Laboratory of fuels technology

Head of the research group
Related department
The Laboratory of Fuels Technology at Oil ShaleCompetence Center (OSCC) offers both direct research and analysis services in accredited areas.The laboratory’s research directions are:Organic substances (including waste, plastics,tyres, RDF, SRF) pyrolysis at various temperatures. The analysis of the obtained products. Particular attention is paid to the co-processing ofdifferent materials with oil shale. Co-processingof plastic waste with oil shale and oil-shale ashhas good prerequisites to be the basis for the development of industrial technology for recyclingof non-recyclable plastics.The laboratory’s competencies include determining the quality of solid and liquid fuels inaccordance with standards and determiningthe component composition of samples of gasesand liquids using chromatography and massspectrometry methods.The Laboratory is accredited in accordance withthe requirements of the standard EVS-EN ISO /IEC 17025: 2017. The laboratory is in the working group of the Estonian Centre for Standardisation and Accreditation EVS / TK 57 “Processingof oil shale and oil shale products”.
Research classification (Frascati)
waste fuels
solid and liquid fuels
water and gas analysis