Experimental study of eddy viscosity for breaking waves on sloping bottom and comparisons with empirical and numerical predictions

statement of authorship
Nelly Oldekop, Toomas Liiv, and Janek Laanearu
journal volume number month
vol. 68, 3
year of publication
p. 299–312 : ill
Kokkuvõte: Turbulentse viskoossuse katseline uurimine lainerenni kaldpinnal murdlaine all ja võrdlused empiiriliste ning numbriliste arvutustulemustega
Bibliogr. p. 311-312
Open Access
Open Access
scientific publication
category (general)
Oldekop, N., Liiv, T., Laanearu, J. Experimental study of eddy viscosity for breaking waves on sloping bottom and comparisons with empirical and numerical predictions // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2019) vol. 68, 3, p. 299–312 : ill. https://doi.org/10.3176/proc.2019.3.07 http://www.kirj.ee/public/proceedings_pdf/2019/issue_3/proc-2019-3-299-312.pdf