Generating directed tests for C programs using RTL ATPG

statement of authorship
J. Raik, T. Drenkhan, M. Jenihhin, T. Viilukas, A. Karputkin, A. Chepurov R. Ubar
Proceedings of the IEEE 13th Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing (WRTLT'12)
location of publication
year of publication
p. 1-6
conference name, date
IEEE 13th Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing (WRTLT'12), November 22-23, 2012
conference location
Niigata, Japan
Raik, J., Drenkhan, T., Jenihhin, M., Viilukas, T., Karputkin, A., Tšepurov, A., Ubar, R. Generating directed tests for C programs using RTL ATPG // Proceedings of the IEEE 13th Workshop on RTL and High Level Testing (WRTLT'12). [S.l.], 2012. p. 1-6.