Biopolümeeride tehnoloogia labor
Polümeeride ja tekstiilitehnoloogia labor (kuni 28.02.2023)
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TalTech prioriteetne teadussuund
Teadustöö peamine fookus on keskkonnaressursside väärindamisel ja uute nanokiuliste elektron- ja filtermaterjalide arendamine. Eesmärgiks on jätkusuutlike alternatiivide leidmine fossiilsete maavarade põhistele polümeermaterjalidele ning selleks biopõhiste keskkonnaressursside ja taaskasutatavate materjalide rakendamine nii laiatarbetoodeteskui ka spetsiifilistes valdkondades. Otsitakse uudseid võimalusi tselluloosi jätkusuutlikuks väärindamiseks, rakendades uusi, taaskasutatavaid lahustikeskkondi, biopõhiseid keemilise modifitseerimise reagente ja energiasäästliike tehnoloogiaid. Lahustitena kasutatakse uusi, destilleeritavaid ioonseid vedelikke. Uuritakse looduslike õlide kasutamist tselluloosi esterdamiseks ja sünteesikeskkonnana arendatakse reaktiivse ekstrusiooni tehnoloogiat. Laboril on ainsana Eestis elektroketruse piloottootmise võimekus. Elektroketrusmeetodil arendatakse tselluloosi derivaatidel põhinevaid ja viirusevastaseid toimeaineid sisaldavaid filtermaterjale, mis pikendavad nende eluiga ja muudavad need süsinikuneutraalseks. Laboril on Eestis unikaalne piloottootmise võimekus sellistes olulistes polümeeride/plastide tehnoloogia valdkondades nagu kuumsegamine, ekstrusioon ja survevalu. Arendatakse termoplastsete ja termoreaktiivsete polümeeride komposiite anorgaaniliste või biopõhiste lisanditega sekundaarse toorme efektiivseks kasutuseks ringmajanduses. Paljudel juhtudel vajab plast mineraalsete lisandite kasutamist, et mõjutada komposiitmaterjali omadusi (jäikus, soojusjuhtivus, tulekindlus jne.) ning vähendada plasti osakaalu ja seega ka maksumust. Selgitatakse, kas ja kuidas suudavad erinevad mineraalsed jäätmed, nagu elektri- ja õlitootmises tekkivad tuhaliigid komposiitides asendada kaevandatavaid maavarasid nagu lubjakivi. Samuti otsitakse lahendusi tekstiilijäätmete ja lignotselluloossete kiudude suuremamahuliseks ringlussevõtuks plastkomposiitide tugevdava täiteainena.
Klassifikaator (Frascati)
Protsessitehnoloogia ja materjaliteadus 4.12
tselluloosi derivaadid
polümeeride tehnoloogia
reaktiivne ekstrusioon
- Kubo, A.-L., Rausalu, K., Savest, N., Žusinaite, E., Vasiliev, G., Viirsalu, M., Plamus, T., Krumme, A., Merits, A., Bondarenko, O. Antibacterial and antiviral effects of Ag, Cu and Zn metals, respective nanoparticles and filter materials thereof against coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 and influenza A virus // Pharmaceutics (2022) vol. 14, 12, art. 2549 : 19 p. : ill. - Malmberg, S., Arulepp, M., Laanemets, K., Käärik, M., Laheäär, A., Tarasova, E., Vassiljeva, V., Krasnou, I., Krumme, A. The performance of fibrous CDC electrodes in aqueous and non-aqueous electrolytes // C : Journal of Carbon Research (2021) vol. 7, 2, art. 46. - Krasnou, I., Nadeem, F., Gregor, A., Yörük, C.R., Krumme, A. Physical–mechanical properties and morphology of filled low-density polypropylene: comparative study on calcium carbonate with oil shale and coal ashes // Journal of Vinyl and Additive Technology (2022) vol. 28, 1, p. 94-103 : ill. - Mooste, M., Kibena-Põldsepp, E., Vassiljeva, V., Krumme, A. et al. Electrospun polyacrylonitrile-derived Co and Fe containing nanofibre catalysts for oxygen reduction reaction at the alkaline membrane fuel cell cathode // ChemCatChem (2020) vol. 12, 18, p. 4568−4581 : ill. - Sokka, A., Mooste, M., Käärik, M., Gudkova, V., Kozlova, J., Kikas, A., Kisand, V., Treshchalov, A., Tamm, A., Paiste, P., Aruväli, J., Leis, J., Krumme, A., Holdcroft, S., Cavaliere, S., Jaouen, F., Tammeveski, K. Iron and cobalt containing electrospun carbon nanofibre-based cathode catalysts for anion exchange membrane fuel cell // International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2021) vol. 46, 61, p. 31275-31287. - Malmberg, S., Arulepp, M., Savest, N., Tarasova, E., Vassiljeva, V., Krasnou, I.,Käärik, M., Mikli, V., Krumme, A, Directly electrospun electrodes for electrical double-layer capacitors from carbide-derived carbon // Journal of electrostatics (2020) vol. 103, art. 103396, 7 p. : ill. - Hussain, A., Podgursky, V., Goljandin, D., Viljus, M., Antonov, M., Bogatov, A., Krasnou, I. Tribological and mechanical properties investigations of post-consumer cotton textiles // Solid state phenomena ; 320. : Trans Tech Publications, 2021. p. 97-102. - Amirova, A., Rodchenko, S., Kurlykin, M., Krasnou, I., Krumme, A. et al. Intermolecular interaction of thermoresponsive poly‐2‐isopropyl‐2‐oxazoline in solutions and interpolymer complex with fiber‐forming polyethylene oxide // Journal of applied polymer science (2020) vol. 138, 3, art. 49708, 8 p. - Varnaite-Žuravliova, S., Savest, N., Baltušnikaite-Guzaitiene, J., Krumme, A. et al. Electrospinning of chitosan biopolymer and polyethylene oxide blends // Autex research journal (2020) vol. 20, 4, p. 426-440 : ill. - Amirova, A., Rodchenko, S., Krasnou, I., Krumme, A. et al. Synthesis and investigation of thermo-induced gelation of partially cross-linked poly-2-isopropyl-2-oxazoline in aqueous media // Polymers (2020) vol. 12, 3, art. 698, 13 p. : ill. - Hussain, A., Podgurski, V., Goljandin, D., Antonov, M., Kumar, R., Kamboj, N. K.,Rahmani Ahranjani, R., Viljus, M., Ahmad, T., Krumme, A., Krasnou, I. et al. Tribological and circular economy aspects of polypropylene/cotton fibre hybrid composite // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2022) vol. 71, 2, p. 186-193 : ill. - Zelca, Z., Krumme, A., Kukle, S., Viirsalu, M., Vilcena, L. Effect of electrode type on electrospun membrane morphology using low-concentration PVA solutions // Membranes (2022) vol. 12, 6, art. 609. - Duvanova, E., Krasnou, I., Krumme, A., Mikli, V., Rozantsev, G. M., Radio, S.,Karpichev, Y. Development of Functional Composite Cu(II)-Polyoxometalate/PLA with Antimicrobial Properties // Molecules (2022) vol. 27, 8, art. 2510. - Mandre, N., Plamus, T., Krumme, A. Impact of weft yarn density and core-yarn fibre composition on tensile properties, abrasion resistance and air permeability of denim fabrics // Materials science (2021) vol. 27, 4, p. 483−491 : ill. - Paara, T., Lange, S., Saal, K., Lõhmus, R., Krumme, A., Mändar, H. Improving the oxygen barrier of polyamide food packaging by using nanoclay // Materials science = Medžiagotyra (2022) vol. 28, 2, p. 217-223. - Tarabukina, E. B., Tarasova, E. V., Filippov, A. P. Molecular properties of comb-shaped maleimide copolymers in dilute solutions : effect of alkyl side chains // Polymer Science, Series A (2022) vol. 64, p. 261-269. - Rohumaa, A., Kallakas, H., Mäetalu, M., Savest, N., Kers, J. The effect of surface properties on bond strength of birch, black alder, grey alder and aspen veneers // International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives (2021) vol. 110, art. 102945. - Belakova, D., Seile, A., Kukle, S., Plamus, T. Non-wovens as sound reducers // Latvian journal of physics and technical sciences (2018) vol. 55, 2, p. 64-76 : ill. - Baumgartner, S., Viirsalu, M., krumme, A., Mendez, J. Properties of chitin extracted from Estonian mushrooms // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2019) vol. 68, 3, p. 333-336 : ill. - Krasonu, I., Tarasova, E., Malmberg, S., Vassiljeva, V., Krumme, A. Preparation of fibrous electrospun membranes with activated carbon filler // IOP conference series : materials science and engineering (2019) vol. 500, art. 012022, 5 p. : ill. - Viirsalu, M., Savest, N., Plamus, T., Vassiljeva, V., Krumme, A. Novel method for producing electrospun composite nanofibre yarns // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2018) vol. 67,2, p. 169-174 : ill. - Plamus, T., Savest, N., Viirsalu, M., Harz, P., Tarasova, E., Krasnou, I., Vassiljeva, V., Kallavus, U., Krumme, A. The effect of ionic liquids on the mechanical properties of electrospun polyacrylonitrile membranes // Polymer testing (2018) vol. 71, p. 335-343 : ill. - Kallakas, H., Ayansola, S. G., Tumanov, T., Goljandin, D., Poltimäe, T., Krumme, A., Kers, J. Influence of birch false heartwood on the physical and mechanical properties of wood-plastic composites // Bioresources (2019) vol. 14, 2, p. 3554-3566 : ill. - Javed, K., Krumme, A., Krasnou, I., Mikli, V., Viirsalu, M., Plamus, T., Vassiljeva, V., Tarasova, E., Savest, N., Mendez, J. D. Impact of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride on the electrospinning of cellulose acetate nanofibers // Journal of macromolecular science, part A : pure and applied chemistry (2018) vol. 55, 2, p. 142-147 : ill. - Savest, N., Plamus, T., Kütt, K., Kallavus, U., Viirsalu, M., Tarasova, E.,Vassiljeva, V., Krasnou, I., Krumme, A. Electrospun conductive mats from PANi-ionic liquid blends // Journal of electrostatics (2018) vol. 96, p. 40-44. - Simonova, M., Tarasova, E., Dudkina, M. et al. Synthesis and hydrodynamic and conformation properties of star-shaped polystyrene with calix[8]arene core // International journal of polymer analysis and characterization (2019) vol. 24, 1, p. 87-95 : ill. - Smirnov, M., Tarasova, E., Mikli, V., Vassiljeva, V., Krumme, A. et al. Electroconductive fibrous mat prepared by electrospinning of polyacrylamide-g-polyaniline copolymers as electrode material for supercapacitors // Journal of materials science (2018) vol. 54, 6, p. 4859–4873 : ill. - Mooste, M., Kibena-Põldsepp, E., Matisen, L., Vassiljeva, V., Krumme, A. et al. Oxygen reduction on catalysts prepared by pyrolysis of electrospun styrene- acrylonitrile copolymer and multi-walled carbon nanotube composite fibres // Catalysis letters (2018) vol. 148, 7, p. 1815–1826 : ill. - Javed, K., Krumme, A., Viirsalu, M., Krasnou, I., Plamus, T., Vassiljeva, V., Tarasova, E., Savest, N., Mere, A., Mikli, V., Danilson, M., Kaljuvee, T. et al. A method for producing conductive graphene biopolymer nanofibrous fabrics by exploitation of an ionic liquid dispersant in electrospinning // Carbon (2018) vol. 140, p. 148-156 : ill. - Javed, K., Oolo, M., Savest, N., Krumme, A. A Review on graphene-based electrospun conductive nanofibers, supercapacitors, Anodes, and cathodes for lithium-ion batteries // Critical Reviews in Solid State and Materials Sciences (2019) vol. 44, 5, p. 427-443 : ill. - Mooste, M., Kibena-Põldsepp, E., Vassiljeva, V., Uibu, M., Krumme, A. et al. Electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction based on electrospun polyacrylonitrile, styrene–acrylonitrile copolymer and carbon nanotube composite fibres // Journal of materials science (2019) vol. 54, p. 11618–11634 : ill. - Ivanoska-Dacikj, A., Bogoeva-Gaceva, G., Krumme, A., Tarasova, E., Scalera, C., Stojkovski, V., Gjorgoski, I., Ristoski, T. Biodegradable polyurethane/graphene oxide scaffolds for soft tissue engineering : in vivo behavior assessment // International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials (2020) Vol. 69, 17, p. 1101 - 1111. - Muuli, K., Kumar, R., Mooste, M., Gudkova, V., Treshchalov, A., Piirsoo, H.-M., Kikas, A., Aruväli, J., Kisand, V., Tamm, A., Krumme, A., Moni, P., Wilhelm, M., Tammeveski, K. Iron, cobalt, and nickel phthalocyanines tri-doped electrospun carbon nanofibre-based catalyst for rechargeable zinc-air battery air electrode // Materials (2023) vol. 16, 13, art. 4626. - Hussain, A., Goljandin, D., Podgursky, V., Abbas, M. M., Krasnou, I. Experimental mechanics analysis of recycled polypropylene-cotton composites for commercial applications // Advanced industrial and engineering polymer research (2023) vol. 6, 3, p. 226-238 : ill. - Varnaite-Žuravliova, S., Savest, N., Abraitiene, A., Baltušnikaite-Guzaitiene, J., Krumme, A. Investigation of influence of conductivity on the polyaniline fiber mats, produced via electrospinning // Materials Research Express (2018) vol. 5, 5, art. 055308. - Hussain, A., Podgurski, V., Goljandin, D., Antonov, M., Viljus, M., Krasnou, I. Sustainable fabrication of polypropylene-postconsumer cotton composite materials : circularity, characterization, mechanical testing, and tribology // Materials today sustainability (2023) vol. 22, art. 100344, 16 p. : ill. - Hussain, A., Podgurski, V., Goljandin, D., Antonov, M., Sergejev, F., Krasnou, I. Circular production, designing, and mechanical testing of polypropylene-based reinforced composite materials : statistical analysis for potential automotive and nuclear applications // Polymers (2023) vol. 15, 16, art. 3410, 30 p. : ill. - Tarasova, E., Savale, N., Krasnou, I., Kudrjašova, M., Rjabovs, V., Reile, I., Vares, L., Kallakas, H., Kers, J., Krumme, A. Preparation of thermoplastic cellulose esters in [mTBNH][OAC] ionic liquid by transesterification reaction // Polymers (2023) vol. 15, 19, art. 3979. - Zelca, Z., Merijs-Meri, R., Krumme, A., Bernava, A. Electrospun fibrous materials with propolis extracts for edible food packagings // Molecules (2023) vol. 28, 14, art. 5497. - Mandre, N., Plamus, T., Linder, A., Krumme A., Rohumaa, A. Impact of laser fading on physico-mechanical properties and fibre morphology of multicomponent denim fabrics // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2023) vol. 72, 2, p. 145-153. - Mandre, N., Plamus, T., Linder, A., Varjas, T., Majak, J., Krumme, A. Design of performance characteristics on laser treated denim fabric // The materials science = Medžiagotyra (2023) vol. 29, 4, 10 p. : ill. - Zelca, Z., Krumme, A., Kukle, S., Krasnou, I. Propolis nanofibers : development and effect against SARS-CoV-2 virus and S. aureus, S. enterica bacteria // Materials today chemistry (2023) vol. 33, art. 101749. - Kallakas, H., Kilumets, C., Tarasova, E., Krasnou, I., Savest, N.,; Gudkova, V., Ahmadian, I., Krumme, A.,; Kers, J. Tensile and surface hydrophobicity investigation of the novel synthesized cellulose derivative films // Research Square (2022), 13 p. - Varnaite-Žuravliova, S., Savest, N., Baltušnikaite-Guzaitiene, J., Abraitiene, A., Krumme, A. The investigation of the production of salt-added polyethylene oxide/chitosan nanofibers // Materials (2024) vol. 17, 1, art. 132.