Theoretical physics research group
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Doctoral students
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scale-free networks
photovoltaic materials
complex systems
tools for physics education
- Kalda, J., Ratas, M., Kalda, T., Ramazanli, A., Herrmann, H., Belikov, J. The importance of superspreaders on the spread of the global COVID-19 pandemic., : Springer Nature, 2021. 10 p. - Pustynski, V.-V. Cartography of the Apollo 12 landing site from photogrammetric analysis of surface imagery // Planetary and space science (2021) vol. 195, art. 105133, 13 p. : ill. - Andria, J., Tollo, G., Kalda, J. The predictive power of power-laws : an empirical time-arrow based investigation // Chaos, solitons & fractals (2022) vol. 162, art. 112425. - Spalatu, N., Krautmann, R., Katerski, A., Karber, E., Josepson, R., Hiie, J., Acik, I. O., Krunks, M. Screening and optimization of processing temperature for Sb2Se3 thin film growth protocol : interrelation between grain structure, interface intermixing and solar cell performance // Solar energy materials and solar cells (2021) vol. 225, art. 111045, 13 p. : ill. - Kauk-Kuusik, M., Timmo, K., Muska, K., Pilvet, M., Krustok, J., Josepson, R., Brammertz, G., Vermang, B., Danilson, M., Grossberg, M. Detailed insight into the CZTS/CdS interface modification by air annealing in monograin layer solar cells // ACS Applied Energy Materials (2021) Vol. 4, 11, p. 12374−12382. - Kauk-Kuusik, M., Timmo, K., Muska, K., Pilvet, M., Krustok, J., Danilson, M., Mikli, V., Josepson, R., Grossberg, M. Reduced recombination through the CZTS/CdS interface engineering in monograin layer solar cells // JPhys Energy (2022) vol. 4, 2, art. 024007. - Mullari, T., Kotta, Ü. Linearization of discrete-time control system by state transformation // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2021) vol. 70, 1, p. 62–79. - Mullari, T., Kotta, Ü. Transformation of nonlinear discrete-time state equations into the observer form : extension to non-reversible case // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2021) 3, p. 235-247. - Mullari, T., Kotta, Ü., Bartosiewicz, Z. et al. Weak reachability and controllability of discrete-time nonlinear systems: generic approach and singular points // International journal of control (2020) vol. 93, 3, p. 483-489. - Raadik, T., Spalatu, N., Krustok, J., Josepson, R., Grossberg, M. Temperature dependent optical and electrical characterization of SnS/CdS solar cell // Thin Solid Films (2022) vol. 743, art. 139069. - Mullari, T., Kotta, Ü. Feedback linearization of discrete-time nonlinear control systems : computational aspects // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2020) vol. 69, 1, p. 11-26. - Kaldmäe, A. Kaparin, V., Kotta, Ü., Mullari, T., Pawluszewicz, E. On the properties of forward and backward shifts of vector fields // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2022) vol. 71, 4, p. 314-325. - Polivtseva, S., Kois, J., Kruzhilina, T., Kaupmees, R., Klopov, M., Molaiyan, P., van Gog, H., van Huis, M. A., Volobujeva, O. Solution-mediated inversion of SnSe to Sb2Se3 thin-films // Nanomaterials (2022) vol. 12, 17, art. 2898. - Tufail, I., Paris, P., Jõgi, I., Riisalu, H. et al. Application of diffuse reflectance spectroscopy for quick laboratory assessment of Estonian oil shale quality // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2020) vol. 69, 2, p. 134-142 : ill. - Spalatu, N., Krautmann, R., Katerski, A., Kärber, E., Josepson, R., Hiie, J., Oja Acik, I., Krunks, M. Corrigendum to “Screening and optimization of processing temperature for Sb2Se3 thin film growth protocol: Interrelation between grain structure, interface intermixing and solar cell performance” [Solar Energy Mater. Solar Cell. 225 (2021) 1–13 111045](S092702482100088X)(10.1016/j.solmat.2021.111045) // Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells (2021) Vol. 228, Art. 111098. - Pustynski, V-V. Augmented reality based on Apollo lunar imagery : searching for stars and adding virtual objects // Presence : virtual and augmented reality (2022) vol. 31, p. 203-227. - Andria, J., di Tollo, G., Kalda, J. Propagation of bankruptcy risk over scale-free economic networks // Entropy (2022) vol. 24, 12, art. 1713. - Belikov, J., Kalda, J. Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on energy demand in Estonia // IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM). : IEEE, 2022. 5 l.. - Vilipuu, M., Kartofelev, D., Kalda, J. Use of simplified bowed string model in physics education : a laboratory experiment // Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (2022) vol. 48, 1, art. 025001. - Rendón de la Torrea, S., Kalda, J., Kitt, R. Specific statistical properties of the strength of links and nodes of the Estonian network of payments // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2019) vol. 68, 3, p. 235–243 : ill. - Heidelberg, M., Vigh, M., Kalda, J. First European physics olympiad - short and challenging problems // European journal of physics (2018) vol. 39, 6, 16 p.: ill. - Rendon de la Torre, S., Kalda, J., Kitt, R., Engelbrecht, J. Detecting overlapping community structure : Estonian network of payments // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2019) vol. 68, 1, p. 79–88 : ill. - Fouxon, I., Ainsaar, S., Kalda, J. Quartic polynomial approximation for fluctuations of separation of trajectories in chaos and correlation dimension // Journal of Statistical Mechanics : Theory and Experiment (2019) vol. 2019, art. 083211, 26 p. - Giudici, A., Kalda, J., Soomere, T. Joint impact of currents and winds on the patch formation near the coasts of the Gulf of Finland // Journal of coastal research, Proceedings of the 15th International Coastal Symposium, Haeundae, Busan, 13-18 May 2018 (2018) special issue 85, p. 1156 - 1160. - Giudici, A., Kalda, J., Soomere, T. Generation of large pollution patches via collisions of sticky floating parcels driven by wind and surface currents // Marine pollution bulletin (2019) vol. 141, p. 573–585 : ill. - Šelkan, A., Klopov, M., Hižnjakov, V. Enhanced mobility of high-frequency discrete breathers in a monatomic chain with odd anharmonicity // Physics letters A (2019) Vol. 383, 16, p. 1893-1896 : ill. - Aints, M., Paris, P., Tufail, I., Jõgi, I., Aosaar, H., Riisalu, H., Laan, M. Determination of the calorific value and moisture content of crushed oil shale by LIBS // Oil shale (2018) vol. 35, 4, p. 339-355 : ill.*est - Aints, M., Paris, P., Laan, M., Piip, K., Riisalu, H., Tufail, I. Determination of heating value of Estonian oil shale by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy // Journal of spectroscopy (2018) Vol. 2018, 10 p. : ill. - Solola, G.T., Klopov, M., Akinami, J.O., Afolabi, T.A. et al. First principle calculations of structural, electronic, optical and thermoelectric properties of tin (II) oxide // Materials research express (2019) vol. 6, 12, art. 125915, 8 p. : ill. - Timmo, K., Altosaar, M., Pilvet, M., Mikli, V., Grossberg, M., Danilson, M., Raadik, T., Josepson, R., Krustok, J., Kauk-Kuusik, M. The effect of Ag alloying of Cu2(Zn,Cd)SnS4 on the monograin powder properties and solar cell performance // Journal of materials chemistry A (2019) vol. 7, 42, p. 24281-24291 : ill. TTÜ teadlased tõstsid uue põlvkonna päikesepaneelide tõhusust - Krautmann, R., Spalatu, N., Josepson, R., Nedzinskas, R., Kondrotas, R., Gržibovskis, R., Vembris, A., Krunks, M., Oja Acik, I. Low processing temperatures explored in Sb2S3 solar cells by close-spaced sublimation and analysis of bulk and interface related defects // Solar energy materials and solar cells (2023) vol. 251, art. 112139, 9 p. : ill.