Building lifecycle researh group

Head of the research group
The research group approaches the buildinglifecycle as a whole, integrating the construction process and its outcomes with managementstrategies, technologies, building materials,economics and facilities management.Research involves the following studies:‚ Main characteristics of binders or binderconstituents based on oil shale ashes fromelectrostatic precipitator systems;‚ Basics of new utilization processes for oilshale combustion solid wastes;‚ Low strength backfilling concrete based onthe residues of oil shale processing;‚ Frost resistance of various concretes andcomparison of their test methods;‚ Building properties of chemically treatedtimber;‚ Durability characteristics (vapour and water migration) of facade systems, thermalinsulation and external facade coverings.The Research and Testing Laboratory of BuildingMaterials has certified testing personnel, standards, methods and equipment for the evaluationof conformity for various building products: cement, mortar, grout and concrete products andproducts from natural and artefact stones andinsulation materials.
Research classification (Frascati)
multiple criteria management strategies
building information modelling (BIM)
construction economics
construction management
building life cycle
technical conditions of housing
disaster resilience of built environment
civil engineering education
construction regulations, normative materials, standards
utilization of oil shale ash in the production of building materials
energy saving materials for the renovation of buildings