Innovative systems for industrial applications
Head of the research group
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TalTech priority area
The research is broadly subdivided into threemain interconnected and highly interdisciplinarydirections focused on (a) hierarchically structuredbio-inspired multi-functional composites includingbut not limited to electroconductive ceramics, functionally graded and anisotropic ceramic-based composites, mesoporous ceramics, nanofibers, grapheneadded bulks, ceramic membranes; (b) tribology andhigh-temperature damage-tolerant composites fortribo-applications; (c) selective laser melting andpowders for SLM/S of ceramic-metal composites andAM of complex-shaped ceramic-matrix composites.The team has several inventions keeping researchat a high international level. The most influentialare (i) a self-aligned fibrous scaffold for highly anisotropic cell cultures; (ii) a method for producing nanofibers composites by combustion techniques andproducts comprising thereof; (iii) fibrous ceramicnetworks and preparation thereof by selective lasermelting; and (iv) ceramic complex structures by SLS.
Research group member
Doctoral students
Research classification (Frascati)
multifunctional structures
spark plasma sintering
microstructural analysis
bio-inspired materials
mechanical testing
chemical vapour deposition
self-propagating high temperature synthesis
Related projects
Important results
Technology for self-propagating high temperature synthesis of “pomegranate-like”TiB2-Si ceramic-metalloid powder feedstocksuitable for AM process through SelectiveLaser Melting of Ceramic-Based Composite; SLM/S of composites with a high amount ofceramic phase (up to 90%) with the help of insitu reactions of elemental powders mixtures. A novel approach for the preparation ofbio-inspired porous ceramic structures bySelective Laser Melting. Selective laser sintered bio-inspired siliconwollastonite and silicon- bioglass scaffolds forbone tissue engineering. A novel strategy to consolidate layeredalumina demonstrating the directionalelectrical and thermal conductivity forlightweight electronics. Functionally Graded Tunable MicrowaveAbsorber. A novel tool for directing and influencing cellsbehavior without biological or pharmacologi- cal cues. An innovative and effective substrate(GAIN scaffolds) to capture small nonenveloped viruses without pre-incubation. Blue long-lasting emitters for a wide range offields from ceramic to optoelectronic materials. A novel approach to the preparation ofSrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3 films by the screen-printing route with a high throughput andcost-efficiency.
- Ramírez, C., Shamshirgar, A. S., Perez-Coll, D., Osendi, M. I., Miranzo, P., Tewari, G. T., Karppinen, M., Hussainova, I., Belmonte, M. CVD nanocrystalline multilayer graphene coated 3D-printed alumina lattices // Carbon (2023) vol. 202, part 2, p. 36-46. - Kumar, R., Torres, H., Aydinyan, S., Antonov, M., Varga, M., Rodriguez Ripoll, M., Hussainova, I. Microstructure and high temperature tribological behaviour of self-lubricating Ti-TiBx composite doped with Ni-Bi // Surface and coatings technology (2022) vol. 447, art. 128827. - Rezapourianghahfarokhi, M., Kamboj, N., Jasiuk, I., Hussainova, I. Biomimetic design of implants for long bone critical-sized defects // Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials (2022) vol. 134, art. 105370. - Rojas Hernandez, R.E., Rubio-Marcos, F., Gorni, G., Danilson, M. Hussainova, I. et al. Enhancing NIR emission in ZnAl2O4:Nd,Ce nanofibers by co-doping with Ce and Nd: a promising biomarker material with low cytotoxicity // Journal of materials chemistry C (2021) vol. 9, 2, p. 657-670 : ill. - Glukharev, A., Glumov, O., Temnikova, M., Shamshirgar, A.S., Hussainova, I. et al. YSZ-rGO composite ceramics by spark plasma sintering : the relation between thermal evolution of conductivity, microstructure and phase stability // Electrochimica acta (2021) vol. 367, art. 137533. - Kumar, R., Liu, L., Antonov, M., Ivanov, R., Hussainova, I. Hot sliding wear of 88 wt.%TiB-Ti composites from SHS produced powders // Materials (2021) vol. 14, 5, art. 1242, 14 p.: ill. - Kumar, R., Hussainova, I., Rahmani, R., Antonov, M. Solid lubrication at high-temperatures - a review // Materials (2022) vol. 15, 5, art. 1695. - Kumar, R., Malaval, B., Antonov, M. et al. Performance of polyimide and PTFE based composites under sliding, erosive and high stress abrasive conditions // Tribology international (2020) Vol. 147, art. 106282. - Rahmani, R., Brojan, M., Antonov, M., Prashanth, K.G. Perspectives of metal-diamond composites additive manufacturing using SLM-SPS and other techniques for increased wear-impact resistance // International journal of refractory metals and hard materials (2020) vol. 88, art. 105192, 13 p. : ill. - Kumar, R., Antonov, M. Self-lubricating materials for extreme temperature tribo-applications // Materials today: proceedings (2021) vol. 44, 6, p. 4583-4589. - Kamboj, N., Kazantseva, J., Rahmani, R., Rodríguez, M. A., Hussainova, I. Selective laser sintered bio-inspired silicon-wollastonite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering // Materials Science and Engineering : C (2020) vol. 116, art. 111223. - Liu, L., Minasyan, T., Ivanov, R., Aydinyan, S., Hussainova, I. Selective laser melting of TiB2-Ti composite with high content of ceramic phase // Ceramics international (2020) vol. 46, 13, p. 21128-21135. - Karimi, J., Antonov, M., Kollo, L., Prashanth, K.G. Role of laser remelting and heat treatment in mechanical and tribological properties of selective laser melted Ti6Al4V alloy // Journal of alloys and compounds (2022) vol. 897, art. 163207. - Kumar, R., Antonov, M., Beste, U., Goljandin, D. Assessment of 3D printed steels and composites intended for wear applications in abrasive, dry or slurry erosive conditions // International journal of refractory metals and hard materials (2020) vol. 86, art. 105126, 9 p. : ill. - Rahmani, R., Antonov, M., Brojan, M. Lightweight 3D printed Ti6Al4V-AlSi10Mg hybrid composite for impact resistance and armor piercing shielding // Journal of materials research and technology (2020) vol. 9, 6, p. 13842-13854 : ill. - Lapkovskis, V., Mironovs, V., Kasperovich, A., Myadelets, V., Goljandin, D. Crumb rubber as a secondary raw material from waste rubber : a short review of end-of-life mechanical processing methods // Recycling (2020) vol. 5, 4, art. 32, 20 p. : ill. - Veebel, V., Markus, R. At the Dawn of a New Era of Sanctions: Russian-Ukrainian Crisis and Sanctions // Orbis (2016) Vol. 60, 1, p. 128 - 139. - Kamboj, N., Ressler, A., Hussainova, I. Bioactive ceramic scaffolds for bone tissue engineering by powder bed selective laser processing : a review // Materials (2021) vol. 14, 18, art. 5338. - Kumar, R., Antonov, M., Liu, L., Hussainova, I. Sliding wear performance of in-situ spark plasma sintered Ti-TiBw composites at temperatures up to 900 °C // Wear (2021) vol. 476, art. 203663, 9 p.: ill. - Medvedovski, E., Antonov, M. Erosion studies of the iron boride coatings for protection of tubing components in oil production, mineral processing and engineering applications // Wear (2020) vol. 452-453, art. 203277, 8 p. : ill. - Minasyan, T., Hussainova, I. Laser powder-bed fusion of ceramic particulate reinforced aluminum alloys: a review // Materials (2022) vol. 15, 7, art. 2467. - Holovenko, Y., Kollo, L., Saarna, M., Rahmani, R., Soloviova, T., Antonov, M., Prashanth, K. G., Cygan, S., Veinthal, R. Effect of lattice surface treatment on performance of hardmetal - titanium interpenetrating phase composites // International journal of refractory metals and hard materials (2020) vol. 86, art. 105087, 10 p. : ill. - Maurya, H. S., Kosiba, K., Juhani, K., Sergejev, F., Prashanth, K. G. Effect of powder bed preheating on the crack formation and microstructure in ceramic matrix composites fabricated by laser powder-bed fusion process // Additive manufacturing (2022) vol. 58, art. 103013, 13 p. : ill. - Hussain, A., Kamboj, N., Podgurski, V., Antonov, M., Goliandin, D. Circular economy approach to recycling technologies of post-consumer textile waste in Estonia : a review // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2021) vol. 70, 1, p. 80-90 : ill. - Rubio-Marcos, F., Del Campo, A., Ordonez-Pimentel, J., Venet, M., Rojas Hernandez, R. E., Paez-Margarit, D., Ochoa, D. A., Fernandez, J. F., García, J. E. Photocontrolled strain in polycrystalline ferroelectrics via domain engineering strategy // ACS applied materials and interfaces, ACS applied materials & interfaces (2021) vol. 13, 17, p. 20858−20864. - Maurya, H.S., Kollo, L., Juhani, K., Sergejev, F., Prashanth, K.G. Effect of preheating and cooling of the powder bed by laser pulse shaping on the microstructure of the TiC based cermets // Ceramics international (2022) vol. 48, 14, p. 20612-20618. - Kumar, R., Antonov, M., Klimczyk, P., Mikli, V., Gomon, D. Effect of cBN content and additives on sliding and surface fatigue wear of spark plasma sintered Al2O3-cBN composites // Wear (2022) Vol. 494–495, art. 204250. - Rahmani, R., Kamboj, N., Brojan, M., Antonov, M., Prashanth, K. G. Hybrid metal-ceramic biomaterials fabricated through powder bed fusion and powder metallurgy for improved impact resistance of craniofacial implants // Materialia (2022) vol. 24, art. 101465. - Illarionov, A., Lahtvee, P.-J., Kumar, R. Potassium and sodium salt stress characterization in the yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Kluyveromyces marxianus, and Rhodotorula toruloides // Applied and Environmental Microbiology (2021) vol. 87, 13, art. e03100-20. - Laas, T., Laas, K., Paju, J.,Priimets, J., Shirookova, V., Antonov, M. et al. Behaviour of tungsten alloy with iron and nickel under repeated high temperature plasma pulses // Fusion engineering and design (2020) Vol. 151, art. 111408. - Kumar, R., Antonov, M., Holovenko, Y., Surzenkov, A. Erosive wear resistance of nature-inspired flexible materials // Tribology letters (2020) vol. 68, 2, art. 51, 8 p. : ill. - Rojas-Hernandez, R. E., Rubio-Marcos, F., Romet, I., del Campo, A., Gorni, G., Hussainova, I., Fernandez, J. F., Nagirnyi, V. Deep-ultraviolet emitter : rare-earth-free ZnAl2O4 nanofibers via a simple wet chemical route // Inorganic Chemistry (2022) vol. 61, 30, p. 11886-11896. - Maurya, H.S., Kollo, L., Tarraste, M., Juhani, K., Sergejev, F., Prashanth, K.G. Effect of the laser processing parameters on the selective laser melting of TiC–Fe-based cermets // Journal of manufacturing and materials processing (2022) vol. 6, 2, art. 35, 11 p. : ill. - Shamshirgar, A. S., Rojas Hernández, R. E., Tewari, G. C., Fernández, J. F., Ivanov, R., Karppinen, M., Hussainova, I. Functionally graded tunable microwave absorber with graphene-augmented alumina nanofibers // ACS applied materials & interfaces (2021) vol. 13, 18, p. 21613-21625. - Rahmani, R., Antonov, M., Prashanth, K. G. The impact resistance of highly densified metal alloys manufactured from gas-atomized pre-alloyed powders // Coatings (2021) vol. 11, 2, art. 216, 14 p. : ill. - Hussain, A., Podgurski, V., Goljandin, D., Antonov, M. TiAlN coatings tribology for textile machinery parts // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2021) vol. 70, 2, p. 163-171 : ill. - Rodrigo-Vázquez, C.S., Kamboj, N., Hussainova, I. et al. Manufacturing of silicon – Bioactive glass scaffolds by selective laser melting for bone tissue engineering // Ceramics international (2020) vol. 46, 17, p. 26936-26944 : ill. - Ressler, A., Ivanković, T., Polak, B., Ivanišević, I., Kovačić, M., Urlić, I., Hussainova, I., Ivanković, H. A multifunctional strontium/silver-co-substituted hydroxyapatite derived from biogenic source as antibacterial biomaterial // Ceramics International (2022) Vol. 48, Issue 13, p. 18361 - 18373. - Maurya, H. S., Juhani, K., Sergejev, F., Prashanth, K. G. Additive manufacturing of TiC-based cermet with stainless steel as a binder material // Materials today: proceedings (2022) vol. 57, part 2, p. 824-828. - Saffarshamshirgar, A., Rojas Hernández, R. E., Mikli, V., Karppinen, M., Hussainova, I. et al. Layered structure of alumina/graphene-augmented-inorganic-nanofibers with directional electrical conductivity // Carbon (2020) vol. 167, p. 634-645. - Kolnes, M., Kübarsepp, J., Sergejev, F., Kolnes, M., Tarraste, M., Viljus, M Performance of ceramic-metal composites as potential tool materials for friction stir welding of aluminium, copper and stainless steel // Materials (2020) vol. 13, 8, art. 1994, 18 p. : ill. - Minasyan, T., Aydinyan, S., Toyserkani, E., Hussainova, I. In situ Mo(Si,Al)2-based composite through selective laser melting of a MoSi2-30 wt.% AlSi10Mg mixture // Materials (2020) vol. 13, 17, art. 3720 ; 13 p. - Saai, A., Bjørge, R., Dahl, F., Antonov, M. et al. Adaptation of Laboratory tests for the assessment of wear resistance of drill-bit inserts for rotary-percussive drilling of hard rocks // Wear (2020) vol. 456-457, art. 203366, 10 p. : ill. - Aydinyan, S., Kirakosyan, H., Sargsyan, A., Volobujeva, O., Kharatyan, S. Solution combustion synthesis of MnFeCoNiCu and (MnFeCoNiCu)3O4 high entropy materials and sintering thereof // Ceramics International (2022) Vol. 48, 14, p. 20294-20305 : ill. - Rojas-Hernandez, R.E., Rubio-Marcos, F., Serrano, A., Hussainova, I. et al. Boosting phosphorescence efficiency by crystal anisotropy in SrAl2O4:Eu,Dy textured ceramic layers // Journal of the European Ceramic Society (2020) vol. 40, 4, p. 1677−1683 : ill. - Ressler, A., Kamboj, N., Ledinski, M., Rogina, A., Urlic, I., Hussainova, I., Ivankovic, H., Ivankovic, M. Macroporous silicon-wollastonite scaffold with Sr/Se/Zn/Mg-substituted hydroxyapatite/chitosan hydrogel // Open Ceramics (2022) vol. 12, art. 100306. - Alamgir, A., Yashin, M., Bogatov, A., Viljus, M. et al. High-temperature tribological performance of hard multilayer TiN-AlTiN/nACo-CrN/AlCrN-AlCrO-AlTiCrN coating deposited on WC-Co substrate // Coatings (2020) vol. 10, 9, art. 909, 10 p. : ill. - Almeida, R., Sousa, N., Rojas Hernandez, R.E. et al. Frequency conversion in lanthanide-doped sol-gel derived materials for energy applications // Journal of Sol-Gel science and technology (2020) vol. 95, p. 520-529 : ill. - Konyashin, I., Antonov, M., Ries, B. Wear behaviour and wear mechanisms of different hardmetal grades in comparison with polycrystalline diamond in a new impact-abrasion test // International journal of refractory metals and hard materials (2020) vol. 92, art. 105286. - Hussain, A., Podgursky, V., Goljandin, D., Viljus, M., Antonov, M., Bogatov, A., Krasnou, I. Tribological and mechanical properties investigations of post-consumer cotton textiles // Solid state phenomena ; 320. : Trans Tech Publications, 2021. p. 97-102. - Alao, P., Tobias, M., Kallakas, H., Poltimäe, T., Kers, J., Goljandin, D. Development of hemp hurd particleboards from formaldehyde-free resins // Agronomy research (2020) vol. 18, S1, p. 679–688 : ill. - Karimi, J., Antonov, M., Prashanth, K. G. Effect of wear debris entrapment on the tribological performance of AlCoCrFeNi produced by selective laser melting or spark plasma sintering // Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A (2022) vol. 53, 11, p. 4004-4010. - Rojas Hernandez, R.E., Santos, L.F., Almeida, R.M. Up-conversion enhancement in Er3+ / Yb3+ doped 1-D microcavity based on alternating aluminosilicate glass and titania sol-gel layers // Ceramics international (2020) vol. 46, 16, p. 26273-26281. - Butelmann, T., Priks, H., Parent, Z., Johnston, T. G., Tamm, T., Nelson, A., Lahtvee, P.-J., Kumar, R. Metabolism control in 3D-printed living materials improves fermentation // ACS Applied Bio Materials (2021) vol. 4, 9, p. 7195-7203. - Bendikiene, R., Ciuplys, A., Sertvytis, R., Surženkov, A., Tkachivskyi, D., Viljus, M., Traksmaa, R., Antonov, M., Kulu, P. Wear behaviour of Cr3C2-Ni cermet reinforced hardfacings // Journal of materials research and technology (2020) vol. 9, 4, p. 7068-7078 : ill. - Kumar, R., Aydinyan, S., Ivanov, R., Liu, L., Antonov, M., Hussainova, I. High-temperature wear performance of hBN-added Ni-W composites produced from combustion-synthesized powders // Materials (2022) vol. 15, 3, art. 1252. - Minasyan, T., Ivanov, R., Toyserkani, E., Hussainova, I. Laser powder-bed fusion of Mo(Si,Al)2 – based composite for elevated temperature applications // Journal of alloys and compounds (2021) vol. 884, art. 161034. - Hussain, A., Podgursky, V., Antonov, M., Viljus, M., Goljandin, D. TiCN coating tribology for the circular economy of textile industries // Journal of industrial textiles (2022) vol. 51, 5 suppl., p. 8947S-8959S. - Tõkke, S., Laas, T., Priimets, J., Mikli, V., Antonov, M. Impact of pulsed deuterium plasma irradiation on dual-phase tungsten alloys // Fusion engineering and design (2021) vol. 164, art. 112215, 10 p. : ill. - Aydinyan, S., Kharatyan, S., Hussainova, I. SHS-derived powders by reactions' coupling as primary products for subsequent consolidation // Materials (2021) vol. 14, 17, art. 5117. - Hussain, A., Podgurski, V., Goljandin, D., Antonov, M., Viljus, M. Tribology of alumina materials for the circular economy of manufacturing textile industries // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2021) 3, lk. 215-220 : ill. - Shahreza, B. O., Hernandez-Rodriguez, M. A. L., Garcia-Sanchez, E., Kommel, L., Sergejev, F. et al. The impact of microstructural refinement on the tribological behavior of niobium processed by Indirect Extrusion Angular Pressing // Tribology international (2022) vol. 167, art. 107412. - Zakaryan, M.K., Nazaretyan, Kh.T., Aydinyan, S.V., Kharatyan, S.L. 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SHS produced TiB2-Si powders for selective laser melting of ceramic-based composite // Applied sciences (2020) vol. 10, 9, art. 3283, 12 p. : ill. - Laansoo, A., Kübarsepp, J., Surženkov, A., Land, R., Märtens, O., Viljus, M. Induction brazing of cermets to steel and eddy current testing of joint quality // Welding in the World (2020) vol. 64, 3, p. 563−571. - Mnatsakanyan, R., Davtyan, D., Minasyan, T., Aydinyan, S., Hussainova, I. Superhard B4C-ReB2 composite by SPS of microwave synthesized nanopowders // Materials letters (2021) vol. 285, art. 129163, 5 p. : ill. - Omranpour, B., Kommel, L., Sergejev, F., Ivanisenko, J., Antonov, M. et al. Tailoring the microstructure and tribological properties in commercially pure aluminium processed by High Pressure Torsion Extrusion // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2021) vol. 70, 4, p. 540-548 : ill. - Ressler, A., Bauer, L., Prebeg, T., Ledinski, M., Hussainova, I., Urlic, I., Ivankovic, M., Ivankovic, H. PCL/Si-doped multi-phase calcium phosphate scaffolds derived from cuttlefish bone // Materials (2022) vol. 15, 9, art. 3348. - Martsepp, M., Laas, T., Laas, K., Priimets, J., Mikli, V., Antonov, M. Multifractal analysis of high-temperature plasma irradiated tungsten surfaces // Surface topography : metrology and properties (2021) Vol. 9, 3, 13 p. : ill. - Korobov, Y., Alwan, H., Soboleva, N., Antonov, M. et al Cavitation resistance of WC-10Co4Cr and WC-20CrC-7Ni HVAF coatings // Journal of Thermal Spray Technology (2022) vol. 31, 1-2, p. 234–246. - Lille, H., Ryabchikov, A., Peetsalu, P., Lind, L., Sergejev, F., Mikli, V., Kübarsepp, J. Residual stresses on various PVD hard coatings on tube and plate substrates // Coatings (2020) vol. 10, 11, art. 1054, 11 p. - Hussain, A., Podgursky, V., Goljandin, D., Antonov, M., Basit, M. A., Ahmad, T. Mild steel tribology for circular economy of textile industries // Tribology in Industry (2021) vol. 43, 4, p. 552-560. - Hussain, A., Podgurski, V., Goljandin, D., Antonov, M., Kumar, R., Kamboj, N. K.,Rahmani Ahranjani, R., Viljus, M., Ahmad, T., Krumme, A., Krasnou, I. et al. Tribological and circular economy aspects of polypropylene/cotton fibre hybrid composite // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2022) vol. 71, 2, p. 186-193 : ill. - Hussain, A., Podgursky, V., Antonov, M., Abbas, M. M., Rizwan, M. Tungsten carbide material tribology and circular economy relationship in polymer and composites industries // Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L : Journal of Materials : Design and Applications (2022) vol. 236, 10, p. 2066-2073. - Saffar Shamshirgar, A., Belmonte, M., Tewari, G.C., Rojas Hernandez, R.E., Seitsonen, J., Ivanov, R., Karppinen, M., Miranzo, P., Hussainova, I. Thermal transport and thermoelectric effect in composites of alumina and graphene-augmented alumina nanofibers // Materials (2021) vol. 14, 9, art. 2242. - Minasyan, T., Aydinyan, S., Liu, L., Volubujeva, O., Toyserkani, E., Hussainova, I. Mo(Si1-x,Alx)2-based composite by reactive laser powder-bed fusion // Materials letters (2020) vol. 281, art. 128776, 5 p. : ill. - Campion, J., Xenidis, N., Smirnov, S., Ivanov, R., Oberhammer, J., Hussainova, I., Lioubtchenko, D. Ultra-wideband integrated graphene-based absorbers for terahertz waveguide systems // Advanced Electronic Materials (2022) vol. 8, 9, art. 2200106. - Varga, M., Rojacz, H., Widder, L., Antonov, M. High temperature erosion-corrosion of wear protection materials // Journal of Bio- and Tribo-Corrosion (2021) vol. 7, 3, art. 87. - Gasik, M., Ivanov, R., Kazantseva, J., Bilotsky, Y., Hussainova, I. Biomechanical Features of Graphene-Augmented Inorganic Nanofibrous Scaffolds and Their Physical Interaction with Viruse // Materials (2021) vol. 14, 1, art. 164. - Antonov, M., Zahavi, A., Kumar, R., Tamre, M., Klimczyk, P. Performance of Al2O3-cBN materials and the perspective of using hyperspectral imaging during cutting tests // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2021) vol. 70, 4, p. 524-532 : ill. - Marques, A. C., Rojas-Hernandez, R. E., Almeida, R. M. Optical spectroscopy methods for the characterization of sol-gel materials // Journal of Sol-Gel science and technology (2021) vol. 100, 1, 43 p. : ill. - Zakaryan, M. K., Zurnachyan, A. R., Amirkhanyan, N. H., Kirakosyan, H. V., Antonov, M., Rodriguez, M. A., Aydinyan, S. V. Novel pathway for the combustion synthesis and consolidation of boron carbide // Materials (2022) vol. 15, 14, art. 5042. - Podgurski, V., Yashin, M., Jõgiaas, T., Viljus, M., Alamgir, A., Danilson, M., Bogatov, A. High temperature tribological properties of Al2O3/NCD films investigated under ambient air conditions // Coatings (2020) vol. 10, 2, art. 175, 13 p. : ill. - Michalczewski, R., Kalbarczyk, M., Słomka, Z., Hussainova, I., Liu, L., Antonov, M. Adhesion of AlCrN coating deposited on TiB2/Ti composites sinteredby SPS dedicated for high temperature tribological applications // IOP conference series : materials science and engineering (2021) vol. 1140, art. 012010, 9 p. - Nazaretyan, K., Kirakosyan, H., Volobujeva, O., Aydinyan, S. et al. The interaction pathway in the mechano-ultrasonically assisted and carbon-nanotubes augmented nickel-aluminum system // Metals (2022) vol. 12, 3, art. 436. - Kaljuvee, T., Tõnsuaadu, K., Traksmaa, R., Einard, M. et al. Thermal behaviour of Estonian phosphorites from different deposits // Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry (2020) Vol. 142, Issue 1, p. 437-449. - Rojas-Hernandez, R. E., Rubio-Marcos, F., Fernandez, J. F., Hussainova, I. Aluminate-based nanostructured luminescent materials : design of processing and functional properties // Materials (2021) vol. 14, 16, art. 4591. - Tkachivskyi, D., Juhani, K., Surženkov, A., Kulu, P., Antonov, M., Goljandin, D. et al. HVOF sprayed Fe-Based wear-resistant coatings with carbide reinforcement, synthesized in situ and by mechanically activated synthesis // Coatings (2020) vol. 10, 11, art. 1092, 15 p. : ill. - Tarraste, M., Kübarsepp, J., Mere, A., Juhani, K., Kolnes, M., Viljus, M. Ultrafine cemented carbides with cobalt and iron binders prepared via reactive in situ sintering // Solid state phenomena ; 320. : Trans Tech Publications, 2021. p. 176-180. - Nazaretyan, Kh. T., Kirakosyan, H. V., Aydinyan, S. V., Zakaryan, M. K., Abovyan, L. S., Kulak, M., Khina, B. The influence of high-energy ball milling and nanoadditives on the kinetics of heterogeneous reaction in Ni-Al system // IOP conference series : materials science and engineering (2021) vol. 1140, art. 012052. - Rezapourianghahfarokhi, M., Kamboj, N., Hussainova, I. Numerical study on the effect of geometry on mechanical behavior of triply periodic minimal surfaces // IOP conference series : materials science and engineering (2021) vol. 1140, art. 012038. - Necib, J., Lopez-Sanchez, J., Rubio-Marcos, F., Serrano, A., Navarro, E., Pena, A., Taoufik, M., Smari, M., Rojas-Hernandez, R. E., Carmona, N., Marín, P. A feasible pathway to stabilize monoclinic and tetragonal phase coexistence in barium titanate-based ceramics // Journal of materials chemistry C (2022) vol. 10, 46, p. 17743-17756. - Jankauskas, V., Katinas, E., Laskauskas A., Antonov, M. et al. Effect of electrode covering composition on the microstructure, wear, and economic feasibility of Fe-C-Cr manual arc-welded hardfacings // Coatings (2020) vol. 10, 3, art. 294, 19 p. : ill. - Eticha, Z. G., Rojas-Hernandez, R. E., Hussainova, I. et al. Effect of annealing temperature of brownish-red pigment based on iron oxide extracted by hydrothermal route from mill-scale steel slag // Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy (2022) vol. 8, 1, p. 218-227. - Tarraste, M., Kübarsepp, J., Juhani, K., Kolnes, M., Viljus, M., Mere, A. Sintering of high Mn cemented carbides in Mn-rich environment // Defect and diffusion forum (2020) vol. 405, p. 402−407. - Sokkalingam, R., Tarraste, M., Surreddi, K.B., Traksmaa, R., Konda Gokuldoss, P. et al. Microstructure and properties of in‐situ high entropy alloy/tungsten carbide composites by mechanical alloying // Material design & processing communications (2020) vol. 3, 5, 9 p. : ill. - Ressler, A., Kamboj, N., Ivanković, H., Hussainova, I. Optimisation of trabecular bone mimicking silicon-hydroxyapatite based composite scaffolds processed through selective laser melting // Open Ceramics (2022) vol. 10, art. 100252. - Tkachivskyi, D., Viljus, M., Traksmaa, R., Antonov, M., Surzhenkov, A., Juhani, K., Kulu, P. Comparative study of plasma cladded Fe-based composite hardfacings with in situ synthesized Cr and Ti carbide reinforcement // Solid state phenomena ; 320. : Trans Tech Publications, 2021. p. 83-89. - Hussainova, I., Shamshirgar, A.S., Ivanov, R., Volobujeva, O., Romanov, A. E., Gasik, M. Directional conductivity in layered alumina // Current applied physics (2022) vol. 40, p. 68-73 : ill. - Tõkke, S., Laas, T., Priimets, J., Tarraste, M., Mikli, V., Antonov, M. Effect of pulsed deuterium plasma irradiation on dual-phase tungsten high-entropy alloys // Fusion engineering and design (2022) Vol. 183, 11 p. : ill. - Minasyan, T., Ivanov, R., Toyserkani, E., Hussainova, I. Mo(Si,Al)2 by laser powder bed fusion of AlSi10Mg and combustion synthesized MoSi2 // Materials letters (2022) vol. 307, art. 131041. - Rojas Hernández, R. E., Santos, L., Almeida, R. M. Sol-gel derived phosphors for optical applications : chapter 11 // Sol-gel derived optical and photonic materials. [S.l.] : Woodhead Publishing, 2020. p. 253-270 : ill. (Woodhead Publishing series in electronic and optical materials). - Liu, L., Ivanov, R., Kumar, R., Minasyan, T., Antonov, M., Hussainova, I. Functionally gradient Ti6Al4V-TiB composite produced by spark plasma sintering // IOP conference series : materials science and engineering (2021) vol. 1140, art. 012004, 6 p.: ill. - Kulu, P., Goljandin, D., Viljus, M., Traksmaa, R., Gregor, A. Heat conductive plates from recycled niobium slag // Solid State Phenomena ; 320. : Trans Tech Publications, 2021. p. 169-175. - Tätte, T., Hussainov, M., Amiri, M., Vanetsev, A., Paalo,M., Hussainova, I. Rheological properties of MWCNT-doped titanium-oxo-alkoxide gel materials for fiber drawing // Materials (2022) vol. 15, 3, art. 1186. - Kolnes, M., Tarraste, M., Kübarsepp, J., Juhani, K., Viljus, M. In-situ alloying of TiC-FeCr cermets in manganese vapour // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2021) vol. 70, 4, p. 533-539 : ill. - Surženkov, A., Viljus, M., Antonov, M., Kübarsepp, J., Juhani, K., Kulu, P., Vägiström, H., Jankauskas, V., Leišys, R., Bendikiene, R., Adoberg, E., Peetsalu, P., Mere, A., Gregor, A. Effect of laser heat treatment on AlxTi1-xN-based PVD coatings, deposited on carbon and tool steel substrates // Surface and coatings technology (2022) vol. 446, art. 128771. - Almeida, Rui M., Rojas-Hernandez, R. E., Santos, Luís F. One-dimensional multilayer photonic crystals // Sol-gel derived optical and photonic materials. [S.l.] : Woodhead Publishing, 2021. p. 75-94 : ill. (Woodhead Publishing series in electronic and optical materials). - Kulu, P., Goljandin, D., Traksmaa, R., Kaljuvee, T., Gregor, A. Thermal properties of calcium-aluminate based materials // IOP conference series : materials science and engineering (2021) vol. 1140, art. 012028, 7 p. : ill. - Michalczewski, R., Kalbarczyk, M., Slomka, Z., Liu, L. Antonov, M., Hussainova, I. et al. The wear of PVD coated elements in oscillation motion at high temperature // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2021) vol. 70, 4, p. 500-507 : ill. - Antonov, M., Zahavi, A., Kumar, R., Tamre, M., Klimczyk, P. Performance of Al2O3-cBN materials and the perspective of using hyperspectral imaging during cutting tests // IOP conference series : materials science and engineering (2021) vol. 1140, art. 012029, 5 p. : ill. - Märss, T., Wilson, M. V. H., Viljus, M. Endolymphatic structures in headshields of the osteostracan genus Tremataspis (Agnatha) from the Silurian of Estonia // Estonian journal of earth sciences (2022) vol. 71, 3, p. 135-156 : ill. - Prieto, P., Serrano, A., Rojas-Hernandez, R, E., Gorgojo, S., Prieto, J. E., Soriano, L. Spinel to disorder rock-salt structural transition on (111) nickel ferrite thin films tailored by Ni content // Journal of alloys and compounds (2022) vol. 910, art. 164905. - Kolnes, M., Kübarsepp, J., Sergejev, F., Kolnes, M., Tarraste, M., Viljus, M. Wear behavior of ceramic-metal composites as tool material for FSW of copper // Solid state phenomena ; 320. Baech : Trans Tech Publications, 2021. p. 144–149. - Liu, L., Minasyan, T., Aydinyan, S., Hussainova, I. Novel approach for the preparation of shapes from TiB2-Si3N4 composite by selective laser melting // Proceedings of the Euro PM 2018 Congress : Bilbao, Spain. 14–18 October 2018. Chantilly : European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA), 2018. - Minasyan, T., Liu, L., Hussainova, I. et al. Isothermal oxidation of SLM fabricated Mo(Si1-xAlx)2-based composite // IOP conference series : materials science and engineering (2021) vol. 1140, art. 012003, 8 p.: ill. - Michalczewski, R., Kalbarczyk, M., Słomka, Z., Osuch-Słomka, E., Łuszcz, M., Osuch-Słomka, E., Liu, L., Antonov, M., Hussainova, I. Sliding wear performance of AlCrN coating on TiB2/Ti composites at high temperatures // Materials (2021) 14, 22, art. 6771. - Kolnes, M., Kübarsepp, J., Sergejev,F., Kolnes, M. Adhesive wear of WC- and TiC-based friction stir welding tool materials for aluminium alloy welding [Electronic resource] // European Powder Metallurgy Association : proceedings : 14 – 18 October 2018, Bilbao, Spain. : European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA), 2018. 6 p. : ill. [USB]. - Kulu, P., Goljandin, D., Traksmaa, R., Kaljuvee, T., Gregor, A. Thermal properties of calcium-aluminate based materials // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2021) vol. 70, 4, p. 508-515 : ill. - Omranpour, B., Kommel, L., Sergejev, F., Ivanisenko, J., Antonov, M. et al. Analysis of the reciprocal wear testing of Aluminum AA1050 processed by a novel mechanical nanostructuring technique // IOP conference series : materials science and engineering (2021) vol. 1140, art. 012051, 6 p. : ill. - Kolnes, M., Tarraste, M., Kübarsepp, J., Juhani, K., Viljus, M. Alloying of TiC-FeCr cermet in manganese vapor // IOP conference series : materials science and engineering (2021) vol. 1140, art. 012043. - Minasyan, T., Liu, L., Aydinyan, S., Kollo, L., Aghayan, M., Hussainova, I. Lattice of MoSi2/Si3N4 by selective laser melting // European Powder Metallurgy Association : proceedings : 14 – 18 October 2018, Bilbao, Spain. [S.l.] : European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA), 2018. art. 3993050 [USB]. - Liu, L., Minasyan, T., Aydinyan, S., Hussainova, I. Selective laser sintering of combustion synthesized titanium diboride based composites // European Powder Metallurgy Association : proceedings : 14 – 18 October 2018, Bilbao, Spain. [S.l.] : European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA), 2018. art. 3987459 [USB]. - Zakaryan, M., Nazaretyan, K., Aydinyan, S., Kharatyan, S. Kinetic highlights of the reduction of silver tungstate by Mg + C combined reducer // Metals (2022) vol. 12, 6, art. 1000. - Antonov, M., Afshari, H., Baroninš, J., Adoberg, E., Raadik, T., Hussainova, I. The effect of temperature and sliding speed on friction and wear of Si3N4, Al2O3, and ZrO2 balls tested against AlCrN PVD coating // Tribology international (2018) vol. 118, p. 500-514 : ill. - Rahmani, R., Antonov, M., Kollo, L., Holovenko, Y., Prashanth, K. G. Mechanical behavior of Ti6Al4V scaffolds filled with CaSiO3 for implant applications // Applied sciences (2019) vol. 9, 18, art. 3844, 11 p. : ill. - Tarraste, M., Kübarsepp, J., Juhani, K., Mere, A., Kolnes, M., Viljus, M., Maaten, B. Ferritic chromium steel as binder metal for WC cemented carbides // International journal of refractory metals and hard materials (2018) vol. 73, p. 183-191 : ill. - Kamboj, N.K., Rodriguez, M.A., Rahmani, R., Prashanth, K.G., Hussainova, I. Bioceramic scaffolds by additive manufacturing for controlled delivery of the antibiotic vancomycin // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2019) vol. 68, 2, p. 185–190 : ill. - Minasyan, T., Liu, L., Aghayan, M., Kollo, L., Kamboj, N., Aydinyan, S., Hussainova, I. A novel approach to fabricate Si3N4 by selective laser melting // Ceramics international (2018) vol. 44, 12, p. 13689-13694 : ill. - Taleb, M., Ivanov, R., Bereznev, S., Kazemi, S.H., Hussainova, I. Alumina/graphene/Cu hybrids as highly selective sensor for simultaneous determination of epinephrine, acetaminophen and tryptophan in human urine // Journal of electroanalytical chemistry (2018) vol. 823, p. 184-192 : ill. - Minasyan, T., Liu, L., Holovenko, Y., Aydinyan, S., Hussainova, I. Additively manufactured mesostructured MoSi2-Si3N4 ceramic lattice // Ceramics international (2019) vol. 45, 8, p. 9926-9933. - Holovenko, Y., Antonov, M., Kollo, L., Hussainova, I. Friction studies of metal surfaces with various 3D printed patterns tested in dry sliding conditions // Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part J, Journal of engineering tribology (2018) vol. 232, 1, p. 43-53. - Shishkin, A., Hussainova, I., Kozlov, V., Lisnanskis, M., Leroy, P., Lehmhus, D. Metal-coated cenospheres obtained via magnetron sputter coating : a new precursor for syntactic foams // JOM : the journal of the minerals, metals & materials society (2018) vol. 70, 7, p. 1319-1325 : ill. - Kamboj, N., Aghayan, M., Rodrigo-Vazquez, C. S., Rodríguez, M. A., Hussainova, I. Novel silicon-wollastonite based scaffolds for bone tissue engineering produced by selective laser melting // Ceramics International (2019) vol. 45, 18, p. 24691-24701 : ill. - Rahmani, R., Antonov, M., Kollo, L. Wear resistance of (Diamond-Ni)-Ti6Al4V gradient materials prepared by combined selective laser melting and spark plasma sintering techniques // Advances in tribology (2019) vol. 2019, art. 5415897, 12 p. : ill. - Storozhenko, M., Umanskyi, O., Antonov, M. et al. Wetting and interfacial behaviour in the TiB2-NiCrBSiC system // Journal of alloys and compounds (2019) vol. 778, p. 15-22 : ill. - Podgurski V., Bogatov, A., Yashin, M., Viljus, M., Volobujeva, O., Mere, A., Raadik, T. et al. A comparative study of the growth dynamics and tribological properties of nanocrystalline diamondfilms deposited on the (110) single crystaldiamond and Si(100) substrates // Diamond and related materials (2019) vol. 92, p. 159-167 : ill. - Baroninš, J., Antonov, M., Bereznev, S., Raadik, T., Hussainova, I. Raman spectroscopy for reliability assessment of multilayered AlCrN coating in tribo-corrosive conditions [Online resource] // Coatings (2018) vol. 8, 7, art. 229, 12 p. : ill. - Kolnes, M., Mere, A., Kübarsepp, J., Viljus, M., Maaten, B., Tarraste, M. Microstructure evolution of TiC cermets with ferritic AISI 430L steel binder // Powder metallurgy (2018) vol. 61, 3, p. 197-209 : ill. - Rahmani, R., Antonov, M., Kamboj, N. Modelling of impact-abrasive wear of ceramic, metallic, and composite materials // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2019) vol. 68, 2, p. 191–197 : ill. - Rojas Hernandez, R. E., Rubio-Marcos, F., Serrano, A., Hussainova, I. et al. Towards blue long-lasting luminescence of Eu/Nd-doped calcium-aluminate nanostructured platelets via the molten salt route // Nanomaterials (2019) vol. 9, 10, art. 1473, 14 p. : ill. - Minasyan, T., Aghayan, M., Liu, L., Aydinyan, S., Kollo, L., Hussainova, I., Rodríguez, M. Combustion synthesis of MoSi2 based composite and selective laser sintering thereof // Journal of the European Ceramic Society (2018) vol. 38, 11, p. 3814-3821 : ill. - Davtyan, D., Mnatsakanyan R., Liu, L., Aydinyan, S., Hussainova, I. Microwave synthesis of B4C nanopowder for subsequent spark plasma sintering // Journal of materials research and technology (2019) vol. 8, 6, p. 5823-5832 : ill. - Minasyan, T., Kirakosyan, H., Aydinyan, S., Liu, L., Kharatyan, S., Hussainova, I. Mo-Cu pseudoalloys by combustion synthesis and spark plasma sintering // Journal of materials science (2018) vol. 53, 24, p. 16598–16608. - Rahmani, R., Antonov, M., Kollo, L. Selective laser melting of diamond-containing or postnitrided materials intended for impact-abrasive conditions: experimental and analytical study // Advances in materials science and engineering (2019) vol. 2019, art. 4210762 ; 11 p. : ill. - Uskov, S. I., Potemkin, D. I., Kamboj, N., Snytnikov, P. V., Hussainova, I. et al. Fibrous alumina-based Ni-MOx (M = Mg, Cr, Ce) catalysts for propane pre-reforming // Materials letters (2019) vol. 257, art. 126741, 4 p. : ill. - Umanskyi, O., Storozhenko, M., Antonov, M., Terentyev, O., Koval, O., Goljandin, D. Effect of thermal spraying method on the microstructure and wear behaviour of FeNiCrBSiC-CrB2 coating // Modern Materials and Manufacturing 2019 : 12th International DAAAM Baltic Conference and 27th International Baltic Conference BALTMATTRIB 2019. Selected, peer reviewed papers from the conference Modern Materials and Manufacturing 2019 (MMM 2019), April 24-26, 2019, Tallinn, Estonia. Zurich : Trans Tech Publications, 2019. p. 37-42 : ill. (Key engineering materials ; 799).*est - Lapkovskis, V., Mironovs, V., Goljandin, D. Suitability of devulcanized crumb rubber for oil spills remediation // Energy procedia (2018) vol. 147, p. 351-357 : ill. - Kazantseva, J., Hussainova, I., Ivanov, R., Neumann, T., Gasik, M. Hybrid graphene-ceramic nanofibre network for spontaneous neural differentiation of stem cells // Interface focus (2018) vol. 8, 3, 6 p. : ill. - Kazantseva, J., Ivanov, R., Gasik, M., Neuman, T., Hussainova, I. Graphene-augmented nanofiber scaffolds trigger gene expression switching of four cancer cell types // ACS biomaterials science & engineering (2018) vol. 4, 5, p. 1622-1629 : ill. - Varga, M., Antonov, M., Tumma, M. et al. Solid particle erosion of refractories : A critical discussion of two test standards // Wear (2019) vol. 426–427, p. 552–561 : ill. - Kamboj, N., Aghayan, M., Rubio-Marcos, F., Nazaretyan, K., Rodriguez, M. A., Kharatyan, S., Hussainova, I. Nanostructural evolution in mesoporous networks using in situ high-speed temperature scanner // Ceramics international (2018) vol. 44, 11, p. 12265-12272 : ill. - Rahmani, R.,Antonov, M. Axial and torsional buckling analysis of single- and multi-walled carbon nanotubes : finite element comparison between armchair and zigzag types // SN Applied Sciences (2019) vol. 1, art. 1134, 13 p. : ill. - Antonov, M., Ivanov, R., Holovenko, Y., Goljandin, D., Rahmaniahranjani, R., Kollo, L., Hussainova, I. 3D printing of plain and gradient cermets with efficient use of raw materials // Modern Materials and Manufacturing 2019 : 12th International DAAAM Baltic Conference and 27th International Baltic Conference BALTMATTRIB 2019. Selected, peer reviewed papers from the conference Modern Materials and Manufacturing 2019 (MMM 2019), April 24-26, 2019, Tallinn, Estonia. Zurich : Trans Tech Publications, 2019. p. 239-245 : ill. (Key engineering materials ; 799).*est - Penezko, A., Kauk-Kuusik, M., Volobujeva, O., Traksmaa, R., Grossberg, M. Observation of photoluminescence edge emission in CuSbSe2 absorber material for photovoltaic applications // Applied physics letters (2019) vol. 115, 9, art. 092101, 4 p. : ill. - Aydinyan, S.V., Kirakosyan, H.V., Zakaryan, M.K. et al. Fabrication of Cu-W nanocomposites by integration of self-propagating high-temperature synthesis and hot explosive consolidation technologies // Eurasian chemico-technological journal (2018) vol. 20, 4, p. 301-309 : ill. - Kallakas, H., Ayansola, S. G., Tumanov, T., Goljandin, D., Poltimäe, T., Krumme, A., Kers, J. Influence of birch false heartwood on the physical and mechanical properties of wood-plastic composites // Bioresources (2019) vol. 14, 2, p. 3554-3566 : ill. - Holovenko, Y., Kollo, L., Jõeleht, M., Ivanov, R., Ivanov, R., Veinthal, R. Production of metal–ceramic lattice structures by selective laser melting and carburizing or nitriding // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2019) vol. 68, 2, p. 131–139 : ill. - Leinemann, I., Nkwusi, G., Timmo, K., Volobujeva, O., Danilson, M., Raudoja, J., Kaljuvee, T., Traksmaa, R., Altosaar, M., Meissner, D. Reaction pathway to Cu2ZnSnSe4 formation in CdI2 : part 1. Chemical reactions and enthalpies in mixtures of CdI2–ZnSe, CdI2–SnSe, and CdI2–CuSe // Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry (2018) vol. 134, issue 1, p.409 - 421 : ill. - Umanskyi, O., Storozhenko, M., Koshelev, M., Antonov, M. Effect of FeNiCrBSiC-MeB2 material composition on the oxidation behavior at high temperatures // Powder metallurgy and metal ceramics (2019) vol. 57, 11-12, p. 670-678 : ill. - Tkachivskyi, D., Juhani, K., Surženkov, A., Kulu, P., Viljus, M., Traksmaa, R., Jankauskas, V., Leišys, R. Production of thermal spray Cr3C2-Ni powders by mechanically activated synthesis // Modern Materials and Manufacturing 2019 : 12th International DAAAM Baltic Conference and 27th International Baltic Conference BALTMATTRIB 2019. Selected, peer reviewed papers from the conference Modern Materials and Manufacturing 2019 (MMM 2019), April 24-26, 2019, Tallinn, Estonia. Zurich : Trans Tech Publications, 2019. p. 31-36 : ill. (Key engineering materials ; 799).*est - Potemkin, D.I., Aghayan, M., Kamboj, N., Hussainova, I. et al. Fibrous alumina-based Ni-CeO2 catalyst : synthesis, structure and properties in propane pre-reforming // Materials letters (2018) vol. 215, p. 35-37 : ill. - Minasyan, T., Liu, L., Aydinyan, S., Hussainova, I. et al. Mesoporous fibrous silicon nitride by catalytic nitridation of silicon // Progress in natural science: materials international (2019) vol. 29, 2, p. 190-197 : ill. - Rozhkov, M.A., Kolesnikova, A.L., Hussainova, I. et al. Evolution of Dirac cone in disclinated graphene // Reviews on advanced materials science (2018) vol. 57, 2, p. 137-142 : ill. - Jankauskas, V., Choteborsky, R., Antonov, M., Katinas, E. Modeling of microstructures and analysis of abrasive wear of arc-welded Hadfield steel // Journal of friction and wear (2018) vol. 39, 1, p. 78-84 : ill. - Lapkovskis, V., Mironovs, V., Irtiseva, K., Goljandin, D. Study of devulcanised crumb rubber-peat bio-based composite for environmental applications // Modern Materials and Manufacturing 2019 : 12th International DAAAM Baltic Conference and 27th International Baltic Conference BALTMATTRIB 2019. Selected, peer reviewed papers from the conference Modern Materials and Manufacturing 2019 (MMM 2019), April 24-26, 2019, Tallinn, Estonia. Zurich : Trans Tech Publications, 2019. p. 148-152 : ill. (Key engineering materials ; 799).*est - Aydinyan, S., Minasyan, T., Liu, L., Cygan, S., Hussainova, I. ZrC based ceramics by high pressure high temperature SPS technique // Modern Materials and Manufacturing 2019 : 12th International DAAAM Baltic Conference and 27th International Baltic Conference BALTMATTRIB 2019. Selected, peer reviewed papers from the conference Modern Materials and Manufacturing 2019 (MMM 2019), April 24-26, 2019, Tallinn, Estonia. Zurich : Trans Tech Publications, 2019. p. 125-130 : ill. (Key engineering materials ; 799).*est - Lapkovskis, V., Mironovs, V., Irtiseva, K., Goljandin, D. et al. Investigation of Devulcanised Crumb Rubber Milling and Deagglomeration in Disintegrator System // Key engineering materials (2019) vol. 800, p. 216−220. - Saffar Shamshirgar, A., Aghayan, M., Tripathi, T. S., Karppinen, M., Gasik, M., Hussainova, I. Time-effective synthesis of rhombohedral CuAlO2 from mesoporous alumina substrate // Materials & design (2018) vol. 147, p. 48-55 : ill. - Leinemann, I., Pilvet, M., Kaljuvee, T., Traksmaa, R., Altosaar, M. Reaction pathway to CZTSe formation in CdI2 : Part 2: Chemical reactions and enthalpies in mixtures of CdI2–CuSe–SnSe and CdI2–CuSe–SnSe–ZnSe // Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry (2018) vol. 134, Issue 1, p. 433–441. - Kolnes, M., Kübarsepp, J., Sergejev, F., Kolnes, M. Wear of potential tool materials for aluminium alloys friction stir welding at weld temperatures // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2019) vol. 68, 2, p. 198–206 : ill. - Kulu, P., Goljandin, D., Külaviir, J., Hain, T., Kivisto, M. Recycling of niobium slag by disintegrator milling // Modern Materials and Manufacturing 2019 : 12th International DAAAM Baltic Conference and 27th International Baltic Conference BALTMATTRIB 2019. Selected, peer reviewed papers from the conference Modern Materials and Manufacturing 2019 (MMM 2019), April 24-26, 2019, Tallinn, Estonia. Zurich : Trans Tech Publications, 2019. p. 97-102 : ill. (Key engineering materials ; 799).*est - Minasyan, T., Liu, L., Aydinyan, S., Antonov, M., Hussainova, I. Selective laser melting of Ti/cBN composite // Modern Materials and Manufacturing 2019 : 12th International DAAAM Baltic Conference and 27th International Baltic Conference BALTMATTRIB 2019. Selected, peer reviewed papers from the conference Modern Materials and Manufacturing 2019 (MMM 2019), April 24-26, 2019, Tallinn, Estonia. Zurich : Trans Tech Publications, 2019. p. 257-262 : ill. (Key engineering materials ; 799).*est - Saffarshamshirgar, A., Ivanov, R., Hussainova, I. Spark plasma sintering of layered γ-Al2O3/graphene reinforced nanocomposites // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2019) vol. 68, 2, p. 140–144 : ill. - Gomon, D., Auriemma, F., Antonov, M. Assessment of abrasive powder behaviour during impact-abrasive wear of PCD elements // Wear (2019) vol. 426–427, Part A, p. 151-161 : ill. - Bendikiene, R., Surženkov, A., Tkachivskyi, D., Juhani, K., Viljus, M., Traksmaa, R., Antonov, M., Kulu, P. et al. Study of submerged and plasma arc welded composite hardfacings with a novel Cr3C2–Ni reinforcement // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2019) vol. 68, 2, p. 150–157 : ill. - Simson, T., Kulu, P., Surženkov, A., Ciuplys, A., Viljus, M., Zaldarys, G. Comparison of plasma transferred arc and submerged arc welded abrasive wear resistant composite hardfacings // Materials science = Medžiagotyra (2018) vol. 24, 2, p. 172-176 : ill. - Baroninš, J., Antonov, M., Bereznev, S., Raadik, T., Hussainova, I. Raman spectroscopy of multilayered AlCrN coating under high temperature sliding/oxidation // Modern Materials and Manufacturing 2019 : 12th International DAAAM Baltic Conference and 27th International Baltic Conference BALTMATTRIB 2019. Selected, peer reviewed papers from the conference Modern Materials and Manufacturing 2019 (MMM 2019), April 24-26, 2019, Tallinn, Estonia. Zurich : Trans Tech Publications, 2019. p. 9-14. (Key engineering materials ; 799).*est - Kamboj, N.K., Saffar Shamshirgar, A., Shirshneva-Vaschenko, E., Hussainova, I. Deposition of iron oxide nanoparticles on mesoporous alumina network by wet-combustion technology // Materials chemistry and physics (2019) vol. 225, p. 340-346 : ill. - Katinas, E., Antonov, M., Jankauskas, V., Tarraste, M. The effect of spark plasma sintering thermal cycle on behaviour of Fe-based hardfacings reinforced with WC and WC-based hardmetal // Modern Materials and Manufacturing 2019 : 12th International DAAAM Baltic Conference and 27th International Baltic Conference BALTMATTRIB 2019. Selected, peer reviewed papers from the conference Modern Materials and Manufacturing 2019 (MMM 2019), April 24-26, 2019, Tallinn, Estonia. Zurich : Trans Tech Publications, 2019. p. [3]-8 : ill. (Key engineering materials ; 799).*est - Paju, J., Väli, B., Laas, T., Shirokova, V., Antonov, M. et al. Corrigendum to "Generation and development of damages in double forged tungsten in different regimes of irradiation with extreme heat loads" [J. Nucl. Mater. 495 (2017) 91-102] // Journal of nuclear materials (2018) vol. 503, p. 323-324 : tab. - Tarraste, M., Kübarsepp, J., Juhani, K., Mere, A., Viljus, M. Effect of carbon stabilizing elements on WC cemented carbides with chromium steel binder // Materials science = Medžiagotyra (2019) vol. 25, 2, p. 202-206 : ill. - Kirakosyan, H.V., Nazaretyan, K.T., Mnatsakanyan, R.A., Aydinyan, S.V., Kharatyan, S.L. Solution combustion synthesis of nanostructured molybdenum carbide // Journal of nanoparticle research (2018) vol. 20, 8, art. 214, 11 p. : ill. - Taleb, M., Ivanov, R., Hussainova, I. 3D alumina-graphene hybrid nanofibers as a binder‐free cathode for rechargeable Li‐S batteries // Modern Materials and Manufacturing 2019 : 12th International DAAAM Baltic Conference and 27th International Baltic Conference BALTMATTRIB 2019. Selected, peer reviewed papers from the conference Modern Materials and Manufacturing 2019 (MMM 2019), April 24-26, 2019, Tallinn, Estonia. Zurich : Trans Tech Publications, 2019. p. 191-196 : ill. (Key engineering materials ; 799).*est - Tarraste, M., Kübarsepp, J., Juhani, K., Kolnes, M., Viljus, M. High energy milling of WС-FeСr cemented carbide // Modern Materials and Manufacturing 2019 : 12th International DAAAM Baltic Conference and 27th International Baltic Conference BALTMATTRIB 2019. Selected, peer reviewed papers from the conference Modern Materials and Manufacturing 2019 (MMM 2019), April 24-26, 2019, Tallinn, Estonia. Zurich : Trans Tech Publications, 2019. p. 136-141 : ill. (Key engineering materials ; 799).*est - Hussainova, I., Ivanov, R., Kale, S.S., Jasiuk, I. Tunneling-percolation behavior of graphene-encapsulated whiskers as electroconductive fillers for ceramics // Short fibre reinforced cementitious composites and ceramics. Cham : Springer Nature, 2019. p. 131-139. (Advanced structured materials ; 95). - Bogatov, A., Podgursky, V., Vagistrom, H., Yashin, M.. Shaikh, A.A., Viljus, M. et al. Transition from self-organized criticality into self-organization during sliding Si3N4 balls against nanocrystalline diamond films // Entropy (2019) vol. 21, 11, art. 1055 ; 12 p. - Juhani, K., Kübarsepp, J., Tarraste, M., Pirso, J., Viljus, M. Microstructure formation and performance of reactive sintered titanium oxycarbide base ceramic-ceramic composites // Modern Materials and Manufacturing 2019 : 12th International DAAAM Baltic Conference and 27th International Baltic Conference BALTMATTRIB 2019. Selected, peer reviewed papers from the conference Modern Materials and Manufacturing 2019 (MMM 2019), April 24-26, 2019, Tallinn, Estonia. Zurich : Trans Tech Publications, 2019. p. 131-135 : ill. (Key engineering materials ; 799).*est - Hussainova, I., Drozdova, M., Ivanov, R., Kale, S., Jasiuk, I. Electroconductive oxide ceramics with graphene‐encapsulated fillers // Proceedings of the 42nd international conference on advanced ceramics and composites. New York : The American Ceramic Society, 2019. p. 251–258. (Ceramic engineering and science proceedings ; Vol. 39, 2). - Liu, L., Minasyan, T., Aydinyan, S., Hussainova, I. The preparation of TiC/TiN composites by selective laser melting // Modern Materials and Manufacturing 2019 : 12th International DAAAM Baltic Conference and 27th International Baltic Conference BALTMATTRIB 2019. Selected, peer reviewed papers from the conference Modern Materials and Manufacturing 2019 (MMM 2019), April 24-26, 2019, Tallinn, Estonia. Zurich : Trans Tech Publications, 2019. p. 165-170 : ill. (Key engineering materials ; 799).*est - Lille, H., Ryabchikov, A., Kõo, J., Mikli, V., Adoberg, E., Vagiström, H., Kübarsepp, J., Peetsalu, P. Average residual stresses in hard Physical Vapor Deposited (PVD) coatings // Modern Materials and Manufacturing 2019 : 12th International DAAAM Baltic Conference and 27th International Baltic Conference BALTMATTRIB 2019. Selected, peer reviewed papers from the conference Modern Materials and Manufacturing 2019 (MMM 2019), April 24-26, 2019, Tallinn, Estonia. Zurich : Trans Tech Publications, 2019. p. 20-25 : ill. (Key engineering materials ; 799).*est - Mahmoudi, H. A., Abovyan, L. S., Aydinyan, S. V., Kharatyan, S. L. SHS reprocessing of copper oxide waste into copper powder // International Journal of Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis (2019) vol. 28, 4, p. 233–238 : ill. - Abramov, M.A., Stepanov, E.G., Golyandin, D., Dobrokhotov, V.B. Research of the possibility of producing finely divided materials from natural raw materials for reactive powder concretes by mechanochemistry // Journal of physics : conference series (2019) vol. 666, 1, art. 012023, 5 p. : ill. - Tihtih, M., Ibrahim, J. E. F. M., Basyooni, M. A., Kurovics, E., Belaid, W., Hussainova, I., Kocserha, I. Role of A-site (Sr), B-site (Y), and A, B sites (Sr, Y) substitution in lead-free BaTiO3 ceramic compounds : structural, optical, microstructure, mechanical, and thermal conductivity properties // Ceramics international (2023) vol. 49, 2, p. 1947-1959. - Rezapourianghahfarokhi, M., Jasiuk, I., Saarna, M., Selective laser melted Ti6Al4V split-P TPMS lattices for bone tissue engineering // International journal of mechanical sciences (2023) vol. 251, art. 108353. - Seçkin, M,, Kandemir, S., Antonov, M. Investigation of the high temperature dry sliding wear behavior of graphene nanoplatelets reinforced aluminum matrix composites // Journal of composite materials (2021) vol. 55, 13, 13 p. : ill. - Kumar, R., Torres, H., Aydinyan, S., Antonov, M., Varga, M., Hussainova, I., Rodriguez Ripoll, M. Tribological behavior of Ni-based self-lubricating claddings containing sulfide of nickel, copper, or bismuth at temperatures up to 600 °C // Surface and coatings technology (2023) vol. 456, art. 129270, 14 p. : ill. - Blumbergs, E., Serga, V., Shishkin, A., Goljandin, D., Shishko, A., Zemcenkovs, V., Markus, K., Baronins, J., Pankratov, V. Selective disintegration–milling to obtain metal-rich particle fractions from E-waste // Metals (2022) vol. 12, 9, art. 1468, 15 p. : ill. - Aydinyan, S.V., Nazaretyan, K.T., Zargaryan, A.G. et al. Reduction mechanism of WO3 + CuO mixture by combined Mg/C reducer : non-isothermal conditions - high heating rates // Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry (2018) vol. 133, 1, p. 261–269 : ill. - Hussain, A., Podgursky, V., Viljus, M., Awan, M. R. The role of paradigms and technical strategies for implementation of the circular economy in the polymer and composite recycling industries // Advanced Industrial and Engineering Polymer Research (2023) vol. 6, 1, p. 1-12. - Kumar, R., Antonov, M., Varga, M., Hussainova, I., Rodriguez Ripoll, M. Synergistic effect of Ag and MoS2 on high-temperature tribology of self-lubricating NiCrBSi composite coatings by laser metal deposition // Wear (2023) vol. 532-533, art. 205114. - Tihtih, M., Ibrahim, J.E.F.M., Basyooni, M.A., En-Nadir, R., Hussainova, I., Kocserha, I. Functionality and activity of Sol–Gel-Prepared Co and Fe co-Doped Lead-Free BTO for thermo-optical applications // ACS omega (2023) vol. 8, 5, p. 5003–5016 : ill. - Tihtih, M., Ibrahim, J.E.F.M., Basyooni, M.A., En-nadir, R., Belaid, W., Abdelfattah, M.M., Hussainova, I., Pszota, G., Kocserha, I. Enhanced optical and thermal conductivity properties of barium titanate ceramic via strontium doping for thermo-optical applications // Optical and Quantum Electronics (2023) vol. 55, 3, art. 226, 20 p. : ill. - Kirakosyan, H., Nazaretyan, K., Aydinyan, S., Kharatyan, S. The mechanism of joint reduction of MoO3 and CuO by combined Mg/C reducer at high heating rates // Journal of composites science (2021) vol. 5, 12, art. 318, 20 p. : ill. - Liu, L., Minasyan, T., Kamboj, N., Aydinyan, S., Hussainova, I. Bio-inspired TiB2-TiB-TiN lattices by selective laser melting // Materials Letters (2020) Vol. 277, art. 128337. - Nazaretyan, K., Aydinyan, S., Kirakosyan, H., Moskovskikh, D., Nepapushev, A., Kuskov, K., Tumanyan, M., Zargaryan, A., Traksmaa, R., Kharatyan, S. AlCo-rich AlCoNiFe and AlCoNiFeCr high entropy alloys: Synthesis and interaction pathway at high heating rates // Journal of alloys and compounds (2023) vol. 931, art. 167589, 13 p. - Hussain, A., Goljandin, D., Podgursky, V., Abbas, M. M., Krasnou, I. Experimental mechanics analysis of recycled polypropylene-cotton composites for commercial applications // Advanced industrial and engineering polymer research (2023) vol. 6, 3, p. 226-238 : ill. - Omranpour Shahreza, B., Huot, J., Antonov, M., Kommel, L., Sergejev, F., Perez Trujillo, F. J., Heczel, A., Gubicza, J. The effect of microstructure evolution on the wear behavior of tantalum processed by Indirect Extrusion Angular Pressing // International journal of refractory metals and hard materials (2023) vol. 111, art. 106079, 11 p. : ill. - Kumar, R., Kariminejad, A., Antonov, M., Goljandin, D., Klimczyk, P., Hussainova, I. Progress in sustainable recycling and circular economy of tungsten carbide hard metal scraps for industry 5.0 and onwards // Sustainability (2023) vol. 15, 16, art. 12249. - Saffar Shamshirgar, A., Alvarez, M. F., del Campo, A., Fernandez, J.F., Rojas Hernandez, R. E., Ivanov, R., Rosen, J., Hussainova, I. Versatile graphene-alumina nanofibers for microwave absorption and EMI shielding // Carbon (2023) vol. 210, art. 118057. - Podgursky, V., Alamgir, A., Yashin, M., Jõgiaas, T., Viljus, M., Raadik, T., Danilson, M., Sergejev, F., Lümkemann, A., Kluson, J., Sondor, J., Bogatov, A. High-temperature tribological performance of Al2O3/a-C:H:Si coating in ambient air // Coatings (2021) vol. 11, 5, art. 495, 15 p. : ill. - Hussain, A., Podgurski, V., Goljandin, D., Antonov, M., Viljus, M., Krasnou, I. Sustainable fabrication of polypropylene-postconsumer cotton composite materials : circularity, characterization, mechanical testing, and tribology // Materials today sustainability (2023) vol. 22, art. 100344, 16 p. : ill. - Alamgir, A., Bogatov, A., Jõgiaas, T., Viljus, M., Raadik, T., Kübarsepp, J., Sergejev, F., Lümkemann, A., Kluson, J., Podgursky, V. High-temperature oxidation resistance and tribological properties of Al2O3/ta-C coating // Coatings (2022) vol. 12, 4, art. 547. - Hussain, A., Podgurski, V., Goljandin, D., Antonov, M., Sergejev, F., Krasnou, I. Circular production, designing, and mechanical testing of polypropylene-based reinforced composite materials : statistical analysis for potential automotive and nuclear applications // Polymers (2023) vol. 15, 16, art. 3410, 30 p. : ill. - Paju, J., Väli, B., Laas, T., Shirokova, V., Antonov, M. et al. Generation and development of damage in double forged tungsten in different combined regimes of irradiation with extreme heat loads // Journal of nuclear materials (2017) vol. 495, p. 91-102 : ill. - Maurya, H. S., Vikram, R. J., Kosiba, K., Juhani, K., Sergejev, F., Suwas, S., Prashanth, K. G. Additive manufacturing of CMCs with bimodal microstructure // Journal of alloys and compounds (2023) vol. 938, art. 168416, 5 p. : ill. - Maurya, H.S., Jayaraj, J., Wang, Z., Juhani, K., Sergejev, F., Prashanth, K.G. Investigation of the tribological behavior of the additively manufactured TiC-based cermets by scratch testing // Journal of alloys and compounds (2023) vol. 959, art. 170496, 9 p. : ill. - Tamashiro, J. R., de la Rubia, M. A., Rubio-Marcos, F., Rojas-Hernandez, R. E., Silva, L. H., P., de Paiva, F. F. G., Kinoshita, A., Terrades, A. M. Doping engineering for controlled hydration and mechanical properties in Portland cement mortar with ultra-low ZnO concentration // Journal of building engineering (2023) vol. 78, art. 107748. - Amirkhanyan, N., Kirakosyan, H., Zakaryan, M., Zurnachyan, A. Rodriguez, M.A., Abovyan, L., Aydinyan, S. Sintering of silicon carbide obtained by combustion synthesis // Ceramics international (2023) vol. 49, 15, p. 26129-26134. - Aydinyan, S., Kharatyan, S., Hussainova, I. The influence of thermal dilution on the microstructure evolution of some combustion-synthesized refractory ceramic composites // Crystals (2022) Vol. 12, 1, art. 59. - Aydinyan, S. Combustion synthesis of MAX phases: microstructure and properties inherited from the processing pathway // Crystals (2023) vol. 13, 7, art. 1143. - Rojas-Hernandez, R. E., Rubio-Marcos, F., Serrano, A., Roman-Sanchez, S., Fernandez, J. F., Hussainova, I. Highly textured zinc aluminate: Nd, Ce films over sapphire for NIR emitting applications // Ceramics international (2023) vol. 49, 8, p. 13125 - 13130. - Maurya, H. S., Kollo, L., Tarraste, M., Juhani, K., Sergejev, F., Prashanth, K. G. Selective laser melting of TiC-based cermet : HIP studies // Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals (2023) vol. 76, 2, p. 565–570 : ill. - Usta, M. C., Yörük, C. R., Uibu, M., Traksmaa, R., Hain, T., Gregor, A., Trikkel, A. Carbonation and leaching behaviors of cement-free monoliths based on high-sulfur fly ashes with the incorporation of amorphous calcium aluminate // ACS omega (2023) vol. 8, 32, p. 29543–29557 : ill. - Hussainova, I., Minasyan, T., Liu, L., Aydinyan, S. ZrC-TiC-MoSi2 ceramic composite by spark plasma sintering // Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2020) Vol. 1527, 1, art. 012028. - Rubio-Marcos, F., Pamies, P., Del Campo, A., Tiana, J., Ordonez-Pimentel, J., Venet, M., Rojas-Hernandez, R. E., Ochoa, D. A., Fernandez, J. F., García, J. E. Light-induced strain and its correlation with the optical absorption at charged domain walls in polycrystalline ferroelectrics // Applied materials today (2023) vol. 32, art. 101838. - Katinas, E., Antonov, M., Jankauskas, V., Goljandin, D. Effect of Local Remelting and Recycled WC-Co Composite Reinforcement Size on Abrasive and Erosive Wear of Manual Arc Welded Hardfacings // Coatings (2023) vol. 13, 4, art. 734. - Álvarez-Docio, C. M., Garcia-Carrodeguas, R., Fook, M. V. L., Rodríguez, M. A., Rojas-Hernandez, R. E. Impact of fuel quantity on luminescence properties of Sr3Al2O6 : Eu by combustion synthesis // Cerâmica (2023) vol. 69, 389, p. 17-22. - Rojas Hernandez, R. E., Rubio-Marcos, F., Necib, J., Danilson, M., Fernandez, J. F., Hussainova, I. Cost-effective screen printing approach for Ce/Nd-doped ZnAl2O4 films: tuning crystallinity induced by the substrate // Physical chemistry chemical physics (2023) vol. 25, 23, p. 15829-15838. - Omranpour Shahreza, B., Sergejev, F., Ivanisenko, J., Huot, J. A promising approach to solid-state hydrogen storage : mechanical nanostructuring synthesis of magnesium by high pressure torsion extrusion // Advances in science and technology (volume 134)., Materials Engineering and Modern Manufacturing, MeMM 2023 : Selected peer-reviewed extended articles based on abstracts presented at the 30th International Baltic Conference “Materials Engineering and Modern Manufacturing 2023”, MeMM 2023., Materials science forum. : Trans Tech Publications, 2023. p. 43-51. (Materials science forum ; 1104). - Imanian Ghazanlou, S., Imanian Ghazanlou, S., Imanian Ghazanlou, S., Mohammadpour, N., Hussainova, I. Synthesis of ternary GNP-CNT-ZrO2 nanocomposite as a high-performance anode for lithium-ion batteries // Journal of industrial and engineering chemistry (2023) vol. 128, p. 209-221 : ill. - Sperling, U., Tamla, Ü., Trommer, F., Vassiljev, J., Viljus, M. Ein bronzener Brillenspiralanhänger von der Insel Aegna (Estland) : Überlegungen zur Herkunft, Herstellung und zur Insel als Deponierungsort // Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt (2021) Bd. 51, 2, S. 205-207. - Rezapourianghahfarokhi, M., Hussainova, I. Optimal mechanical properties of Hydroxyapatite gradient Voronoi porous scaffolds for bone applications — a numerical study // Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials (2023) vol. 148, art. 106232. - Jõeleht, M., Pirso, J., Juhani, K., Viljus, M., Traksmaa, R. Corrigendum to “The influence of high energy milling and sintering parameters on reactive sintered (Ti, Mo)C–Ni cermets” [J. Alloys Compd. 636 (2015) 381–386] (S0925838815005009) (10.1016/j.jallcom.2015.02.071)) // Journal of alloys and compounds (2018) vol. 759, p. 128. - Baroninš, J., Antonov, M., Abramovskis, V., Rautmane, A., Lapkovskis, V., Bockovs, I., Goel, S., Kumar Thakur, V., Shishkin, A. The effect of Zinc Oxide on DLP hybrid composite manufacturability and mechanical-chemical resistance // Polymers (2023) vol. 15, 24, art. 4679, p. 1−19. - Kuskov, K. V., Nepapushev, A. A., Aydinyan, S., Shaysultanov, D. G., Stepanov, N. D., Nazaretyan, K., Kharatyan, S., Zakharova, E. V., Belov, D. S., Moskovskikh, D. O. Combustion synthesis and reactive spark plasma sintering of non-equiatomic coal-based high entropy intermetallics // Materials (2023) vol. 16, 4, art. 1490. - Yöyler, S., Surzhenkov, A., Antonov, M., Viljus, M., Traksmaa, R. Juhani, K. Analysis of microstructure and abrasive wear of Fe-based hardfacings with TiC, in-situ synthesized from TiO2 // Euro PM2023 : proceedings. : European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA), 2023. art. 195090.