Measurement electronics research group
Head of the research group
Related department
Thomas Johann Seebeck department of electronics
TalTech priority area
The group performs R&D of electrical impedancespectroscopy measurement solutions. This covers the developing and investigation of relatedinstrumentation, signals and signal processingfor several applications (including test and diagnostics e.g. in bio-, healthcare, medical andmicrofluidics areas, for metal, electronics andother industries).
Research group member
Doctoral students
Research classification (Frascati)
impedance spectroscopy
impedance tomography
eddy current
real-time measurement
Related projects
Important results
Metshein, M.; Tuulik, V.-R.; Tuulik, V.; Kumm, M.; Min, M.; Annus, P. (2023). Electrical Bioimpedance Analysis for Evaluating the Effect of Pelotherapy on the Human Skin: Methodology and Experiments. Sensors, 23 (9), 4251. DOI: 10.3390/s23094251
- Ojarand, J.; Priidel, E.; Min, M. Derivation of Bioimpedance Model Data Utilizing a Compact Analyzer and Two Capacitive Electrodes : A Forearm Example // IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (2022) vol.16, 5, p. 891-901. - Metshein, M., Krivošei, A., Abdullayev, A., Annus, P., Märtens, O. Non-standard electrode placement strategies for ECG signal acquisition // Sensors (2022) vol. 22, 23, art. 9351. - Pesti, K., Metshein, M., Annus, P., Kõiv, H., Min, M. Electrode placement strategies for the measurement of radial artery bioimpedance : simulations and experiments // IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement (2021) Vol. 70, 10 p. : ill. - Laasfeld, T., Ehrminger, R., Tahk, M-J., Veiksina, S., Kõlvart, K.R., Min, M., Kopanchuk, S., Rinken, A. Budded baculoviruses as a receptor display system to quantify ligand binding with TIRF microscopy // Nanoscale (2021) Vol. 13, Issue 4, p. 2436 - 2447. - Saeed, M., Wang, Q., Martens, O., et al. Evaluation of level-crossing ADCs for event-driven ECG classification // IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (2021) vol. 15, 6, p. 1129-1139. - Kõiv, H., Pesti, K., Min, M., Land, R., Must, I. Comparison of the carbon nanofiber-/fiber- and silicone-based electrodes for bioimpedance measurements // IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement (2020) vol. 69, 4, p. 1455-1463. - Priidel, E., Pesti, K., Min, M., Ojarand, J., Märtens, O. FPGA-based 16-bit 20 MHz device for the inductive measurement of electrical bio-impedance // 2021 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC 2021), May 17-20, 2021 : proceedings. Danvers : IEEE, 2021. 5 p. : ill. - Metshein, M., Annus, P., Land, R., Rist, M., Min, M., Märtens, O. Correlation between electrical bioimpedance and pressure waveform in radial artery and in mechanical pulsating pipe system // 2020 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC 2020), May 25-29, 2020, Dubrovnik, Croatia : proceedings. Danvers : IEEE, 2020. - Metshein, M., Gautier, A., Larras, B., Frappe, A., John, D., Cardiff, B., Annus, P., Land, R., Märtens, O. Study of electrode locations for joint acquisition of impedance- and electro-cardiography signals // 2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC) Oct 31 - Nov 4, 2021 : virtual conference. : IEEE, 2021. p. 7264-7267 : ill. - Laansoo, A., Kübarsepp, J., Surženkov, A., Land, R., Märtens, O., Viljus, M. Induction brazing of cermets to steel and eddy current testing of joint quality // Welding in the World (2020) vol. 64, 3, p. 563−571. - Saeed, M., Wang, Q., Märtens, O., Larras, B., Frappé, A., Cardiff, B., John, D. Event-driven ECG classification using an open-source, LC-ADC based non-uniformly sampled dataset // 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Daegu, Korea May 22-28, 2021 : proceedings. Danvers : IEEE, 2021. 5 p. - Rasgado Moreno, C. O., Rist, M., Land, R., Ratassepp, M. Acoustic forward model for guided wave propagation and scattering in a pipe bend // Sensors (2022) vol. 22, 2, art. 486. - Saeed, M., Märtens, O., Larras, B., Frappé, A., John, D., Cardiff, B. Event-driven ECG classification using functional approximation and Chebyshev polynomials // 2022 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), 13-15 Oct. 2022. Danvers : IEEE, 2022. p. 595-599. - Duforest, J., Larras, B., John, D., Martens, O., Frappe, A. Slope-based event-driven feature extraction for cardiac arrhythmia classification // 2021 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference. : IEEE, 2021. 4 l. - Priidel, E., Annus, P., Krivošei, A., Rist, M., Land, R., Min, M., Märtens, O. Methods for detection of bioimpedance variations in resource constrained environments // Sensors (2020) vol. 20, 5, art. 1363, 16 p. : ill. - Annus, P., Priidel, E., Land, R., Metshein, M., Krivošei, A., Min, M., Ratassepp, M., Märtens, O. Automatic detection of real and imaginary parts of electrical impedance with single synchronous demodulation channel // 8th European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference : Proceedings of the EMBEC 2020, November 29 - December 3, 2020 Portorož, Slovenia. Cham : Springer, 2021. p. 151-157. (IFMBE proceedings ; 80). - Ehrminger, R., Kopantšuk, S., Kivirand, K., Min, M. et al. Characterizing the biofunctionalization of gold surface with total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2020) vol. 69, 1, p. 27-34 : ill. - Martens, O., Metshein, M., Tamberg, G., Abdullayev, A. Impedance cardiography signal processing with Savitzky-Golay and frequency sampling kernels // 2022 18th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference (BEC). : IEEE, 2022. 5 l.. - Rassõlkin, A., Vaimann, T., Org, P., Leibak, A., Gordon, R., Priidel, E. ADCS development for student CubeSat satellites - TalTech case study // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2021) 3, p. 268-285 : ill. - Krivošei, A., Min, M., Annus, P., Märtens, O., Metshein, M., Lotamõis, K., Rist, M. Hankel matrix based algorithm for cardiac pulse wave base and peak lines Correction // IEEE International Workshop on Medical Measurement and Applications (MEMEA). : IEEE, 2022. 6 p. - Annus, P., Min, M. (eds.). Bioimpedance and spectroscopy. London : Elsevier, 2021. 452 p. : ill. - Rostovski, J., Krivošei, A., Kuusik, A., Ahmadov, U., Alam, M.M. SVM Time series classification of selected gait abnormalities // BODYNETS 2021: Body Area Networks. Smart IoT and Big Data for Intelligent Health Management : 16th EAI International Conference, BODYNETS 2021, Virtual Event, October 25-26, 2021 : proceedings. Cham : Springer, 2022. 15 p. (Lecture notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering ; 420). - Martens, O., Land, R., Min, M., Annus, P., Rist, M. Impedance measurement solution based on the high time resolution DSP // 2020 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC 2020), May 25-29, 2020, Dubrovnik, Croatia : proceedings. Danvers : IEEE, 2020. - Märtens, O., Metshein, M., Abdullayev, A., Larras, B., Frappe, A., Gautier, A., Saeed, M., John, D., Cardiff, B., Krivosei, A., Annus, P., Rist, M. Fiducial point estimation solution for impedance cardiography measurements // 2022 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC). Ottawa : IEEE, 2022. Code 180602. - Gautier, A., Larras, B., Märtens, O., John, D., Frappe, A. Embedded ICG-based stroke volume measurement system : comparison of discrete-time and continuous-time architectures // IEEE International SOC Conference. : IEEE, 2022. p. 46-51. - Metshein, M. Coupling and electrodes // Bioimpedance and Spectroscopy. : Elsevier, 2021. p. 3-50 : ill. - Abdullayev, A., Martens, O., Rist, M., Metshein, M., Min; M., Annus, P. A DSP-based impedance measurement device // 2022 18th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference (BEC). : IEEE, 2022. 5 l.. - Peng, C., Ratassepp, M., Annus, P. Investigation of signal separation for ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation // 2022 18th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference (BEC). : IEEE, 2022. 6 l.. - Metshein, M., Pesti, K., Min, M., Annus, P., Märtens, O. Feasibility of utilizing air gapped toroidal magnetic cores for detecting pulse wave in radial artery // 2020 17th Biennial Baltic electronics conference, Tallinn, Estonia, October 6-8, 2020 : proceedings. Danvers : IEEE, 2020. 5 p. : ill. - Duforest, J., Larras, B., Frappe, A., Deepu, C.J., Märtens, O. Antidictionary-based cardiac arrhythmia classification for smart ECG sensors // 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) : proceedings. Danvers : IEEE, 2022. p. 414-418 : ill. - Gupta, A., Saar, T., Märtens, O., Le Moullec, Y., Sintorn, I-M. Detection of pulmonary micronodules in computed tomography images and false positive reduction using 3D convolutional neural networks // International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology (2019) vol. 30, 2, p. 327-339 : ill. - Kink, A., Rist, M., Land, R., Kõiv, H., Min, M. A method of intra-ventricular bioimpedance spectroscopy to estimate the dynamic volume of right ventricle // Impedance spectroscopy : advanced applications : battery research, bioimpedance, system design. Berlin, Boston : De Gruyter, 2018. p. 169–176 : ill. - Gordon, R., Min, M., Land, R. Energy-efficient pulses for deep brain stimulation // Impedance spectroscopy : advanced applications : battery research, bioimpedance, system design. Berlin, Boston : De Gruyter, 2018. p. 153-160 : ill. - Märtens, O., Land, R., Min, M., Rist, M., Ferenets, M., Käsper, A. Eddy current corrosion measurement of steel // Impedance spectroscopy : advanced applications : battery research, bioimpedance, system design. Berlin, Boston : De Gruyter, 2018. p. 125–134 : ill. - Ojarand, J., Ehrminger, R.B., Min, M., Koel, A. Compact multichannel device for differential impedance spectroscopy of microfluidic sensors [Online resource] // BEC 2018 : 2018 16th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference (BEC) : proceedings of the 16th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference, October 8-10, 2018. : IEEE, 2018. 4 p.: ill. - Toompuu, J., Sleptšuk, N., Land, R., Korolkov, O., Rang, T. The measurement and tuning of SiC diode voltage doubler represented as diffusion-welded stack [Online resource] // BEC 2018 : 2018 16th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference (BEC) : proceedings of the 16th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference, October 8-10, 2018. : IEEE, 2018. 4 p.: ill. - Korolkov, O., Land, R., Toompuu, J., Sleptšuk, N., Rang, T. SiC JBS diode symmetrical voltage doubler represented as the diffusion-welded stack // Silicon carbide and related materials 2017 : ICSCRM 2017 : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2017 International Conference on Silicon Carbide and related materials, September 17-22, 2017, Washington, DC, USA. Zürich : Trans Tech Publications, 2018. p. 862–865 : ill. (Materials science forum ; 924). - Metshein, M., Annus, P., Min, M. Flexible inductive coils for wearable cardiorespiratory activity monitoring [Online resource] // BEC 2018 : 2018 16th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference (BEC) : proceedings of the 16th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference, October 8-10, 2018. : IEEE, 2018. 4 p. : ill. - Butsenko, M., Märtens, O., Krivošei, A., Le Moullec, Y. Sparse reconstruction method for separating cardiac and respiratory components from electrical bioimpedance measurements // Elektronika ir elektrotechnika = Electronics and electrical engineering (2018) vol. 24, 5, p. 57-61 : ill. - Mihklepp, K., Kivirand, K., Juronen, D., Lõokene, A., Rinken, T. Immunodetection of Streptococcus uberis pathogen in raw milk // Enzyme and microbial technology (2019) vol. 130, art. 109360, 6 p. : ill. - Märtens, O., Min, M., Annus, P., Land, R., Krivošei, A., Metshein, M. PLL-based extraction of the cardiac component from the bio-impedance signal // 2018 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC 2018) : proceedings. Piscataway : IEEE, 2018. 6 p. : ill. - Naranjo-Hernández, D., Reina-Tosina, J., Buendiá, R., Min, M. Bioimpedance sensors : instrumentation, models, and applications // Journal of Sensors (2019) Vol. 2019, art. 5078209. - Metshein, M., Kõiv, H., Annus, P., Min, M. Electrode optimization for bioimpedance based central aortic blood pressure estimation // World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2018 : June 3–8, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic (Vol. 2). Singapore : Springer Nature, 2018. p. 497-501. (IFMBE proceedings ; 68/2). - Sleptšuk, N., Lebedev, A.A., Eliseyev, I., Korolkov, O., Toompuu, J., Land, R., Mikli, V., Zubov, A., Rang, T. Comparative investigation of the graphene-on-silicon carbide and CVD graphene as a basis for biosensor application // Modern Materials and Manufacturing 2019 : 12th International DAAAM Baltic Conference and 27th International Baltic Conference BALTMATTRIB 2019. Selected, peer reviewed papers from the conference Modern Materials and Manufacturing 2019 (MMM 2019), April 24-26, 2019, Tallinn, Estonia. Zurich : Trans Tech Publications, 2019. p. 185-190 : ill. (Key engineering materials ; 799).*est - Kõiv, H., Pesti, K., Min, M., Land, R. Investigation of cost-effective carbon nanofiber/carbon fiber and silicone polymer composite material for wearable bioimpedance device // 2019 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS 2019), Sophia Antipolis, France, 11-13 March, 2019 : proceedings. : IEEE, 2019. 6 p. - Pesti, K., Kõiv, H., Min, M. Simulation of the sensitivity distribution of four-electrode impedance sensing on radial artery // 2019 IEEE Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS 2019), Sophia Antipolis, France, 11-13 March, 2019 : proceedings. : IEEE, 2019. 6 p. : ill. - Priidel, E., Annus, P., Metshein, M., Land, R., Märtens, O., Min, M. Lock-in integration for detection of tiny bioimpedance variations [Online resource] // BEC 2018 : 2018 16th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference (BEC) : proceedings of the 16th Biennial Baltic Electronics Conference, October 8-10, 2018. : IEEE, 2018. 4 p. : ill. - Krivošei, A., Min, M., Annus, P., Butsenko, M. Decomposition of the EBI signal into components using two channel cross-compensating singular spectrum analysis // 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA 2018) : proceedings : Rome, Italy, June 11-13, 2018. Piscataway : IEEE, 2018. 5 p. : ill.
10.1109/MeMeA.2018.8438702 - Ahmed, F., Kervadec, C., Le Moullec, Y., Tamberg, G., Annus, P. Autonomous wireless sensor networks : implementation of transient computing and energy prediction for improved node performance and link quality // The Computer Journal (2019) vol. 62, 6, p. 820 - 837. - Martens, O., Land, R., Min, M., Rist, M., Annus, P., Pokatilov, A. Fast precise eddy current measurement of metals // 2018 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC 2018) : proceedings. Piscataway : IEEE, 2018. 5 p. : ill. - Herranen, H., Majak, J., Tšukrejev, P., Karjust, K., Märtens, O. Design and manufacturing of composite laminates with structural health monitoring capabilities // Procedia CIRP (2018) vol. 72, p. 647-652 : ill. - Kõiv, H., Rist, M. Min, M. Development of bioimpedance sensing device for wearable monitoring of the aortic blood pressure curve = Entwicklung eines Bioimpedanz-Messgerätes für die mobile Erfassung des aortalen Blutdruck // Technisches Messen (2018) vol. 85, 5, p. 366–377 : ill. - Ahmed, F., Tamberg, G., Le Moullec, Y., Annus, P. Adaptive LINE-P : an adaptive linear energy prediction model for wireless sensor network nodes // Sensors (2018) vol. 18, 4, art. 1105, 26 p. : ill. - Ojarand, J., Min, M. On the selection of excitation signals for the fast spectroscopy of electrical bioimpedance // Journal of electrical bioimpedance (2018) vol. 9, 1, p. 133-141 : ill. - Ojarand, J., Land, R., Min, M., Rist, M. How many frequencies to use in electrical bioimpedance measurements // Impedance spectroscopy : advanced applications : battery research, bioimpedance, system design. Berlin, Boston : De Gruyter, 2018. p. 161–168 : ill. - Metshein, M., Annus, P., Land, R., Min, M., Aabloo, A. Availability and variations of cardiac activity in the case of measuring the bioimpedance of wrist // 2018 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC 2018) : proceedings. Piscataway : IEEE, 2018. 5 p. : ill. - Ojarand, J., Min, M., Koel, A. Multichannel electrical impedance spectroscopy analyzer with microfluidic sensors // Sensors (2019) vol. 19, 8, art. 1891, 28 p. : ill. - Gupta, A., Saar, T., Märtens, O., Le Moullec, Y. Automatic detection of multisize pulmonary nodules in CT images : large-scale validation of the false-positive reduction step // Medical physics (2018) vol. 45, 3, p. 1135-1149 : ill. - Naranjo-Hernandez, D., Reina-Tosina, J., Min, M. Fundamentals, recent advances, and future challenges in bioimpedance devices for healthcare applications // Journal of sensors (2019) vol. 2019, art. 9210258, 42 p. : ill. - Metshein, M., Abdullayev, A., Gautier, A., Larras, B., Frappe, A., Cardiff, B., Annus, P., Land, R., Märtens, O. Sensor-location-specific joint acquisition of peripheral artery bioimpedance and photoplethysmogram for wearable applications // Sensors (2023) vol. 23, 16, art. 7111. - Abdullayev, A., Rist, M., Martens, O., Metshein, M., Larras, B.,Frappe, A., Gautier, A., Min, M., John, D., Cardiff, B., Krivosei, A., Annus, P. A DSP-based EBI, ECG and PPG measurement platform // IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement (2023) vol. 72, art. 2007808, 8 p. - Metshein, M., Annus, P., Land, R., Rist, M., Min, M., Lotamõis, K., Märtens, O. On-Desk Model-Based Study for Evaluating the Effect of Squeezing the Arteries in the Forearm on the Bioimpedance and Pressure of Blood // Journal of sensors (2023) vol. 2023, art. 5710835. - Min, M. Our Journal is entering into its second decade // Journal of electrical bioimpedance (2019) vol. 10, 1, p. 1. - Abdullayev, A., Annus, P., Krivošei, A., Metshein, M., Märtens, O., Rist, M. Improved PWM-based sinewave generation : example of the impedance // Automatic control and computer sciences (2023) vol. 57, 5, p. 449-458.