Asymmetric oxidation

The research is closely related to the topic of theCenter of Excellence in Molecular Cell Technology (CEMCE).The research is mainly focused on the followingtopics:‚ Selective alkylation of phenols and naphthols. Alkyl-substituted Li-phenolatesand naphtholates have been shown toreact with alkyl bromides in aqueous media to give o- and p-substituted phenolsand naphthols in an organic solvent toselectively give ortho-alkylated products.Alkylation of 1- and 2- naphthols in ananhydrous medium provides the optionalpossibility to obtain only one of the possible isomers.‚ Synthesis of 9,11-secosterols. A 9,11-secosterol carbon skeleton was synthesizedfrom a natural sterol using transformationwith genetically engineered whole cells. Abreakthrough in developing a total synthesis scheme was achieved. The results arein publishing process.‚ New advances of cyclopropane chemistry. Asummary of the enantioselective reactionsof chiral titanium-cyclopropane reagentsover the past 30 years were our researchers have a significant contribution.
Research classification (Frascati)
asymmetric chemical analysis and catalysis
synthesis of bioactive and nature compounds