The role of spatial potential fluctuations in the shape of the PL bands of multinary semiconductor compounds

statement of authorship
J.Krustok, H.Collan, M.Yakushev and K.Hjelt
journal volume number month
Vol. T79
year of publication
Proceedings of 18th Nordic Semiconductor Meeting, Linköping, Sweden, June 7-10, 1998, ISBN 91-87308-71-1, p. 179-182: ill
Bibl. 10 ref
Krustok, J., Collan, H., Yakushev, M., Hjelt, K. The role of spatial potential fluctuations in the shape of the PL bands of multinary semiconductor compounds // Physica scripta (1999) Vol. T79, Proceedings of 18th Nordic Semiconductor Meeting, Linköping, Sweden, June 7-10, 1998, ISBN 91-87308-71-1, p. 179-182: ill.