Private law
Head of the research group
Related department
TalTech priority area
Our research group is committed to producingambitious cutting-edge work in the field of private law, having a special focus on private legalrelationships in digital environments. Primarilydesigned to iteratively develop expertise on thesematters, members of the research group aim toshare and disseminate their work to complementlegal and social discourses and, where identifable and necessary, actualize societal changetherein. We aim to contribute to international,national and regional debates on these matters,address traditional and novel legal problemswith a varied toolbox of methods, and, where appropriate, based on developed expertise, proposenuanced policy-recommendations and contextspecific legal advice.Big data, IoT, AI and the respective legal interferences of their implementation and use insociety form the core subject of our research, butwe have also focused on legal implications of theGig-economy, competition law and data governance issues in Smart Cities. Also research onHCI and HCI research methods, mixed researchmethodology, international business transactions international mediation forms an essentialpart of our competencies.The research group incorporates elements ofthe Value-Sensitive Design framework intodiscussions on societally acceptable, inclusive,human-centric and thus innovative governancemechanisms in private legal relationships.
Research group member
Doctoral students
Research classification (Frascati)
algorithm-based decision-making and liability
blockchain and smart contracts
legal frameworks for Industry 4.0/IoT
consumer law
mixed methodologies (human-computer interaction)
mediated transaction design
alternatiivse vaidluste lahendamise meetodid (arbitraaž ja vahendamine)
alternative dispute resolution methods (arbitration and mediation)
labor law
Legal Tech
- Tropp, E-M., Hoffmann, T., Chochia, A. Open Data : a stepchild in e-Estonia's data management strategy? // TalTech journal of European studies (2022) vol. 12, 1, p. 123-144.*est - Antonov, A. Managing complexity: the EU’s contribution to artificial intelligence governance // Revista CIDOB d'Afers Internacionals (2022) Issue 131, p. 41-65 : ill. - Lukianov D.V., Hoffman T., Shumilo I.A. Prospects for recodification of private international law in Ukraine : do conflict-of-laws rules require a new haven? // Journal of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine (2021) vol. 28, 2, p. 198−210. - Sagar, S., Hoffmann, T. Responsabilidad del intermediario en el mercado común digital de la UE: desde la Directiva de comercio electrónico hasta la Ley de Servicios Digitales // Revista de Internet, Derecho y Politica (2021) Issue 34, p. 1-12. - Antonov, A., Kerikmäe, T. Trustworthy AI as a future driver for competitiveness and social change in the EU // The EU in the 21st century : challenges and opportunities for the European integration process. Cham : Springer, 2020. p. 135-154. - Kajander, A., Kasper, A., Tsybulenko, E. Making the Cyber Mercenary - Autonomous Weapons Systems and Common Article 1 of the Geneva Conventions // 2020 12th International Conference on Cyber Conflict : 20/20 vision : the next decade. Tallinn : NATO CCDCOE, 2020. p. 79-95.*est - Solarte Vasquez, M.C., Hietanen-Kunwald, P. Transaction design standards for the operationalisation of fairness and empowerment in proactive contracting // International and comparative law review (2020) Vol. 20, 1, p. 180-200. - Andraško, J., Hamulak, O., Mesarčik, M., Kerikmäe, T., Kajander, A. Sustainable data governance for cooperative, connected and automated mobility in the European Union // Sustainability (2021) vol. 13, 19, art. 10610, 25 p. - Osula, A-M., Kasper, A., Kajander, A. EU Common position on international law and cyberspace // Masaryk University journal of law and technology (2022) vol. 16, 1, p. 89-123. - Antonov, A., Häring, T., Korõtko, T., Rosin, A., Kerikmäe, T., Biechl, H. Pitfalls of machine learning methods in smart grids : a legal perspective // 2021 International Symposium on Computer Science and Intelligent Controls :(ISCSIC 2021), 12-14 November 2021, Rome, Italy : proceedings. Danvers : IEEE, 2021. p. 248-256. - Kobernjuk, A., Kasper, A. Normativity in the EU's approach towards disinformation // TalTech journal of European studies (2021) vol. 11, no. 1, p. 170-202.*est - Kasper, A., Mölder, H. The EU’s common security and defence policy in facing new security challenges and its impact on cyber defence // The EU in the 21st century : challenges and opportunities for the European integration process. Cham : Springer, 2020. p. 271-294. - Künnapas, K. Dysfunctionality from the sovereignty conflict in the ATAD GAAR // TalTech journal of European studies (2020) Vol. 10, no. 1, p. 97-122 : ill. - Tsybulenko, E., Kajander, A. The hybrid arsenal of Russia’s war against the democratic world // The Russian Federation in global knowledge warfare : influence operations in Europe and its neighbourhood. Cham : Springer, 2021. p. 173-194.*est - Solarte Vasquez, M.C., Hietanen-Kunwald, P. Responsibility and responsiveness in the design of automated dispute resolution processes // Responsible digitalization - Digital edition of the proceedings of the 23rd International Legal Informatics Symposium 2020 : conference proceedings IRIS 2020, Jusletter IT. Salzburg : Weblaw, 2020. p. 34. - Künnapas, K. Legal engineering of the anti-abuse rule in ATAD : architecture of the regression tree model // TalTech journal of European studies (2021) vol. 11, 2, p. 65-82 : ill.*est - Kasper, A., Osula, A.-M., Molnár, A. Ciberseguridad y ciberdiplomacia de la UE // IDP Revista de Internet Derecho y Política (2021) vol. 34, p. 1-15. - Dutt, P.K., Nyman-Metcalf, K. The Legal Implications of Public Support Policies Targeting Research, Development and Innovation in the European Union // TalTech journal of European studies (2021) vol. 11, 2, p. 102-129 : ill.*est - Kasper, A., Vernigora, V. The EU's cybersecurity : a strategic narrative of a cyber power or a confusing policy for a local common market? // Cuadernos Europeos de Deusto = Deusto Journal of European Studies (2021) 65, p. 29–71. - Hnatchuk, Y., Hovorushchenko, T., Misiats, A., Herts, A., Boyarchuk, A. Decision-making support for necessity/optionality/contraindication of vaccination against covid-19 considering legal norms // IDDM 2022 : Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Informatics and Data-Driven Medicine. : CEUR-WS, 2022. p. 202–213. (CEUR workshop proceedings ; 3302). - Hoffmann, T. Heuristics in legal decision-making // Acta Baltica historiae et philosophiae scientiarum (2020) vol. 8, 1, p. 63-71. - Viiding, K., Hoffmann, T. Cultural entanglement in Early Modern letter-writing: David Hilchen’s correspondence with humanists from the Low Countries // Journal of baltic studies (2020) vol. 3, 51, p. 315−331. - Kerikmäe, T., Kajander, A. Gig economy workers in the European Union: towards changing their legal classification // Revista CIDOB d’Afers Internacionals (2022) vol. 131, p. 117-139. - Kasser, K., Solarte-Vasquez, M.C. Neutrality and equality aspects in the EU State Aid Temporary Framework 2020 : the case of the airline industry // TalTech journal of European studies (2022) vol. 12, 1, p. 99-122. - Hnatchuk, Y., Hnatchuk, A., Hlukhov, I., Karatnyk, I., Boyarchuk, A. Intelligent information technology for organizing swimming competitions // IntelITSIS 2022 : Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Intelligent Information Technologies & Systems of Information Security : Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine, March 23-25, 2022. : CEUR-WS Team, 2022. p. 294-304. (CEUR workshop proceedings ; 3156). - Joamets, K., Solarte-Vasquez, M. C. Regulatory framework of the research-based approach to education in the EU // TalTech journal of European studies (2020) vol. 10, 3, p. 109-136. - Kajander, A., Solarte-Vasquez, M. C. Combined UX/UXI taxonomy for prosumer commons in Smart Sustainable Cities // 16th International Conference on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction (IHCI2022) and 15th International Conference on Game and Entertainment Technologies (GET2022) Held at the 16th Multi-Conference on Computer Science andInformation Systems (MCCSIS 2022), Lisbon, Portugal 19-22 July, 2022. New York : IADIS Press, 2022. p. 122-130. - Hovorushchenko, T., Herts, A., Boyarchuk, A., Pavlova, O. System for determination of legal responsibility/penalty for a cybersecurity breach // ITTAP 2022 - Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Information Technologies: Theoretical and Applied Problems. : CEUR-WS, 2022. p. 233-240. (CEUR workshop proceedings ; 3309). - Lashkhi, M., Charaia, V., Boyarchuk, A., Ebralidze, L. The impact of fintech on financial institutions : the case of Georgia // TalTech journal of European studies (2022) vol. 12, 2, p. 20-42 : ill. - Dutt, P.K., Kerikmäe, T. Reverse payment patent settlements in the pharmaceutical sector and competition law – do Lundbeck and Actavis help to bridge the views across the Atlantic regarding the delayed market entry of cheaper, generic medicines? // International and comparative law review (2013) Vol. 13, 1, p. 21-36.
- Tsybulenko, E., Kajander, A. Customary international humanitarian law and Article 36 of Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions : a stopgap regulator of Autonomous Weapons Systems? // TalTech journal of European studies (2022) vol. 12, 2, p. 87-112. - Morkun, V., Morkun, N., Serdiuk, O., Haponenko, A., Boyarchuk, A. Thickener control on the basis of ultrasonic measurements and fuzzy inference // IntelITSIS 2022 : Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Intelligent Information Technologies and Systems of Information Security. : CEUR-WS Team, 2022. p. 238-248. (CEUR Workshop Proceedings ; 3156). - Antonov, A., Hoffmann, T. The NATO-Russia Council - an assessment of the NRC prior to the Ukraine crisis // The EU in the 21st century : challenges and opportunities for the European integration process. Cham : Springer, 2020. p. 231-245. - Martínez-Ramil, P., Bolaños-Frasquet, H., Solarte-Vasquez, M. C. Cyborgs on the horizon. Are we ready? Examining the (a)legality of transhumanist practices within the EU // European Studies : The Review of European Law, Economics and Politics (2022) vol. 9, 2, p. 133-154. - Kajander, A. O. J. Legal perspectives on smart city data as a commons // International and comparative law review (2022) vol. 22, 2, p. 7-26. - Hoffmann, T., Makarychev, A. The EU and Russia : space of interaction in times of crisis : an introduction // Russia and the EU : spaces of interaction. London ; New York : Routledge, 2019. p. 1-6.*est - Hoffmann, T., Skwarek, V. Blockchain, smart contracts und recht - smart contracts als risiko für informatiker // Informatik Spektrum (2019) vol. 42, 3, p. 197-204. - Dutt, K. P., Wahl, M. F., Kerikmäe, T. Using patent development, education policy and research and development expenditure policy to understand differences between countries – the case of Estonia and Germany // International and comparative law review (2019) vol. 19, 1, p. 190–233. - Joamets, K., Solarte Vasquez, M. C. Current challenges of family mediation in Estonia // Journal of contemporary European studies (2019) vol. 27, 1, p. 109-120. - Hoffmann, T. The Brexit and private international law: an outlook from the consumer insolvency perspective // Brexit : history, reasoning and perspectives. Cham : Springer, 2018. p. 237-248. - Hoffmann, T., Makarychev, A. (eds.). Russia and the EU : spaces of interaction. London ; New York : Routledge, 2019. xiv, 253 p. : ill. (Studies in contemporary Russia).*est - Halling, E., Vain, J., Boyarchuk, A., Illiashenko, O. Test scenario specification language for model-based testing // International Journal of Computing (2019) vol. 18, 4, p. 408-421 : ill. - Solarte Vasquez, M.C., Rungi, M., Nyman-Metcalf, K. Perceptions on self-regulation and transaction friendliness relevant to smart contracting // International journal of law and management (2019) vol. 61, 2, p. 286-308. - Dutt, P., Ferraro, S., Chochia, A., Muljar, R. Using patent development, education policy and research and development expenditure policy to understand differences between countries : the case of Estonia and Finland // Baltic journal of European studies (2018) vol. 8, 1, p. 123-153 : ill. - Hoffmann, T. Smart contracts and void declarations of intent // Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops : CAiSE 2019 International Workshops, Rome, Italy, June 3-7, 2019 : proceedings. Cham : Springer, 2019. p. 168-175. (Lecture notes in business information processing ; 349). - Hoffmann, T.; Chochia, A. The Institution of citizenship and practices of passportization in Russia's European neighborhood policies // Russia and the EU : spaces of interaction. London ; New York : Routledge, 2019. p. 223–237.*est - Kasper, A., Krasznay, C. Towards pollution-control in cyberspace : problem structure and institutional design in international cybersecurity // International and comparative law review (2019) vol. 19, 2, p. 76–96. - Kerikmäe, T., Hoffmann, T., Chochia, A Legal technology for law firms: determining roadmaps for innovation // Croatian international relations review (2018) vol. XXIV, 81, p. 91-112 : ill. - Hoffmann, T., Prause, G. On the regulatory framework for last-mile delivery robots // Machines (2018) vol. 6, 3, art. 33, 16 p. - Braghiroli, S., Hoffmann, T., Makarychev, A. How to study and teach Russia and the EU // Russia and the EU : spaces of interaction. London ; New York : Routledge, 2019. p. 241-247.*est - Hoffmann, T., Prause, G. On the legal and economic implications of tele-driving // Machines (2023) vol. 11, 3, art. 331, 16 p. : ill. - Künnapas, K., Bernabeu, B. P., Kuum, K., Pungas, K. O. Taxes on the digital economy // Digital development of the European Union : an interdisciplinary perspective. Cham : Springer, 2023. p. 101-117 : ill.*est - Veersalu, K., Hoffmann, T. Automation within a Novel Platform for the European Small Claims Procedure // TalTech journal of European studies (2023) vol. 13, 2, p. 152-176. - Hruba, A., Solarte Vasquez, M. C. Nordic roadmap toward an EU-wide and seamless cross-border cooperation on judicial matters // Digital development of the European Union : an interdisciplinary perspective. Cham : Springer, 2023. p. 199-218.*est - Kerikmäe, T., Kajander, A., Hamulak, O., Mesarcik, M., Andraško, J., Liiv, I. Developing autonomous robotic transport systems for hospitals and medical facilities : legal challenges // Icon (2023) vol. 28, 2, p. 88-104. - Kasper, A., Osula, A-M. ‘Spill Over’ and ‘Fail Forward’ in the EU’s Cybersecurity Regulations // Digital development of the European Union : an interdisciplinary perspective. Cham : Springer, 2023. p. 21-44 : ill.*est - Denga, M., Hoffmann, T. The Estonian Electronic Health Record – a Prototype for Data governance in the European Health Data Space? // European health & pharmaceutical law review (2023) vol. 7, 1, p. 5-15.