eHealth applications and services research group
Head of the research group
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TalTech priority area
The core competencies of the research group arethe development of IT solutions related to digitalization of health care (e-health) and researchof the interoperability factors necessary for theirimplementation. The factors to be studied include strategies, standards, IT architecture, datastatuses and databases used for large (nationalor regional) e-health systems.
Research group member
Research classification (Frascati)
digital health
change management in health care
Important results
Hägglund, M.; Kharko, A.; Hagström, J.; Bärkås, A.; Blease, C.; Cajander, Å.; DesRoches, C.; Fagerlund, A.J.; Haage, B.; Huvila, I.; Hörhammer, I.; Kane, B.; Klein, G.O.; Kristiansen, E.; Luks, K.; Moll, J.; Muli, I.; Raphaug, E.H.; Rexhepi, H.; Riggare, S. ... Johansen, M.A. (2023). The NORDeHEALTH 2022 Patient Survey: Cross-Sectional Study of National Patient Portal Users in Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Estonia. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 25, e47573−e47573. DOI: 10.2196/47573
- Bertl, M., Ross, P., Draheim, D. A survey on AI and decision support systems in psychiatry – Uncovering a dilemma // Expert Systems with Applications (2022) vol. 202, art. 117464, 14 p. : ill. - Boyko, A., Therapontos, C., Horakova, D., Gross-Paju, K. et al. Approaches and challenges in the diagnosis and management of secondary progressive multiple sclerosis : a Central Eastern European perspective from healthcare professionals // Multiple sclerosis and related disorders (2021) vol. 50, art. 102778, 12 p. : ill. - Laissaar, M., Hallik, R., Sillaste, P., Ragun, U., Pärn, M.-L., Suija, K. Translation and cultural adaptation of IPOS (integrated palliative care outcome scale) in Estonia // Journal of Patient-reported Outcomes (2021) vol. 5, art. 15. - Kõrv, J., Antsov, K., Gross-Paju, K., Kalju, I., Kreis, A., Liigant, A., Vibo, R. Developments in quality of stroke care in Estonia // European Stroke Journal (2023) Vol. 8, Issue 1_suppl., p. 35-43. - Vovk, O., Piho, G., Ross, P. Anonymization methods of structured health care data : a literature review // Model and Data Engineering : 10th International Conference, MEDI 2021, Tallinn, Estonia, June 21–23, 2021 : proceedings. Cham : Springer Nature, 2021. p. 175-189. (Lecture notes in computer science ; 12732). - Hagström, J., Blease, C., Haage, B., Scandurra, I., Hansson, S., Hägglund, M. Views, use, and experiences of web-based access to pediatric electronic health records for children, adolescents, and parents : scoping review // Journal of Medical Internet Research (2022) vol. 24, 11, art. e40328. - Bertl, M., Metsallik, J., Ross, P. A systematic literature review of AI-based digital decision support systems for post-traumatic stress disorder // Frontiers in Psychiatry (2022) vol. 13, art. 923613, 13 p. : ill. - Bertl, M., Ross, P., Draheim, D. Predicting psychiatric diseases using autoAI : a performance analysis based on health insurance billing data // Database and Expert Systems Applications : 32nd International Conference, DEXA 2021, Virtual Event, September 27-30, 2021 : proceedings. Part I. Cham : Springer, 2021. p. 104-111. (Lecture notes in computer science ; 12923). - Lubi, K., Simm, K., Lempu, K., Zameska, J., Eensalu-Lind, A. ‘Other patients become a secondary priority:’ perceptions of Estonian frontline healthcare professionals on the influence of COVID-19 on health (in)equality and ethical decision-making // Journal of communication in healthcare : strategies, media and engagement in global health (2022) vol. 15, 1, p. 54-63. - Sharma, R., Kaushik, M., Arakkal Peious, S., Markus, B., Ankit, V., Ashwani, K., Draheim, D. Detecting Simpson’s paradox : a step towards fairness in machine learning // New Trends in Database and Information Systems : ADBIS 2022 Short Papers, Doctoral Consortium and Workshops : DOING, K-GALS, MADEISD, MegaData, SWODCH, Turin, Italy, September 5-8, 2022 : proceedings. Cham : Springer, 2022. p. 67-76 : ill. (Communications in computer and information science ; 1652). - Kankainen, K. J. I. Usages of the ContSys Standard : a position paper // Advances in Model and Data Engineering in the Digitalization Era : MEDI 2021 International Workshops : DETECT, SIAS, CSMML, BIOC, HEDA, Tallinn, Estonia, June 21–23, 2021 : proceedings. : Springer, 2021. p. 314−324. (Communications in computer and information science ; 1481). - Gross-Paju, K., Thomson, U., Adlas, R., Jaakmees, H., Kannel, K., Mallene, S. M., Mironenko, S., Reitsnik, A., Vares, A., Ütt, S. Implementation of the Helsinki Model at West Tallinn Central Hospital // Medicina (2022) vol. 58, 9, art. 1173. - Kask, M., Piho, G., Ross, P. Systematic literature review of methods for maintaining data integrity // Advances in Model and Data Engineering in the Digitalization Era : MEDI 2021 International Workshops: DETECT, SIAS, CSMML, BIOC, HEDA, Tallinn, Estonia, June 21–23, 2021 : proceedings. Cham : Springer Nature, 2021. p. 259–268. (Communications in computer and information science ; 1481). - Lubi, K., Savicka, V., Koor, M., Nool, I., Tupits, M., Mets-Oja, S. Practice theoretical approach on the reasons why target group women refrain from taking breast cancer screening // Patient education and counseling (2021) vol. 14, 12, p. 3053-3058. - Vovk, O., Piho, G., Ross, P. Evaluation of anonymization tools for health data // Advances in Model and Data Engineering in the Digitalization Era : MEDI 2021 International Workshops: DETECT, SIAS, CSMML, BIOC, HEDA, Tallinn, Estonia, June 21–23, 2021 : proceedings. Cham : Springer Nature, 2021. p. 302−313. (Communications in computer and information science ; 1481). - Krieger, B., Hallik, R., Kala, K. et al. Validation of mobile-based funduscope for diabetic retinopathy screening in Estonia // European journal of ophthalmology (2022) vol. 32, 1, p. 508-513 : ill. - Simm, K., Zameska, J., Lubi, K. Frontline healthcare professionals' views regarding the impact of COVID-19 on ethical decision-making : a multicentre mixed-methods study from Estonia // Healthcare (2022) vol. 10, 4, art. 711. - Lubi, K., Raal, A., Taba, P. Ethnic identity in transition : the potential impact of ethnicity on chronic illness’ medication adherence in Post-Soviet Country // Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities (2022) vol. 9, 3, p. 1089-1095. - Lubi, K., Sepp, K., Rass, H., Roostar, K., Volmer, D. A qualitative study of the challenges in rearranging community pharmacy service provision during the COVID-19 public health emergency : the prism of social practice theory // Public Health in Practice (2021) Vol. 2, art. 100212 : ill. - Kankainen, K., Klementi, T., Piho, G., Ross, P. Using SNOMED CT as a semantic model for controlled natural language guided capture of clinical data // HEDA 2022 : Proceedings of the International Health Data Workshop, co-located with 10th International Conference on Petrinets, Petri Nets 2022. Aachen : CEUR-WS, 2022. 13 p.. (CEUR Workshop Proceedings ; 3264). - Lubi, K., Sildver, K., Sokolova, D., Savicka, V., Nool, I., Mets-Oja, S., Tupits, M. Existing health practices in shaping the decision to participate during breast cancer screening among 50-69 years old women in Estonia // SAGE Open Nursing (2022) vol. 8, art. 23779608221124293. - Bossenko, I., Piho, G., Ross, P. Forward and backward compatibility design techniques applying the HL7 FHIR standard // HEDA 2022 : Proceedings of the International Health Data Workshop, co-located with 10th International Conference on Petrinets, Petri Nets 2022. : CEUR-WS, 2022. p. 1-14. (CEUR Workshop Proceedings ; 3264). - Bossenko, I., Linna, K., Piho, G., Ross, P. Migration from HL7 CDA to FHIR in infectious disease system of Estonia // Studies in Health Technology and Informatics ; 299. : IOS Press, 2022. p. 275-278. (pHealth 2022). - Metsallik, J., Ross, P. Testing the applicability of digital decision support on a nationwide EHR // Digital Economy. Emerging Technologies and Business Innovation : 6th International Conference on Digital Economy, ICDEc 2021, Tallinn, Estonia, July 15–17, 2021 : proceedings. Cham : Springer Nature, 2021. p. 134−146. (Lecture notes in business information processing ; 431). - Randmaa, R., Bossenko, I., Klementi, T., Piho, G., Ross, P. Evaluating business meta-models for semantic interoperability with FHIR resources // HEDA 2022 : Proceedings of the International Health Data Workshop, co-located with 10th International Conference on Petrinets, Petri Nets 2022. : CEUR-WS, 2022. p. 1-14. (CEUR Workshop Proceedings ; 3264). - Sogomonjan, M., Kerikmäe, T., Ööpik, P., Ross, P. A report on the survey. Attitudes of Estonian healthcare professionals to internet-delivered cognitive behavioural therapy // Cogent psychology (2019) vol. 6, 1, art. 1637623, 12 p. - Kuusik, A., Alam, M.M., Kask, T., Gross-Paju, K. Wearable m-assessment system for neurological disease patients // Proceedings : IEEE 4th World Forum on Internet of Things. [S.l.] : IEEE, 2018. p. 201-206 : ill. - Metsallik, J., Ross, P., Draheim, D., Piho, G. Ten years of the e-Health system in Estonia // Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on (Meta)Modelling for Healthcare Systems : Bergen, Norway, June 13th, 2018. Aachen :, 2018. p. 6-15 : ill. (CEUR workshop proceedings ; 2336). - Essen, A., Scandurra, I., Gerrits, R., Ross, P. et al. Patient access to electronic health records : differences across ten countries // Health policy and technology (2018) vol. 7, p. 44–56. - Bar-Or, A., Wiendl, H., Montalban, X., Alvarez, E., Davydovskaya, M., Delgado, S. R., Evdoshenko, E. P., Giedraitiene, N., Gross-Paju, K., Haldre, S. et al. Rapid and sustained B-cell depletion with subcutaneous ofatumumab in relapsing multiple sclerosis : APLIOS, a randomized phase-2 study // Multiple Sclerosis Journal (2022) vol. 28, 6, p. 849-1002. - Hagström, J., Scandurra, I., Moll, J., Blease, C., Haage, B., Hörhammer, I., Hägglund, M. Minor and parental access to electronic health records : differences across four countries // Challenges of Trustable AI and Added-Value on Health. Amsterdam : IOS Press BV, 2022. p. 495 - 499. (Studies in health technology and informatics ; 294). - Lubi, K., Metsoja, E., Eha, K., Mets-Oja, S., Ruuben, L. “Surm on ainus, mis hirmutab”: viirusnakkushaiguste ja nendega seotud vaktsineerimise tähenduse loomine gripi ja koroonaviiruse näitel // Mäetagused : hüperajakiri (2021) Nr. 79, lk. 113−136. - Essén, A., Scandurra, I., Gerrits, R., Humphrey, G., Johansen, M.A., Kierkegaard, P., Ross, P. et al. Corrigendum to “Patient Access to Electronic Health Records: Differences Across Ten Countries” [Health Policy and Technology, 7 (2018), 44–56] (S2211883717300722) (10.1016/j.hlpt.2017.11.003)) // Health Policy and Technology (2018) Vol. 7, 2, p. 224. - Sarv, S., Kahre, T., Vaidla, E., Pajusalu, S., Muru, K., Põder, H., Gross-Paju, K., Ütt, S., Žordania, R., Talvik, I. et al. The birth prevalence of spinal muscular atrophy: a population specific approach in Estonia // Frontiers in genetics (2021) vol. 12, art. 796862. - Klementi, T., Kankainen, K.J.I., Piho, G., Ross, P. Prospective research topics towards preserving electronic health records in decentralised content-addressable storage networks // HEDA 2022 : The International Health Data Workshop HEDA 2022. Aachen : CEUR-WS, 2022. code 184051. (CEUR Workshop Proceedings ; 3264). - Bertl, M., Ross, P., Draheim, D. Systematic AI support for decision-making in the healthcare sector : obstacles and success factors // Health policy and technology (2023) vol. 12, 3, art. 100748, 8 p. : ill. - Vovk, O., Piho, G., Ross, P. Methods and tools for healthcare data anonymization : a literature review // International Journal of General Systems (2023) vol. 52, 3, p. 326-342 : ill. - Bertl, M., Shahin, M., Ross, P., Draheim, D. Finding indicator diseases of psychiatric disorders in BigData using Clustered Association rule mining // SAC '23: proceedings of the 38th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing : Tallinn Estonia, March 27-31, 2023. New York : ACM, 2023. art. 4, p. 826-833 : tab. - Bertl, M., Kankainen, K.J.I., Piho, G., Draheim, D., Ross, P. Evaluation of data quality in the Estonian National Health Information System for digital decision support // Proceedings of the 3rd International Health Data Workshop (HEDA 2023) co-located with Software Technologies: Applications and Foundations (STAF 2023) : Leicester, United Kingdom, July 21, 2023. Vol. 3440. Aachen : RWTH Aachen University, 2023. paper 1, 13 p. : ill. - Rump, A., Ratas, K., Lepasepp, T. K., Suurväli, J., Smolander, O‐P., Gross‐Paju, K., Toomsoo, T., Kanellopoulos, J., Rüütel Boudinot, S. Sex‐dependent expression levels of VAV1 and P2X7 in PBMC of Multiple Sclerosis patients // Scandinavian journal of immunology (2023) vol. 98, 2, art. e13283, 15 p. : ill. - Lubi, K., Varsamaa, M., Kala, L., Torop, A., Sildver, K., Rooden, M. Implementation of person-centredness under structural constraints: a case of HPV vaccination // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2023) vol. 72, 3, p. 303-312. - Trei, H.-M., Lubi, K., Haage, B. Men's perceptions of the supportive use of health communication tools during the ante- und postnatal period // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2023) vol. 72, 3, p. 259-266. - Aasmäe, B., Lubi, K. Factors influencing participation in shared decision making in the oncological setting // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2023) vol. 72, 3, p. 196-205.