Academy of architecture and urban studies

Head of the research group
The research work of the Academy comprisesthe practical and analytical cycle of architecturaldesign and urban planning, integrating differentfields of engineering and humanities, incl. socialspheres related to the functioning of the society,real estate management, etc.The research team has top expertise in the following fields:‚ Smart Cities/Urban transition processes(L. Mora, S. Thabit, D. Beckers, F. Tonnarelli,I. Lykouras);‚ Greenhouse gas quantification(K. Lylykangas, K. Kertsmik);‚ Performance analysis of built/urbanenvironment (F. De Luca, K. Lylykangas,H. Vikberg, N. Eslamirad, A. SepulvedaLuque);‚ Digital Urban Twins/Participatory planning(F. Dembski, V. Prilenska, K. Grišakov,T. Tuulik, M. Allik, L. Mrosla, H. Zarrinkafsh);‚ Urban data analysis/Complexity research(J. Partanen, O. Jakonen, M. Rasoulinezhad,M. Osunkoya);‚ History of architecture/Learning environments (E. Tohvri).
Research classification (Frascati)
Arts (arts, history of arts, performing arts, music) 6.4
green transition
urban design
building performance
Future City
landscape architecture
participatory planning
digital urban twins
greenhouse gas quantification
history of architecture