Automated production systems and real-time monitoring and AI models research group

Head of the research group
The main objective of the research is to studyand develop a Production Monitoring System(PMS) with predictive functionality that operatesin near real time, focusing on SMEs. The mainactivities of the research are: (a) developmentof the PMS concept; (b) system prototyping; (c)development of model predictive control.The advanced Production Monitoring and Prediction System detects, measures and monitors thevariables, events and situations which affect theperformance and reliability of manufacturingsystems and processes. Efficient, real-time feedof information for production control and monitoring includes data acquisition about the state ofequipment, production orders, flow of materials,quality of products, process data and other necessary data which are used for making proper andoptimised decisions regarding manufacturingplanning, improved use of available resources,planning of equipment maintenance, etc.
manufacturing execution system (mes)
production monitoring
production optimisation
real time information
wireless sensor network
artificial intelligence in production