Centre for hardware security

Head of the research group
hardware security
trustworthy integrated circuits
crypto hardware
The Centre for Hardware Security conductsresearch in all applied aspects of hardwaresecurity: the aim is to validate security techniques in real silicon. The Centre’s research onintegrated circuit (IC) design, electronic designautomation (EDA), and cryptographic hardwareenables trustworthy IC-based systems to bebuilt. Threats such as hardware Trojans, reverseengineering, circuit (de)obfuscation, IP piracy,IC overbuilding, side-channel attacks, etc., areaddressed through an array of technical countermeasures. Core competences of the centre are:‚ Design of Application Specific IntegratedCircuits.‚ Circuit obfuscation by design partitioningand locking.‚ Trustworthy electronic design automationtooling (from RTL to layout).‚ Countermeasures to reverse engineering,side channel attacks, and piracy.‚ Crypto hardware, including conventionaland post-quantum cryptography.
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