Littover, Mati (author)

types of item

  • book article
    A tool for flexible planning of rescue routesVain, Jüri; Ernits, Juhan-Peep; Littover, Mati; Randvee, Ingmar; Riismaa, TiitIFAC Workshop on Control in Natural Disasters : CND'98 : September 21-22, 1998, Tokyo, Japan : preprints1998 / p. 101-106: ill
    book article
  • journal article
    Infosüsteemi projekti käivitamisestLittover, Mati; Vain, JüriArvutustehnika ja Andmetöötlus1994 / 5, lk. 27-40 ; 6, lk. 25-31 ; 7/8, lk. 30-43 ; 9, lk. 39-42 ; 10, lk. 30-38 ; 11, lk. 27-37 ; 12, lk. 30-40
    journal article
  • book article
    Optimization of the structure of multi-parameter multi-level selectionLittover, Mati; Randvee, Ingmar; Riismaa, Tiit; Vain, Jüri17th International Conference on CAD/CAM, Robotics and Factories of the Future : CARS & FOF 2001 : Durban, South Africa, 10th-12th July 2001 : proceedings. Volume 12001 / p. 317-322 : ill
    book article
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