Sustainable value chain management research group

Head of the research group
Sustainable value chain management deals withtasks and processes aiming at preparing and supporting the implementation of growth opportunities and innovations within the constraints of afirm’s strategy. Thus, sustainable value chainmanagement is focused on preparing, planning,implementing and evaluating a continuousstream of potential innovations.The research group investigates potential growthand innovation opportunities within and between organizations by using interdisciplinaryapproaches from business, sustainability management (e.g. “Circular Economy”) and environmental economics, operations and innovationmanagement, engineering, IT, design and socialsciences in the context of the European agendafor smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.Consequently, the research group deals with innovations and growth opportunities in the areasof digitalization, smart production and Industry4.0, Big Data, strategic alliances and networksas well as industrial strategy and competitiveness studies.The research work usually takes place in theframework of European and/or national projectsand in the context of the university–businesscooperation.
sustainable business development
operations management
sustainable innovation
environmental economics
green economy
smart supply chain management
organizational learning