Uurimisrühma juht
Seotud struktuuriüksus
TalTech prioriteetne teadussuund
Klassifikaator (Frascati)
Uurimisrühma kompetentsi kuulub erinevate analüütiliste meetodite ning protseduuride väljatöötamine ning kasutamine mitmesuguste ühendite ja segude analüüsiks keerulistes maatriksites. Rühmas on spetsialistid lahutusmeetodite - eelkõige kapillaarelektroforeesi alal juhtivus- ja optilise detekteerimisega, aga ka vedelik ja gaasi kromatograafia alal. Samuti on kompetents ning vahendid erinevate ekstraktsioonimeetodite kasutamiseks.Rühmas on välja arendatud erinevaid modifitseeritud (poorseid) materjale – aerogeele, mida kasutatakse põhiliselt adsorbentidena ning katalüsaatoritena elektrokeemias ja veepuhastuses.Töötatakse erinevate analüütiliste meetodite (HPLC-MS, GC-MS, kapillaarelektroforeesil (KE) põhinevate) väljatöötamisega ja kasutamisega mitmesuguste ühendite ja segude (keemiarelvad, narkootikumid, bioaktiivsed ained, fütokemikaalid, toiduained, biomassi laguproduktid) analüüsiks keerulistes maatriksites nagu keskkonnaproovid, kehavedelikud ja taimeekstraktid.
Seotud projektid
Uurimisrühma liige
ioonsed vedelikud
eutektilised segud
modifitseeritud materjalid
Tähtsamad tulemused
Grupi olulisemateks tulemusteks on ravim- ja toidutaimedes ning biomassis leiduvate bioaktiivsete komponentide ekstraktsiooni, fraktsioneerimise ja analüüsimeetodite arendamine ning ekstraktide/fraktsioonide antioksüdatiivsete ja antibakteriaalsete (Borrelia-vastaste) omaduste testimine.2023. aastal uuriti kolme erineva Eestis levinud madara liigi (Galium verum, Galium aparine ja Galium mollugo) fütokeemilist koostist ning antioksüdantset aktiivsust. Uuriti ka erinevate Makaroneesia taimede (A. frutescensi, C. symphytifolius, H. gardnerianum, L. azorica, M. canariensis, S. canariensis ja W. aristata) vesi-etanool ekstraktide toimet Vahemere puuviljakärbse (C. capitata) vastu.
- Saar-Reismaa, P., Bragina, O., Kuhtinskaja, M., Reile, I., Laanet, P.-R., Kulp, M., Vaher, M. Extraction and fractionation of bioactives from Dipsacus fullonum L. leaves and evaluation of their anti-borrelia activity // Pharmaceuticals (2022) vol. 15, 1, 12 p. : ill. - Laanet, P.-R., Vaher, M., Saar-Reismaa, P. Micellar electrokinetic chromatography method for the analysis of synthetic and phytocannabinoids // Journal of chromatography A (2022) vol. 1673, art. 463080. - Saar-Reismaa, P., Koel, M., Tarto, R., Vaher, M. Extraction of bioactive compounds from Dipsacus fullonum leaves using deep eutectic solvents // Journal of chromatography A (2022) vol. 1677, art. 463330. - Kaljurand, M., Saar-Reismaa, P., Vaher, M., Gorbatšova, J., Mazina-Šinkar, J. Capillary electrophoresis as a monitoring tool for flow composition determination // Molecules (2021) vol. 26, 16, art. 4918, 12 p. : ill. - Kaljurand, M., Gorbatšova, J., Mazina-Šinkar, J. A gas chromatograph for citizen science // Microchemical journal (2021) vol. 165, art. 106195, 6 p. : ill. - Jõul, P., Vaher, M., Kuhtinskaja, M. Carbon aerogel-based solid-phase microextraction coating for the analysis of organophosphorus pesticides // Analytical methods (2021) vol. 13, 1, p. 69−76 : ill. - Saar-Reismaa, P., Brilla, C.A., Leiman, K., Kaljurand, M., Vaher, M., Kulp, M., Mazina-Šinkar, J. Use of a newly-developed portable capillary electrophoresis analyser to detect drugs of abuse in oral fluid: A case study // Talanta (2020) vol. 211, art. 120662, 9 p. - Koel, M., Kuhtinskaja, M., Vaher, M. Extraction of bioactive compounds from Catharanthus roseus and Vinca minor // Separation and purification technology (2020) vol. 252, 1, art. 117438 ; 5 p. : ill. - Usmani, Z., Kulp, M., Lukk, T. Bioremediation of lindane contaminated soil: Exploring the potential of Actinobacterial strains // Chemosphere (2021) vol. 278, art. 130468, 12 p. : ill. - Saar-Reismaa, P., Kotkas, K., Rosenberg, V., Kulp, M., Kuhtinskaja, M., Vaher, M. Analysis of total phenols, sugars, and mineral elements in colored tubers of solanum tuberosum l. // Foods (2020) vol. 9, 12, art. 1862. - Kaljurand, M., Mazina-Šinkar, J. Portable capillary electrophoresis as a green analytical technology // TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry (2022) vol. 157, art. 116811. - Jõul, P., Ho, T. T., Kallavus, U., Konist, A., Leiman, K., Salm, O-S., Kulp, M., Koel, M., Lukk, T. Characterization of organosolv lignins and their application in the preparation of aerogels // Materials (2022) vol. 15, 8, art. 2861. - Koel, M., Kaljurand, M. Editorial overview : a closer look on green developments in analytical chemistry: green analytical chemistry is going mainstream // Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry (2021) vol. 31, Art. 100541. - Kuhtinskaja, M., Bragina, O., Kulp, M., Vaher, M. Anticancer Effect of the Iridoid Glycoside Fraction from Dipsacus fullonum L. Leaves // Natural product communications (2020) vol. 15, 9, p. 1-6. - Jurjeva, J., Koel, M. Implementing greening into design in analytical chemistry // Talanta open (2022) vol. 6, art. 100136, 7 p. - Erkhova, L.V., Presniakov, I.A., Afanasov, M.I., Danilson, M., Koel, M. et al. Ferrocene introduced into 5-methylresorcinol-based organic aerogels // Polymers (2020) vol. 12, 7, art. 1582 ; 12 p. : ill. - Ružicka, M., Kaljurand, M., Gorbatšova, J., Mazina-Šinkar, J. Autosampler for portable capillary electrophoresis // Journal of chromatography A (2022) vol. 1685, art. 463619. - Ružicka, M., Kaljurand, M., Gorbatšova, J., Vaher, M., Mazina-Šinkar, J. Portable fully automated oral fluid extraction device for illegal drugs // Talanta (2022) vol. 243, art. 123389. - Lees, H., Jõul, P., Siilak, K., Vaher, M. Separation of perfluoroalkyl substances by using nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis with conductivity detection // Separation science plus (2020) vol. 3, 7, p. 313-320. - Prits, A.-V., Nerut, J., Kasuk, H., Koel, M., Sepp, S., Valk, P., Aruväli, J., Koppel, M., Mikli, V., Volobujeva, O., Lust, E. Carbon aerogel platinum-praseodymium oxide nanocatalyst for methanol oxidation in 0.5 M sulfuric acid : (digital presentation) // ECS transactions (2022) vol. 108, 7, art. 79. - Bolkvadze, V., Bondar, D., Vaher, M., Halling, E., Gorbatsova, J., Mazina-Šinkar, J. The influence of organic solvents on phenylethylamines in capillary zone electrophoresis // Journal of chromatography A (2022) vol. 1675, art. 463169, 9 p. : ill. - Jurjeva, J., Koel, M. The chemometric approach to identification of residual oil contamination at former primitive asphalt pavement plants // Oil shale (2019) vol. 36, 3, p. 410-430 : ill. - Lees, H., Zapata, F., Vaher, M., García-Ruiz, C. Study of the adhesion of explosive residues to the finger and transfer to clothing and luggage // Science & Justice (2018) vol. 58, 6, p. 415-424. - Lees, H., Zapata, F., Vaher, M., García-Ruiz, C. Simple multispectral imaging approach for determining the transfer of explosive residues in consecutive fingerprints // Talanta (2018) vol. 184, p. 437-445 : ill. - Söderström, M., Östin, A., Vaher, M., Jõul, P., Lees, H., Kaljurand, M. et al. Chemical analysis of dumped chemical warfare agents during the MODUM project // Towards the monitoring of dumped munitions threat (MODUM) : a study of chemical munitions dumpsites in the Baltic Sea. Dordrecht : Springer, 2018. p. 71-103. (NATO science for peace and security series. C, Environmental security). - Krištal, J., Metsla, K., Bragina, O., Tõugu, V., Palumaa, P. Toxicity of amyloid-β peptides varies depending on differentiation route of SH-SY5Y cells // Journal of Alzheimer's disease (2019) vol. 71, 3, p. 879−887. - Aid, T., Koel, M., Lopp, M., Vaher, M. Metal-catalyzed degradation of cellulose in ionic liquid media // Inorganics (2018) vol. 6, 3, art. 78, 11 p. : ill. - Jõul, P., Vaher, M., Kuhtinskaja, M. Evaluation of carbon aerogel-based solid-phase extraction sorbent for the analysis of sulfur mustard degradation products in environmental water samples // Chemosphere (2018) Vol. 198, p. 460-468. - Kaljurand, M. Paper microzones as a route to greener analytical chemistry // Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry (2019) Vol. 19, p. 15-18. - Drevinskas, T., Telksnys, L., Maruška, A., Gorbatšova, J., Kaljurand, M. Compensation of the baseline temperature fluctuations for autonomous CE–C4D instrument working in harsh environments // Electrophoresis (2018) vol. 39, 22, p. 2877–2883 : ill. - Bolobajev, J., Kask, M., Kreek, K., Kulp, M., Koel, M., Goi, A. Metal-doped organic aerogels for photocatalytic degradation of trimethoprim // Chemical engineering journal (2019) vol. 357, p. 120-128 : ill. Tehnikaülikooli teadlaste meetod aitab puhastada reovett antibiootikumijääkidest - Drevinskas, T., Telksnys, L., Maruška, A., Gorbatšova, J., Kaljurand, M. Capillary electrophoresis sensitivity enhancement based on adaptive moving average method // Analytical chemistry (2018) vol. 90, 11, p. 6773−6780 : ill. - Saar-Reismaa, P., Tretjakova, A., Mazina-Šinkar, J., Vaher, M., Kaljurand, M., Kulp, M. Rapid and sensitive capillary electrophoresis method for the analysis of Ecstasy in an oral fluid // Talanta (2019) vol. 197, p. 390-396 : ill. - Saar-Reismaa, P., Erme, E., Vaher, M., Kulp, M., Kaljurand, M., Mazina-Šinkar, J. In situ determination of illegal drugs in oral fluid by portable capillary electrophoresis with deep UV excited fluorescence detection // Analytical chemistry (2018) vol. 90, 10, p. 6253-6258 : ill. - Smirnova, J., Kabin, E., Järving, I., Bragina, O., Tõugu, V., Plitz, T., Palumaa, P. Copper(I)-binding properties of de-coppering drugs for the treatment of Wilson disease. α-Lipoic acid as a potential anti-copper agent // Scientific reports (2018) 8, 1, art. 1463, 9 p. : ill. - Drevinskas, T., Maruška, A., Girdauskas, V., Dūda, G., Gorbatsova, J., Kaljurand, M. Complete capillary electrophoresis process on a drone : towards a flying micro-lab // Analytical Methods (2020) Vol. 12, 41, p. 4977 - 4986. - Bonetta, R., Hunter, G.J., Trinh, C.H., Borowski, T., Fenech, A.G., Kulp, M., Tabares, L.C., Un, S., Hunter, T. Substitution of histidine 30 by asparagine in manganese superoxide dismutase alters biophysical properties and supports proliferation in a K562 leukemia cell line // European biophysics journal (2021) vol. 50, 3-4, p. 571-585 : ill. - Laanet, Pille-Riin, Saar-Reismaa, Piret, Jõul, Piia, Bragina, Olga, Vaher, Merike Phytochemical screening and antioxidant activity of selected Estonian Galium species // Molecules (2023) vol. 28, 6, art. 2867. - Bljahhina, A., Pismennõi, D., Kriščiunaite, T., Kuhtinskaja, M., Kobrin, E.-G. Quantitative analysis of oat (Avena sativa L.) and pea (Pisum sativum L.) saponins in plant-based food products by hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry // Foods (2023) vol. 12, 5, art. 991, 16 p. : ill. - Kaljurand, M., Růžička, M., Gorbatsova, J., Mazina-Šinkar, J. Evaluation of different operating modes of an autosampler for portable capillary electrophoresis // Journal of Chromatography A (2023) vol. 1705, art. 464201. - Drevinskas, T., Maruška, A., Gladkauskas, E., Telksnys, L., Girdauskas, V., Gorbatsova, J., Kaljurand, M., Ragažinskienė, O. Design and applications of miniaturized, portable LED based colorimeter // Chemija (2018) vol. 29, 4, p. 209 - 218. - Lees, H., Jõul, P., Pikkor, H., Järvik, O., Mets, B., Konist, A. Characterization of oil shale kerogen semi-coke and its application to remove chemical pollutants from aqueous solutions // Oil shale (2023) vol. 40, 2, p. 115-132 : ill. - Kaljurand, M., Ružička, M., Gorbatšova, J., Mazina-Šinkar, J. New developments in separation science will help to contribute to the democratisation of analytical chemistry // Microchemical journal (2023) vol. 195, Art. 109443. - Bimbiraite-Surviliene, K., Drevinskas, T., Maruska, A., Gorbatsova, J., Kaljurand, M. et al. Portable automated handheld sample collection-preparation instrument for airborne volatile substances // Microchemical journal (2020) vol. 159, art. 105576. - Bljahhina, A., Kuhtinskaja, M., Kriščiunaite, T. Development of extraction method for determination of saponins in soybean-based yoghurt alternatives: effect of sample pH // Foods (2023) vol. 12, 11, art. 2164. - Drevinskas, T., Maruška, A., Naujokaitytė, G., Telksnys, L., Kaljurand, M., Stanys, V., Cowles, J., Gorbatsova, J. Towards adaptive method for peak migration time correction : discretization period in electropherograms // Chemija (2020) vol. 31, 3, p. 146-155 : ill. - Tavares, W. R., Jiménez, I. A., Oliveir, L., Kuhtinskaja, M., Vaher, M., Ros, J. S., Seca, A. M. L., Bazzocchi, I. L., Barreto, M. C. Macaronesian plants as promising biopesticides against the crop pest Ceratitis capitata // Plants (2023) vol. 12, 24, art. 4122. - Berikashvili, V., Khardziani, T., Kobakhidze, A., Kulp, M., Kuhtinskaja, M., Lukk, T., Gargano, M. L., Venturella, G., Kachlishvili, E., Metreveli, E. et al. Antifungal activity of medicinal mushrooms and optimization of submerged culture conditions for Schizophyllum commune (Agaricomycetes) // International journal of medicinal mushrooms (2023) vol. 25, 10, p. 1-21. - Jõul, P., Järvik, O., Lees, H., Kallavus, U., Koel, M., Lukk, T. Preparation and characterization of lignin-derived carbon aerogels // Frontiers in chemistry (2023) vol. 11, art. 1326454.