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Andmeteaduse töörühm panustab teadustegevuses olulisel määral projektidesse, mis pööravad tähelepanu jätkusuutlikule teadmustehnoloogiale – projektidesse, kus otsitakse tasakaalu teadmiste hankimise, seletatava lisandväärtusega teadmiste eraldamise ja proaktiivselt õigeaegsete otsuste tegemise vahel, nt:• Ühiskonna digitaalne transformatsioon; tervishoiu infosüsteemid (ebatavaliste sündmuste tuvastamine, patsientide ravitrajektooride kaevandamine)• Targad keskkonnad: asjade internet, nutikas transpordisüsteem, tark linn, tark kodu
Klassifikaator (Frascati)
intelligentsed transpordisüsteemid
ligi-reaalaja suurandmete analüüs
- Ounoughi, C., Ben Yahia, S. Data fusion for ITS : a systematic literature review // Information Fusion (2023) vol. 89, p. 267-291. - Ben Hassine, M.A., Abdellatif, S., Ben Yahia, S. A novel imbalanced data classification approach for suicidal ideation detection on social media // Computing (2022) vol. 104, 4, p. 741-765 : ill. - Yeferny, T., Ben Yahia, S. A Markov chain-based data dissemination protocol for vehicular ad hoc networks // Computer communications (2021) Vol. 180, p. 303–314 : ill. - Chaabene, S. B., Yeferny, T., Yahia, S. B. A roadside unit deployment framework for enhancing transportation services in Maghrebian cities // Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience (2021) vol. 33, 1, art. e5611. - Zammali, S., Yahia, S. B. How to select and weight context dimensions conditions for context-aware recommendation? // Expert Systems with Applications (2021) vol. 182, art. 115176. - Ben Sassi, Imen; Ben Yahia, Sadok; Liiv, Innar MORec: At the crossroads of context-aware and multi-criteria decision making for online music recommendation // Expert systems with applications (2021) vol. 183, art. 115375, 20 p. : ill. - Sellami, B., Hakiri, A., Ben Yahia, S., Berthou, P. Energy-aware task scheduling and offloading using deep reinforcement learning in SDN-enabled IoT network // Computer networks (2022) vol. 210, art. 108957, 12 p. : ill. - Mouakher, A., Inoubli, W., Ounoughi, C., Ko, A. Expect : eXplainable prediction model for energy consumpTion // Mathematics (2022) vol. 10, 2, art. 248. - Ounoughi, C., Touibi, G., Ben Yahia, S. EcoLight : Eco-friendly traffic signal control driven by urban noise prediction // Database and Expert Systems Applications : 33rd International Conference, DEXA 2022, Vienna, Austria, August 22-24, 2022 : proceedings, Part I. Cham : Springer, 2022. p. 205–219. (Lecture notes in computer science ; 13426). - Medianovskyi, K., Pietarinen, A.-V. On explainable AI and abductive inference // Philosophies (2022) vol. 7, 2, art. 35. - Paulsen, G., Tuulik, M., Lohk, A., Vainik, E. From verbal to adjectival : evaluating the lexicalization of participles in an Estonian corpus // Slovenščina 2.0 (2022) vol. 10, 1, p. 65-97. - Tuulik, M., Vainik, E., Paulsen, G., Lohk, A. Kuidas ära tunda adjektiivi? Korpuskäitumise mustrite analüüs // Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühingu aastaraamat 2022 = Estonian papers in applied linguistics 2022. Tallinn : Eesti Keele Sihtasutus, 2022. lk. 279-302. (Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühingu aastaraamat ; 18).*est - Viht, A., Lohk, A. Kvantitatiivne vaade Uue Testamendi 1630.-1730. aastate tõlgetele // Emakeele Seltsi aastaraamat (2022) vol. 67, 1, lk. 169-194. - Leoste, J., Kikkas, K., Tammemäe, K., Rebane, M., Laugasson, E., Hakk, K. Telepresence robots in higher education - the current state of research // Robots in education : RiE 2022. Cham : Springer, 2022. p. 124-134. (Lecture notes in networks and systems ; 515). - Jaakkola, H., Henno, J., Systä, K., Henno, J. Practices for supervising master’s theses in company context : an anti-pattern approach // 2022 45th Jubilee International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO), 23-27 May 2022, Opatija, Croatia : proceedings. Rijeka : MIPRO, IEEE, 2022. p. 609-614. - Liutkevičius, M., Ben Yahia, S. Research roadmap for designing a virtual competence assistant for the European labor market // Procedia computer science (2022) vol. 207, p. 2404-2413. - Henno, J., Jaakola, H., Mäkelä, J. Handling software icebergs // SQAMIA 2022 : Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Software Quality Analysis, Monitoring, Improvement, and Applications. Aachen : RWTH Aachen University, 2022. 9 p. : ill. (CEUR Workshop Proceedings ; 3237). - Labanava, A., Dreyling III, R.M., Mortati, M., Liiv. I., Pappel, I. Capacity building in government : towards developing a standard for a functional specialist in AI for public services // Future Data and Security Engineering : Big Data, Security and Privacy, Smart City and Industry 4.0 Applications : 9th International Conference, FDSE 2022, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, November 23-25, 2022 : proceedings. Singapore : Springer Nature, 2022. p. 503-516. (Communications in computer and information science ; 1688). - Inoubli, W., Aridhi, S., Mezni, H., Maddouri, M., Mephu Nguifo, E. A distributed and incremental algorithm for large-scale graph clustering // Future generation computer systems (2022) vol. 134, p. 334-347. - Henno, J., Jaakkola, H., Mäkelä, J. IT education in clouds and clouds in IT education // 2022 45th Jubilee International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO), 23-27 May 2022, Opatija, Croatia : proceedings. Rijeka : MIPRO, IEEE, 2022. p. 620-625. - Ishikawa, T., Ben Sassi, I., Ben Yahia, S. Assessment of malicious tweets impact on stock market prices // Research Challenges in Information Science : 15th International Conference, RCIS 2021, Limassol, Cyprus, May 11–14, 2021 : proceedings. Cham : Springer Nature, 2021. p. 330–346. (Lecture notes in business information processing ; 415). - Raun, K., Torim, A., Ben Yahia, S. GC and other methods for full and partial context coverage // Procedia computer science (2021) vol. 192, p. 746−755. - Liutkevicius, Markko; Erlenheim, Regina Validating the usage of occupational classification systems in the process of creating a national virtual competency assistant within the EU labor market // Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV 2021), 6 – 8 October 2021, Athens, Greece. New York : ACM, 2022. p. 254−259. - Ounoughi, C., Mouakher, A., Sherzad, M. I., Yahia, S. B. A scalable knowledge graph embedding model for next point-of-interest recommendation in Tallinn city // Research Challenges in Information Science : 15th International Conference, RCIS 2021, Limassol, Cyprus, May 11–14, 2021 : proceedings. Cham : Springer Nature, 2021. p. 435–451. (Lecture notes in business information processing ; 415). - Ben Sassi, I., Ben Yahia, S. Malicious accounts detection from online social networks : a systematic review of literature // International Journal of General Systems (2021) Vol. 50, 7, p. 741−814. - Shahin, M., Inoubli, W., Shah, S. A., Ben Yahia, S., Draheim, D. Distributed scalable association rule mining over Covid-19 data // Future Data and Security Engineering : 8th International Conference, FDSE 2021, Virtual Event, November 24–26, 2021 : proceedings. Cham : Springer Nature, 2021. p. 39-52. (Lecture notes in computer science ; 13076). - Jaakkola, H., Thalheim, B., Henno, J. About the essence of intelligence – will artificial intelligence (ever) cover human intelligence? // Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XXXIII. Amsterdam : IOS Press, 2021. p. 19-43. (Frontiers in artificial intelligence and applications ; 343). - Henno, J., Jaakkola, H., Mäkelä, J. Machine learning vs human learning // 2021 44th International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO), September 27 - October 1, 2021, Opatija, Croatia : proceedings. Rijeka : MIPRO, 2021. p. 542−548. - Ounoughi, C., Yeferny, T., Ben Yahia, S. ZED-TTE: Zone embedding and deep neural network based travel time estimation approach // 2021 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) : proceedings. Danvers : IEEE, 2021. 10 p. - Bouasker, S., Inoubli, W., Ben Yahia, S., Diallo, G. Pregnancy associated breast cancer gene expressions : new insights on their regulation based on rare correlated patterns // IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics (2021) vol. 18, 3, p. 1035−1048. - Ben Sassi, Imen; Ben Yahia, Sadok How does context influence music preferences : a user-based study of the effects of contextual information on users’ preferred music // Multimedia Systems (2021) Vol. 27, 2, p. 143–160. - Vedešin, A., Dogru, J. M. U., Liiv, I., Ben Yahia, S., Draheim, D. A secure data infrastructure for personal manufacturing based on a novel key-less, byte-less encryption method // IEEE Access (2020) vol. 8, p. 40039-40056 : ill. - Bond, F., Morgado da Costa, L., Goodman, M.W., McCrae, J.P., Lohk, A. Some issues with building a multilingual wordnet // LREC 2020 Marseille : Twelfth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, May 11-16, 2020, Marseille, France : conference proceedings. Paris : European Language Resources Association, 2020. p. 3189-3197. - Ots H., Liiv I., Tur D. Mobile phone usage data for credit scoring // Databases and Information Systems : 14th International Baltic Conference, DB&IS 2020, Tallinn, Estonia, June 16-19, 2020 : Proceedings. Cham : Springer, 2020. p. 82-95. (Communications in computer and information science ; 1243). - Jaakkola, H., Henno, J., Lahti, J-P. et al. Artificial intelligence and education // 2020 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO), 28 Sept.-2 Oct. 2020, Opatija, Croatia : proceedings. [S.l.] : MIPRO, 2020. p. 548-555. - Vedeshin A., Dogru J.M.U., Liiv I., Yahia S.B., Draheim D. Smart cyber-physical system for pattern recognition of illegal 3D designs in 3D printing // Smart Applications and Data Analysis : Third International Conference, SADASC 2020, Marrakesh, Morocco, June 25-26, 2020 : proceedings. Cham : Springer Nature, 2020. p. 74-85. (Communications in computer and information science ; 1207). - Lohk, A., Orav, H., Vare, K., Bond, F., Vaik, R. New polysemy structures in Wordnets induced by vertical polysemy // Proceedings of the 10th Global WordNet Conference : GWC 2019, July 23–27, 2019, Wroclaw, Poland. Wroclaw : Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskiej, 2019. p. 394-403. "scopus" - Liutkevičius, M., Pappel, K.I. Butt, S.A., Pappel, I. Automatization of cross-border customs declaration : potential and challenges : a case study of the Estonian customs authority // Electronic Government : 19th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2020, Linköping, Sweden, August 31 - September 2, 2020 : proceedings. Cham : Springer, 2020. p. 96-109. (Lecture notes in computer science ; 12219). - Henno, J., Jaakkola, H., Mäkelä, J. Non-determinism in nowadays computing and IT // 2020 43rd International Convention on Information, Communication and Electronic Technology (MIPRO), 28 Sept.-2 Oct. 2020, Opatija, Croatia : proceedings. [S.l.] : MIPRO, 2020. p. 794-801. - Lind, G., Kuusik, Rein, inform. Comparison of matrix reordering algorithms based on monotone systems // The Fifteenth International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications : CLA 2020, Tallinn, Estonia, June 29-July 1, 2020. Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology, 2020. p. 281-286. (CEUR workshop proceedings ; 2668).*est - Kumlander, D., Kulitškov, A. An experimental comparison of heuristic coloring algorithms in terms of found color classes on random graphs // WCGO 2019: Optimization of Complex Systems: Theory, Models, Algorithms and Applications. Cham : Springer, 2020. p. 365-375. (Advances in intelligent systems and computing ; 991). - Kumlander, D., Porošin, A. Reversed search maximum clique algorithm based on recoloring // WCGO 2019: Optimization of Complex Systems: Theory, Models, Algorithms and Applications. Cham : Springer, 2020. p. 458-467. (Advances in intelligent systems and computing ; 991). - Henno, J., Jaakkola, H., Mäkelä, J. Using multiplayer games to create secure communication // Eighth Workshop on Software Quality Analysis, Monitoring, Improvement, and Applications : SQAMIA 2019 : Ohrid, North Macedonia, 22 - 25. 09. 2019 : proceedings. Novi Sad : University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences, Department of mathematics and informatics, 2019. p. 4-4:13 : ill. - Yrjönkoski, K., Jaakkola, H., Systä, K., Mikkonen, T., Henno, J. Software business : A short history and trends for the future // Eighth Workshop on Software Quality Analysis, Monitoring, Improvement, and Applications : SQAMIA 2019 : Ohrid, North Macedonia, 22 - 25. 09. 2019 : proceedings. Novi Sad : University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences, Department of mathematics and informatics, 2019. p. 18-18:18. - Henno, J., Jaakkola, H., Mäkelä, J. Creating randomness with games // Acta Polytechnica Hungarica : journal of applied sciences at Budapest Polytechnic Hungary (2019) vol. 16, 9, p. 193-212 : ill. - Henno, J., Jaakkola, H., Mäkelä, J. Teaching for virtual work // 2019 42nd International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO) : May 20 – 24, 2019, Opatija, Croatia : proceedings. Rijeka : MIPRO, 2019. p. 818-826 : ill. - Torim, A., Ben Yahia, S., Raun, K. Concise description of telecom service use through concept chains // MEDES '19 : a Digital Ecosystem for Personal Manufacturing : an Architecture for Cloud-based Distributed Manufacturing Operating Systems : proceedings. New York : ACM, 2019. p. 181–186 : ill. - Torim, A., Raun, K., Mets, M. Covering concept lattices with concept chains // Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning : 24th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS 2019 : Marburg, Germany, July 1–4, 2019 : proceedings. Cham : Springer, 2019. p. 190-203 : ill. (Lecture notes in artificial intelligence ; 11530). - Paulsen, G., Vainik, E., Tuulik, M., Lohk, A. The lexicographer's voice : word classes in the digital era // Electronic lexicography in the 21st century: Smart lexicography : proceedings of the eLex 2019 conference. Brno : Lexical Computing CZ s.r.o., 2019. p. 319-337 : ill. - Saari, M., Sillberg, P., Grönman, J., Henno, J. et al. Reducing energy consumption with IoT prototyping // Acta Polytechnica Hungarica : journal of applied sciences at Budapest Polytechnic Hungary (2019) vol. 16, 9, p. 73–91 : ill. - Vedešin, A., Dogru, J. M. U., Liiv, I., Draheim, D., Ben Yahia, S. A Digital ecosystem for personal manufacturing : an architecture for cloud-based distributed manufacturing operating systems // MEDES '19 : A Digital Ecosystem for Personal Manufacturing : An Architecture for Cloud-based Distributed Manufacturing Operating Systems : proceedings. New York : ACM, 2019. p. 224–228 : ill. - Jaakkola, H., Henno, J., Mäkelä, J., Thalheim. B. Artificial intelligence yesterday, today and tomorrow // 2019 42nd International Convention on
Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO) : May 20 – 24, 2019, Opatija, Croatia : proceedings. Rijeka : MIPRO, 2019. p. 860 - 867 : ill. - Henno, J., Jaakkola, H., Mäkelä, J. Using games to understand and create randomness // Proceedings of the SQAMIA 2018: 7th Workshop of Software Quality, Analysis, Monitoring, Improvement, and Applications, Novi Sad, Serbia, 27-30. August 2018. Aachen :, 2018. (CEUR workshop proceedings ; 2217). - Öpik, R., Kirt, T., Liiv, I. Megatrend and intervention impact analyzer for jobs : a visualization method for labor market intelligence // Journal of official statistics (2018) vol. 34, 4, p. 961-979 : ill. - Henno, J., Jaakkola, H., Mäkelä, J. Adjusting university education with workspace training and self-education // 2018 41st International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO 2018), Opatija, Croatia, 21-25 May 2018 : proceedings. Rijeka : MIPRO, 2018. p. 701–708 : ill. - Jaakkola, H., Thalheim, B., Henno, J., Mäkela, J., Keto, H. Role of the user in information systems development // 2018 41st International Convention on Information and Communication Technology, Electronics and Microelectronics (MIPRO 2018), Opatija, Croatia, 21-25 May 2018 : proceedings. Rijeka : MIPRO, 2018. p. 625–632 : ill. - Lohk, A., Tombak, M., Vare, K. An experiment : using Google Translate and semantic mirrors to create synsets with many lexical units // Proceedings of the 9th Global WordNet Conference : GWC 2018, January 8-12, 2018, Singapore. [S.l.] : The Global Word Net Association, 2018. p. 328-332. - Shah, S.A., Seker, D.Z., Rathore, M.M., Ben Yahia, S., Draheim, D. Towards disaster resilient smart cities : can internet of things and big data analytics be the game changers? // IEEE Access (2019) vol. 7, art. 8759905, p. 91885–91903. - Osman, I., Ben Yahia, S., Diallo, G. Ontology integration : approaches and challenging issues // Information Fusion (2021) vol. 71, p. 38-63 : ill. - Kaushik, M., Sharma, R., Arakkal Peious, S., Shahin, M., Yahia, S. B., Draheim, D. A systematic assessment of numerical association rule mining methods // SN Computer Science (2021) vol. 2, 5, art. 348. - Sellami, B., Hakiri, A., Ben Yahia, S. Deep Reinforcement Learning for energy-aware task offloading in join SDN-Blockchain 5G massive IoT edge network // Future generation computer systems (2022) vol. 137, p. 363-379. - Kaushik, M., Sharma, R., Arakkal Peious, S., Shahin, M., Ben Yahia, S., Draheim, D. On the potential of numerical association rule mining // Future Data and Security Engineering. Big Data, Security and Privacy, Smart City and Industry 4.0 Applications : 7th International Conference, FDSE 2020, Quy Nhon, Vietnam, November 25–27, 2020 : proceedings. Singapore : Springer, 2020. p. 3-20. (Communications in computer and information science ; 1306). - Shahin, M., Arakkal, P. S., Sharma, R., Kaushik, M., Ben Yahia, S., Shah, S. A., Draheim, D. Big data analytics in association rule mining : a systematic literature review // BDET 2021: 2021 the 3rd International Conference on Big Data Engineering and Technology (BDET) : proceedings. New York : ACM, 2021. p. 40-49. (ACM International Conference proceedings series). - Zakraoui, J., Elloumi, S., AlJa'am, J. M., Ben Yahia, S. Improving Arabic text to image mapping using a robust machine learning technique // IEEE Access (2019) vol. 7, p. 18772 - 18782 : ill. - Sharma, R., Kaushik, M., Arakkal Peious, S., Ben Yahia, S., Draheim, D. Expected vs. unexpected : selecting right measures of interestingness // Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery : 22nd International Conference, DaWaK 2020, Bratislava, Slovakia, September 14–17, 2020 : proceedings. Cham : Springer, 2020. p. 38-47. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 12393). - Djeddi, W.E., Ben Yahia, S., Nguifo, E.M. Corrections to “A novel computational approach for global alignment for multiple biological networks” // IEEE/ACM transactions on computational biology and bioinformatics (2019) vol. 16, 2, p. 700. - Souli, S., Amam, R., Ben Yahia, S. A robust pathological voices recognition system based on DCNN and scattering transform // Applied acoustics (2021) Vol. 177, art. 107854 : ill. - Yeferny, T., Hamad, S., Ben Yahia, S. Query learning-based scheme for pertinent resource lookup in Mobile P2P network // IEEE Access (2019) vol. 7, art. 6287639, p. 49059-49068. - Hammami, H., Yahia, S. B., Obaidat, M. S. A lightweight anonymous authentication scheme for secure cloud computing services // The Journal of Supercomputing (2021) vol. 77, 2, p. 1693-1713. - Suran, S., Pattanaik, V., Ben Yahia, S., Draheim, D. Exploratory analysis of collective intelligence projects developed within the EU-Horizon 2020 framework // Computational Collective Intelligence 11th International Conference, ICCCI 2019, Hendaye, France, September 4–6, 2019, Proceedings, Part II. Cham : Springer Nature, 2019. p. 285-296. (Lecture notes in artificial intelligence ; 11684). - Sahnoun, S., Elloumi S., Ben Yahia, S. Event detection based on open information extraction and ontology // Computational Collective Intelligence : 11th International Conference, ICCCI 2019, Hendaye, France, September 4–6, 2019 : proceedings, part I. Cham : Springer Nature, 2019. p. 244-255 : ill. (Lecture notes in artificial intelligence ; 11683, Lecture notes in computer science ; 11683). - Arakkal Peious, S., Sharma, R., Kaushik, M., Shah, S.A., Ben Yahia, S. Grand reports : a tool for generalizing association rule mining to numeric target values // Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery : 22nd International Conference, DaWaK 2020, Bratislava, Slovakia, September 14-17, 2020 : Proceedings. Cham : Springer Nature, 2020. p. 28-37. (Lecture notes in computer science ; 12393). - Sharma, R., Kaushik, M., Arakkal Peious, S., Bazin, A., Shah, S. A., Istok, F. Jr., Ben Yahia, S., Draheim, D. A novel framework for unification of association rule mining, online analytical processing and statistical reasoning // IEEE Access (2022) vol. 10, p. 12792-12813. - Souibgui, M., Atigui, F., Ben Yahia, S., Si-Said Cherfi, S. Business intelligence and analytics: On-demand ETL over document stores // Research Challenges in Information Science : 14th International Conference, RCIS 2020, Limassol, Cyprus, September 23-25, 2020 : Proceedings. Cham : Springer Nature, 2020. p. 556-561. (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing ; 385). - Vainik, E., Lohk, A., Paulsen, G. The Distribution Index Calculator for Estonian // Electronic lexicography in the 21st century : post-editing lexicography : proceedings of the eLex 2021 conference : virtual, 5–7 July 2021. Brno : Lexical Computing CZ s.r.o, 2021. p. 121-138. - Hammami, H., Ben Yahia, S., Obaidat, M. Scalable and efficient authentication scheme for secure smart grid communication // IET Networks (2020) vol. 9, 4, p. 165-169. - Allani, S., Yeferny, T., Chbeir, R., Ben Yahia, S. Towards a smarter directional data aggregation in VANETs // World Wide Web (2020) vol. 23, 4, p. 2303−2322 : ill. - Paulsen, G., Vainik, E., Lohk, A., Tuulik, M. Catching lexemes. The case of Estonian noun-based ambiforms // Electronic lexicography in the 21st century : post-editing lexicography : proceedings of the eLex 2021 conference : virtual, 5–7 July 2021. Brno : Lexical Computing CZ s.r.o, 2021. p. 288-311 : ill. - Lohk, A., Ross, K. Joachim Rossihniuse ja Heinrich Stahli perikoopide võrdlus, A comparison of the pericopes of Joachim Rossihnius and Heinrich Stahl // Emakeele Seltsi aastaraamat. Tallinn : Teaduste Akadeemia Kirjastus, 2019. lk. 65–110.[year]=2019&filter[issue]=370&filter[publication]=2952 - Hamdi, S., Hamdi, A., Ben Yahia, S. BERT and Word embedding for interest mining of Instagram users // Advances in Computational Collective Intelligence : 14th International Conference, ICCCI 2022, Hammamet, Tunisia, September 28-30, 2022, Proceedings. Cham : Springer, 2022. p. 123 - 136. (Communications in computer and information science ; 1653). - Al Ghawail, E.A., Ben Yahia, S., Alrzini, J.R. Gamification model for developing e-learning in Libyan higher education // Smart education and e-learning 2021. Cham : Springer, 2022. p. 97-110 : ill. (Smart innovation, systems and technologies ; 240). - Bhattarai, R., Pappel, I., Vainsalu, H., Yahia, S.B., Draheim, D. The impact of the single digital gateway regulation from the citizens' perspective // Procedia Computer Science (2019) Vol. 164, p. 159 - 167. - Pileggi, S.F., Crain, H., Yahia, S.B. An ontological approach to knowledge building by data integration // Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2020 : 20th international conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 3–5, 2020, proceedings, part VII (2020). Cham : Springer, 2020. p. 479 - 493. (Lecture notes in computer science ; 12143). - Al Ghawail, E.A., Ben Yahia, S. Using the e-learning gamification tool Kahoot! to learn chemistry principles in the classroom // Procedia computer science (2022) Vol. 207, p. 2667 - 2676. - Abdellatif, S., Ben Hassine, M.A., Ben Yahia, S. Novel interestingness measures for mining significant association rules from imbalanced data // Web, Artificial Intelligence and Network Applications :Proceedings of the Workshops of the 33rd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (WAINA-2019). Cham : Springer Nature, 2019. (Advances in intelligent systems and computing ; 927). - Ghawail, E.A.A., Yahia, S.B., Alrshah, M.A. Challenges of applying e-learning in the libyan higher education system // International journal of advanced trends in computer science and engineering (2019) vol. 8, 1.4 S1, p. 38-43 : ill. - Ben Chaabene, S., Yeferny, T., Ben Yahia, S. A Roadside unit placement scheme for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks // Advanced Information Networking and Applications : proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2019). Cham : Springer Nature, 2020. p. 619-630. (Advances in intelligent systems and computing ; 926). - Souibgui, M., Atigui, F., Ben Yahia, S., Cherfi, S. S-S. An embedding driven approach to automatically detect identifiers and references in document stores // Data & knowledge engineering (2022) vol. 139, art. 102003. - Trabelsi, S., Bennani, M.T., Yahia, S.B. A new test suite reduction approach based on hypergraph minimal transversal mining // Future Data and Security Engineering : 6th International Conference, FDSE 2019, Nha Trang City, Vietnam, November 27–29, 2019, Proceedings. Berlin : Springer, 2019. p. 15-30. (Lecture notes in computer science ; 11814). - McBride, K., Kütt, A., Ben Yahia, S., Draheim, D. On positive feedback loops in digital government architecture // MEDES '19 : A Digital Ecosystem for Personal Manufacturing : An Architecture for Cloud-based Distributed Manufacturing Operating Systems : proceedings. New York : ACM, 2019. p. 174–180 : ill. - Shah, S. A., Ben Yahia, S., McBride, K. D. B., Jamil, A., Draheim, D. Twitter streaming data analytics for disaster alerts // 2021 2nd International Informatics and Software Engineering Conference (IISEC) : proceedings. : IEEE, 2021. 6 p. - Bouasker, S., Ben Yahia, S., Diallo, G. An insight into biological datamining based on rarity and correlation as constraints // SAC '19 : proceedings of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing. New York : ACM, 2019. p. 3-10 : ill. - Houari, A., Ben Yahia, S. Top-K formal concepts for identifying positively and negatively correlated biclusters // Model and Data Engineering : 10th International Conference, MEDI 2021, Tallinn, Estonia, June 21–23, 2021 : proceedings. Cham : Springer Nature, 2021. p. 156-172. (Lecture notes in computer science ; 12732). - Zekri, M., Zahaf, S., Yahia, S.B. Specification of the data warehouse for the decision-making dimension of the bid process information system // Procedia computer science (2019) Vol. 159, p. 756 - 763. - Ben Chaabene, S., Yeferny, T., Ben Yahia, S. An efficient roadside unit deployment method for vehicular ad-hoc networks // Procedia computer science (2020) vol. 176, p. 771-780. - Elloumi, S., Ben Yahia, S., Al Ja’am, J. Using mandatory concepts for knowledge discovery and data structuring // Database and Expert Systems Applications : 30th International Conference, DEXA 2019, Linz, Austria, August 26–29, 2019, Proceedings, Part II. Cham : Springer, 2019. p. 362 - 375. (Lecture notes in computer science ; 11707). - Zekri, M., Ben Yahia, S., Hilali-Jaghdam, I. A Software Prototype for Multidimensional Design of Data Warehouses Using Ontologies // Computational Collective Intelligence : 11th International Conference, ICCCI 2019, Hendaye, France, September 4–6, 2019 : proceedings, part II. Cham : Springer Nature, 2019. p. 273-284 : ill. (Lecture notes in artificial intelligence ; 11684). - Osman, I., Pileggi, S. F., Ben Yahia, S., Diallo, G. An alignment-based implementation of a holistic ontology integration method // MethodsX (2021) Vol. 8, art. 101460, p. 1–29. - Ghabri, I., Bellatreche, L., Ben Yahia, S. Selection of a green logical data warehouse schema by anti-monotonicity constraint // SOFSEM 2020: Theory and Practice of Computer Science : 46th International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Informatics, SOFSEM 2020, Limassol, Cyprus, January 20-24, 2020 : Proceedings. Cham : Springer, 2020. p. 350-361. (Lecture notes in computer science ; 12011). - Semassel, I.E., Yahia, S.B. Effective optimization of billboard ads based on CDR data leverage // Journal of Telecommunications and the Digital Economy (2022) Vol. 10, 2, p. 76-95. - Hammami, H., Obaidat, M.S., Ben Yahia, S. An efficient authentication and key agreement scheme for secure smart grid communication services // International journal of communication systems (2020) vol. 33, 15, art. e4558, p. 1−13. - Braud, A., Dolques, X., Missaoui, R., Baixeries, J., Yahia, S.B., Bertet, K., Cellier, P., Cordero, P., Couceiro, M., Cristea, D., Demko, C., Eklund, P. et al. Preface // Analyzing Real Data with Formal Concept Analysis 2021. Aachen : CEUR-WS, 2021. p. 4. (CEUR Workshop Proceedings ; 3151). - Hammami, H., Obaidat, M.S., Ben Yahia, S. An enhanced lightweight authentication scheme for secure access to cloud data // Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications, ICETE 2020 - Volume 3: ICE-B, Lieusaint, Paris, France, July 8-10, 2020. [S.l.] : SciTePress, 2020. p. 110-117. - Torim, A., Liiv, I., Ounoughi, C., Yahia, S.B. Pattern based software architecture for predictive maintenance // Nordic Artificial Intelligence Research and Development : 4th Symposium of the Norwegian AI Society, NAIS 2022, Oslo, Norway, May 31 - June 1, 2022 : revised selected papers. Cham : Springer Nature, 2022. p. 26-38. - El Abdi, M., Ali, B.S.B., Ben Yahia, S. A new approach of morphological analysis of arabic syntagmatic units based on a linguistic ontology // Computational Collective Intelligence : 14th International Conference, ICCCI 2022, Hammamet, Tunisia, September 28–30, 2022, Proceedings. Berlin : Springer, 2022. p. 364 - 377. (Lecture notes in computer science ; 13501). - Lohk, A., Vainik, E., Paulsen, G., Rebane, M., Bond, F. Extended clusters of vertical polysemy : an explorative study of eleven wordnets // Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühingu aastaraamat 2021 = Estonian Papers in Applied Linguistics 2021. Tallinn : Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühing, 2021. p. 193-210 : ill. (Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühingu aastaraamat ; 17).*est - Hammami, H., Obaidat, M.S., Ben Yahia, S. A novel anonymous authentication and key agreement scheme for smart grid // Proceedings of the 17th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications, ICETE 2020 - Volume 3: ICE-B, Lieusaint, Paris, France, July 8-10, 2020. [S.l.] : SciTePress, 2020. p. 357-362. - Hakiri, A., Sallemi, B., Ghandour, F., Ben Yahia, S. Secure, context-aware and QoS-enabled SDN architecture to improve energy efficiency in IoT-based smart buildings // Distributed computing for emerging smart networks : Second International Workshop, DiCES-N 2020, Bizerte, Tunisia, December 18, 2020, proceedings. Cham : Springer Nature, 2020. p. 55-74 : ill. (Communications in computer and information science ; 1348). - Attiogbé, C., Ben Yahia, S. Preface // Model and Data Engineering : 10th International Conference, MEDI 2021, Tallinn, Estonia, June 21–23, 2021 : proceedings. Cham : Springer Nature, 2021. p. v-vi. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 12732). - Cheah, W., Norta, A., Yahia, S.B., Hakiri, A., Sim, Y.W. BLAIC 2022: 1stworkshop on blockchain and AI for community : chairs' welcome and workshop summary // WebSci '22: Proceedings of the 14th ACM Web Science Conference 2022. New York : ACM, 2022. p. 433 - 434. (ACM International Conference proceedings series). - Eslamirad, N., De Luca, F., Lylykangas, K. S., Ben Yahia, S. Data generative machine learning model for the assessment of outdoor thermal and wind comfort in a northern urban environment // Frontiers of architectural research (2023) vol. 12, 3, p. 541-555 : ill. - Hammami, H., Ben Yahia, S., Obaidat, M. S. A novel efficient and lightweight authentication scheme for secure smart grid communication systems // The Journal of Supercomputing (2023) vol. 79, 7, p. 7360 - 7376. - Eslamirad, N., De Luca, F., Lylykangas, K. S., Ben Yahia, S., Rasoulinezhad, M. Geoprocess of geospatial urban data in Tallinn, Estonia // Data in brief (2023) vol. 48, art. 109172, 13 p. : ill. - Iliste, E., Lomp, S., Pikas, E., Arumägi, E., Hallik, J., Õiger, K., Kisel, E., Liiv, I., Kalamees, T. Heat loss characteristics of typology-based apartment building external walls for a digital twin-based renovation strategy tool // Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2023) vol. 2654, 1, 8 p. - Arumägi, E., Hallik, J., Pikas, E., Kalamees, T., Liiv, I., Kisel, E. Quantification of building envelope heat losses on a district level for comparative renovation strategies assessment // Journal of Physics: Conference Series. : IOP Publishing, 2023. 10 p. - Eslamirad, N., Sepulveda, A., De Luca, F., Lylykangas, K. S., Ben Yahia, S. Outdoor thermal comfort optimization in a cold climate to mitigate the level of urban heat island in an urban area // Energies (2023) vol. 16, 12, art. 4546, 28 p. : ill. - Vainik, E., Paulsen, G., Lohk, A., Tuulik, M. Towards the morphosyntactic corpus profile of prototypical adjectives in Estonian // Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühingu aastaraamat 2023 = Estonian papers in applied linguistics 2023. Tallinn : Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühing, 2023. p. 225-244 : ill. (Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühingu aastaraamat ; 19).*est - Leoste, J., Heidmets, M., Virkus, S., Talisainen, A., Rebane, M.,Kasuk, T., Tammemäe, K., Kangur, K., Kikkas, K., Marmor, K. Keeping distance with a telepresence robot : a pilot study // Frontiers in education (2023) vol. 7, art. 1046461 : ill. - Eslamirad, N., De Luca, F., Ben Yahia, S., Lylykangas, K.S. From near real-time urban data to an explainable city-scale model to help reduce the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect // Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2023) vol. 2600, Thermal environment, art. 092012, p. 1-6 : ill. - Ounoughi, C., Ounoughi, D., Ben Yahia, S. EcoLight+ : a novel multi-modal data fusion for enhanced eco-friendly traffic signal control driven by urban traffic noise prediction // Knowledge and information systems (2023) vol. 65, p. 5309–5329. - Rincon-Yanez, D., Ounoughi, C., Sellami, B., Kalvet, T., Tiits, M., Senatore, S., Ben Yahia, S. Accurate prediction of international trade flows : leveraging knowledge graphs and their embeddings // Journal of King Saud University - computer and information sciences (2023) vol. 35, 10, art. 101789, 11 p. - Kerikmäe, T., Kajander, A., Hamulak, O., Mesarcik, M., Andraško, J., Liiv, I. Developing autonomous robotic transport systems for hospitals and medical facilities : legal challenges // Icon (2023) vol. 28, 2, p. 88-104. - Paulsen, G., Lohk, A., Tuulik, M., Vainik, E. From experiments to an application : the first prototype of an adjective detector for Estonian // Electronic lexicography in the 21st century (eLex 2023) : Invisible Lexicography : proceedings of the eLex 2023 conference. Brno : LexicalComputingCZ s.r.o., 2023. p. 476-500. - Parts, E-R., Pikas, E., Parts, T. M., Arumägi, E., Liiv, I. Quality and accuracy of digital twin models for the neighbourhood level building energy performance calculations // E3S Web of Conferences : 11th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings, IAQVEC2023. : EDP Sciences, 2023. art. 04021, 8 p. : ill. (E3S Web of Conferences ; 396). - Liiv, I. Data science techniques for cryptocurrency blockchains. 1., : Springer, 2021. XII, 111 p. (Behaviormetrics: Quantitative Approaches to Human Behavior ; 9).