Marine technology and hydrodynamics

Research classification (Frascati)
Research into substances hazardous to the environment 1.9
Head of the research group
advanced ship structures
fluid-structure interaction
ship safety
accidental limit states
material modeling
Our research focuses on on the behavior of smallcrafts, ships, and marine structures in normaland extreme environments. Therefore, we develop advanced computational methods andtools to assess ship structural and operationalperformance, safety and sustainability bothin open-water and Arctic (ice-covered waters)applications. In the field of the hydrodynamicsof small crafts and fluid-structure interaction,our research is supported by the experimentaltesting in our towing tank, where we deepenour understanding regarding ship behavior indifferent conditions. The goal is to increase energy efficiency and behaviour of small crafts in different operationalconditions. On the topic of ship and offshorestructures, we focus on the load response andfailure mechanisms of materials and weldedstructures under different loading scenarios,including accidental and ultimate limit states.We create tools tailored for the rapid assessment of large complex structures, which enableoptimization early in the conceptual designstage. We use numerical simulations to get insight into theoretical modeling and prevailingassumptions, while experiments provide thesupporting validation data. The simplificationsenabling computationally efficient calculationsare scientifically justified.
Period of activity of the research group
Related department
Kuressaare college
Publications related to the research group