Thomas Hollstein, Jaan Raik, Sergei Kostin, Anton Tšertov, Ian O’Connor, Ricardo Reis
VLSI-SoC: System-on-Chip in the Nanoscale Era – Design, Verification and Reliability, 24th IFIP WG 10.5/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, VLSI-SoC 2016, Tallinn, Estonia, September 26-28, 2016 : Revised Selected Papers
IFIP advances in information and communication technology ; 508
conference name, date
VLSI-SoC: System-on-Chip in the Nanoscale Era – Design, Verification and Reliability, 24th IFIP WG 10.5/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, VLSI-SoC 2016, 26-28 September 2016