Mittelineaarse lainelevi uurimisrühm
TalTech prioriteetne teadussuund
Klassifikaator (Frascati)
Uurimisrühma juht
Uurimisrühma liige
sisemuutujate teooria
mittelineaarsed lained
mittepurustav testimine
laineprotsessid aksonites
heliteke keelpillides
numbrilised eksperimendid
Tegevus on fokusseeritud komplekssetes keskkondades toimuva lainelevi seaduspärasuste selgitamisele. Peamised uurimissuunad on:• Pideva keskkonna mehaanika ja sisemuutujate teooria. Loodavad matemaatilised mudelid võtavad arvesse mittelineaarseid, dispersiivseid ning temperatuuri efekte ja erineva skaalaga mikrostruktuuride koosmõju lainelevile.• Mittelineaarse lainelevi numbriline analüüs. Keerukate lainestruktuuride käitumise uurimiseks luuakse Fourier’ teisendusel ja Haari lainikutel põhinevaid numbrilisi meetodeid.• Metamaterjalide modelleerimine. Luuakse teoreetilist baasi uute tehismaterjalide loomiseks.• Laineprotsessid aksonites. Selgitatakse närvisignaali levikuga kaasnevaid mehaanilisi ja termilisi efekte.• Muusika akustika. Mittelineaarsete mudelite abil selgitatakse helitekke mehhanisme keelpillides.• Materjalide mittepurustav testimine. Luuakse meetodeid komplekssete materjalide omaduste määramiseks ja defektide tuvastamiseks.• Solitonide ja üksiklainete analüüs. Selgitatakse mis tingimustel saavad komplekssetes keskkondades formeeruda solitoni tüüpi lained.
Tähtsamad tulemused
2023. a tulemusi:• Närviimpulsi levi modelleerimine. Jätkus närvisignaali mudeli täiustamine ja vastavate numbriliste eksperimentide teostamine. Viidi lõpulemüeliinikihi mõju lisamine mudeli mehaanikalisele osale.• Metamaterjalide modelleerimine ja sisemuutujate teooria. Jätkusid uuringud, kus rakendati topelt sisemuutujate formalismi elastsete materjalide olekumudelite (olekuvõrrandite) tuletamiseks. • Keelpillide helitekke mehhanism. Jätkati tööd teemal, mis on seotud võnkuva keele ergastamisega lokaliseeritud löögi ja muude ergastusviiside abil.• Lainelevi viskoelastsetes materjalides. Selgitati keelutsooni ja negatiivse grupikiiruse füüsikalist tähendust vildi-tüüpi viskoelastsetes materjalides.
Seotud projektid
Seotud struktuuriüksus
- Engelbrecht, J., Tamm, K., Peets, T. Modelling of complex signals in nerves. Cham : Springer, 2021. XIII, 186 p. - Berezovski, A. Heat conduction in microstructured solids under localised pulse loading // Continuum mechanics and thermodynamics (2021) vol. 33, 6, p. 2493-2507. - Ratas, M., Majak, J., Salupere, A. Solving nonlinear boundary value problems using the higher order Haar wavelet Method // Mathematics (2021) vol. 9, 21, art. 2809. - Majak, J., Shvartsman, B., Ratas, M., Bassir, D., Pohlak, M., Karjust, K., Eerme, M. Higher-order Haar wavelet method for vibration analysis of nanobeams // Materials today communications (2020) vol. 25, art. 101290, 6 p. : tab. - Berezovski, A., Yildizdag, M.E., Scerrato, D. On the wave dispersion in microstructured solids // Continuum mechanics and thermodynamics (2020) vol. 32, 3, p. 569-588. - Ratas, M., Salupere, A., Majak, J. Solving nonlinear PDEs using the higher order Haar wavelet method on nonuniform and adaptive grids // Mathematical modelling and analysis (2021) vol. 26, 1, p. 147−169. - Ratas, M., Salupere, A. Application of higher order Haar wavelet method for solving nonlinear evolution equations // Mathematical modelling and analysis (2020) vol. 25, 2, p. 271-288. - Engelbrecht, J., Tamm, K., Peets, T. On mechanisms of electromechanophysiological interactions between the components of signals in axons // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2020) vol. 69, 2, p. 81–96 : ill. - Engelbrecht, J., Tamm, K., Peets, T. Internal variables used for describing the signal propagation in axons // Continuum mechanics and thermodynamics (2020) vol. 32, 6, p. 1619-1627. - Engelbrecht, J., Tamm, K., Peets, T. Modelling of processes in nerve fibres at the interface of physiology and mathematics // Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology (2020) vol. 19, 6, p. 2491−2496. - Lints, M., Salupere, A., Dos Santos, S. Numerical simulation of ultrasonic time reversal on defects in carbon fibre reinforced polymer // Wave motion (2020) vol. 94, art. 102526, 10 p. : ill. - Engelbrecht, J., Tamm, K., Peets, T. Continuum mechanics and signals in nerves // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2021) vol. 70, 1, p. 3–18. - Engelbrecht, J., Tamm, K., Peets, T. On the physical background of nerve pulse propagation : heat and energy // Journal of non-equilibrium thermodynamics (2021) vol. 46, 4, p. 343-353 : ill. - Tamm, K., Peets, T., Engelbrecht, J. Mechanical waves in myelinated axons // Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology (2022) vol. 21, p. 1285-1297. - Berezovski, A. Causality in strain gradient elasticity: An internal variables approach // Mechanics research communications (2022) vol. 125, art. 103997. - Berezovski, A. Internal variables as a tool for extending Navier-Stokes equations // Journal of non-equilibrium thermodynamics (2022) vol. 47, 3, p. 1-14. - Mračko, M., Adámek, V., Berezovski, A., Kober, J., Kolman, R. Experimental, analytical, and numerical study of transient elastic waves from a localized source in an aluminium strip // Applied acoustics (2021) vol. 178, art. 107983. - Kartofelev, D., Goidyk, O., Herrmann, H. A case study on the spatial variability of strength in a SFRSCC slab and its correlation with fibre orientation // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2020) 4, p. 298-310 : ill. - Berezovski, A., Berezovski, M. Dynamics of discontinuities in elastic solids // Mathematics and mechanics of solids (2020) vol. 25, 7, p. 1416-1428. - Engelbrecht, J., Tamm, K., Peets, T. Physics shapes signals in nerves // The European Physical Journal Plus (2022) vol. 137, art. 696. - Adámek, V., Berezovski, A., Mračko, M., Kolman, R. A two-layer elastic strip under transverse impact loading : analytical solution, finite element, and finite volume simulations // Mathematics and computers in simulation (2021) vol. 189, p. 126-140. - Ratas, M. Application of the Adaptive Higher Order Haar Wavelet based methods for solving the sine-Gordon equation // AIP conference proceedings. New York : AIP, 2022. art. 380006. (AIP conference proceedings ; 2425, 1). - Järv, J., Engelbrecht, J. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences celebrates volume 70 // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2021) vol. 70, 1, p. 1-2 : phot. - Kartofelev, D., Arro, J.G., Välimäki, V. Insights into the string-barrier interaction dynamics based on high-speed camera measurements // SMC 2020 : Proceedings of the 17th Sound and Music Computing Conference, Torino, Italy, June 24th - 26th 2020. Torino : Sound and Music Computing Network, Xea sas/SMC Network, 2020. p. 169-176. - Ratas, M., Chemori, A., Kruusmaa, M. PHA-based feedback control of a biomimetic AUV for diver following : design, simulations and real-time experiments // European Control Conference (ECC). : IEEE, 2022. p. 503-509. - Engelbrecht, J., Tamm, K., Peets, T. Signals in nerves from the philosophical viewpoint // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2022) vol. 71, 4, p. 369-375 : ill. - Berezovski, M., Berezovski, A. Discontinuity-driven mesh alignment for evolving discontinuities in elastic solids // Journal of computational physics (2020) vol. 416, art. 109542, 21 p. - Engelbrecht, J., Šlaus, I. Academies of sciences in the contemporary world // Trames (2022) vol. 26, 2, p. 131-139. - Ratas, M., Jena, S.K., Chakraverty, S. Application of Haar wavelet based methods for solving wave propagation problems // AIP conference proceedings. : AIP, 2020. (AIP conference proceedings ; 2293, 1). - Vilipuu, M., Kartofelev, D., Kalda, J. Use of simplified bowed string model in physics education : a laboratory experiment // Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (2022) vol. 48, 1, art. 025001. - Dos Santos, S., Masood, A., Lints, M., Salupere, A., Kozena, C., Kus, V. et al. Multiscale memristive properties of skin induced by memory effects of cyclic stress-relaxation loadings : data fusion from ground truth nonlinear acousto-mechanical testing // ICSV 2018: 25th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV25), Hiroshima, Japan, 8-12 July, 2018 : proceedings. Vol. 1. Red Hook : Curran Associates, 2018. p. 1965-1972 : ill. - Engelbrecht, J. Peets, T., Tamm, K. Soliton trains in dispersive media // Low temperature physics, Fizika nizkikh temperatur (2018) vol. 44, 7, p. 887-892. - Berezovski, M., Berezovski, A. Numerical simulation of energy localization in dynamic materials // Advances in mechanics of microstructured media and structures. Cham : Springer, 2018. p. 75-83. (Advanced structured materials ; 87). - Salupere, A., Rätsep, M. On solitonic solutions for the hyperelastic rod equation // Wave motion (2019) vol. 91, 8 p. - Kartofelev, D., Arro, J. G., Valimäki, V. Experimental verification of dispersive wave propagation on guitar strings // SMC 2019 : Proceedings of the 16th Sound & Music Computing Conference. Malaga : SMC, 2019. p. 324–331 : ill. - Engelbrecht, J., Järv, J. Ten years of the renewed Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2018) vol. 67, 4, p. 303-304 : phot.*est*est - Dos Santos, S., Lints, M., Masood, A., Salupere, A. et al. Acousto-mechanical instrumentation of multiscale hysteretic memristive properties of the skin with nonlinear time reversal imaging // 2017 Cosmetic Measurements and Testing (COSMETIC 2017), Cergy-Pontoise, France, 6 - 7 June 2017. Red Hook : IEEE, 2017. p. 16-19 : ill. - Berezovski, A. Internal variables associated with microstructures in solids // Mechanics research communications (2018) vol. 93, p. 30-34. - Engelbrecht, J., Salupere, A., Berezovski, A., Peets, T., Tamm, K. On nonlinear waves in media with complex properties // Generalized models and non-classical approaches in complex materials ; 1. Cham : Springer, 2018. p. 275-286. (Advanced structured materials ; 89). - Engelbrecht, J., Peets, T., Tamm, K. Solitons modelled by Boussinesq-type equations // Mechanics research communications (2018) vol. 93, p. 62-65. - Salupere, A., Ratas, M. On the application of 2D discrete spectral analysis in case of the KP equation // Mechanics research communications (2018) vol. 93, p. 141-147 : ill. - Peets, T., Tamm, K., Simson, P., Engelbrecht, J. On solutions of a Boussinesq-type equation with displacement-dependent nonlinearity: A soliton doublet to the memory of Alexander Samsonov // Wave motion (2019) Vol. 85, p. 10-17. - Berezovski, A., Kolman, R., Berezovski, M. et al. Full field computing for elastic pulse dispersion in inhomogeneous bars // Composite structures (2018) vol. 204, p. 388-394 : ill. - Engelbrecht, J., Tamm, K., Peets, T. Criteria for modelling wave phenomena in complex systems : the case of signals in nerves // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2019) vol. 68, 3, p. 276–283 : ill. - Berezovski, A. Internal variables representation of generalized heat equations // Continuum mechanics and thermodynamics (2019) vol. 31, 6, p. 1733–1741. - Tamm, K., Engelbrecht, J., Peets, T. Temperature changes accompanying signal propagation in axons // Journal of non-equilibrium thermodynamics (2019) vol. 44, 3, p. 277–284 : ill. - Engelbrecht, J., Tamm, K., Peets, T. Modeling of complex signals in nerve fibers // Medical hypotheses (2018) vol. 120, p. 90-95 : ill. - Engelbrecht, J., Peets, T., Tamm, K. Electromechanical coupling of waves in nerve fibres // Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology (2018) vol. 17, 6, p. 1771–1783 : ill. - Engelbrecht, J., Peets, T., Tamm, K., Laasmaa, M., Vendelin, M. On the complexity of signal propagation in nerve fibres // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2018) vol. 67, 1, p. 28-38 : ill.*est*est - Ratas, M. Application of Haar wavelet method for solving nonlinear evolution equations // International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, ICNAAM 2018 : 13-18 September 2018, Rhodes, Greece. Melville, New York : AIP, 2019. art. 330004, p. 1–4. (AIP conference proceedings ; 2116, 1). - Jena, S.K., Chakraverty, S., Ratas, M., Kirs, M. Application of HoHWM in the stability analysis of nonlocal Euler-Bernoulli beam // International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics ICNAAM 2019 : 23–28 September 2019 Rhodes, Greece. Melville, New York : AIP, 2020. art. 230003. (AIP conference proceedings ; 2293). - Peets, T., Tamm, K., Engelbrecht, J. Comment on "Solitons in the Heimburg-Jackson model of sound propagation in lipid bilayers are enabled by dispersion of a stiff membrane" by M. Drab et al. // The European physical journal E (2023) vol. 46, 5, art. 34. - Engelbrecht, Jüri; Tamm, Kert; Peets, Tanel Axons’ signals // Horizons in neuroscience research ; 49. New York : Nova Science Publishers, 2023. p. 33-73. (Nova Medicine and Health). - Peets, T., Tamm, K., Engelbrecht, J. On mathematical modeling of the propagation of a wave ensemble within an individual axon // Frontiers in cellular neuroscience (2023) vol. 17, art. 1222785.