Instrumental analysis

The members of the group have competence indevelopment of analytical methods and procedures and use of these in analysis of differentcompounds and mixtures in complicated matrices. The group has good specialists in separationmethods: gas and liquid chromatography andespecially in capillary electrophoresis where theyuse a wide variety of detectors: electrical, opticaland mass spectrometrical. The group has alsocompetence and means for supercritical extraction for a wide range of extraction parameters.The group has provided recognised results ondevelopment of porous materials – aerogels andthese have been taken into use as adsorbents inanalytical separation and catalysts in electrochemistry and water purification.The aim of the present research is developmentand application of a variety of analytical methodologies (primarily capillary electrophoresis)for analysis of different classes of compounds(banned chemicals, drugs, polyphenols, fermentable sugars) in complex matrixes such asenvironmental samples, body fluids, biomass andherbal extracts. The results obtained will be usedto develop an expert system using quantitativestructure-activity relationship (QSAR).Miniaturization of capillary electrophoresis apparatus is an important feature, which providesan opportunity to perform on-site analyzes.
Research classification (Frascati)
separation methods
ionic liquids
deep eutectic solvents
banned chemicals
Important results
Most important part of the research was connected to the development and evaluation of an automatic portable capillary electrophoresis instrument, prototype II of Narcotester (DrugHunter). The CE system was coupled to UVC fluorescence detector providing 225–255 nm exitation wavelength range for the determination of the abuse of illegal drugs in oral fluid in situ. This portable Narcotester was employed for determination of natively fluorescensing drugs,such as cocaine, cocaethylene, seven amphetamines, fentanyl, LSD, tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol. Based on this portable apparatus,several electrophoretic methodologies were developed, validated and successfully utilized for the determination of illegal abuse of drugs during music festivals in Estonia and Latvia.