Ramiro Troitiño, David
TalTech department
In TalTech
Name reference
Ramiro Troitino, David
Troitiño, David Ramiro
Career in TalTech
õiguse instituut, vanemteadur, 01.01.2023-31.12.2027
õiguse instituut, vanemlektor, 01.09.2017–31.12.2022
rahvusvaheliste suhete instituut, külalislektor, 01.09.2015–26.04.2017
rahvusvaheliste suhete instituut, dotsent, 01.07.2008–31.08.2015
Teenistuskäik mujal
Audentese Ülikool, dotsent, 2006-2008
Concordia Rahvusvaheline Ülikool Eestis, 2005-2006
Tartu Ülikool, lektor, 01.10.2004–20.05.2005
Research group member
Legal policy and normative framework of EU digital market and technologies and it's application in partner countries. Innovative businesses and future governance.Kerikmäe, TanelInternational relations, security, law and technology. Innovative businesses and future governance, Smart and energy efficient environments, Dependable IT solutions.Mölder, Holger