Innovative systems for industrial applications

Head of the research group
The research is broadly subdivided into threemain interconnected and highly interdisciplinarydirections focused on (a) hierarchically structuredbio-inspired multi-functional composites includingbut not limited to electroconductive ceramics, functionally graded and anisotropic ceramic-based composites, mesoporous ceramics, nanofibers, grapheneadded bulks, ceramic membranes; (b) tribology andhigh-temperature damage-tolerant composites fortribo-applications; (c) selective laser melting andpowders for SLM/S of ceramic-metal composites andAM of complex-shaped ceramic-matrix composites.The team has several inventions keeping researchat a high international level. The most influentialare (i) a self-aligned fibrous scaffold for highly anisotropic cell cultures; (ii) a method for producing nanofibers composites by combustion techniques andproducts comprising thereof; (iii) fibrous ceramicnetworks and preparation thereof by selective lasermelting; and (iv) ceramic complex structures by SLS.
Research classification (Frascati)
multifunctional structures
spark plasma sintering
microstructural analysis
bio-inspired materials
mechanical testing
chemical vapour deposition
self-propagating high temperature synthesis
Important results
‚ Technology for self-propagating high temperature synthesis of “pomegranate-like”TiB2-Si ceramic-metalloid powder feedstocksuitable for AM process through SelectiveLaser Melting of Ceramic-Based Composite;‚ SLM/S of composites with a high amount ofceramic phase (up to 90%) with the help of insitu reactions of elemental powders mixtures.‚ A novel approach for the preparation ofbio-inspired porous ceramic structures bySelective Laser Melting.‚ Selective laser sintered bio-inspired siliconwollastonite and silicon- bioglass scaffolds forbone tissue engineering.‚ A novel strategy to consolidate layeredalumina demonstrating the directionalelectrical and thermal conductivity forlightweight electronics.‚ Functionally Graded Tunable MicrowaveAbsorber.‚ A novel tool for directing and influencing cellsbehavior without biological or pharmacologi- cal cues.‚ An innovative and effective substrate(GAIN scaffolds) to capture small nonenveloped viruses without pre-incubation.‚ Blue long-lasting emitters for a wide range offields from ceramic to optoelectronic materials.‚ A novel approach to the preparation ofSrAl2O4:Eu2+, Dy3 films by the screen-printing route with a high throughput andcost-efficiency.