Smart analytics
Head of the research group
Related department
TalTech priority area
“Innovation through border crossing” is ourteam’s vision. Our primary research topic isconcentrated on the various portable sensorsand analyzers development for the detection ofvarious chemicals as well biological compoundsthat can be implemented in biotechnology, food,environmental and medical industries.Our core technologies are capillary electrophoresis, fluorescence, conductivity, gas chromatography, microfluidics, and other instrumental andanalytical techniques. Our research projects jointhe specialists and students from various departments, universities, and the private sector.
Research group member
Doctoral students
Research classification (Frascati)
banned compounds
illegal drugs
Drug Hunter
quality management
Important results
Our main achievements of 2021: Portable drug analyzer Drug Hunter( was tested, validated and troubleshoot during roadsidedrug testing in cooperation with Estonianpolice (EAG14). CE cloud software development and implementation for portable capillary electrophoresis instruments in collaborationwith the Department of Software Scienceunder supervision of Evelin Halling andJelena Gorbatšova (PortASAP COST Action 16215, Development of the expert system basedon Artificial Neural Networks in cooperation with the Department of SoftwareScience with Evelin Halling (EAG104)was started. Development of handheld GHB drugmeterwas initiated (MOBJD1015).
- Kaljurand, M., Mazina-Šinkar, J. Portable capillary electrophoresis as a green analytical technology // TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry (2022) vol. 157, art. 116811. - Ružicka, M., Kaljurand, M., Gorbatšova, J., Vaher, M., Mazina-Šinkar, J. Portable fully automated oral fluid extraction device for illegal drugs // Talanta (2022) vol. 243, art. 123389. - Bolkvadze, V., Bondar, D., Vaher, M., Halling, E., Gorbatsova, J., Mazina-Šinkar, J. The influence of organic solvents on phenylethylamines in capillary zone electrophoresis // Journal of chromatography A (2022) vol. 1675, art. 463169, 9 p. : ill. - Ružicka, M., Kaljurand, M., Gorbatšova, J., Mazina-Šinkar, J. Autosampler for portable capillary electrophoresis // Journal of chromatography A (2022) vol. 1685, art. 463619. - Kaljurand, M., Gorbatšova, J., Mazina-Šinkar, J. A gas chromatograph for citizen science // Microchemical journal (2021) vol. 165, art. 106195, 6 p. : ill. - Kaljurand, M., Saar-Reismaa, P., Vaher, M., Gorbatšova, J., Mazina-Šinkar, J. Capillary electrophoresis as a monitoring tool for flow composition determination // Molecules (2021) vol. 26, 16, art. 4918, 12 p. : ill. - Koel, M., Kuhtinskaja, M., Vaher, M. Extraction of bioactive compounds from Catharanthus roseus and Vinca minor // Separation and purification technology (2020) vol. 252, 1, art. 117438 ; 5 p. : ill. - Saar-Reismaa, P., Brilla, C.A., Leiman, K., Kaljurand, M., Vaher, M., Kulp, M., Mazina-Šinkar, J. Use of a newly-developed portable capillary electrophoresis analyser to detect drugs of abuse in oral fluid: A case study // Talanta (2020) vol. 211, art. 120662, 9 p. - Jõul, P., Vaher, M., Kuhtinskaja, M. Carbon aerogel-based solid-phase microextraction coating for the analysis of organophosphorus pesticides // Analytical methods (2021) vol. 13, 1, p. 69−76 : ill. - Drevinskas, T., Maruška, A., Girdauskas, V., Dūda, G., Gorbatsova, J., Kaljurand, M. Complete capillary electrophoresis process on a drone : towards a flying micro-lab // Analytical Methods (2020) Vol. 12, 41, p. 4977 - 4986. - Saar-Reismaa, P., Kotkas, K., Rosenberg, V., Kulp, M., Kuhtinskaja, M., Vaher, M. Analysis of total phenols, sugars, and mineral elements in colored tubers of solanum tuberosum l. // Foods (2020) vol. 9, 12, art. 1862. - Saar-Reismaa, P., Koel, M., Tarto, R., Vaher, M. Extraction of bioactive compounds from Dipsacus fullonum leaves using deep eutectic solvents // Journal of chromatography A (2022) vol. 1677, art. 463330. - Koel, M., Kaljurand, M. Editorial overview : a closer look on green developments in analytical chemistry: green analytical chemistry is going mainstream // Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry (2021) vol. 31, Art. 100541. - Kuhtinskaja, M., Bragina, O., Kulp, M., Vaher, M. Anticancer Effect of the Iridoid Glycoside Fraction from Dipsacus fullonum L. Leaves // Natural product communications (2020) vol. 15, 9, p. 1-6. - Berber, H., Tamm, K., Leinus, M-L., Kuusik, R., Tõnsuaadu, K., Paaver, P., Uibu, M. Accelerated carbonation technology granulation of industrial waste : effects of mixture composition on product properties // Waste management & research (2020) vol. 38, 2, p. 142-155. - Saar-Reismaa, P., Bragina, O., Kuhtinskaja, M., Reile, I., Laanet, P.-R., Kulp, M., Vaher, M. Extraction and fractionation of bioactives from Dipsacus fullonum L. leaves and evaluation of their anti-borrelia activity // Pharmaceuticals (2022) vol. 15, 1, 12 p. : ill. - Laanet, P.-R., Vaher, M., Saar-Reismaa, P. Micellar electrokinetic chromatography method for the analysis of synthetic and phytocannabinoids // Journal of chromatography A (2022) vol. 1673, art. 463080. - Bimbiraite-Surviliene, K., Drevinskas, T., Maruska, A., Gorbatsova, J., Kaljurand, M. et al. Portable automated handheld sample collection-preparation instrument for airborne volatile substances // Microchemical journal (2020) vol. 159, art. 105576. - Drevinskas, T., Maruška, A., Naujokaitytė, G., Telksnys, L., Kaljurand, M., Stanys, V., Cowles, J., Gorbatsova, J. Towards adaptive method for peak migration time correction : discretization period in electropherograms // Chemija (2020) vol. 31, 3, p. 146-155 : ill. - Lees, H., Jõul, P., Siilak, K., Vaher, M. Separation of perfluoroalkyl substances by using nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis with conductivity detection // Separation science plus (2020) vol. 3, 7, p. 313-320. - Berber, H., Tamm, K., Leinus, M.-L., Kuusik, R., Uibu, M. Aggregate production from burnt oil shale and CO2 - an Estonian perspective // Oil Shale (2019) vol. 36, 3, p. 431-447 : ill. - Lees, H., Zapata, F., Vaher, M., García-Ruiz, C. Study of the adhesion of explosive residues to the finger and transfer to clothing and luggage // Science & Justice (2018) vol. 58, 6, p. 415-424. - Lees, H., Zapata, F., Vaher, M., García-Ruiz, C. Simple multispectral imaging approach for determining the transfer of explosive residues in consecutive fingerprints // Talanta (2018) vol. 184, p. 437-445 : ill. - Söderström, M., Östin, A., Vaher, M., Jõul, P., Lees, H., Kaljurand, M. et al. Chemical analysis of dumped chemical warfare agents during the MODUM project // Towards the monitoring of dumped munitions threat (MODUM) : a study of chemical munitions dumpsites in the Baltic Sea. Dordrecht : Springer, 2018. p. 71-103. (NATO science for peace and security series. C, Environmental security). - Aid, T., Koel, M., Lopp, M., Vaher, M. Metal-catalyzed degradation of cellulose in ionic liquid media // Inorganics (2018) vol. 6, 3, art. 78, 11 p. : ill. - Kaljurand, M. Paper microzones as a route to greener analytical chemistry // Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry (2019) Vol. 19, p. 15-18. - Jõul, P., Vaher, M., Kuhtinskaja, M. Evaluation of carbon aerogel-based solid-phase extraction sorbent for the analysis of sulfur mustard degradation products in environmental water samples // Chemosphere (2018) Vol. 198, p. 460-468. - Drevinskas, T., Telksnys, L., Maruška, A., Gorbatšova, J., Kaljurand, M. Compensation of the baseline temperature fluctuations for autonomous CE–C4D instrument working in harsh environments // Electrophoresis (2018) vol. 39, 22, p. 2877–2883 : ill. - Drevinskas, T., Telksnys, L., Maruška, A., Gorbatšova, J., Kaljurand, M. Capillary electrophoresis sensitivity enhancement based on adaptive moving average method // Analytical chemistry (2018) vol. 90, 11, p. 6773−6780 : ill. - Saar-Reismaa, P., Tretjakova, A., Mazina-Šinkar, J., Vaher, M., Kaljurand, M., Kulp, M. Rapid and sensitive capillary electrophoresis method for the analysis of Ecstasy in an oral fluid // Talanta (2019) vol. 197, p. 390-396 : ill. - Saar-Reismaa, P., Erme, E., Vaher, M., Kulp, M., Kaljurand, M., Mazina-Šinkar, J. In situ determination of illegal drugs in oral fluid by portable capillary electrophoresis with deep UV excited fluorescence detection // Analytical chemistry (2018) vol. 90, 10, p. 6253-6258 : ill. - Kaljurand, M., Růžička, M., Gorbatsova, J., Mazina-Šinkar, J. Evaluation of different operating modes of an autosampler for portable capillary electrophoresis // Journal of Chromatography A (2023) vol. 1705, art. 464201.