Nearly zero energy buildings research group

Head of the research group
Related department
Department of civil engineering and architecture
The main research topics have been focused ontechnical solutions and system integration for NZEBmost urgently needed in Estonia, but also on NZEBdevelopment in Europe and worldwide. In additionto solutions for new buildings, the group has beenextensively working on renovation and developmentof an energy calculation methodology.Some examples of the research topics and outcomes:‚ Measurement of heat emission efficiency anddevelopment of a simulation methodology forEN EN15306-2;‚ Development of occupancy and internal heatgain schedules for prEN16798-1 and ISO17772-1;‚ Modeling of geothermal energy piles andground source heat pump in a whole buildingsimulation environment for heating and freecooling purposes;‚ Development of overheating prevention solutions and a temperature simulation basedcompliance assessment methodology for residential buildings;‚ Development and validation of a simplifiedenergy performance compliance assessmentmethod for Estonian regulation based on thespecific heat loss correlation;‚ Quantification of economic benefits and jobcreation through renovation of apartmentbuildings;‚ Scenario analyses for energy savings and investment needs within the framework of theEstonian energy action plan ENMAK 2030+;‚ Preparation of European nZEB technical definitions and system – REHVA nZEB definition2013, within the REHVA nZEB task force andcooperation with CEN;‚ Preparation of the Estonian regulation onminimum energy performance requirements,calculation methodology and the energyperformance certificate, including the acts ofMKM m63 2012 and 2018, MKM m58 2012and 2019 and MKM m36 2012 and 2019;‚ Development of a completely new Estonian regulation for the indoor climate and ventilationrequirements since 2015 (published in 2021); ‚ Development of European REHVA COVID-19guidance “How to operate HVAC and otherbuilding service systems to prevent the spreadof the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) disease(COVID-19) in workplaces 2020”;‚ Preparation of the Estonian Long-term Renovation Strategy 2020–2050;‚ Development of European REHVA COVID-19ventilation guidance, Estonian COVID-19ventilation regulation and guidance for ventilation systems operation and improvements.
Research classification (Frascati)
building physics
building service systems
energy performance of buildings