project (BMIP) - a platform for model development, evaluation, and uncertainty assessment // Geoscientific model development (2022) vol. 15, 22, p. 8613-8638. - Zhurbas, V., Väli, G. Wind-controlled transport of saltwater in the Southeastern Baltic Sea : a model study // Frontiers in marine science (2022) vol. 9, art. 835656. - Lehtiniemi, M., Fileman, E., Hällfors, H., Kuosa, H., Lehtinen, S., Lips, I., Setälä, O., Suikkanen, S., Tuimala, J., Widdicombe, C. Optimising sampling frequency for monitoring heterotrophic protists in a marine ecosystem // ICES journal of marine science (2022) Vol. 79, 3, p. 925–936 : ill. - Sharov, A. N., Berezina, N. A., Kuprijanov, I., Sladkova, S. V., Kamardin, N. N., Shigaeva, T. D., Kudryavtseva, V. A., Kholodkevich, S. V. Cadmium in the Eastern Gulf of Finland : concentrations and effects on the mollusk Limecola balthica // Geochemistry International (2022) vol. 60, p. 702-710. - Seppälä, J., Maunula, P., Haavisto, N., Rehder, G., Karlson, B., Willstrand Wranne, A., Lips, U., Kikas, V., Jaanus, A., London, L., Laakso, L. Transnational FerryBox monitoring in the Baltic Sea : common measures for quality assurance // IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for the Sea ; Learning to Measure Sea Health Parameters (MetroSea). : IEEE, 2021. p. 121-125. - Põldemaa, K., Lipp, M., Järving, I., Samel, N., Eek, P. Gly188Arg substitution eliminates substrate inhibition in arachidonate 11R-lipoxygenase // Biochemical and biophysical research communications (2019) vol. 519, 1, p. 81-85 : ill. - Stoicescu, S.-T., Lips, U., Liblik, T. Assessment of eutrophication status based on sub-surface oxygen conditions in the Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea) // Frontiers in marine science (2019) vol. 6, art. 54, 16 p. : ill. - Stoicescu, S.-T., Lips, U., Liblik, T. Corrigendum: Assessment of eutrophication status based on sub-surface oxygen conditions in the Gulf of Finland (Baltic Sea) [Front. Mar. 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Linking atmospheric, terrestrial and aquatic environments : Regime shifts in the Estonian climate over the past 50 years // PLoS ONE (2018) vol. 13, 12, e0209568, 20 p. : ill. - Zhurbas, V., Väli, G., Golenko, M., Paka, V. Variability of bottom friction velocity along the inflow water pathway in the Baltic Sea // Journal of marine systems (2018) vol. 184, p. 50-58 : ill. - Jörgensen, K., Kreutzer, A., Lehtonen, K., Kõuts, T., Lilover, M.-J. et al. The EU Horizon 2020 project GRACE : integrated oil spill response actions and environmental effects // Environmental sciences Europe (2019) vol. 31, 1, art. 44, 10 p. : ill. - Liblik, T., Naumann, M., Lips, U., Nausch, G., Laanemets, J. et al. Propagation of impact of the recent major Baltic inflows from the Eastern Gotland Basin to the Gulf of Finland [Online resource] // Frontiers in marine science (2018) vol. 5, Issue JUL, art. 222, 23 p. : ill. - Nagai, S., Chen, H., Kawakami, Y., Yamamoto, K., Sildever, S. et al. Monitoring of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella in Osaka Bay, Japan using a massively parallel sequencing (MPS)-based technique // Harmful Algae (2019) vol. 89, art. 101660, 13 p. : ill. - Sildever, S., Kawakami, Y., Kanno, N. et al. Toxic HAB species from the Sea of Okhotsk detected by a metagenetic approach, seasonality and environmental drivers // Harmful Algae (2019) vol. 87, art. 101631, 12 p. : ill. - Liblik, T., Lips, U. Stratification has strengthened in the Baltic Sea - an analysis of 35 years of observational data // Frontiers in earth science (2019) vol. 7, art. 174, 15 p. : ill. - Meier, H.E.M., Väli, G., Naumann, M., Eilola, K., Frauen, C. Recently accelerated oxygen consumption rates amplify deoxygenation in the Baltic Sea // Journal of geophysical research : oceans (2018) vol. 123, 5, p. 3227-3240 : ill. - Zhurbas, V., Vali, G., Kuzmina, N. Rotation of floating particles in submesoscale cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies : a model study for the southeastern Baltic Sea // Ocean science (2019) vol. 15, 6, p. 1691-1705. - Väi, G., Zhurbas, V., Laanemets, J., Lips, U. Clustering of floating particles due to submesoscale dynamics : a simulation study for the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea // Фундаментальная и прикладная гидрофизика (2018) Том 11, 2, c. 21-35. - Salm, K., Liblik, T., Lips, U. Submesoscale variability in a mesoscale front captured by a glider mission in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea // Frontiers in marine science (2023) vol. 10, art. 984246, 18 p. : ill. - Strode, E., Barda, I., Suhareva, N., Kolesova, N., Turja, R., Lehtonen, K. K. Influence of environmental variables on biochemical biomarkers in the amphipod monoporeia affinis from the Gulf of Riga (Baltic Sea) // Water (2023) vol. 15, 2, art. 248. - Sildever, S., Nishi, N., Tazawa, S., Kasai, H., Hirai, J., Shiomoto, A., Kikuchi, T., Katakura, S., Nagai, S. Eight years of weekly eDNA monitoring in the North-Western Pacific // Environmental DNA (2023) vol. 5, 6, p. 1202 - 1215. - Dzipalski, A., Morton, J. A. S., Papachristou, N., Maier, R. R. J., MacPherson, W. N., Ristolainen, A., Kruusmaa, M., Reilent, E., Wolf, B. J., Pirih, P., Shuhova I., Lips U. et al. A multiplexed FBG based sensor platform for flow and temperature measurements in the Baltic Sea // Proceedings of SPIE. : SPIE, 2023. art. 1264307-1 : ill. (Proceedings of SPIE ; 12643). - Tesson, Sylvie V. M., Sildever, Sirje The pH tolerance range of the airborne species Tetracystis vinatzeri (Chlorophyceae, Chlamydomonadales) // European journal of phycology (2023), 11 p. - Salamon Slater, E. R., Turk-Kubo, K. A., Hallstrøm, S., Kesy, K., Laas, P., Magasin, J., Zehr, J. P., Labrenz, M., Riemann, L. Composition and distribution of diazotrophs in the Baltic Sea // Estuarine, coastal and shelf science (2023) vol. 294, art. 108527. - Nagai, S., Basti, L., Uchida, H., Kuribayashi, T., Natsuike, M., Sildever, S., Nakayama, N., Lum, W. M., Matsushima, R. Growth. Growth, toxin content and production of Dinophysis norvegica in cultured strains isolated from Funka Bay (Japan) // Toxins (2023) vol. 15, 5, art. 318. - Sildever, S., Stewart, R. I. A., Tesson, S. V. M. Factors contributing to the potential expansion of Limnomonas gaiensis (Chlamydomonadales, Chlorophyta) in freshwater lakes in Northern Europe // European journal of phycology (2023) - Watanabe, T., Hirai, J., Sildever, S., Tadokoro, K., Hidaka, K., Tanita, I., Nishiuchi, K., Iguchi, N., Kasai, H., Nishi, N., Katakura, S., Taniuchi, Y., Kodama, T., Tashiro, S., Nakae, M., Okazaki, Y., Kitajima, S., Sogawa, S., Hasegawa, T., Azumaya, T., Hiroe, Y., Ambe, D., Setou, T., Ito, D., Kusaka, A., Okunishi, T., Tanaka, T., Kuwata, A., Hasegawa, D., Kakehi, S., Shimizu, Y., Nagai, S.. Improving taxonomic classification of marine zooplankton by molecular approach: registration of taxonomically verified 18S and 28S rRNA gene sequences // PeerJ (2023) vol. 11, art. e15427. - Liblik, T., Stoicescu, S-T., Buschmann, F., Lilover, M-J., Lips, U. High-resolution characterization of the development and decay of seasonal hypoxia in the Gulf of Riga, Baltic Sea // Frontiers in marine science (2023) vol. 10, art. 1119515. - Ayankunle, A. Y., Buhhalko, N., Pachel, K., Lember, E., Kõrgmaa, V., Mishra, A., Lind, K. Estimating microplastics related to laundry wash and personal care products released to wastewater in major Estonian cities: a comparison of calculated and measured microplastics // Journal of environmental health science and engineering (2023) vol. 21, 1, p. 225-237. - Skudra, M., Väli, G., Ikauniece, A., Papirtis, M. Upwelling characteristics in the Gulf of Riga (Baltic Sea) : multiple data source approach // Frontiers in marine science (2023) vol. 10, art. 1244643. - Liblik, T., Buschmann, F., Siht, E., Kuprijanov, I., Väli, G., Lipp, M., Erm, A., Laanemets, J., Eschbaum, R., Verliin, A., Saks, L., Zekker, I. Environmental impact of water exchange blocking in a strait – a multidisciplinary study in the Baltic Sea // Oceanologia (2023) vol. 66, 1, p. 9-25 : ill. - She, J., Christensen, A., Garaventa, F., Lips, U., Murawski, J., Ntoumas, M., Tsiaras, K. Developing realistic models for assessing marine plastic pollution in semi-enclosed seas // Oceanography (2023) vol. 36, 1, p. 54 - 57. - Väli, G., Meier, H. E. M., Liblik, T., Radtke, H., Klingbeil, K., Gräwe, U., Lips, U. Submesoscale processes in the surface layer of the central Baltic Sea: A high-resolution modelling study // Oceanologia (2024) vol. 66, 1, p. 78-90.