Mineral resources and applied geology research group

Research classification (Frascati)
Head of the research group
black shales
ore genesis
The main study area of the research group isperspective mineral resources of Estonia containing raw material listed as critical by EU.The research issues are related to their genesis,distribution and valorisation. The group’s corecompetencies are related to geochemistry andmineralogy of organic-rich mineral resources,including metalliferous black shales, carbonaceous rocks and oil shales. In addition, a numberof R&D projects focused on various aspects of thegeology of sedimentary rocks and Proterozoic oredeposits from basement have been conductedduring last few years. The collaborative interdisciplinary research in areas such as valorisationof mineral resources and the recycling of minewastes is based on the group’s extensive research experience in areas such as X-ray powder diffraction.The research group manages the lab of physicalmethods equipped with analytical instrumentsfor ICP-MS, XRF, and XRD analyses, allowingthe complex set of geochemical, mineralogical,and petrological studies to be carried out. Thequality of laboratory analyses is assured throughparticipation in the proficiency testing programof the International Association of Geoanalysts.
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