Nutika tootmise uurimisrühm
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Mehaanika ja tööstustehnika instituut
TalTech prioriteetne teadussuund
Rühma kompetentsid on: tootmisprotsesside digitaliseerimine, virtualiseerimine ja simulatsioon, digikaksikute arendus, tootmise ümberkonfigureerimine traditsioonilistelt töötlustehnoloogiatelt 3D tehnoloogiatele.
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2023. a on välja arendatud simulatsioonikeskkond tehisreaalsuses Tööstus 5.0 põhimõtetest lähtuvalt, arvestades inimese osalusega tootmisprotsessis. Tulemuseks arendasid uurimisgrupi teadlased välja mudeli, kus digikaksik on virtuaalreaalsusesse loodud keskkonna ja reaalse roboti juhtimissüsteemi vahel ja roboti liikumise kujundamiseks kasutatakse masinõppe vahendeid. Kasutades digitaalsete kaksikute kontseptsiooni mitte ainult simulatsioonivahendite, vaid ka kahesuunaliselt sünkroniseeritavate digitaalsete kaksikute loomise metoodika arendamiseks, võimaldab see tööstusrobotite tootmisraku näitel hallata ja juhtida tehast simulatsioonikeskkonnast reaalajas. Vastav rakendus on toimiv eri nutiplatvormidelt ning uued robotsüsteemid sh isejuhtivad robotsõidukid on digikaksiku kaudu hallatavad. Analüüsitud on tööstusroboti liikumise simulatsiooni digitaalses keskkonnas, millele on rakendatud pöördkinemaatika funktsionaalsus ja masinõppe mudel. Masinõppe kasutamine vähendab protsessi väljatöötamiseks vajalikku aega ja investeeringuid roboti liikumistee leidmiseks.
- Christiansen, L., Edvardsen Hvidsten, T., Hemdrup Kristensen, J., Gebhardt, J., Mahmood, K., Otto, T., Heidemann Lassen, A., Ditlev Brunoe, T., Schou, C., Skov Laursen, E. A framework for developing educational industry 4.0 activities and study materials // Education Sciences (2022) vol. 12, 10, art. 659. - Mondellini, M., Arlati, S., Gapeyeva, H., Lees, K., Märitz, I., Pizzagalli, S. L., Otto, T., Sacco, M., Teder-Braschinsky, A. User experience during an immersive virtual reality-based cognitive task : a comparison between Estonian and Italian older adults with MCI // Sensors (2022) vol. 22, 21, art. 8249. - Guerra-Zubiaga, D., Kuts, V., Mahmood, K., Bondar, A., Nasajpour-Esfahani, N., Otto, T. An approach to develop a digital twin for industry 4.0 systems : manufacturing automation case studies // International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing (2021) Vol. 34, 9, p. 933-949 : ill. - Mahmood, K., Otto, T., Kuts, V. et al. Advancement in production engineering education through Virtual Learning Factory Toolkit concept // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2021) 4, p. 374-382 : ill. - Pizzagalli, S. L., Kuts, V., Otto, T. User-centred design in industrial collaborative automated systems // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2021) vol. 70, 4, p. 436-443 : ill. - Diachenko, D., Partyshev, A., Pizzagalli, S.L., Bondarenko, Y., Otto, T., Kuts, V. Industrial collaborative robot digital twin integration and control using robot operating system // Journal of Machine Engineering (2022) vol. 22, 2, p. 57 - 67. - Wang, Z., Xie, M., Li, Y., Kollo, L., Prashanth, K.G. et al. Premature failure of an additively manufactured material // Npg Asia materials (2020) vol. 12, 1, art. 30, 10 p. : ill. - Zhao, C., Wang, Z., Li, D., Kollo, L., Luo, Z., Zhang, W., Prashanth, K. G. Selective laser melting of Cu-Ni-Sn : a comprehensive study on the microstructure, mechanical properties, and deformation behavior // International journal of plasticity (2021) vol. 138, art. 102926. - Ummethala, R., Karamched, P.S., Kollo, L., Prashanth, K.G. et al. Selective laser melting of high-strength, low-modulus Ti–35Nb–7Zr–5Ta alloy // Materialia (2020) vol. 14, art. 100941. - Singh, M., Srivastava, R., Fuenmayor, E., Kuts, V., Qiao, Y., Murray, N., Devine, D. Applications of digital twin across industries : a review // Applied sciences (2022) vol. 12, 11, art. 5727. - Zhao, C.; Wang, Z.; Li, D.; Kollo, L.; Luo, Z.; Zhang, W.; Prashanth, K. G. Cu-Ni-Sn alloy fabricated by melt spinning and selective laser melting: a comparative study on the microstructure and formation kinetics // Journal of materials research and technology (2020) vol. 9, 6, p. 13097−13105. - Raji, I., Shevtshenko, E., Rossi, T., Strozzi, F. Industry 4.0 technologies as enablers of Lean and Agile Supply Chain Strategies : an exploratory investigation // The international journal of logistics management (2021) vol. 32, 4, p. 1150-1189 : ill. - Garg, G., Kuts, V., Anbarjafari, G. Digital twin for FANUC robots: Industrial robot programming and simulation using virtual reality // Sustainability (Switzerland) (2021) Vol. 13, 18, Art. 10336. - Majak, J., Shvartsman, B., Ratas, M., Bassir, D., Pohlak, M., Karjust, K., Eerme, M. Higher-order Haar wavelet method for vibration analysis of nanobeams // Materials today communications (2020) vol. 25, art. 101290, 6 p. : tab. - Karimi, J., Antonov, M., Kollo, L., Prashanth, K.G. Role of laser remelting and heat treatment in mechanical and tribological properties of selective laser melted Ti6Al4V alloy // Journal of alloys and compounds (2022) vol. 897, art. 163207. - Zhao, C., Wang, Z., Li, D., Xie, M., Kollo, L., Luo, Z., Zhang, W., Prashanth, K.G. Comparison of additively manufacturing samples fabricated from pre-alloyed and mechanically mixed powders // Journal of alloys and compounds (2020) vol. 830, art. 154603, 5 p. : ill. - Rassõlkin, A., Orosz, T., Demidova, G.L., Kuts, V., Rjabtšikov, V., Vaimann, T., Kallaste, A. Implementation of Digital Twins for electrical energy conversion systems in selected case studies // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2021) vol. 70, 1, p. 19-39 : ill. - Rassõlkin, A., Rjabtšikov, V., Vaimann, T., Kallaste, A., Kuts, V., Partyshev, A. Digital twin of an electrical motor based on empirical performance model // 2020 XI International Conference on Electrical Power Drive Systems (ICEPDS), Saint-Petersburg, Russia, October 4-7, 2020. Danvers : IEEE, 2020. p. 11-14 : ill. - Alinejadian, N., Kollo, L., Odnevall, I. Progress in additive manufacturing of MoS2-based structures for energy storage applications – a review // Materials science in semiconductor processing (2022) Vol. 139, 21 p. : ill. - Kuts, V., Cherezova, N., Sarkans, M., Otto, T. Digital Twin : industrial robot kinematic model integration to the virtual reality environment // Journal of machine engineering (2020) vol. 20, 2, p. 53–64. - Karimi, J., Kollo, L., Rahmani, R., Ma, P., Jia, Y. D., Prashanth, K. G. Selective laser melting of in-situ CoCrFeMnNi high entropy alloy : effect of remelting // Journal of Manufacturing Processes (2022) vol. 84, p. 55-63. - Holovenko, Y., Kollo, L., Saarna, M., Rahmani, R., Soloviova, T., Antonov, M., Prashanth, K. G., Cygan, S., Veinthal, R. Effect of lattice surface treatment on performance of hardmetal - titanium interpenetrating phase composites // International journal of refractory metals and hard materials (2020) vol. 86, art. 105087, 10 p. : ill. - Maurya, H. S., Kosiba, K., Juhani, K., Sergejev, F., Prashanth, K. G. Effect of powder bed preheating on the crack formation and microstructure in ceramic matrix composites fabricated by laser powder-bed fusion process // Additive manufacturing (2022) vol. 58, art. 103013, 13 p. : ill. - Wang, R., Sell, R., Rassõlkin, A., Otto, T., Malayjerdi, E. Intelligent functions development on autonomous electric vehicle platform // Journal of machine engineering (2020) vol. 20, 2, p. 114-125. - Maurya, H.S., Kollo, L., Juhani, K., Sergejev, F., Prashanth, K.G. Effect of preheating and cooling of the powder bed by laser pulse shaping on the microstructure of the TiC based cermets // Ceramics international (2022) vol. 48, 14, p. 20612-20618. - Rassõlkin, A., Rjabtšikov, V., Kuts, V., Vaimann, T., Kallaste, A., Asad, B., Partyshev, A. Interface development for digital twin of an electric motor based on empirical performance model // IEEE Access (2022) vol. 10, p. 15635-15643. - Raji, I.O., Shevtshenko, E., Rossi, T., Strozzi, F. Modelling the relationship of digital technologies with lean and agile strategies // Supply Chain Forum: an International Journal (2021) vol. 22, 4, p. 323−346. - Maurya, H.S., Kollo, L., Tarraste, M., Juhani, K., Sergejev, F., Prashanth, K.G. Effect of the laser processing parameters on the selective laser melting of TiC–Fe-based cermets // Journal of manufacturing and materials processing (2022) vol. 6, 2, art. 35, 11 p. : ill. - Maurya, H. S., Juhani, K., Sergejev, F., Prashanth, K. G. Additive manufacturing of TiC-based cermet with stainless steel as a binder material // Materials today: proceedings (2022) vol. 57, part 2, p. 824-828. - Kolnes, M., Kübarsepp, J., Sergejev, F., Kolnes, M., Tarraste, M., Viljus, M Performance of ceramic-metal composites as potential tool materials for friction stir welding of aluminium, copper and stainless steel // Materials (2020) vol. 13, 8, art. 1994, 18 p. : ill. - Alamgir, A., Yashin, M., Bogatov, A., Viljus, M. et al. High-temperature tribological performance of hard multilayer TiN-AlTiN/nACo-CrN/AlCrN-AlCrO-AlTiCrN coating deposited on WC-Co substrate // Coatings (2020) vol. 10, 9, art. 909, 10 p. : ill. - Lu, Y., Shevshenko, E., Wang, Y. Physics based compressive sensing to enable digital twins of additive manufacturing processes // Journal of computing and information science in engineering (2021) vol. 21, 3, 031009, 30 p. - Malayjerdi, M., Kuts, V., Sell, R., Otto, T., Baykara, B.C. Virtual simulations environment development for autonomous vehicles interaction // ASME 2020 : International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 16–19, 2020 : Virtual, Online : proceedings. : American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2020. Paper No: IMECE2020-23362, V02BT02A009; 5 p. (Advanced Manufacturing ; vol. 2B). - Yang, X., Yagodzinskyy, Y., Ge, Y., Lu, E., Lehtonen, J., Kollo, L.,, Hannula, S.-P. Hydrogen effects in equiatomic CrFeNiMn alloy fabricated by laser powder bed fusion // Metals (2021) vol. 11, 6, art. 872. - Alinejadian, N., Kazemi, S. H., Grossberg-Kuusk, M., Kollo, L., Odnevall, I., Prashanth, K. G. Importance of the micro-lattice structure of selective laser melting processed Mo/Mo(x)S(x+1) composite: Corrosion studies on the electrochemical performance in aqueous solutions // Materials today chemistry (2022) vol. 26, art. 101219. - Rjabtšikov, V., Rassõlkin, A., Asad, B., Vaimann, T., Kallaste, A., Kuts, V., Jegorov, S., Stępien, M., Krawczyk, M. Digital Twin service unit for AC motor stator inter-turn short circuit fault detection // 2021 28th International Workshop on Electric Drives : Improving Reliability of Electric Drives (IWED). : IEEE, 2021. - Shevtshenko, E., Mahmood, K., Karaulova, T., Oluwole Raji, I. Multitier digital twin approach for agile supply chain management // ASME 2020 : International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 16–19, 2020 : Virtual, Online : proceedings. : American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2020. Paper No: IMECE2020-23760, 10 p. (Advanced Manufacturing ; vol. 2B). - Shahreza, B. O., Hernandez-Rodriguez, M. A. L., Garcia-Sanchez, E., Kommel, L., Sergejev, F. et al. The impact of microstructural refinement on the tribological behavior of niobium processed by Indirect Extrusion Angular Pressing // Tribology international (2022) vol. 167, art. 107412. - Pizzagalli, S.L., Kuts, V., Otto, T. User-centered design for Human-Robot Collaboration systems // IOP conference series : materials science and engineering (2021) vol. 1140, art. 012011, 7 p.: ill. - Mahmood, K., Otto, T., Kristensen, J.H., Heidemann Lassen, A., Brunoe, T.D., Schou, C., Christiansen, L., Laursen, E.S. Analysis of Industry 4.0 capabilities: a perspective of educational institutions and needs of industry // Towards Sustainable Customization : Bridging Smart Products and Manufacturing Systems : proceedings of the 8th Changeable, Agile, Reconfigurable and Virtual Production Conference (CARV2021) and the 10th World Mass Customization & Personalization Conference (MCPC2021), Aalborg, Denmark, October/November 2021. Cham : Springer, 2022. p. 887–894. - Omranpour, B., Kommel, L., Sergejev, F., Ivanisenko, J., Antonov, M. et al. Tailoring the microstructure and tribological properties in commercially pure aluminium processed by High Pressure Torsion Extrusion // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2021) vol. 70, 4, p. 540-548 : ill. - Vaher, K., Kangru, T., Otto, T., Riives, J. The mobility of robotised work cells in manufacturing // Proceedings of the 30th International DAAAM Symposium : Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation, 23-26th October 2019, Zadar, Croatia. Vienna : DAAAM International Vienna, 2019. p. 1049-1055 : ill. - Lille, H., Ryabchikov, A., Peetsalu, P., Lind, L., Sergejev, F., Mikli, V., Kübarsepp, J. Residual stresses on various PVD hard coatings on tube and plate substrates // Coatings (2020) vol. 10, 11, art. 1054, 11 p. - Kuts, V., Marvel, J. A., Aksu, M., Pizzagalli, S. L., Sarkans, M., Bondarenko, Y., Otto, T. Digital twin as industrial robots manipulation validation tool // Robotics (2022) vol. 11, 5, art. 113. - Mikola, M., Majak, J., Pohlak, M., Shvartsman, B. Higher order Haar wavelet method for vibration analysis of functionally graded beam // AIP Conference Proceedings. : AIP, 2022. art. 380003. (AIP conference proceedings ; 2425). - Vikram, R.J., Kollo, L., Prashanth, K. G., Suwas, S. Investigating the structure, microstructure, and texture in selective laser melted sterling silver 925 // Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A (2021) vol. 52, 12, p. 5329–5341 : ill. - Kuts, V., Rassõlkin, A., Partyshev, A., Jegorov, S., Rjabtšikov, V. ROS middle-layer integration to Unity 3D as an interface option for propulsion drive simulations of autonomous vehicles // IOP conference series : materials science and engineering (2021) vol. 1140, art. 012008, 7 p.:ill. - Mahmood, K., Karjust, K., Raamets, T. Production intralogistics automation based on 3D simulation analysis // Journal of machine engineering (2021) vol. 21, 2, p. 102-115 : ill. - Podgursky, V., Alamgir, A., Yashin, M., Jõgiaas, T., Viljus, M., Raadik, T., Danilson, M., Sergejev, F., Lümkemann, A., Kluson, J., Sondor, J., Bogatov, A. High-temperature tribological performance of Al2O3/a-C:H:Si coating in ambient air // Coatings (2021) vol. 11, 5, art. 495, 15 p. : ill. - Murumaa, L., Ševtšenko, E., Karaulova, T., Mahmood, K., Popell, J. Supply chain digitalization framework for service/product satisfaction // IOP conference series : materials science and engineering (2021) vol. 1140, art. 012041, p. 1–12. - Kangru, T., Riives, J., Otto, T., Kuts, V., Moor, M. Optimisation of decision-making process in industrial robot selection // Journal of the machine engineering (2020) vol. 20, 1, p. 70−81. - Rassõlkin, A., Rjabtšikov, V., Vaimann, T., Kallaste, A., Kuts, V. Concept of the test Bench for electrical vehicle propulsion drive data acquisition // 2020 XI International Conference on Electrical Power Drive Systems (ICEPDS), Saint-Petersburg, Russia, October 4-7, 2020. Danvers : IEEE, 2020. p. 35-42 : ill. - Majak, J., Mikola, M., Pohlak, M., Eerme, M., Karunanidhi, R. Modelling FGM materials. An accurate function approximation algorithms // IOP conference series : materials science and engineering (2021) vol. 1140, art. 012013, 6 p. - Ovalı, D., Tarraste, M., Kaba, M., Ağaoğulları, D., Kollo, L., Prashanth, K. G., Lütfi Öveçoğlu, M. Spark plasma sintering of molybdenum silicides synthesized from oxide precursors // Ceramics international (2021) vol. 47, 10, p. 13827-13836 : ill. - Alamgir, A., Bogatov, A., Jõgiaas, T., Viljus, M., Raadik, T., Kübarsepp, J., Sergejev, F., Lümkemann, A., Kluson, J., Podgursky, V. High-temperature oxidation resistance and tribological properties of Al2O3/ta-C coating // Coatings (2022) vol. 12, 4, art. 547. - Vaher, K., Otto, T., Riives, J. Positioning error correction of autonomously movable robot arm // Journal of the machine engineering (2020) vol. 20, 4, p. 152-160 : ill. - Moor, M., Vaher, K., Riives, R., Kangru, T., Otto, T. Modern robot-integrated manufacturing cell according to the needs of Industry 4.0 // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2021) 4, p. 407-412 : ill. - Raamets, T., Karjust, K., Hermaste, A., Mahmood, K. Planning and acquisition of real-time production data through the virtual factory in chemical industry // ASME 2021 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. : American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2021. paper no: IMECE2021-73080, 9 p. (Advanced Manufacturing ; vol. 2B). - Ševtšenko, E., Polyantchikov, I., Mahmood, K., Kangilaski, T., Norta, A., Karaulova, T., Perm, A. Collaborative project management framework for partner network initiation in machining domain [Online resource] // Proceedings of the 18th Online World Conference on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications (WSC18). Cham : Springer, 2018. p. 215-233 : ill. (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing ; 864). - Chung, X. C. S., Qiao, Y., Kuts, V., Henry, J., McNevin, K., Murray, N. Teleoperation of the industrial robot : augmented reality application // MMSys '22: Proceedings of the 13th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference. : ACM, 2022. p. 299–303. - Kuts, V., Bondarenko, Y., Gavriljuk, M., Paryshev, A., Jegorov, S., Pizzagall, S., Otto, T. Digital Twin : universal user interface for online management of the manufacturing system // Proceedings of the ASME 2021 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. : American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2021. paper no: IMECE2021-69092, 7 p. (Advanced Manufacturing ; vol. 2B). - Mahmood, K., Otto, T., Golova, J., Kangru, T., Kuts, V. An approach to analyze the performance of advanced manufacturing environment // Procedia CIRP (2020) vol. 93, p. 628−633. - Pizzagalli, S., Kuts, V., Bondarenko, Y., Otto, T. Evaluation of virtual reality interface interaction methods for digital twin industrial robot programming and control, a pilot study // Proceedings of the ASME 2021 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. : American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2021. paper no: IMECE2021-69408, 9 p. (Advanced Manufacturing ; vol. 2B). - Nutonen, K., Kuts, V., Otto, T. Industrial robot training in the simulation using the machine learning agent // Procedia computer science (2023) vol. 217, p. 446-455. - Mahmood, K., Otto, T., Kuts, V., Terkaj, W., Urgo, M., Haidegger, G. Development of virtual learning factory toolkit for production engineering education // IOP conference series : materials science and engineering (2021) vol. 1140, art. 012039, 8 p. - Rassõlkin, A., Rjabtšikov, V., Kuts, V., Kudelina, K., Vaimann, T., Kallaste, A., Partyshev, A. Parametric digital twin of autonomous electric vehicle transmission // Journal of machine engineering (2021) vol. 21, 2, p. 131-140 : ill. - Ševtšenko, E., Maas, R., Murumaa, L., Karaulova, T., Raji, I., Popell, J. Digitalisation of Supply Chain management system for customer quality service improvement // Journal of machine engineering (2022) vol. 22, 3, p. 78-90 : ill. - Murumaa, L., Shevtshenko, E., Karaulova, T. Component organised learning method for digital supply chain hybrid courses // Mobility for Smart Cities and Regional Development - Challenges for Higher Education : proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2021). Vol. 1. Cham : Springer, 2022. p. 691-705. (Lecture notes in networks and systems ; 389). - Srivastava, R., Kuts, V., Souza Gouveia, E. L., Murray, N., Devine, D., O'Connell, E. SMA-based haptic gloves usage in the smart factory concept : XR use case // Proceedings of ASME 2022 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2022), 2B: Columbus, Ohio, USA, October 30 - November 3, 2022. Danvers : American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2022. art. IMECE2022-94305, V02BT02A017, 10 p. - Kuts, V., Rassõlkin, A., Jegorov, S., Rjabtšikov, V. ROS middle-layer integration into Unity3D as an interface option for propulsion drive simulations of autonomous vehicles // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2021) 4, p. 392-398 : ill. - Jegorov, S., Rassõlkin, A., Rjabtšikov, V., Mohamed, M. I. H., Kuts, V. Novel digital twin concept for industrial application. Study case: propulsion drive system // Proceedings of ASME 2022 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2022), 2B: Columbus, Ohio, USA, October 30 - November 3, 2022. Danvers : American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2022. art. IMECE2022-97243, V02BT02A011, 6 p.. - Golova, J., KMahmood, K., Raamets, T. Simulation based Performance Analysis of Production Intralogistics // IOP Conference Series : Materials Science and Engineering (2021) vol. 1140, art. 012026, 6p. : ill. - Vaher, K., Mahmood, K., Otto, T., Riives, J. Simulation based feasibility analysis of autonomously movable robot arm // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2021) 4, p. 422-428 : ill. - Tähemaa, T., Sarkans, M., Sarand, I., Pohlak, M., Niidas, A., Saarna, M. The effect of UV-C radiation on the durability of 3D printed plastic parts in disinfectant devices // IOP conference series : materials science and engineering (2021) Vol. 1140, art. 012046, 6 p. : ill. - Moor, M., Vaher, K., Riives, R., Kangru, T., Otto, T. Modern robot integrated manufacturing cell according to the needs of Industry 4.0 // IOP conference series : materials science and engineering (2021) vol. 1140, art. 012034, 5 p. : ill. - Alsaleh, S., Tepljakov, A., Tamre, M., Kuts, V., Petlenkov, E. Digital twin simulations based reinforcement learning for navigation and control of a wheel-on-leg mobile robot // Proceedings of ASME 2022 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2022), 2B: Columbus, Ohio, USA, October 30 - November 3, 2022. Danvers : American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2022. art. IMECE2022-95411, V02BT02A025, 8 p. - Pizzagalli, S.L., Bondarenko, Y., Baykara, B.C., Niidas, A., Kuts, V., Kerm, M., Otto, T. Forestry crane immersive user interface for control and teleoperation // Proceedings of ASME 2022 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE2022), 2B: Columbus, Ohio, USA, October 30 - November 3, 2022. Columbus : American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2022. art. IMECE2022-94975. - Kangru, T., Mahmood, K., Otto, T., Moor, M., Riives, J. Knowledge-driven based performance analysis of robotic manufacturing cell for design improvement // ASME 2020 : International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, November 16–19, 2020 : Virtual, Online : proceedings. : American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), 2020. Paper No: IMECE2020-23541, V006T06A032 ; 8 p. (Design, systems, and complexity ; vol. 6). - Kolnes, M., Kübarsepp, J., Sergejev,F., Kolnes, M. Adhesive wear of WC- and TiC-based friction stir welding tool materials for aluminium alloy welding [Electronic resource] // European Powder Metallurgy Association : proceedings : 14 – 18 October 2018, Bilbao, Spain. : European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA), 2018. 6 p. : ill. [USB]. - Kolnes, M., Kübarsepp, J., Sergejev, F., Kolnes, M., Tarraste, M., Viljus, M. Wear behavior of ceramic-metal composites as tool material for FSW of copper // Solid state phenomena ; 320. Baech : Trans Tech Publications, 2021. p. 144–149. - Minasyan, T., Liu, L., Aydinyan, S., Kollo, L., Aghayan, M., Hussainova, I. Lattice of MoSi2/Si3N4 by selective laser melting // European Powder Metallurgy Association : proceedings : 14 – 18 October 2018, Bilbao, Spain. [S.l.] : European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA), 2018. art. 3993050 [USB]. - Ševtšenko, E., Nõuakas, K., Murumaa, L., Kallas, O., Karaulova, T. Innovative common study block framework for joined collaborative curriculums development // Educating Engineers for Future Industrial Revolutions : Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning (ICL2020). Volume 1. Cham : Springer, 2021. p. 30-41. (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing ; 1328). - Omranpour, B., Kommel, L., Sergejev, F., Ivanisenko, J., Antonov, M. et al. Analysis of the reciprocal wear testing of Aluminum AA1050 processed by a novel mechanical nanostructuring technique // IOP conference series : materials science and engineering (2021) vol. 1140, art. 012051, 6 p. : ill. - Vaher, K., Mahmood, K., Otto, T., Riives, J. Simulation based feasibility analysis of autonomously movable robot arm // IOP conference series : materials science and engineering (2021) vol. 1140, art. 012055, 6 p. : ill. - Otto, T. 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High-strength aluminum alloy of ultrafine grained by consolidation-ECAP // IOP conference series : materials science and engineering (2019) vol. 478, 1, art. 012035, 7 p. : ill. - Ševtšenko, E., Mahmood, K., Karaulova, T. Enhancing the partner selection process in a Sustainable Partner Network // IFAC-PapersOnLine (2019) vol. 52, 13, p. 2425-2430 : ill. - Ševtšenko, E., Karaulova, T., Igavens, M., Strods, G., Mahmood, K. et al. Innovative methods of engineering education popularization at schools // Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (2019) vol. 68, 4, p. 356-363 : ill. - Värno, K., Mahmood, K., Otto, T., Kuts, V. Development of a smart workstation by using AR technology // Proceedings of the 30th International DAAAM Symposium : Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation, 23-26th October 2019, Zadar, Croatia. Vienna : DAAAM International Vienna, 2019. 1061-1067 : ill. - Kolnes, M., Kübarsepp, J., Sergejev, F., Kolnes, M. 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