Nearly zero energy buildings research group
Head of the research group
Related department
Department of civil engineering and architecture
TalTech priority area
The main research topics have been focused ontechnical solutions and system integration for NZEBmost urgently needed in Estonia, but also on NZEBdevelopment in Europe and worldwide. In additionto solutions for new buildings, the group has beenextensively working on renovation and developmentof an energy calculation methodology.Some examples of the research topics and outcomes: Measurement of heat emission efficiency anddevelopment of a simulation methodology forEN EN15306-2; Development of occupancy and internal heatgain schedules for prEN16798-1 and ISO17772-1; Modeling of geothermal energy piles andground source heat pump in a whole buildingsimulation environment for heating and freecooling purposes; Development of overheating prevention solutions and a temperature simulation basedcompliance assessment methodology for residential buildings; Development and validation of a simplifiedenergy performance compliance assessmentmethod for Estonian regulation based on thespecific heat loss correlation; Quantification of economic benefits and jobcreation through renovation of apartmentbuildings; Scenario analyses for energy savings and investment needs within the framework of theEstonian energy action plan ENMAK 2030+; Preparation of European nZEB technical definitions and system – REHVA nZEB definition2013, within the REHVA nZEB task force andcooperation with CEN; Preparation of the Estonian regulation onminimum energy performance requirements,calculation methodology and the energyperformance certificate, including the acts ofMKM m63 2012 and 2018, MKM m58 2012and 2019 and MKM m36 2012 and 2019; Development of a completely new Estonian regulation for the indoor climate and ventilationrequirements since 2015 (published in 2021); Development of European REHVA COVID-19guidance “How to operate HVAC and otherbuilding service systems to prevent the spreadof the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) disease(COVID-19) in workplaces 2020”; Preparation of the Estonian Long-term Renovation Strategy 2020–2050; Development of European REHVA COVID-19ventilation guidance, Estonian COVID-19ventilation regulation and guidance for ventilation systems operation and improvements.
Research group member
Kotkas, Liina
Doctoral students
Research classification (Frascati)
building physics
building service systems
energy performance of buildings
- Peng, Z., Pineda Rojas, A. L., Kropff, E., Kurnitski, J. et al. Practical indicators for risk of airborne transmission in shared indoor environments and their application to COVID-19 outbreaks // Environmental science & technology (2022) vol. 56, 2, p. 1125-1137. - Mikola, A., Hamburg, A., Kuusk, K., Kalamees, T., Voll, H., Kurnitski, J. The impact of the technical requirements of the renovation grant on the ventilation and indoor air quality in apartment buildings // Building and environment (2022) vol. 210, art. 108698. - Attia, S., Kurnitski, J., Kosin, P., Borodin, A., Belafi, Z. D., Istvan, K., Krstic, H., Moldovan, M., Visa, I., Mihailov, N. et al. Overview and future challenges of nearly zero-energy building (nZEB) design in Eastern Europe // Energy and buildings (2022) vol. 267, art. 112165. - Morawska, L., Allen, J., Bahnfleth, W., Bluyssen, P. M., Boerstra, A., Buonanno, G., Cao, J., Dancer, S. J., Floto, A., Kurnitski, J. et al. A paradigm shift to combat indoor respiratory infection // Science (2021) vol. 372, 6543, p. 689-691. - Aganovic, A., Bi, Y., Cao, G., Drangsholt, F., Kurnitski, J., Wargocki, P. Estimating the impact of indoor relative humidity on SARS-CoV-2 airborne transmission risk using a new modification of the Wells-Riley model // Building and environment (2021) vol. 205, art. 108278, 14 p. : ill. - Andersson, M. A., Salo, J., Mikkola, R., Marik, T., Kredics, L., Kurnitski, J., Salonen, H. Melinacidin-producing Acrostalagmus luteoalbus, a major constituent of mixed mycobiota contaminating insulation material in an outdoor wall // Pathogens (2021) vol. 10, 7, art. 843. - Morawska, L., Tang, J. W., Bahnfleth, W., Kurnitski, J. et al. How can airborne transmission of COVID-19 indoors be minimised? // Environment international (2020) vol. 142, art. 105832, 7 p. - Miller, S.L., Nazaroff, W.W., Jimenez, J.J., Kurnitski, J. et al. Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 by inhalation of respiratory aerosol in the Skagit Valley Chorale superspreading event // Indoor air (2021) vol. 31, 2, p. 314-323. - Tang, J.W., Bahnfleth, W.P., Bluyssen, P.M., Kurnitski, J. et al. Dismantling myths on the airborne transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) // Journal of hospital infection (2021) vol. 110, p. 89−96. - Kurnitski, J., Kiil, M., Wargocki, P., Boerstra, A., Seppänen, O., Olesen, B., Morawska, L. Respiratory infection risk-based ventilation design method // Building and environment (2021) vol. 206, art. 108387, 11 p. : ill. - Hamburg, A., Kuusk, K., Mikola, A., Kalamees, T. Realisation of energy performance targets of an old apartment building renovated to nZEB // Energy (2020) vol. 194, art. 116874, 10 p. : ill. - De Luca, F., Sepúlveda, A., Varjas, T. Multi-performance optimization of static shading devices for glare, daylight, view and energy consideration // Building and environment (2022) vol. 217, art. 109110. - Vornanen-Winqvist, C., Järvi, K., Andersson, M. A., Kurnitski, J. et al. Exposure to indoor air contaminants in school buildings with and without reported indoor air quality problems // Environment international (2020) vol. 141, art. 105781, 14 p. : ill. - Sepulveda, A., De Luca, F., Thalfeldt, M., Kurnitski, J. Analyzing the fulfillment of daylight and overheating requirements in residential and office buildings in Estonia // Building and environment (2020) vol. 180, art. 107036, 12 p. - Pylsy, P., Lylykangas, K., Kurnitski, J. Buildings' energy efficiency measures effect on CO2 emissions in combined heating, cooling and electricity production // Renewable and sustainable energy reviews (2020) vol. 134, art. 110299, 18 p : ill. - Wolisz, H., Kull, T. M., Müller, D., Kurnitski, J. Self-learning model predictive control for dynamic activation of structural thermal mass in residential buildings // Energy and buildings (2020) vol. 207, art. 109542, 21 p. : ill. - De Luca, F., Naboni, E., Lobaccaro, G. Tall buildings cluster form rationalization in a Nordic climate by factoring in indoor-outdoor comfort and energy // Energy and buildings (2021) vol. 238, art. 110831, 16 p. : ill. - Kukk, V., Kaljula, L., Kers, J., Kalamees, T. Designing highly insulated cross-laminated timber external walls in terms of hygrothermal performance : field measurements and simulations // Building and Environment (2022) vol. 212, art. 108805. - De Luca, F., Dogan, T., Sepulveda, A. Reverse solar envelope method. A new building form-finding method that can take regulatory frameworks into account // Automation in construction (2021) vol. 123, art. 103518, 18 p. : ill. - Salo, J.M., Kedves, O., Mikkola, R., Kredics, L., Andersson, M.A., Kurnitski, J., Salonen, H. Detection of Chaetomium globosum, Ch. cochliodes and Ch. rectangulare during the Diversity Tracking of Mycotoxin-Producing Chaetomium-like Isolates Obtained in Buildings in Finland // Toxins (2020) vol. 12, 7, art. 443, 22 p.. - Kukk, V., Bella, A., Kers, J., Kalamees, T. Airtightness of cross-laminated timber envelopes : influence of moisture content, indoor humidity, orientation, and assembly // Journal of building engineering (2021) vol. 44, art. 102610. - Asphaug, S.K., Kvande, T., Time, B., Peuhkuri, R.H., Kalamees, T., Johansson, P., Berardi, U., Lohne, J. Moisture control strategies of habitable basements in cold climates // Building and Environment (2020) Vol. 169, Art. 106572. - Häring, T., Kull, T. M., Ahmadiahangar, R., Rosin, A., Thalfeldt, M., Biechl, H. Microgrid oriented modeling of space heating system based on neural networks // Journal of building engineering (2021) vol. 43, art. 103150, 12 p. : ill. - Kalbe, K., Kukk, V., Kalamees, T. Identification and improvement of critical joints in CLT construction without weather protection // E3S Web of Conferences : 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB 2020) : Tallinn, Estonia, September 6-9, 2020. [S.l.] : EDP Sciences, 2020. art. 10002, 8 p. : ill. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 172). - Pihelo, P., Kuusk, K., Kalamees, T. Development and performance assessment of prefabricated insulation elements for deep energy renovation of apartment buildings // Energies (2020) vol. 13, 7, art. 1709, 20 p. : ill. - Heim, D., Wieprzkowicz, A., Knera, D., Ilomets, S., Kalamees, T., Spitalsky, Z. Towards improving the durability and overall performance of PV-ETICS by application of a PCM layer // Applied sciences (2021) Vol. 11, 10, art. 4667, 13 p. : ill. - Andersson, M. A., Salo, J., Kurnitski, J. et al. Bioreactivity, guttation and agents influencing surface tension of water emitted by actively growing indoor mould isolates // Microorganisms (2020) vol. 8, 12, art. 1940, 20 p. - Pihelo, P., Kalamees, T. Commissioning of moisture safety of nZEB renovation with prefabricated timber frame insulation wall elements // Wood material science and engineering (2021) vol. 16, 2, p. 110-117. - Ferrantelli, A., Fadejev, J., Kurnitski, J. A tabulated sizing method for the early stage design of geothermal energy piles including thermal storage // Energy and buildings (2020) vol. 223, art. 110178. - lveda, A.S., De Luca, F., Kurnitski, J. Daylight and overheating prediction formulas for building design in a cold climate // Journal of building engineering (2022) vol. 45, art. 103532, 15 p. : ill. - De Luca, F., Wortmann, T. Multi-objective optimization for daylight retrofit // eCAADe 2020 : Anthropologic – Architecture and Fabrication in the cognitive age : Proceedings of the 38th eCAADe Conference : Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, Berlin, Germany, 16-17 September 2020. Berlin : eCAADe, 2020. p. 57-66 : ill. (eCAADe 2020 Anthropologic Architecture and Fabrication in the cognitive age, Vol. 1). - Arumagi, E., Kalamees, T. Cost and energy reduction of a New nZEB wooden building // Energies (2020) vol. 13, 14, art. 3570, 16 p. : ill. - Alkadri, M.F., De Luca, F., Turrin, M., Sariyildiz, S. A computational workflow for generating a voxel-based design approach based on subtractive shading envelopes and attribute information of point cloud data // Remote sensing (2020) vol. 12, 16, art. 2561 ; 28 p. : ill. - Kalbe, K., Kalamees, T., Kukk, V., Ruus, A., Annuk, A. Wetting circumstances, expected moisture content, and drying performance of CLT end-grain edges based on field measurements and laboratory analysis // Building and environment (2022) vol. 221, art. 109245. - Ferrantelli, A., Kuivjõgi, H., Kurnitski, J., Thalfeldt, M. Office building tenants’ electricity use model for building performance simulations // Energies (2020) vol. 13, 21, art. 5541. - Sepulveda, A., De Luca, F. A multi-objective optimization workflow based on solar access and solar radiation for the design of building envelopes in cold climates // 2020 Proceedings of the Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design. San Diego : Simulation Councils, INC, 2020. p. 131–138 : ill. - Ferrantelli, A., Kurnitski, J. Energy performance certificate classes rating methods tested with data : how does the application of minimum energy performance standards to worst-performing buildings affect renovation rates, costs, emissions, energy consumption? // Energies (2022) vol. 15, 20, art. 7552. - Ferrantelli, A., Belikov, J., Petlenkov, E., Thalfeldt, M., Kurnitski, J. Evaluating the energy readiness of national building stocks through benchmarking // IEEE Access (2022) Vol. 10, p. 45430-45443 : ill. - Alkadri, M. F., De Luca, F., Turrin, M., Sariyildiz, S. Understanding computational methods for solar envelopes based on design parameters, tools, and case studies : a review // Energies (2020) vol. 13, 13, art. 3302, 25 p. : ill. - Aganovic, A., Cao, G., Kurnitski, J., Melikov, A., Wargocki, P. Zonal modeling of air distribution impact on the long-range airborne transmission risk of SARS-CoV-2 // Applied mathematical modelling (2022) vol. 112, p. 800-821. - Lihtmaa, L., Kalamees, T. Preliminary assessment of preconditions to deliver carbon neutrality in apartment buildings by 2050 // E3S Web of Conferences : 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB 2020) : Tallinn, Estonia, September 6-9, 2020. [S.l.] : EDP Sciences, 2020. art. 18004, 6 p. : ill. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 172). - Ilomets, S., Heim, D., Kalamees, T. et al. A method to develop energy activated ETICS // E3S Web of Conferences : 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB 2020) : Tallinn, Estonia, September 6-9, 2020. [S.l.] : EDP Sciences, 2020. art. 21006, 8 p. : ill. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 172). - De Luca, F., Sepulveda, A., Varjas, T. Static Shading Optimization for Glare Control and Daylight // Proceedings of the 39th eCAADe Conference - Towards a new, configurable architecture : University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia, 8-10 September 2021. Vol. 2. : University of Novi Sad, 2021. p. 419-428. - Eslamirad, N., Sepúlveda, A., De Luca, F., Lylykangas, K. S. Evaluating outdoor thermal comfort using a mixed-method to improve the environmental quality of a university campus // Energies (2022) vol. 15, 4, art. 1577, 26 p. : ill. - Hamburg, A., Mikola, A., Parts, T. M., Kalamees, T. Heat loss due to domestic hot water pipes // Energies (2021) vol. 14, 20, art. 6446. - Heim, D., Chodak, I., Ilomets, S., Kalamees, T. et al. The integration of selected technology to energy activated ETICS - theoretical approach // E3S Web of Conferences : 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB 2020) : Tallinn, Estonia, September 6-9, 2020. [S.l.] : EDP Sciences, 2020. art. 21004, 7 p. : ill. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 172). - Kull, T. M., Thalfeldt, M., Kurnitski, J. PI parameter influence on underfloor heating energy consumption and setpoint tracking in nZEBs // Energies (2020) vol. 13, 8, art. 2068, 20 p. : ill. - Hajian, H., Ahmed, K., Kurnitski, J. Dynamic heating control measured and simulated effects on power reduction, energy and indoor air temperature in an old apartment building with district heating // Energy and buildings (2022) vol. 268, art. 112174. - Kalamees, T., Põldaru, M., Ilomets, S., Klõšeiko, P., Kallavus, U., Rosenberg, M., Õiger, K. Failure analysis of a spray polyurethane foam roofing system // Journal of building engineering (2020) vol. 32, art. 101752, 9 p. : ill. - Ahmed, K., Hasu, T., Kurnitski, J. Actual energy performance and indoor climate in Finnish NZEB daycare and school buildings // Journal of building engineering (2022) vol. 56, art. 104759. - Alkadri, M.F., Turrin, M., Sariyildiz, S., De Luca, F. An integrated approach to subtractive solar envelopes based on attribute information from point cloud data // Renewable and sustainable energy reviews (2020) vol. 123, art. 109742, 19 p. : ill. - Hallik, J., Kalamees, T. A new method to estimate point thermal transmittance based on combined two-dimensional heat flow calculation // E3S Web Conferences : 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB 2020) (2020) Vol. 172, art. 08005, 8 p. : ill. - Klõšeiko, P., Piir, R., Jeltsov, M., Kalamees, T. Thermal bridge effect of vertical diagonal tie connectors in precast concrete sandwich panels : an experimental and computational study // E3S Web of Conferences : 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB 2020) : Tallinn, Estonia, September 6-9, 2020. [S.l.] : EDP Sciences, 2020. art. 08001, 7 p. : ill. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 172). - Klõšeiko, P., Kalamees, T. Hygrothermal performance of a brick wall with interior insulation in cold climate : vapour open vs vapour tight approach // Journal of building physics (2022) vol. 46, 1, p. 3-35 : ill. - Tamm, M., Ortiz, J., Pascual, J., Kurnitski, J., Thalfeldt, M., Salom, J. Primary energy balance driven integrated energy design process of positive energy building // E3S Web Conference: Cold Climate HVAC and Energy 2021. : EDP Sciences, 2021. art. 13001, 8 p. : ill. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 246). - Kiil, M., Simson, R., Thalfeldt, M., Kurnitski, J. A comparative study on cooling period thermal comfort assessment in modern open office landscape in Estonia // Atmosphere (2020) vol. 11, 2, art. 127, 21 p. : ill. - Kukk, V., Kers, J., Kalamees, T. Field measurements and simulation of an massive wood panel envelope with ETICS // Wood material science and engineering (2021) vol. 16, 1, p. 27-34 : ill. - Kuivjõgi, H., Uutar, A., Kuusk, K., Thalfeldt, M., Kurnitski, J. Market based renovation solutions in non-residential buildings - Why commercial buildings are not renovated to NZEB // Energy and buildings (2021) vol. 248, art. 111169, 13 p. : ill. - Kukk, V., Kers, J., Kalamees, T., Wang, L., Ge, H. Impact of built-in moisture on the design of hygrothermally safe cross-laminated timber external walls : a stochastic approach // Building and environment (2022) vol. 226, art. 109736. - Eslamirad, N., De Luca, F., Lylykangas, K.S. The role of building morphology on pedestrian level comfort in Northern climate // Journal of physics : conference series (2021) vol. 2042, art. 012053, p. 1-6 : ill. - Kiil, M., Käärid, M-S. Klõšeiko, P., Võsa, K-V. Simson, R. Sarevet, H., Thalfeldt, M., Kurnitski, J. PCSP's diagonal tie connectors thermal bridges impact on energy performance and operational cost : case study of a high-rise residential building in Estonia // E3S Web of Conferences : 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB 2020) : Tallinn, Estonia, September 6-9, 2020. [S.l.] : EDP Sciences, 2020. art. 80060, 8 p. : ill. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 172). - Talvik, M., Ilomets, S., Kalamees, T., Klõšeiko, P., Heim, D., Wieprzkowicz, A., Knera, D. Thermal performance of ETICS, energy activated with PCM and PV // Journal of physics : conference series (2021) vol. 2069, 1, art. 012116, p. 1-8 : ill. - Liblik, J., Küppers, J., Maaten, B., Just, A. Fire protection provided by clay and lime plasters // Wood Material Science & Engineering (2021) vol. 16, 5, p. 290-298. - Kalbe, K., Annuk, A., Ruus, A., Kalamees, T. Experimental analysis of moisture uptake and dry-out in CLT end-grain exposed to free water // Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2021) vol. 2069, art. 012050. - Hirsch, H., Heyn, R., Klõšeiko, P. Capillary condensation experiment for inverse modelling of porous building materials // E3S Web of Conferences : 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB 2020) : Tallinn, Estonia, September 6-9, 2020. [S.l.] : EDP Sciences, 2020. art. 17003, 7 p. : ill. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 172). - Taebnia, M., Toomla, S., Leppä, L., Kurnitski, J. Developing energy calculation methodology and calculation tool validations : Application in air-heated ice rink arenas // Energy and buildings (2020) vol. 226, 1, art. 110389, 19 p. : ill. - Taebnia, M., Heikkilä, M., Kurnitski, J. et al. A qualitative control approach to reduce energy costs of hybrid energy systems : utilizing energy price and weather data // Energies (2020) vol. 13, 6, art. 1401, 17 p. : ill. - Lohmus, Rynno; Kallakas, Heikko; Tuhkanen, Eero; Gulik, Volodymyr; Kiisk, Madis; Saal, Kristjan; Kalamees, Targo The effect of prestressing and temperature on tensile strength of basalt fiber-reinforced plywood // Materials (2021) vol. 14, 16, art. 4701, 9 p. : ill. - Du, T., Turrin, M., Jansen, S., Dobbelsteen, A. van den, De Luca, F. Relationship analysis and optimisation of space layout to improve the energy performance of office buildings // Energies (2022) vol. 15, 4, art. 1268. - Simson, R., Rebane, T., Kiil, M., Thalfeldt, M., Kurnitski, J. The impact of infiltration on heating systems dimensioning in Estonian climate // E3S Web of Conferences : 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB 2020) : Tallinn, Estonia, September 6-9, 2020. [S.l.] : EDP Sciences, 2020. art. 05004, 8 p. : ill. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 172). - Kuusk, K., Naumann, J., Gritzki, A., Kurnitski, J. et al. Nearly zero energy renovation concepts for apartment buildings // E3S Web of Conferences : 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB 2020) : Tallinn, Estonia, September 6-9, 2020. [S.l.] : EDP Sciences, 2020. art. 18009,. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 172). - Tamm, M., Macia Cid, J., Capdevila Paramio, R., Thalfeldt, M., Kurnitski, J. et al. Development of a reduced order model of solar heat gains prediction // Energies (2020) vol. 13, 23, art. 6316, 17 p. : ill. - Natanian, J., De Luca, F., Wortmann, T., Capeluto, G. The Solar Block Generator : an additive parametric method for solar driven urban block design // Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2021) vol. 2042, art. 012049. - Hallik, J., Kalamee, T. The effect of flanking element length in thermal bridge calculation and possible simplifications to account for combined thermal bridges in well insulated building envelopes // Energy and buildings (2021) vol. 252, art. 111397. - Kalbe, K., Piikov, H., Kurnitski, J.; Kalamees, T. et al. Moisture dry-out from steel faced insulated sandwich panels // E3S Web of Conferences : 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB 2020) : Tallinn, Estonia, September 6-9, 2020. [S.l.] : EDP Sciences, 2020. art. 17007, 8 p. : ill. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 172). - Võsa, K.-V., Ferrantelli, A., Kurnitski, J. A novel method for calculating heat emitter and controller configuration setpoint variations with EN15316-2 // Journal of building engineering (2020) vol. 31, art. 101387. - Häring, T., Kull, T.M., Helguero Cruz, J.L., Rosin, A., Biechl, H. Thermal modelling of a control center for flexibility analysis in nZEB nanogrids // 2020 IEEE 61st International Scientific Conference on Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON), Riga, Latvia, Nov. 5-7, 2020 : conference proceedings. Danvers : IEEE, 2020. 6 p. : ill. - Võsa, K.-V., Ferrantelli, A., Kurnitski, J. Cooling thermal comfort and efficiency parameters of ceiling panels, underfloor cooling, fan-assisted radiators, and fan coil // Energies (2022) vol. 15, 11, art. 4156. - Ruus, A., Koosapoeg, T., Pau, M., Kalamees, T., Põldaru, M. Influence of production on hemp concrete hygrothermal properties : sorption, water vapour permeability and water absorption // Journal of Physics : Conference Series (2021) vol. 2069, art. 012004, 9 p. : ill. - Zarrinkafsh, H., Eslamirad, N., De Luca, F. Concentrated solar power (CSP) for sustainable architecture to supply domestic hot water and heating loads of buildings // Journal of physics : conference series (2021) vol. 2042, art. 012110, p. 1-6 : ill. - Simson, R., Thomsen, K. E., Wittchen, K. B., Kurnitski, J. A comparative analysis of NZEB energy performance requirements for residential buildings in Denmark, Estonia and Finland // E3S Web Conference: Cold Climate HVAC and Energy 2021. : EDP Sciences, 2021. art. 14001, 12 p. : ill. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 246). - Sepulveda, A., De Luca, F., Varjas, T., Kurnitski, J. Assessing the applicability of the European standard EN 17037:2018 for office spaces in a cold climate // Building and environment (2022) vol. 225, art. 109602. - Hajian, H., Ahmed, K., Kurnitski, J. Estimation of energy-saving potential and indoor thermal comfort by the central control of the heating curve in old apartment buildings // E3S Web Conference: Cold Climate HVAC and Energy 2021. : EDP Sciences, 2021. art. 09002, 10 p. : ill. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 246). - Volkova, K., Põldaru, M., Ilomets, S., Kalamees, T., Talvik, M., Heim, D. The effect of temperature, humidity and mechanical properties on crack formation on external thin plasters of ETICS // Journal of physics : conference series (2021) Vol. 2069, 1, art. 012025, 8 p. : ill. - Sankelo, P., Ahmed, K., Mikola, A., Kurnitski, J. Renovation results of Finnish single-family renovation subsidies : oil boiler replacement with heat pumps // Energies (2022) vol. 15, 20, art. 7620. - Liblik J., Just A., Maaten B., Pajusaar S. et al. Material properties of clay and lime plaster for structural fire design // Fire and materials (2021) vol. 45, 3, p. 355-365 : ill. - Ahmed, K., Kurnitski, J. New equation for optimal insulation dependency on the climate for office buildings // Energies (2021) vol. 14, 2, art. 321. - Sepulveda, A., De Luca, F. A novel multi-criteria method for building massing based on energy performance and solar access : the mixed solar envelope (MSE) method // Co-creating the future: inclusion in and through design ; Vol. 1. Brussels : eCAADe, 2022. p. 649-658 : ill. - Ferrantelli, A., Viljanen, K., Kurnitski, J. Energy analysis in ice hockey arenas and analytical formula for the temperature profile in the ice pad with transient boundary conditions // Advances in building energy research (2021) vol. 15, 4, p. 499-522 : ill. - Tisov, A., Kuusk, K., Navarro Escudero, M., Pihelo, P., Kalamees, T. et al. Driving decarbonisation of the EU building stock by enhancing a consumer centred and locally based circular renovation process // E3S Web of Conferences : 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB 2020) : Tallinn, Estonia, September 6-9, 2020. [S.l.] : EDP Sciences, 2020. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 172). - Kalbe, K., Piikov, H., Kalamees, T. Moisture dry-out capability of steel-faced mineral wool insulated sandwich panels // Sustainability (2021) vol. 12, 21, 18 p. : ill. - Alimohammadi, H., Vassiljeva, K., Petlenkov, E., Thalfeldt, M., Mikola, A., Kull, T. M., Köse, A. Gray box time variant clogging behaviour and pressure drop prediction of the air filter in the HVAC system // E3S Web Conference: Cold Climate HVAC and Energy 2021. : EDP Sciences, 2021. art. 10002. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 246). - Maask, V., Mikola, A., Korõtko, T., Rosin, A., Thalfeldt, M. Contributions to ventilation system demand response: a case study of an educational building // E3S Web Conference: Cold Climate HVAC and Energy 2021. : EDP Sciences, 2021. art. 11001, 6 p. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 246). - Hajian, H., Simson, R., Kurnitski, J. Heating sizing power reduction in buildings connected to district heating with dynamically controlled DHW setback and flow limiters // Energies (2022) vol. 15, 14, art. 5278. - Kuusk, K., Kullerkupp, K., Pihelo, P., Ritzen, M., Tisov, A., Kalamees, T. Circularity concepts for offsite prefabricated energy renovation of apartment buildings // Journal of physics : conference series (2021) vol. 2069, art. 012074. - Hamburg, A., Kalamees, T. The influence of heat loss from pipes in an unheated basement on the heating energy consumption of an entire typical apartment building // E3S Web Conferences : 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB 2020) ; 172. : EDP Sciences, 2020. art. 12005. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 172). - Sarevet, H., Fadejev, J., Thalfeldt, M., Kurnitski, J. Residential buildings with heat pumps peak power reduction with high performance insulation // E3S Web of Conferences : 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB 2020) : Tallinn, Estonia, September 6-9, 2020. [S.l.] : EDP Sciences, 2020. art. 12008, 5 p. : ill. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 172). - Kalamees, T., Ilomets, S., Põldaru, M., Klõšeiko, P., Kallavus, U., Rosenberg, M., Õiger, K. Analysis of causes of the end of service life of a spray polyurethane foam and polyurea roof // E3S Web of Conferences : 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB 2020) : Tallinn, Estonia, September 6-9, 2020. [S.l.] : EDP Sciences, 2020. art. 15002, 6 p. : ill. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 172). - Szentesi-Nejur, S., de Luca, F., Flamand, K. Simulation based daylight uniformity optimizations for elementary school projects in Quebec province // Co-creating the Future : Inclusion in and through Design - Proceedings of the 40th Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe 2022), Ghent, 13-16 September 2022 ; Vol. 1. Ghent : Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, 2022. p. 639-647. (eCAADe proceedings). - Palmiste, Ü., Kurnitski, J., Voll, H. Design criteria for outdoor air intakes and exhaust air outlets located on an external wall // E3S Web of Conferences : 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB 2020) : Tallinn, Estonia, September 6-9, 2020. [S.l.] : EDP Sciences, 2020. art. 9008, 8 p. : ill. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 172). - Seyed Salehi, S. S., Ferrantelli, A., Aljas, H. K., Kurnitski, J., Thalfeldt, M. Impact of internal heat gain profiles on the design cooling capacity of landscaped offices // E3S Web Conference: Cold Climate HVAC and Energy 2021. : EDP Sciences, 2021. art. 07003, 7 p. : ill. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 246). - Vikberg, H., Sepúlveda, A., De Luca, F. Delightful daylighting : a framework for describing the experience of daylighting in Nordic homes and 'coupling it with quantitative assessments // Energies (2022) vol. 15, 5, art. 1815. - Liblik, J., Nurk, M., Just, A. Charring performance of timber structures protected by traditional lime-based plasters // Construction and building materials (2022) vol. 347, art. 128572. - Simson, R., Arumägi, E., Thomsen, K. E., Wittchen, K. B., Kurnitski, J. Danish, Estonian and Finnish NZEB requirements comparison with European Commission recommendations for office buildings in Nordic and Oceanic climates // E3S Web Conferences : The 16th ROOMVENT Conference (ROOMVENT 2022). : EDP Sciences, 2022. art. 01017. (E3S Web Conferences ; 356). - Võsa, K-V., Ferrantelli, A., Tzanev, D., Simeonov, K., Carnero, P., Espigares, C., Escudero, M. N., Quiles, P. V., Andrieu, T., Battezzati, F., Kurnitski, J. et al. Building performance indicators and IEQ assessment procedure for the next generation of EPC-s // E3S Web Conference: Cold Climate HVAC and Energy 2021. : EDP Sciences, 2021. art. 13003, 9 p. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 246). - Erfani, A., Yu, X., Kull, T.M., Bacher, P., Jafarinejad, T., Roels, S., Saelens, D. Analysis of the impact of predictive models on the quality of the model predictive control for an experimental building // Proceedings of Building Simulation 2021: 17th Conference of IBPSA. : International Building Performance Simulation Association, 2022. p. 302-309. - Hallik, J., Klõšeiko, P., Piir, R., Kalamees, T. Numerical analysis of additional heat loss induced by air cavities between insulation boards due to non-ideality // Journal of building engineering (2022) Vol. 60, art. 05221. - Pau, M., Kalamees, T., Kallavus, U. Hygrothermal performance of a massive natural stone masonry wall insulated from the internal side with hemp concrete – field measurements in cold climate // Journal of physics : conference series (2021) vol. 2069, art. 012068, 9 p. : ill. - Kuivjõgi, H., Kurnitski, J., Uutar, A., Thalfeldt, M. NZEB and market-based renovation case study of an existing office building // E3S Web Conference: Cold Climate HVAC and Energy 2021. : EDP Sciences, 2021. art. 05002, 7 p. : ill. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 246). - Laukkarinen, A., Vinha, J., Kalbe, K., Kalamees, T. et al. Laboratory tests and modelling of mineral wool insulated steel sandwich panels // E3S Web of Conferences : 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB 2020) : Tallinn, Estonia, September 6-9, 2020. [S.l.] : EDP Sciences, 2020. art. 17006, 8 p. : ill. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 172). - Sepulveda, A., De Luca, F. A novel multi-criteria workflow based on reverse solar envelopes for the design of residential clusters // Proceedings of the 2022 Annual Modeling and Simulation Conference, ANNSIM 2022. New York : IEEE, 2022. p. 475-486 : ill. - Szentesi-Nejur, S., De Luca, F., Nejur, A. Integrated architectural and environmental performance - driven form-finding. A teaching case study in Montreal // Proceedings of the 39th eCAADe Conference - Towards a new, configurable architecture : University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia, 8-10 September 2021. Vol. 2. : Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, 2021. p. 105–114 : ill. - Airaksinen, M., Olsson, L., Kurnitski, J. et al. Highly insulated crawl spaces with controlled minimal ventilation – proof of concept by field measurements // E3S Web of Conferences : 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB 2020) : Tallinn, Estonia, September 6-9, 2020. [S.l.] : EDP Sciences, 2020. art. 07004, 5 p. : ill. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 172). - De Luca, F. Outdoor comfort analysis in a University Campus during the warm season and parametric design of mitigation strategies for Resilient Urban Environments // Computer-Aided Architectural Design. Design Imperatives: The Future is Now. CAAD Futures 2021. Singapore : Springer, 2022. p. 473-493. (Communications in computer and information science ; 1465). - Kull, T. M., Penu, K-R., Thalfeldt, M., Kurnitski, J. Energy saving potential with smart thermostats in low-energy homes in cold climate // E3S Web of Conferences : 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB 2020) : Tallinn, Estonia, September 6-9, 2020. [S.l.] : EDP Sciences, 2020. art. 09009, 7 p. : ill. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 172). - Raamets, J., Lokko, L., Ruus, A., Kalamees, T., Muoni, K. Assessment of moisture and mould of hempcrete and straw panels // Journal of physics : conference series (2021) vol. 2069, art. 012194, p. 1-3. - Talvik, M., Ilomets, S., Klõšeiko, P., Kalamees, T., Heim, D. Construction process and measuring initial dryout of PCM mortar in energy activated ETICS façade // Thermal performance of the exterior envelopes of whole buildings : Buildings XV Conference. : American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, 2022. p. 757-764. - Pylsy, P., Kurnitski, J. Measured performance of exhaust air heat pumps in Finnish apartment buildings // E3S Web Conference: Cold Climate HVAC and Energy 2021. : EDP Sciences, 2021. art. 06001, 7 p. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 246). - Ferrantelli, A., Aljas, H. K., Maask, V., Thalfeldt, M. Tenant-based measured electricity use in 4 large office buildings in Tallinn, Estonia // E3S Web Conference: Cold Climate HVAC and Energy 2021. : EDP Sciences, 2021. art. 04001, 8 p. : ill. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 246). - De Luca, F., Naboni, E., Lobaccaro, G., Sepúlveda, A. Building cluster optimization to integrate energy performance and outdoor thermal comfort // 2020 Proceedings of the Symposium on Simulation for Architecture and Urban Design. San Diego : Simulation Councils, INC, 2020. p. 345-348 : ill. - Miller, G., Lihtmaa, L., Kalamees, T. Dynamics of apartment building renovation investment costs based on Estonian reovation grant scheme // Acta Polytechnica CTU proceedings (2022) Vol. 38, p. 579-584. - Ahmed, K., Hajian, H., Hasu, T., Kurnitski, J. Kouvola Housing fair NZEB houses energy, cost and carbon analyses // E3S Web of Conferences : 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB 2020) : Tallinn, Estonia, September 6-9, 2020. [S.l.] : EDP Sciences, 2020. art. 13001, 8 p. : ill. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 172). - Glass, S. V., Kalamees, T., Pallin, S., Vinha, J. Water vapor generation in residential buildings: comparing probabilistic simulations and field measurements // Thermal performance of the exterior envelopes of whole buildings. : American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, 2022. p. 472-482. - Bergmann, T., Ruus, A., Kalbe, K., Tintera, J. Factors affecting the deep renovation of a single-family building – a case study // E3S Web Conference: Cold Climate HVAC and Energy 2021. : EDP Sciences, 2021. art. 05004, 8 p. : ill. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 246). - Seyed Salehi, S. S., Kurnitski, J., Thalfeldt, M. Comparative study of using periodic daily and long-term weather data for cooling system sizing and impact of thermal mass // E3S Web Conference: BuildSim Nordic 2022. : EDP Sciences, 2022. art. 06002. (E3S Web Conference ; 362). - Kuivjõgi, H., Laaneste, J., Thalfeldt, M., Kurnitski, J. Heat recovery ventilation system heating energy weather normalization – calculation method and case study // E3S Web Conference: BuildSim Nordic 2022. : EDP Sciences, 2022. art. 09003. - Võsa, K-V., Ferrantelli, A., Kurnitski, J. Assessment of downward draught in high-glazing facades in cold climates – experimental and CFD study into draught control with a 21-type radiator // E3S Web Conference: Cold Climate HVAC and Energy 2021. : EDP Sciences, 2021. art. 02002, 8 p. : ill. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 246). - Kull, T. M., Thalfeldt, M., Kurnitski, J. Modelling of wax actuators in underfloor heating manifolds // E3S Web Conference : Cold Climate HVAC and Energy 2021. : EDP Sciences, 2021. art. 11009, 8 p. : ill. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 246). - Kull, T. M., Mikola, A., Tukia, A., Köse, A., Petlenkov, E., Thalfeldt, M. Continuous automated ventilation heat recovery efficiency performance assessment using building monitoring system // E3S Web Conference: Cold Climate HVAC and Energy 2021. : EDP Sciences, 2021. art. 10006, 10 p. : ill. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 246). - Heim, D., Wieprzowicz, A., Knera, D., Ilomets, S., Kalamees, T., Spitalsky, Z. Energy performance of ETICS integrated with a flexible photovoltaic panel // Building simulation conference proceedings. : International Building Performance Simulation Association (IBPSA), 2022. p. 64-71. - Arumägi. E., Kalamees, T. Cost reduction of the new NZEB Wooden building – case study of the kindergarten in Estonia // E3S Web of Conferences : 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB 2020) : Tallinn, Estonia, September 6-9, 2020. [S.l.] : EDP Sciences, 2020. art. 13002, 8 p. : ill. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 172). - Kuivjõgi, H., Laas, L., Ferrantelli, A., Thalfeldt, M. Impact of office tenants’ electricity use on the cost-optimal solutions in a cold climate // E3S Web Conference: Cold Climate HVAC and Energy 2021. : EDP Sciences, 2021. art. 05001, 8 p. : ill. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 246). - Kiil, M., Simson, R., Võsa, K.-V., Mikola, A., Thalfeldt, M., Kurnitski, J. Respiratory infection risk based ventilation and room conditioning design method with year-round thermal comfort control in modern office buildings // E3S Web Conference: The 16th ROOMVENT Conference. : EDP Sciences, 2022. art. 05008. (E3S Web Conference ; 356). - Kukk, V., Kers, J., Kalamees, T. The use of an internal airtight membrane in CLT external wall in terms of hygrothermal performance // Journal of physics : conference series (2021) vol. 2069, p. 2-4 : ill. - Leetsaar, L., Korkiala-Tanttu, L., Jaaniso, V., Kurnitski, J., Idnurm, J. Extent of geotechnical site investigations for buildings in Estonia // 14th Baltic Sea Region Geotechnical Conference : 18-19th of January 2021, Helsinki, Finland. Bristol : IOP Publishing, 2021. art. 012001, 12 p. : ill. (IOP Conference Series : Earth and Environmental Science. Vol. 727). - Lomp, S., Kalbe, K., Kalamees, T. Moisture drying capacity of mineral wool insulated steel-faced sandwich panels by convection // Acta Polytechnica CTU proceedings (2022) vol. 38, p. 347-353. - Palmiste, Ü., Meier, T., Kurnitski, J., Voll, H. Experimental testing of exterior wall mounted mechanical ventilation exhaust air outlet devices // E3S Web Conference: Cold Climate HVAC and Energy 2021. : EDP Sciences, 2021. art. 02001, 8 p. : ill. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 246). - Zarrinkafsh, H., Eslamirad, N., De Luca, F. Classification of the energy production potential of water lens solar concentrators using machine learning // Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2021) vol. 2042, art. 012022, 6 p. : ill. - Kazak, J., De Luca, F., Partanen, J. Wind comfort analysis and design of small scale elements for improving urban space livability - a case study in Talinn, Estonia // Co-creating the Future : Inclusion in and through Design - Proceedings of the 40th Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe 2022), Ghent, 13-16 September 2022 , vol. 2. Ghent : Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, 2022. (eCAADe proceedings). - Thalfeldt, M., Skare, A., Georges, L., Skreiberg, Ø. Parametric energy simulations of a Nordic detached house heated by a wood stove // E3S Web of Conferences : 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB 2020) : Tallinn, Estonia, September 6-9, 2020. [S.l.] : EDP Sciences, 2020. art. 25007, 7 p. : ill. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 172). - Ferrantelli, A., Võsa, K-V., Kurnitski, J. Towards the definition of a reference ideal radiator for the assessment of heat emission efficiency in buildings // IOP conference series : materials science and engineering (2018) vol. 415, conference 1, art. 012034, 8 p. : ill. - Liblik, J., Järnefelt, K., Just, A. et al. Renovation of a wooden building in a historic village - a case study from Finland // WCTE 2018 - World Conference on Timber Engineering., 2018.
Renovation... - Kalamees, T. Guest editor preface // Journal of sustainable architecture and civil engineering (2019) vol. 24, 1, p. 5-6. - Liblik, J., Küppers, J., Just, A. et al. Fire safety of historic timber buildings with traditional plasters in Europe // WCTE 2018 - World Conference on Timber Engineering. [S.l.], 2018.
Fire safety... - Maivel, M., Kurnitski, J., Kalamees, T. Summer thermal comfort in new and old apartment buildings // Proceedings : Windsor Conference 2014 : Counting the Cost of Comfort in a Changing World : 8th Windsor Conference, International Conference, held 10th-13th April 2014, Windsor, UK. [S.l.] : Network for Comfort and Energy Use in Buildings, 2014. p. 42-50 : ill.
- Kurnitski, J., Thalfeldt, M., Weele, H. et al. Evidence based residential ventilation: sizing procedure and system solutions addressed by REHVA Residential Ventilation Task Force // E3S Web of Conferences : CLIMA 2019 Congress, May 26-29, 2019. Bucharest : EDP Sciences, 2019. art. 01016, 7 p. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 111). - Kull, T.M., Thalfeldt, M., Kurnitski, J. Optimal PI control parameters for accurate underfloor heating temperature control // E3S Web of Conferences : CLIMA 2019 Congress, Bucharest, Romania, May 26-29, 2019. [S.l.] : EDP Sciences, 2019. art. 01081, 8 p. : ill. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 111). - Ferrantelli, A., Fadejev, J., Kurnitski, J. Parametric study for the long term energetic performance of geothermal energy piles // IOP conference series : earth and environmental science (2019) vol. 352, art. 012047, 9 p. : ill. - Thalfeldt, M., Skare, A., Georges, L., Skreiberg, O. A simplified power sizing method for the correct building integration of wood stoves // E3S Web of Conferences : CLIMA 2019 Congress, Bucharest, Romania, May 26-29, 2019. [S.l.] : EDP Sciences, 2019. art. 02066, 7 p. : ill. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 111). - Kiil, M., Simson, R., De Luca, F., Thalfeldt, M., Kurnitski, J. Overheating and daylighting evaluation for free-running classroom designs // IOP conference series : earth and environmental science (2019) vol. 352, art. 012059, 7 p. : ill. - Kukk, V., Kers, J., Kalamees, T. Hygrothermal performance of mass timber wall assembly with external insulation finish system // Buildings XIV : thermal performance of exterior envelopes of whole buildings : [conference proceedings]. [S.l.] : ASHRAE, 2019. 9 p.
Hygrothermal Performance of Mass Timber - Felius, L.C., Thalfeldt, M., Georges, L. et al. Wood burning habits and its effect on the electrical energy demand of a retrofitted Norwegian detached house // IOP conference series : earth and environmental science (2019) vol. 352, art. 012022, 9 p. : ill. - Alkadri, M. F., De Luca, F., Turrin, M., Sariyildiz, S. Making use of point cloud for generating subtractive solar envelopes // eCAADe SIGraDi 2019 - Architecture in the Age of the 4th Industrial Revolution. Vol. 1. Brussels : eCAADe, 2019. p. 633-640 : ill. (eCAADe proceedings). - Ahmed, K., Fadejev, J., Kurnitski, J. Modeling an alternate operational ground source heat pump for combined space heating and domestic hot water power sizing // Energies (2019) vol. 12, 11, art. 2120, 26 p. : ill. - Ahmed, K., Kuusk, K., Heininen, H., Kalamees, T., Kurnitski, J. et al. Indoor climate and energy performance in nearly zero energy day care centers and school buildings // E3S Web of Conferences : CLIMA 2019 Congress, Bucharest, Romania, May 26-29, 2019. [S.l.] : EDP Sciences, Springer, 2019. art. 02003 ; 9 p. : ill. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 111). - De Luca, F. Learning performance-driven design. Students approach integrating urban form studies and building performance analysis // Proceedings of Building Simulation 2019 : 16th IBPSA International Conference and Exhibition, 2-4 Sept., Rome. [S.l.] : International Building Performance Simulation Association, 2020. p. 1609-1616 : ill. - Kull, T., Thalfeldt, M., Kurnitski, J. Estimating time constants for underfloor heating control // Journal of physics : conference series (2019) vol. 1343, art. 012121, 6 p. : ill. - Kalbe, K., Kalamees, T. Influence of window details on the energy performance of an nZEB // Journal of sustainable architecture and civil engineering (2019) vol. 24, 1, p. 61-70 : ill. - Kallakas, H., Liblik, J., Alao, P. F., Poltimäe, T., Just, A., Kers, J. Fire and mechanical properties of hemp and clay boards for timber structures // IOP conference series : earth and environmental science, Central Europe towards Sustainable Building (CESB19) 2–4 July 2019, Prague, Czech Republic (2019) vol. 290, art. 012019, 8 p. : ill. - Ahmed, K., Yoon, G., Ukai, M., Kurnitski, J. How to compare energy performance requirements of Japanese and European office buildings // E3S Web of Conferences : CLIMA 2019 Congress, Bucharest, Romania, May 26-29, 2019. [S.l.] : EDP Sciences, 2019. art. 03038, 8 p. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 111). - De Luca, F., Kiil, M., Kurnitski, J., Murula, R. Evaluating daylight factor standard through climate based daylight simulations and overheating regulations in Estonia // Proceedings of Building Simulation 2019 : 16th IBPSA International Conference and Exhibition, 2-4 Sept., Rome. [S.l.] : International Building Performance Simulation Association, 2020. p. 3968-3975 : ill. - Ferrantelli, A., Baroudi, D., Khakalo, S. et al. Thermomechanical surface instability at the origin of surface fissure patterns on heated circular MDF samples // Fire and materials (2019) vol. 43, 6, p. 707-716. - Võsa, K.-V., Ferrantelli, A., Kurnitski, J. Annual performance analysis of heat emission in radiator and underfloor heating systems in the European reference room // E3S Web of Conferences : CLIMA 2019 Congress, Bucharest, Romania, May 26-29, 2019. [S.l.] : EDP Sciences, 2019. art. 04009, 8 p. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 111). - Kuusk, K., Kurnitski, J. State-subsidised refurbishment of socialist apartment buildings in Estonia // Housing estates in the Baltic countries : the legacy of central planning in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Cham : Springer, 2019. p. 339-355 : ill. (The urban book series).*est - Ferrantelli, A., Võsa, K.-V., Kurnitski, J. Optimization of radiators, underfloor and ceiling heater towards the definition of a reference ideal heater for energy efficient buildings // Applied sciences (2018) vol. 8, 12, art. 2477, 22 p. : ill. - Ferrantelli, A., Vornanen-Winqvist, C., Mattila, M., Salonen, H., Kurnitski, J. Positive pressure effect on moisture performance in a school building // Journal of building physics (2019) vol. 43, 2, p. 121-142 : ill. - Võsa, K.-V., Ferrantelli, A., Kurnitski, J. Experimental study of radiator, underfloor, ceiling and air heater systems heat emission performance in TUT nZEB test facility // E3S Web of Conferences : CLIMA 2019 Congress, Bucharest, Romania, May 26-29, 2019. [S.l.] : EDP Sciences, 2019. art. 04005, 7 p. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 111). - De Luca, F., Nejur, A., Dogan, T. Facade-floor-cluster methodology for determining optimal building clusters for solar access and floor plan layout in urban environments // eCAADe 2018 : Computing for a better tomorrow : proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe : 19th-21st September 2018, Łódź, Poland, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering, Lodz University of Technology ; Vol. 2. Brussels : Education and research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, 2018. p. 585-594. (eCAADe proceedings). - Kuusk, K., Pihelo, P., Kalamees, T. Renovation of apartment buildings with prefabricated modular panels // E3S Web of Conferences : CLIMA 2019 Congress, Bucharest, Romania, May 26-29, 2019. [S.l.] : EDP Sciences, 2019. art. 03023, 6 p. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 111). - Castagnoli, E., Backlund, P., Talvitie, O., Kurnitski, J. et al. Emissions of DEHP‐free PVC flooring // Indoor air (2019) vol. 29, 6, p. 903-912 : ill. - Mikola, A., Rehand, J., Kurnitski, J. Air change efficiency of room ventilation units // E3S Web of Conferences : CLIMA 2019 Congress, Bucharest, Romania, May 26-29, 2019. [S.l.] : EDP Sciences, 2019. art. 01017, 8 p. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 111). - Kuusk, K., Kaiser, A., Lolli, N., Arumägi, E., Kalbe, K., Hallik, J., Kurnitski, J., Kalamees, T. et al. Energy performance, indoor air quality and comfort in new nearly zero energy day-care centres in northern climatic conditions // Journal of sustainable architecture and civil engineering (2019) vol. 24, 1, p. 7-16. - Kiil, M., Mikola, A., Thalfeldt, M., Kurnitski, J. Thermal comfort and draught assessment in a modern open office building in Tallinn // E3S Web of Conferences : CLIMA 2019 Congress, Bucharest, Romania, May 26-29, 2019. [S.l.] : EDP Sciences, 2019. art. 02013, 7 p. : ill. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 111). - Simson, R., Arumägi, E., Kuusk, K., Kurnitski, J. Redefining cost-optimal nZEB levels for new residential buildings // E3S Web of Conferences : CLIMA 2019 Congress, Bucharest, Romania, May 26-29, 2019. [S.l.] : EDP Sciences, 2019. art. 03035, 7 p. : ill. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 111). - Liisma, E., Kuus, B.L., Kukk, V., Kalamees, T. A case study on the construction of a CLT building without a preliminary roof // Journal of sustainable architecture and civil engineering (2019) vol. 25, 2, p. 53-62 : ill. - Salo, J., Marik. T., Bencsik, O., Kurnitski, J. et al. Screening mold colonies by using two toxicity assays revealed indoor strains of Aspergillus calidoustus producing Ophiobolins G and K // Toxins (2019) vol. 11, 12, art. 683, 16 p. : ill. - Ilomets, S., Kalamees, T., Tariku, F. Indoor climate loads for dwellings in different cold climates to assess hygrothermal performance of building envelopes // Canadian journal of civil engineering (2019) vol. 46, 11, p. 963−968. - Hallik, J., Kalamees, T. Development of airtightness of Estonian wooden buildings // Journal of sustainable architecture and civil engineering (2019) vol. 24, 1, p. 36-43 : ill. - De Luca, F. Sun and wind : integrated environmental performance analysis for building and pedestrian comfort // SimAUD 2019 : 2019 Proceedings of the Symposium on Simulation for Architecture & Urban Design : 10th Anniversary Edition. [S.l.] : Simulation Councils, 2019. p. 3-10 : ill. - De Luca, F. Environmental performance-driven urban design: parametric design method for the integration of daylight and urban comfort analysis in cold climates // Computer-aided architectural design. "Hello, Culture" : 18th International Conference, CAAD Futures 2019, Daejeon, Republic of Korea, June 26–28, 2019 : selected papers. Cham : Springer Nature, 2019. p. 15-31. (Communications in computer and information science ; 1028). - Hallik, J., Gustavson, H., Kalamees, T. Air leakage of joints filled with polyurethane foam // Buildings (2019) vol. 9, 7, art. 172, 15 p. : ill. - Kukk, V., Kalamees, T., Kers, J. The effects of production technologies on the air permeability and crack development of cross-laminated timber // Journal of building physics (2019) vol. 43, 3, p. 171-186 : ill. - Järvi, K., Vornanen-Winqvist, C., Mikkola, R., Kurnitski J., Salonen, H. Online questionnaire as a tool to assess symptoms and perceived indoor air quality in a school environment // Atmosphere (2018) vol. 9,7, art. 270, p. 1-20 : ill. - Ferrantelli, A., Fadejev, J., Kurnitski, J. Energy pile field simulation in large buildings: validation of surface boundary assumptions // Energies (2019) vol. 12, 5, art. 770, 20 p. : ill. - Taebnia, M., Toomla, S., Leppä, L., Kurnitski, J. Air distribution and air handling unit configuration effects on energy performance in an air-heated ice rink arena // Energies (2019) vol. 12, 4, art. 693, 21 p. : ill. - Kukk, V., Külaots, A., Kers, J., Kalamees, T. Influence of interior layer properties to moisture dry-out of CLT walls // Canadian journal of civil engineering (2019) vol. 46, 11, p. 1001−1009. - Võsa, K.-V., Ferrantelli, A., Kull, T.-M., Kurnitski, J. Experimental analysis of emission efficiency of parallel and serial connected radiators in EN442 test chamber // Applied thermal engineering (2018) vol. 132, p. 531−544 : ill. - Toomla, S., Lestinen, S., Kilpeläinen, S., Leppä, L., Kosonen, R., Kurnitski, J. Experimental investigation of air distribution and ventilation efficiency in an ice rink arena // International journal of ventilation (2019) vol. 18, 3, p. 187-203 : ill. - Latõšov, E., Siirde, A., Volkova, A., Thaldfeldt, M., Kurnitski, J. 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