Smart city research group

Head of the research group
Research group member
Ojala, Marko Petteri
Involved members: 40 TalTech and Aalto University researchers through the H2020 teaming project, who follow a jointly agreed upon Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda led by the Smart City Center of Excellence and also publish under the Smart City Center of Excellence affiliation starting from 1.12.2020
built environment
governance and data
The research team is one of the leading researchcentres for smart city in Europe. The group’sresearch focuses on the following research topics:‚ Smart city challenges in local governmentsin five areas (mobility, energy, built environment, governance and data)‚ Testing research-based cross-border technologies in local governments‚ Smart city development and related visions and strategiesThe group’s applied development activities helpto test various research-based solutions in reallife conditions to make the living environmentmore human-centered and sustainable. Theresearch group’s activities help to analyze andevaluate the current activities of the smart cityin urban environments, to better understandthe risks and benefits related to the development of the smart city, to identify best practicesthrough extensive agile piloting projects and todisseminate the best solutions in Estonia as wellas in the rest of Europe. The group contributesstrongly to the research cooperation betweenAalto University and Tallinn University ofTechnology, and also actively involves citiesacross Europe.
Period of activity of the research group
Related department
Smart city center of excellence
Publications related to the research group