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Merendussektor seisab silmitsi suurte väljakutsetega seoses digitaalsete süsteemide küberturvalisusega, mis on tänapäeval üha enam levinud laevadel, sadamate infrastruktuuris ja laiemalt logistikaahelas. Autonoomsete laevade teke ja laiemalt asjade interneti tehnoloogia laialdane kasutamine laevadel ja merenduse infrastruktuurides on olulised teemad, mis vajavad erilist tähelepanu. Nende küsimustega tegelemiseks on vaja terviklikku lähenemisviisi, mis hõlmaks meremeeste haridust ja küberturvalisuse inimlikku aspekti, uudse tehnoloogilise lähenemise väljatöötamist laevaehituse jaoks „security by design“, tegevusprotsessi, aga ka strateegiliste otsuste tegemist kõigi sidusrühmade jaoks. Merenduse küberturvalisuse keskuse eesmärk on tegutseda eespool nimetatud tegevuste katalüsaatorina. ELi raamprogrammi Horisont 2020 grant (projekt MariCybERA) võimaldab panustada ja mängida olulist rolli nii teadusuuringute kui ka tehnoloogilise arengu osas Euroopas. Selleks teeb uurimisrühm koostööd kutseorganisatsioonide, tööstusharude, valitsusasutuste ja akadeemiliste struktuuridega nii Eestis, Euroopas kui ka kogu maailma.Konkreetsed fookused ja pädevused on järgmised:• Küberteadlikkus ja laevaohvitseride väljaõpe • Küberturvalisuse ja autonoomsete laevade jaoks mõeldud usaldusväärne tehisintellekt• Küberturvalisuse strateegia, mida rakendatakse merenduse digitaliseerimisel• Merenduse küberturbe operatsioonide keskuse tegevus
Tähtsamad tulemused
Lugo, R. G.; Sütterlin, S.; Knox, B. J.; Bukauskas, L.; Brilingaite, A.; Maennel, O. M. (2023). The human factor in cyber security education. Frontiers in Education, 8, ARTN 1277282−2 pp. DOI: 10.3389/feduc.2023.1277282.
Mirsadeghi, S. M. H.; Bahsi, H.; Vaarandi, R.; Inoubli, W. (2023). Learning From Few Cyber-Attacks: Addressing the Class Imbalance Problem in Machine Learning-Based Intrusion Detection in SoftwareDefined Networking. IEEE Access, 11, 140428−1
Seotud projektid
Seotud struktuuriüksus
- Heering, D., Maennel, O.M., Venables, A.N. Shortcomings in cybersecurity education for seafarers // Developments in Maritime Technology and Engineering : Celebrating 40 years of teaching in Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering in Portugal and the 25th anniversary of CENTEC, Volume 1. London : CRC Press, 2021. p. 49−61. (Marine technology and ocean engineering series ; 6). - Heering, D. Ensuring Cybersecurity in Shipping: Reference to Estonian Shipowners // TransNav : the international journal on marine navigation and safety of sea transportation (2020) vol. 14, 2, p. 271−278. - Lovell, K.N. Exercise Neptune : maritime cybersecurity training using the navigational simulators // Proceedings of the 5th Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Conference 2019 : 29th of June 2019, Tallinn University of Technology. Tallinn : Tallinn University of Technology, Department of Software Science, 2019. p. 34-37.*est - Guerra-Manzanares, A., Medina-Galindo, J., Bahsi, H., Nõmm, S. MedBIoT : generation of an IoT Botnet Dataset in a medium-sized IoT network // Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy, ICISSP : February 25-27, 2020, La Valletta, Malta. Vol. 1. : SciTePress, 2020. p. 207-218 : ill. - Guerra-Manzanares, A., Bahsi, H., Nõmm, S. KronoDroid : time-based hybrid-featured dataset for effective android malware detection and characterization // Computers & Security (2021) vol. 110, art. 102399, 32 p. - Bahsi, H., Franke, U., Friberg, E.L. The cyber-insurance market in Norway // Information and computer security (2020) vol. 28, 1, p. 54−67. - Kalakoti, R., Nõmm, S., Bahsi, H. In-depth feature selection for the statistical machine learning-based botnet detection in IoT networks // IEEE Access (2022) vol. 10, p. 94518-94535. - Sütterlin, S., Lugo, R. G., Ask, T. F., Veng, K., Eck, J., Fritschi, J., Özmen, M-T., Bärreiter, B., Knox, B. J. The Role of IT Background for Metacognitive Accuracy, Confidence and Overestimation of Deep Fake Recognition Skills // Augmented Cognition : 16th International Conference, AC 2022, Held as Part of the 24th HCI International Conference, HCII 2022. Virtual Event, June 26 - July 1, 2022, proceedings. Cham : Springer Nature, 2022. p. 103-119. (Lecture notes in computer science ; 13310). - Guerra Manzanares, A., Luckner, M., Bahsi, H. Concept drift and cross-device behavior : challenges and implications for effective android malware detection // Computers & Security (2022) Vol. 120, art. 102757, 20 p. : ill. - Guerra Manzanares, A., Luckner, M., Bahsi, H. Android malware concept drift using system calls : detection, characterization and challenges // Expert systems with applications (2022) Vol. 206, art. 117200, 19 p. : ill. - Bahsi, H., Dola, H. O., Khalil, S. M., Korõtko, T. A cyber attack taxonomy for microgrid systems // 2022 17th Annual System of Systems Engineering Conference (SOSE). : IEEE, 2022. p. 324-331. - Guerra Manzanares, A., Bahsi, H. On the relativity of time : implications and challenges of data drift on long-term effective android malware detection // Computers & Security (2022) Vol. 122, art. 102835, 15 p. : ill. - Del Mar-Raave, J. R., Bahsi, H., Mrsic, L., Hausknecht, K. A machine learning-based forensic tool for image classification - a design science approach // Forensic Science International : Digital Investigation (2021) vol. 38, art. 301265, 13 p. - Ernits, M., Mäses, S., Lepik, T., Maennel, O. From simple scoring towards a meaningful interpretation of learning in cybersecurity exercises // Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ICCWS) : Old Dominion University (ODU), Norfolk, Virginia, USA, 12-13 March 2020. Reading : Academic Conferences International, 2020. p. 135-143. - Vaarandi, R., Mäses, S. How to build a SOC on a budget // 2022 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR). Piscataway : IEEE, 2022. p. 171-177 : ill. - Garcia-Granados F., Bahsi, H. Cybersecurity knowledge requirements for strategic level decision makers // Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ICCWS) : Old Dominion University (ODU), Norfolk, Virginia, USA, 12-13 March 2020. Reading : Academic Conferences International, 2020. p. 559-568. - Domarkiene, I., Ambrozaityte, L., Bukauskas, L., Rančelis, T., Sütterlin, S., Knox, B. J., Maennel, K., Maennel, O., Parish, K., Lugo, R. G., Brilingaite, A. CyberGenomics : application of behavioral genetics in cybersecurity // Behavioral Sciences (2021) vol. 11, 11, art. 152. - Vaarandi, R. A stream clustering algorithm for classifying network IDS alerts // Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cyber Security and Resilience (CSR), July 26–28, 2021 : Virtual Conference : proceedings. Danvers : IEEE, 2021. p. 14-19. - Venables, A. N. Modelling cyberspace to determine cybersecurity training requirements // Frontiers in education (2021) vol. 6, art. 768037, 16 p. : ill. - Roberts, A., Malayjerdi, M., Malayjerdi, E., Maennel, O. M. Combined safety and cybersecurity testing methodology for autonomous driving algorithms // CSCS '22 : Proceedings of the 6th ACM Computer Science in Cars Symposium. : ACM, 2022. art. 12, 10 p. - Roberts, A., Snetkov, N., Maennel, O. Cybersecurity test range for autonomous vehicle shuttles // 2021 IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops EuroS&PW 2021 : Virtual Conference, 6-10 September 2021 : proceedings. : IEEE, 2021. p. 239-249 : ill. - Valtna-Dvorak, A., Lips, S., Tsap, V., Ottis, R., Priisalu, J., Draheim, D. Vulnerability of state-provided electronic identification : the case of ROCA in Estonia // Electronic Government and the Information Systems Perspective : 10th International Conference, EGOVIS 2021, Virtual Event, September 27–30, 2021 : proceedings. Cham : Springer Nature, 2021. p. 73–85. (Lecture notes in computer science ; 12926). - Babayeva, G., Maennel, K., Maennel, O. M. Building an ontology for cyber defence exercises // IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops (EuroS&PW). : IEEE, 2022. p. 423-432. - Shokri-Manninen, F., Tsiopoulos, L., Vain, J., Walden, M. Integration of iUML-B and UPPAAL timed automata for development of real-time systems with concurrent processes // Rigorous State-Based Methods 7th International Conference, ABZ 2020, Ulm, Germany, May 27–29, 2020 : proceedings. Cham : Springer, 2020. p. 186-202. (Lecture notes in computer science ; 12071). - Vain, J., Tsiopoulos, L., Kanter, G. Aspect-oriented Model-based testing with UPPAAL timed automata // Model and Data Engineering : 10th International Conference, MEDI 2021, Tallinn, Estonia, June 21–23, 2021 : proceedings. Cham : Springer Nature, 2021. p. 117-124. (Lecture notes in computer science ; 12732). - Sumaila, F., Bahsi, H. Digital forensic analysis of mobile automotive maintenance applications // Forensic Science International : Digital Investigation (2022) vol. 43, suppl., art. 301440. - Vaarandi, R., Pihelgas, M. Netflow based framework for identifying anomalous end user nodes // Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ICCWS) : Old Dominion University (ODU), Norfolk, Virginia, USA, 12-13 March 2020. Reading : Academic Conferences International, 2020. p. 448-456. - Mäses, S., Maennel, O., Sütterlin, S. Using competency mapping for skills assessment in an introductory cybersecurity course // Educating Engineers for Future Industrial Revolutions : Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2020). Volume 2. Cham : Springer, 2021. p. 572-583. (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing ; 1329). - Guin, J., Vain, J., Tsiopoulos, L., Valdek, G. Temporal multi-view contracts for efficient test models // Digital Business and Intelligent Systems : 15th International Baltic Conference, Baltic DB&IS 2022, Riga, Latvia, July 4-6, 2022 : proceedings. Cham : Springer Nature, 2022. p. 136–151. (Communications in Computer and Information Science ; 1598). - Guerra-Manzanares, A., Medina-Galindo, J., Bahsi, H., Nõmm, S. Using MedBIoT dataset to build effective machine learning-based IoT botnet detection systems // Information Systems Security and Privacy : 6th International Conference, ICISSP 2020, Valletta, Malta, February 25–27, 2020 : revised selected papers. Cham : Springer Nature, 2022. p. 222–243. (Communications in Computer and Information Science ; 1545). - Haddad, Y., Orye, E., Maennel, O. Ghost injection attack on automatic dependent surveillance–broadcast equipped drones impact on human behaviour // 2021 IEEE International Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspects of Situation Management (CogSIMA) : Virtual Conference, 14-22 May 2021 : proceedings. Danvers : IEEE, 2021. p. 161-166. - Nõmm, S., Venables, A. N. Towards generation of synthetic data sets for hybrid conflict modelling // IFAC-Papers OnLine (2022) Vol. 55, 29, p. 25-30. - Bolmsten, J., Kasepold, K., Kaizer, A., Ziemska, M., Heering, D., Alop, A., Chesnokova, M., Olena, S. Sustainable development processes of education technologies - a multiple case
study // Proceedings of the International Association of Maritime Universities. Alexandria : Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, 2021. p. 364-373. - Yari, S., Mäses, S., Maennel, O.M. A method for teaching Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) using personalised cloud-based exercises // Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ICCWS) : Old Dominion University (ODU), Norfolk, Virginia, USA, 12-13 March 2020. Reading : Academic Conferences International, 2020. p. 480−489. - Maennel, K., Kivimägi, K., Maennel, O., Sütterlin, S., Ernits, M. Remote technical labs : an innovative and scalable component for university cybersecurity program admission // Educating Engineers for Future Industrial Revolutions : Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2020). Volume 2. Cham : Springer, 2021. p. 521-533. (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing ; 1329). - Guin, J., Vain, J., Tsiopoulos, L., Valdek, G. Temporal multi-view contracts help developing efficient test models // Baltic journal of modern computing (2022) vol. 10, 4, p. 710-737. - Roberts, A., Venables, A. N. The role of artificial intelligence in kinetic targeting from the perspective of international humanitarian law // 2021 13th International Conference on Cyber Conflict : Going viral. Tallinn : NATO CCD COE, 2021. art. 9468301, p. 43-57.*est - Tsiopoulos, L., Kuusik, A., Vain, J., Bahsi, H. Model-based analysis of secure and patient-dependent pacemaker monitoring system // Body Area Networks. Smart IoT and Big Data for Intelligent Health : 15th EAI International Conference, BODYNETS 2020, Tallinn, Estonia, October 21, 2020 : proceedings. Cham : ICST Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 2020. p. 77-91. (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering; 330). - Franke, U., Friberg, E.L., Bahşi, H. Maritime cyber-insurance: the Norwegian case // International Journal of Critical Infrastructures (2022) vol. 18, 3, p. 267-286. - Caliskan, E., Vaarandi, R. Career development in cyber security: Bootcamp training programs // Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ICCWS) : Old Dominion University (ODU), Norfolk, Virginia, USA, 12-13 March 2020. Reading : Academic Conferences International, 2020. p. 503-511. - Chikul, P., Bahsi, H., Maennel, O. M. An ontology engineering case study for advanced digital forensic analysis // Model and Data Engineering : 10th International Conference, MEDI 2021, Tallinn, Estonia, June 21–23, 2021 : proceedings. Cham : Springer Nature, 2021. p. 67–74. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 12732). - Vain, J., Tsiopoulos, L., Kanter, G. Provably correct aspect-oriented modeling with UPPAAL timed automata // System assurances : modeling and management. : Elsevier, 2022. p. 447-476. (Emerging methodologies and applications in modelling, identification and control). - Lugo, R.G., Knox, B.J., Josøk, Ø., Sütterlin, S. Variable self-efficacy as a measurement for behaviors in cyber security operations // Augmented Cognition. Human Cognition and Behavior : 14th International Conference, AC 2020, Held as Part of the 22nd HCI International Conference, HCII 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 19–24, 2020 : proceedings, Part II. Cham : Springer, 2020. p. 395-404. (Lecture notes in computer science ; 12197). - Sõmer, T., Lorenz, B., Ottis, R. Developing military cyber workforce in a conscript armed forces : recruitment, challenges and options // 14th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security (ICCWS 2019) : Stellenbosch University, South Africa, 28 February - 1 March 2019 : proceedings. Red Hook : Academic Conferences International, 2019. p. 413−421. "ICCWS 2019" - Vain, J., Tsiopoulos, L., Kharchenko, V., Kaur, A., Jenihhin, M., Raik, J., Nõmm, S. Energy-efficient multi-fragment Markov model guided online model-based testing for MPSoC // Green IT Engineering: Social, Business and Industrial Applications. Cham : Springer Nature, 2019. p. 273-297. (Studies in systems, decision and control ; 171). - Guerra-Manzanares, A., Nõmm, S., Bahsi, H. In-depth feature selection and ranking for automated detection of mobile malware // Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy : ICISSP 2019 : February 23-25, 2019, Prague, Czech Republic. Vol. 1. [S.l.] : SciTePress, 2019. p. 274-283 : ill. - Bolmsten, J., Kasepõld, K., Heering, D., Alop, A. et al. Maritime innovation management - a concept of an innovative course for young maritime professionals // Proceedings of the International Association of Maritime Universities (IAMU) Conference, Japan, Tokyo : the 20th Commemorative Annual General Assembly, AGA20 : International Association of Maritime Universities 30 October - 1 November 2019, Tokyo Japan. Tokyo : International Association of Maritime Universities, 2019. p. 268-274. - Vain, J., Kaur, A., Tsiopoulus, L., Raik, J., Jenihhin, M. Multi-view modeling for MPSoC design aspects [Online resource] // BEC 2018 : 2018 16th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference (BEC) : proceedings of the 16th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference, October 8-10, 2018. : IEEE, 2018. 4 p.: ill. - Bahsi, H., Dieves, V., Kangilaski, T., Mõtus, L., Priisalu, J., Täks, E., Tammpuu, P., Taveter, K. et al. Mapping the information flows for the architecture of a nationwide situation awareness system : (Poster) // Proceedings 2019 IEEE International Conference on Cognitive and Computational Aspects of Situation Management (CogSIMA) : Las Vegas, NV, USA, 8-11 April 2019. Danvers : IEEE, 2019. p. 152–157. - Blumbergs, B., Ottis, R., Vaarandi, R. Crossed swords : a cyber red team oriented technical exercise // Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, University of Coimbra Portugal, 4-5th July 2019. : Academic Conferences International, 2019. p. 37-44. - Mezešova, T., Bahsi, H. Expert knowledge elicitation for skill level categorization of attack paths // 2019 International Conference on Cyber Security and Protection of Digital Services (Cyber Security). : IEEE, 2019. 8 p. : tab. - Orye, E., Maennel, O.M. Recommendations for enhancing the results of cyber effects // 2019 : 11th International Conference on Cyber Conflict : Silent Battle : 28 May-31 May 2019, Tallinn, Estonia : proceedings. Tallinn : NATO CCD COE, 2019. p. 103-121.*est - Maennel, K., Mäses, S., Sütterlin, S., Ernits, M., Maennel, O. Using technical cybersecurity exercises in university admissions and skill evaluation // IFAC-PapersOnLine (2019) vol. 52, 19, p. 169-174. - Çalışkan, E., Vaarandi, R., Lorenz, B. Improving learning efficiency and evaluation fairness for cyber security courses : a case study // Intelligent Computing : Proceedings of the 2019 Computing Conference. Volume 2. Cham : Springer Nature, 2019. p. 622-638. (Advances in intelligent systems and computing ; 998). - Lepik, T., Maennel, K., Ernits, M., Maennel, O. Art and automation of teaching malware reverse engineering // Learning and Collaboration Technologies : Learning and Teaching : 5th International Conference : LCT 2018, Held as Part of HCI International 2018, Las Vegas, NV, USA, July 15-20, 2018 : Proceedings, Part II. Cham : Springer, 2018. p. 461-472. (Lecture notes in computer science ; 10925, Information Systems and Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI ; 10925). - Mäses, S., Kikerpill, K., Jüristo, K., Maennel, O. Mixed methods research approach and experimental procedure for measuring human factors in cybersecurity using phishing simulations // ECRM 2019 - Proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies ; vol. 1. Reading : Academic Conferences International, 2019. p. 218-226. - Tabuyo-Benito, R., Bahsi, H., Peris-Lopez, P. Forensics analysis of an on-line game over Steam Platform // Digital Forensics and Cyber Crime : 10th International EAI Conference, ICDF2C 2018, New Orleans, LA, USA, September 10–12, 2018, Proceedings. Cham : Springer, 2019. p. 106-127. (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering; 259). - Guerra-Manzanares, A., Nõmm, S., Bahsi, H. Time-frame analysis of system calls behavior in machine learning-based mobile malware detection // 2019 International Conference on Cyber Security for Emerging Technologies : CSET 2019, Doha, Qatar, 27 October 2019 through 29 October 2019. : IEEE, 2019. art. 89049088 ; 8 p. : ill. - Guerra-Manzanares, A., Bahsi, H., Nõmm, S. Differences in Android behavior between real device and emulator : a malware detection perspective // 6th International Conference on Internet of Things: Systems, Management and Security (IOTSMS), Granada, Spain, October 22-25, 2019. Denver : IEEE, 2019. art. 8939268, p. 399-404. - Mäses, S., Randmann, L., Maennel, O., Lorenz, B. Stenmap : framework for evaluating cybersecurity-related skills based on computer simulations // Learning and Collaboration Technologies : Learning and Teaching : 5th International Conference : LCT 2018, Held as Part of HCI International 2018, Las Vegas, NV, USA, July 15-20, 2018 : Proceedings, Part II. Cham : Springer, 2018. p. 492-504. (Lecture notes in computer science ; 10925, Information Systems and Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI ; 10925). - Bahsi, H., Udokwu, C.J., Tatar, U., Norta, A. Impact assessment of cyber actions on missions or business processes : a systematic literature review // Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, ICCWS 2018 : National Defence University, Washington DC, USA, 6-9 March 2018. Red Hook : Academic Conferences International, 2018. p. 11-20 : ill. - Guerra-Manzanares, A., Nõmm, S., Bahsi, H. Towards the integration of a post-hoc interpretation step into the machine learning workflow for IoT botnet detection // 18th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications : ICMLA 2019, 16–19 December 2019, Boca Raton, Florida, USA : proceedings. Danvers : IEEE, 2019. p. 1162-1169 : ill. - Maennel, K., Mäses, S., Maennel, O.M. Cyber hygiene : the big picture // Secure IT Systems : 23rd Nordic Conference, NordSec 2018, Oslo, Norway, November 28–30, 2018 : proceedings. Cham : Springer Nature, 2018. p. 291-305 : ill. (Lecture notes in computer science ; 11252). - Herrera, L-C., Maennel, O. A comprehensive instrument for identifying critical information infrastructure services // International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection (2019) vol. 25, p. 50-61 : ill. - Vaarandi, R., Blumbergs, B., Kont, M. An unsupervised framework for detecting anomalous messages from syslog log files // Network operations and management symposium : cognitive mangement in a cyber world, 23-27 april 2018, Taipei, Taiwan. : IEEE, 2018. 6 p. - Guerra-Manzanares, A., Bahsi, H., Nõmm, S. Hybrid feature selection models for machine learning based botnet detection in IoT networks // 2019 International Conference on Cyberworlds : CW 2019 : 2-4 October 2019, Kyoto, Japan : proceedings. Danvers : IEEE, 2019. p. 324-327 : ill. - Bahsi, H., Nõmm, S., Dimensionality reduction for machine learning based IoT botnet detection // 15th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision (ICARCV 2018) : Singapore, November 18-21, 2018. S.l. : IEEE, 2018. p. 1857-1862 : ill. - Nõmm, S., Bahsi, H. Unsupervised anomaly based botnet detection in IoT networks // 17th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications : ICMLA 2018, 17–20 December 2018, Orlando, Florida, USA : proceedings. Danvers : IEEE, 2018. p. 1048-1053. - Bauk, S., Ntshangase, L. H. Blockchain implementation barriers in maritime: a case study based on ISM and MICMAC techniques // Journal of maritime research (2023) vol. 20, 3, p. 72-80.