raske vesi (subject term)

types of item

  • book article
    Escherichia coli kultiveerimine raskel veelVanatalu, KaljuEMS 96 teaduskonverents, 6.-7. juuni 1996, Tallinn = EMS 96 Scientific Conference, 6-7 June 1996, Tallinn1996 / [1] p
    book article
  • book article
    Fed-batch cultivation of microbial cells in heavy waterVanatalu, Kalju8th European Congress on Biotechnology, August 17-21, 1997, Budapest : book of abstracts1997 / p. 293, WE4441
    book article
  • journal article
    Raske vesiProsovits, P.Eesti Loodus1935 / lk. 87-89
    journal article
Number of records 3, displaying 1 - 3