Asymmetric oxidation
Head of the research group
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The research is closely related to the topic of theCenter of Excellence in Molecular Cell Technology (CEMCE).The research is mainly focused on the followingtopics: Selective alkylation of phenols and naphthols. Alkyl-substituted Li-phenolatesand naphtholates have been shown toreact with alkyl bromides in aqueous media to give o- and p-substituted phenolsand naphthols in an organic solvent toselectively give ortho-alkylated products.Alkylation of 1- and 2- naphthols in ananhydrous medium provides the optionalpossibility to obtain only one of the possible isomers. Synthesis of 9,11-secosterols. A 9,11-secosterol carbon skeleton was synthesizedfrom a natural sterol using transformationwith genetically engineered whole cells. Abreakthrough in developing a total synthesis scheme was achieved. The results arein publishing process. New advances of cyclopropane chemistry. Asummary of the enantioselective reactionsof chiral titanium-cyclopropane reagentsover the past 30 years were our researchers have a significant contribution.
Research group member
Doctoral students
Research classification (Frascati)
asymmetric chemical analysis and catalysis
synthesis of bioactive and nature compounds
- Kooli, A., Wesenberg, L., Beslać, M., Krech, A., Lopp, M., Noël, T., Ošeka, M. Electrochemical hydroxylation of electron-rich arenes in continuous flow // European journal of organic chemistry (2022) vol. 2022, 20, art. e202200540. - Kõllo, M., Rõuk, K., Lopp, M. Synthesis of 2-(S)-[(4-methylphenyl)sulfinyl]-2-cyclo penten-1-one, a D-ring precursor of 9,11-secosterols // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2022) vol. 71, 4, p. 307-313 : ill. - Ivanova, L., Rausalu, K., Ošeka, M., Kananovich, D. G., Žusinaite, E., Tammiku-Taul, J., Lopp, M., Merits, A., Karelson, M. Novel analogues of the Chikungunya virus protease inhibitor: molecular design, synthesis, and biological evaluation // ACS omega (2021) vol. 6, 16, p. 10884–10896. - Kananovich, D., Elek, G. Z., Lopp, M., Borovkov, V. Aerobic oxidations in asymmetric synthesis : catalytic strategies and recent developments // Frontiers in chemistry (2021) vol. 9, art. 614944. - Kooli, A., Shalima, T., Lopušanskaja, E., Paju, A., Lopp, M. Selective C-alkylation of substituted naphthols under non-aqueous conditions // Tetrahedron (2021) vol. 95, art. 132278, 8 p. : ill. - Kõllo, M., Kasari, M., Kasari, V., Pehk, T., Järving, I., Lopp, M., Jõers, A., Kanger, T. Designed whole-cell-catalysis-assisted synthesis of 9,11-secosterols // Beilstein journal of organic chemistry (2021) vol. 17, p. 581–588. - Puthiya Veetil, S.K., Rebane, K., Yörük, C.R., Lopp, M., Trikkel, A., Hitch, M. Aqueous mineral carbonation of oil shale mine waste (limestone) : a feasibility study to develop a CO2 capture sorbent // Energy (2021) vol. 221, art. 119895. - Kaldas, K., Niidu, A., Preegel, G., Uustalu, J. M., Muldma, K., Lopp, M. Aspects of kerogen oxidative dissolution in subcritical water using oxygen from air // Oil shale (2021) 3, p. 199-214 : ill. - Lopušanskaja, E., Kooli, A., Paju, A., Järving, I., Lopp, M. Towards ortho-selective electrophilic substitution/addition to phenolates in anhydrous solvents // Tetrahedron (2021) vol. 83, 12, art. 131935, 9 p. - Niidu, A., Grénman, H., Muldma, K., Kaldas, K., Mikli, V., Lopp, M. Behavior of Estonian oil shale in acidic oxidative conditions // Frontiers in Chemical Engineering (2022) vol. 4, art. 590115. - Kananovich, D. G., Lopp, M. Chirogenesis in asymmetric synthesis and catalysis // Chirogenesis in Chemical Science. Singapore : World Scientific, 2023. p. 169-240. - Zubrytski, D. M., Elek, G. Z., Lopp, M., Kananovich, D. G. Generation of mixed anhydrides via oxidative fragmentation of tertiary cyclopropanols with phenyliodine(III) dicarboxylates // Molecules (2020) vol. 26, 1, art. 140. - Lopušanskaja, E., Paju, A., Järving, I., Lopp, M. Synthesis of cyclic 3-aryl-substituted 1,2-dicarbonyl compounds via Suzuki cross-coupling reactions // Synthesis (2018) vol. 50, 9, p. 1883-1890 : ill. - Maljutenko, K., Borovkov, V., Kananovich, D., Järving, I., Lopp, M. Aerobic cascade oxidation of substituted cyclopentane-1,2-diones using metalloporphyrin catalysts // Tetrahedron (2018) vol. 74, 6, p. 661−664 : ill. - Kaldas, K., Preegel, G., Muldma, K., Lopp, M. Reactivity of aliphatic dicarboxylic acids in wet air oxidation conditions // Industrial & engineering chemistry research (2019) vol. 58, 25, p. 10855–10863 : ill. - Kaldas, K., Preegel, G., Muldma, K., Lopp, M. Wet air oxidation of oil shales: kerogen dissolution and dicarboxylic acid formation // ACS omega (2020) vol. 5, 35, p. 22021−22030. - Elek, G.Z., Koppel, K., Zubrytski, D., Konrad, N., Järving, I., Lopp, M., Kananovich, D. Divergent access to histone deacetylase inhibitory cyclopeptides via a late-stage cyclopropane ring Cleavage strategy. Short synthesis of Chlamydocin // Organic letters (2019) vol. 21, 20, p. 8473-8478 : ill. - Aid, T., Koel, M., Lopp, M., Vaher, M. Metal-catalyzed degradation of cellulose in ionic liquid media // Inorganics (2018) vol. 6, 3, art. 78, 11 p. : ill. - Mets, B., Kaldas, K., Uustalu, J. M., Lopp, M. The Lille-Blokker model – an excellent tool to describe the structure of kukersite // Oil shale (2023) vol. 40, 3, p. 234−243. - Mets, B., Lopp, M., Uustalu, J.M., Muldma, K., Niidu, A., Kaldas, K. A two-step model for assessing the potential of shale-derived chemicals by oxidation of kukersite // Oil shale (2023) vol. 40, 4, p. 344-362.