Sustainable chemistry and engineering

Research classification (Frascati)
Research group member
Kachalova, Nataliia
sustainable chemicals and formulations
biomass valorization
medicinal chemistry
chemical decontamination
green&sustainable chemistry
antiviral/antibacterial formulations
functional surfactant self-assembly
The team has succeeded and developed the research lines and good practices of the ERA Chair of Excellence (Green Chemistry) since 2019. - Organic chemistry application includes the development of cleaner organic synthesis methods to obtains small molecules and functional materials for biomedical or environmental applications. - A biodegradability facility has been installed and used by the team to identify low toxicity or mineralizable transformation products, targeting the “benign-by-design” approach. - Biomass valorisation has led to the development of chemical approaches for modifying lignin (with Dr Tiit Lukk under the umbrella of the Wood Chemistry group).- The risk management of technogenic accidents includes improvement of (i) antidotal and decontamination formulations for sustainability kits needed for the first responders and volunteers; (ii) disinfectant formulations and coatings to inactivate hospital-acquired infections or viruses on surfaces; composite of POM/PLA self-disinfecting films developed at TRL4 and recommended for further product development. - Medicinal chemistry research includes rational design of antidotes (reactivators of AChE inhibited by organophosphores compounds) and potential anticancer agents (PARP and VEGFR inhibitors). Innovative formulations for drug delivery involve functionalized nanodiamonds and sustainable micro/nanoemulsions.
Important results
In 2023: (1) A novel greener chloromethylation procedure for lignin under mild reaction conditions was elaborated (no Lewis acid, acetic acid as a solvent to replace chloroform). (2) The first evidence of hydroxamic acids as efficient PARP inhibitors was demonstrated. (3) Development of novel approaches towards antidotes - reactivators of human acetyl cholinesterase (AChE) inhibited by organophosphorous (OP), e.g., nerve agents or pesticides. The prospective systems developed in 2023 included: (i) functionalized denotated nanodiamonds as delivery platform for oxime antidots to CNS and (ii) designing oxime-functionalized sustainable ionic liquid platforms. The prospective systems developed in 2023 included: (i) functionalized denotated nanodiamonds as delivery platform for oxime antidots to CNS and (ii) designing oxime-functionalized sustainable ionic liquid platforms.
Period of activity of the research group
Related department
Department of chemistry and biotechnology
Publications related to the research group