Analytical chemistry

Research classification (Frascati)
Head of the research group
Our research aims at the development and application of new, environmentally friendly and reliable analytical techniques for environmental, food, biomass, forensic and clinical analysis. For that we utilize a wide range of instrumentation tools and technology. This incorporate mass spectrometry, separation analysis, and hybrid technologies, such as HPLC/MS nad GC/MS. The varying analytical instruments and equipment solutions also available in our lab, include content analyzers, chromatographs, titrators, spectrometers and other specialties. We strive to contribute to a safer and healthier world by promoting the Green Analytical Chemistry concept in our research. We develop analysis techniques and procedures to decrease or eliminate solvents, reagents, and other materials that are dangerous to the individual or the ecosystem and provide rapid and energy-saving methodologies. For that we apply statistical experimental design (DOE) to decrease the amount of experiments during process optimization stage and develop non-destructive (sample preparation minimized) cutting-edge analytical technologies, combined with chemometric tools (multidimensional data analysis and modelling), which are almost free of hazardous chemicals and waste, fast and provide accurate, reliable and consistent results.
Period of activity of the research group
Related department
Department of chemistry and biotechnology