Kasper, Agnes
TalTech department
In TalTech
Name reference
Kasper, Ágnes
Career in TalTech
õiguse instituut, külalislektor 01.10.2012-28.07.2018
infotehnoloogia teaduskond, külalislektor 31.08.–30.11.2015, 04.09.2017–26.01.2018
Teenistuskäik mujal
NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence, õigusosakonna juhataja 01.11.2022-
Wise Guys Holding OÜ, Legal consultant/Project expert 20.12.2020–30.10.2022
Ungari Suursaatkond Eestis, Konsuli Assistent 2008-2009, 2012-2013
Complus Consulting OÜ, Estonia, Õigusosakonna juhataja 2008-2011
Szolnok College of Commerce and Economics, majandusteadus, BA, 1998-2004
More information
European Artificial Intelligence Alliance, liige 2018-
Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace - member of Research Advisory Group 2018-
Best lecturer of the year 2022 - TalTech Law School
E-kursuse kvaliteedimärk - Legal Aspects of Cyber Security 2022
Eesti Kaitseministeeriumi kaitsealaste ja magistri- ja doktoritööde avalik konkurss - I preemia 2015
Research group member
Private law. Innovative businesses and future governance, Dependable IT solutions.Hoffmann, ThomasLegal policy and normative framework of EU digital market and technologies and it's application in partner countries. Innovative businesses and future governance.Kerikmäe, TanelInternational relations, security, law and technology. Innovative businesses and future governance, Smart and energy efficient environments, Dependable IT solutions.Mölder, Holger