Smart analytics

“Innovation through border crossing” is ourteam’s vision. Our primary research topic isconcentrated on the various portable sensorsand analyzers development for the detection ofvarious chemicals as well biological compoundsthat can be implemented in biotechnology, food,environmental and medical industries.Our core technologies are capillary electrophoresis, fluorescence, conductivity, gas chromatography, microfluidics, and other instrumental andanalytical techniques. Our research projects jointhe specialists and students from various departments, universities, and the private sector.
banned compounds
illegal drugs
Drug Hunter
quality management
Important results
Our main achievements of 2021:‚ Portable drug analyzer Drug Hunter( was tested, validated and troubleshoot during roadsidedrug testing in cooperation with Estonianpolice (EAG14).‚ CE cloud software development and implementation for portable capillary electrophoresis instruments in collaborationwith the Department of Software Scienceunder supervision of Evelin Halling andJelena Gorbatšova (PortASAP COST Action 16215,‚ Development of the expert system basedon Artificial Neural Networks in cooperation with the Department of SoftwareScience with Evelin Halling (EAG104)was started.‚ Development of handheld GHB drugmeterwas initiated (MOBJD1015).