Mathematical analysis research group

Head of the research group
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The main directions of research are as follows:‚ Studying the generalized Shannon sampling operators that mean the representations of functions in terms of series, wherethe expansion coefficients are its samplesand expansion functions are translatesof certain kernel function. In the case ofKantorovich-type sampling operators wetake, instead of point estimates, some localaverages as Fejer-type singular integrals.‚ Studying sampling operators, definedusing cosine operator framework, their approximation properties and possibleapplications.‚ Studying applications of the generalizedsampling operators in Signal Processing,especially in imaging applications, wherethe generalized sampling operators area natural tool for image resampling. Wealso study applications in HDR imaging.We study the applications of sampling operators in time series analysis and linearprediction.‚ Studying representations of the derivatives (also fractional derivatives) withKantorovich-type sampling operators.We study sampling in fractional Fourierframework.‚ Studying possibilities of applying ourapproximation-theoretic results in deeplearning.
Research classification (Frascati)
sampling operators
approximation theory
Important results
Main results:‚ We studied sampling operators for one-bitsampling.‚ We studied Kantorovich-type samplingoperators for derivative sampling.‚ We defined a family of fractional derivativemasks for image processing.‚ We studied approximation properties ofsampling operators, defined using cosineoperator framework.