Brain bioelectrical signals research group
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The research group is experienced in the interdisciplinary area of information technology and brain physiology. The studies are aimed to detect and interpret the features in the brain electroencephalography (EEG) signal characteristic for mental disorder, occupational and/or environmental stressors comprising the advanced methods of signal analysis and the knowledge about brain neuronal activity. An original Spectral Asymmetry Index (SASI) has been developed and proved as a promising method in various applications.
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Doctoral students
Research classification (Frascati)
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Important results
By applying EEG-based objective measures it is feasible to indicate early symptoms of depression;Decreased small-world organization of a brain network is compensated with increased alpha connectivity;Long-term temporal variability of SASI for a person is much lower than inter-individual variability, supporting the possibility of using SASI for evaluation of depression symptoms for an individual.
Uudeberg, T.; Belikov, J.; Päeske, L.; Hinrikus, H.; Liiv, I.; Bachmann, M. (2023). In-phase matrix profile: A novel method for the detection of major depressive disorder. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Art. no.105378−8 pp. DOI: 10.1016/j.bspc.2023.105378
- Pépin, M., Ferreira, A.C., Arici, M., Bachmann, M., Barbieri, M., Bumblyte, I.A. et al. Cognitive disorders in patients with chronic kidney disease : specificities of clinical assessment // Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation (2022) vol. 37, p. ii23-ii32. - Põld, T., Päeske, L., Hinrikus, H., Lass, J., Bachmann, M. Long-term stability of resting state EEG-based linear and nonlinear measures // International journal of psychophysiology (2021) vol. 159, p. 83-87. - Hinrikus, H., Lass, J., Bachmann, M. Threshold of radiofrequency electromagnetic field effect on human brain // International journal of radiation biology (2021) Vol. 97, 11, p. 1505-1515 : ill. - Päeske, L., Hinrikus, H., Lass, J., Raik, J., Bachmann, M. Negative correlation between functional connectivity and small-worldness in the alpha frequency band of a healthy brain // Frontiers in Physiology (2020) Vol. 11, Art. nr. 910. - Hinrikus, H., Koppel, T., Lass, J., Roosipuu, P., Bachmann, M. Limiting exposure to radiofrequency radiation : the principles and possible criteria for health protection // International Journal of Radiation Biology (2023) vol. 99, 8, p. 1167-1177. - Uudeberg, T., Hinrikus, H., Päeske, L., Lass, J., Bachmann, M. Changes in EEG measures of a recipient of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine - a case study // 2022 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC). Piscataway, NJ : IEEE, 2022. p. 3702-3705. (Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS ; Volume 2022-July). - Pilt, K., Karai, D., Bachmann, M., Gavriljuk, M., Allik, A., Uudeberg, T. Influence of mental stress on the arterial stiffness parameters detected from photoplethysmographic signal waveform // 2022 18th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference (BEC). : IEEE, 2022. 4 p. - Uudeberg, T., Päeske, L., Põld, T., Lass, J., Hinrikus, H., Bachmann, M. Long-term stability of EEG spectral asymmetry index - preliminary study // XV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing - MEDICON 2019 : proceedings of MEDICON 2019, September 26–28, 2019, Coimbra, Portugal. Cham : Springer, 2020. p. 276-281. (IFMBE proceedings ; 76). - Avots, E., Sapinski, T., Bachmann, M., Kaminska, D. Audiovisual emotion recognition in wild // Machine Vision and Applications (2019) vol. 30, 5, p. 975–985 : ill. - Põld, T., Päeske, L., Bachmann, M., Lass, J., Hinrikus, H. Assessment of objective symptoms of depression in occupational health examination // Journal of occupational and environmental medicine (2019) vol. 61, 7, p. 605-609. - Hinrikus, H., Karpowicz, J., Naarala, J. (eds.). Electromagnetic fields in biology and medicine. London : Taylor & Francis, 2018. [77] p. : ill. (International journal of radiation biology; vol. 94, 10). - Bachmann, M., Päeske, L., Ioannides, A.A., Lass, J., Hinrikus, H. After-effect induced by microwave radiation in human electroencephalographic signal : a feasibility study // International journal of radiation biology (2018) vol. 94, 10, p. 896–901 : ill. - Päeske, L., Bachmann, M., Raik, J., Hinrikus, H. EEG functional connectivity detects seasonal changes // World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2018 : June 3–8, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic (Vol. 2). Singapore : Springer Nature, 2018. p. 237-240. (IFMBE proceedings ; 68/2). - Bachmann, M., Lass, J., Ioannides, A.A., Hinrikus, H. Brain stimulation by modulated microwave radiation: a feasibility study // 2018 EMF-Med 1st World Conference on Biomedical Applications of Electromagnetic Fields (EMF-Med), 10-13 Sept. 2018. [S.l.] : IEEE, 2018. 2 p. - Põld, T., Bachmann, M., Päeske, L., Kalev, K., Lass, J., Hinrikus, H. EEG spectral asymmetry is dependent on education level of men // World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2018 : June 3–8, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic (Vol. 2). Singapore : Springer Nature, 2018. p. 405–408. (Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd). - Päeske, L., Bachmann, M., Põld, T., Raik, J., Hinrikus, H. et al. Surrogate data method requires end-matched segmentation of electroencephalographic signals to estimate non-linearity // Frontiers in physiology (2018) vol. 9, 1350 ; 9 p. : ill. - Hinrikus, H., Bachmann, M., Lass, J. Understanding physical mechanism of low-level microwave radiation effect // International journal of radiation biology (2018) vol. 94, 10, p. 877–882 : ill. - Bachmann, M., Päeske, L., Kalev, K., Aarma, K., Lehtmets, A., Ööpik, P., Lass, J., Hinrikus, H. Methods for classifying depression in single channel EEG using linear and nonlinear signal analysis // Computer methods and programs in biomedicine (2018) vol. 155, p. 11−17 : ill. - Avots, E., Jermakovs, K., Bachmann, M., Päeske, L., Ozcinar, C., Anbarjafari, G. Ensemble approach for detection of depression using EEG features // Entropy (2022) vol. 24, 2, art. 211. - Hinrikus, H., Koppel, T., Lass, J., Orru, H., Roosipuu, P., Bachmann, M. Possible health effects on the human brain by various generations of mobile telecommunication: a review based estimation of 5G impact // International Journal of Radiation Biology (2022) vol. 98, 7, p. 1210-1221. - Hinrikus, H., Karpowicz, J., Naarala, J. Special Issue : Electromagnetic fields in biology and medicine // International journal of radiation biology (2018) vol. 94, 10, p. 873-876. - Pépin, M., Ferreira, A.C., Arici, M., Bachmann, M., Barbieri, M., Bumblyte, I. A., Carriazo, S., Delgado, P., Garneata, L., Giannakou, K. et al. Erratum: Cognitive disorders in patients with chronic kidney disease: specificities of clinical assessment (Nephrol Dial Transplant DOI: 10.1093/ndt/gfab262) // Nephrology dialysis transplantation (2022) vol. 37, 6, 1 p. - Uudeberg, T., Paeske, L., Hinrikus, H., Lass, J., Bachmann, M. Reliability of electroencephalogram-based individual markers - case study // 2020 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC). Pistcataway, NJ : IEEE, 2020. p. 276 - 279. (Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBS ; Volume 2020-July). - Pepin, M., Klimkowicz-Mrowiec, A.; Godefroy, O., Delgado, P., Carriazo, S., Ferreira, A.C., Golenia, A., Malyszko, J., Grodzicki, T., Giannakou, K., Andrade, A., Bachmann, M., Fridolin, I. et al. Cognitive disorders in patients with chronic kidney disease : approaches to prevention and treatment // European Journal of Neurology (2023) vol. 30, 9, p. 2899-2911 : ill. - Päeske, L., Uudeberg, T., Hinrikus, H., Lass, J., Bachmann, M. Correlation between electroencephalographic markers in the healthy brain // Scientific reports (2023) vol. 13, 1, art. 6307. - Farisco, M., Zecchin, I., Capasso, G., Bachmann, M., Fridolin, I., et al. The need for a multi-disciplinary reflection about frailty and cognitive impairment in chronic kidney disease // Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation (2023) vol. 38, 5, p. 1064–1066. - Põld, T., Päeske, L., Hinrikus, H., Lass, J., Bachmann, M. Temporal stability and correlation of EEG markers and depression questionnaires scores in healthy people // Scientific reports (2023) vol. 13, 1, art. 21996. - Gavriljuk, M., Uudeberg, T., Pilt, K., Karai, D., Fridolin, I., Bachmann, M. Electroencephalography as an objective indicator of stress // 19th Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics : Proceedings of NBC 2023, June 12–14, 2023, Liepaja, Latvia. : Springer, 2023. p. 221–226. (IFMBE Proceedings ; 89).