SustainChem2011 : International Conference on Materials and Technologies for Green Chemistry jointly with Workshop of COST Action CM0903 (UBIOCHEM-II) : September 5-9, 2011, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book and program (allikas)

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    Biological treatment of anaerobic digester supernatant by anaerobic ammonium oxidation method in UASB systemTomingas, Martin; Zekker, Ivar; Rikmann, Ergo; Tenno, Toomas; Menert, Anne; Kroon, Kristel; Tenno, TaavoSustainChem2011 : International Conference on Materials and Technologies for Green Chemistry jointly with Workshop of COST Action CM0903 (UBIOCHEM-II) : September 5-9, 2011, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book and program2011 / p. 140
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    Capillary electrophoresis - towards a sustainable analytical solution for multianalyteKuban, PetrSustainChem2011 : International Conference on Materials and Technologies for Green Chemistry jointly with Workshop of COST Action CM0903 (UBIOCHEM-II) : September 5-9, 2011, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book and program2011 / p. 63
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    Capillary electrophoretic monitoring of products of enzymatic digestion of willow sawdustHelmja, Kati; Käsper, Andres; Kudrjašova, Marina; Vaher, MerikeSustainChem2011 : International Conference on Materials and Technologies for Green Chemistry jointly with Workshop of COST Action CM0903 (UBIOCHEM-II) : September 5-9, 2011, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book and program2011 / p. 105
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    Catalytic asymmetric oxidation of 1,2-diketonesLopp, Margus; Paju, Anne; Oja, Karolin; Lumi, Priit; Matkevich, KatarinaSustainChem2011 : International Conference on Materials and Technologies for Green Chemistry jointly with Workshop of COST Action CM0903 (UBIOCHEM-II) : September 5-9, 2011, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book and program2011 / p. 40
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    Chemicals and lignin from black liqour by a wet oxidation processMelin, Johan Kristian; Mudassar, Hassan Raja; Hurme, Markku; Koskinen, Jukka; Kallas, JuhaSustainChem2011 : International Conference on Materials and Technologies for Green Chemistry jointly with Workshop of COST Action CM0903 (UBIOCHEM-II) : September 5-9, 2011, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book and program2011 / p. 154
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    Green analytical chemistry : setting a strategic directionKaljurand, Mihkel; Vaher, Merike; Koel, MihkelSustainChem2011 : International Conference on Materials and Technologies for Green Chemistry jointly with Workshop of COST Action CM0903 (UBIOCHEM-II) : September 5-9, 2011, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book and program2011 / p. 61
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    Ionic liquid-carbon-polymer composite actuator based on carbon aerogel electrodesKaasik, Friedrich; Must, Indrek; Torop, Janno; Peikolainen, Anna-Liisa; Aabloo, AlvoSustainChem2011 : International Conference on Materials and Technologies for Green Chemistry jointly with Workshop of COST Action CM0903 (UBIOCHEM-II) : September 5-9, 2011, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book and program2011 / p. 112 : ill
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    Nano(eco)toxicology : science at the interfacesKahru, Anne; Ivask, Angela; Blinova, Irina; Kasemets, Kaja; Bondarenko, Olesja; Mortimer, Monika; Heinlaan, Margit; Käkinen, Aleksandr; Aruoja, VillemSustainChem2011 : International Conference on Materials and Technologies for Green Chemistry jointly with Workshop of COST Action CM0903 (UBIOCHEM-II) : September 5-9, 2011, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book and program2011 / p. 22
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    A new chiral hemicucurbit[6]uril, a host for the ionsAav, Riina; Shmatova, Elena; Öeren, Mario; Borissova, MariaSustainChem2011 : International Conference on Materials and Technologies for Green Chemistry jointly with Workshop of COST Action CM0903 (UBIOCHEM-II) : September 5-9, 2011, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book and program2011 / p. 83
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    New concepts and materials for sustainable photovoltaicsKrunks, MalleSustainChem2011 : International Conference on Materials and Technologies for Green Chemistry jointly with Workshop of COST Action CM0903 (UBIOCHEM-II) : September 5-9, 2011, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book and program2011 / p. 24
    artikkel kogumikus
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    Organocatalytic enantioselective domino reactions leading to polysubstituted n-heterocyclesKanger, TõnisSustainChem2011 : International Conference on Materials and Technologies for Green Chemistry jointly with Workshop of COST Action CM0903 (UBIOCHEM-II) : September 5-9, 2011, Tallinn, Estonia : abstract book and program2011 / p. 44
    artikkel kogumikus
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