Knowledge intensity and socio-economic inclusion for promoting sustained development

Head of the research group
The research group seeks to investigate variousmicro and macro level forces and behaviouraland institutional incentives, which could speedup the convergence of emerging economies withfrontier knowledge based economies and leadto sustained socio-economic development. Thegroup addresses the obstacles in developingknowledge absorptive capacities and overcomingthe prevailing regional disparities. The expected results will cast light to the possibly latent orunderestimated reasons for development andwellbeing issues and for inefficiencies in humancapital use in European (emerging) economies.In particular, human capital endowment, stimulifor capital allocation into intellectual investments, R&D activities, efficient implementationof modern technologies and work regulation/practices are in focus of the studies, particularlyin an interdisciplinary context.
Research classification (Frascati)
sustainable economic development
human capital
individual behaviour