Holocene quantitative pollen-based vegetation reconstructions in Europe for climate modelling: LandClim II [Online resource]
Esther Githumbi, Ralph Fyfe, Erik Kjellström, Johan Lindström, Zhengyao Lu, Florence Mazier, Anne Nielsen, Anneli Poska, Ben Smith, Gustav Strandberg, Shinya Sugita, Qiong Zhang, Marie-José Gaillard
20th Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA): INQUA Congress 2019: Dublin, From 25 Jul 2019 - 31 Jul 2019
International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA)
konverentsi nimetus, aeg
20th Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA): INQUA Congress 2019, From 25 Jul 2019 - 31 Jul 2019
konverentsi toimumispaik
Dublin, Ireland
TTÜ struktuuriüksus
Githumbi, E., Fyfe, R., Kjellström, E., Poska, A., Sugita, S. et al. Holocene quantitative pollen-based vegetation reconstructions in Europe for climate modelling: LandClim II [Online resource] // 20th Congress of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA): INQUA Congress 2019: Dublin, From 25 Jul 2019 - 31 Jul 2019. : International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), 2019. https://app.oxfordabstracts.com/events/574/program-app/submission/84376