Research group of food science and technology
Toidusüsteemide uurimisrühm (kuni 2022)
Head of the research group
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TalTech priority area
The objectives of the research group: to developand promote healthy foods and healthy dietsthrough basic and applied research and teaching. We combine methods of chemistry, physics,sensorics, biotechnology, nutrition and foodsafety. Biochemical, physical and microbiological processes are followed during the whole foodchain, from production of raw materials to foodconsumption. The wide range of competencesenable to solve different problems and developments of food and biotechnology companies.One of the most important areas is the development of science-based food technologies to producehigher value-added products. We develop processesimproving product quality, process yields and costeffective production. We are also studying the useof alternative raw materials for novel foods.Main researc items: Impact of human nutrition on gut microbiota, metabolism and health (leaderKaarel Adamberg). Nutrient’s circulation in food systems(Toomas Paalme). Food sensory and instrumental analysis(Kristel Vene). Peptides as a source of amino acids infermentation (Ildar Nisamedtinov). Food quality and structure (Katrin Laos). Food microbiomes: food quality, safety andinnovation (Inga Sarand) Solid state fermentations (SSF) (AllanOlspert)
Research group member
Research classification (Frascati)
food and drink
food processing technologies
food microbiology
food fermentations
food physics
food chemistry
food analysis
gut microbiota
cultivation technologies
- Jaagura, M., Part, N., Adamberg K., Kazantseva J., Viiard, E. Consumption of multi-fiber enriched yogurt is associated with increase of Bifidobacterium animalis and butyrate producing bacteria in human fecal microbiota // Journal of Functional Foods (2022) Vol. 88, Art. nr. 104899. - Arju, G., Berg, H. Y., Lints, T., Nisamedtinov, I. Methodology for analysis of peptide consumption by yeast during fermentation of enzymatic protein hydrolysate supplemented synthetic medium using UPLC-IMS-HRMS // Fermentation (2022) vol. 8, 4, art. 145. - Eha, K., Kaleda, A., Menert, A., Laos, K. Water sorption behaviour of commercial furcellaran // Heliyon (2022) vol. 8, 10, 10 p. : ill. - Raba, G., Adamberg, S., Adamberg, K. Acidic pH enhances butyrate production from pectin by faecal microbiota // FEMS Microbiology Letters (2021) vol. 368, 7, art. fnab042. - Jaagura, M., Viiard, E., Karu-Lavits, K., Adamberg, K. Low-carbohydrate high-fat weight reduction diet induces changes in human gut microbiota // MicrobiologyOpen (2021) vol. 10, 3, art. e1194. - Eha, K., Pehk, T., Heinmaa, I., Kaleda, A., Laos, K. Impact of short-term heat treatment on the structure and functional properties of commercial furcellaran compared to commercial carrageenans // Heliyon (2021) vol. 7, 4, art. e06640. - Luhila, Õ., Paalme, T., Tanilas, K., Sarand, I. Omega-3 fatty acid and B12 vitamin content in Baltic algae // Algal Research (2022) Vol. 67, Art. 102860. - Berg, G., Rybakova, D., Fischer, D., Sarand, I. et al. Microbiome definition re-visited: old concepts and new challenges // Microbiome (2020) vol. 8, 1, art. 103, 22 p. : ill. - Zekker, I., Raudkivi, M., Artemchuk, O., Rikmann, E., Priks, H., Jaagura, M., Tenno, T. Mainstream-sidestream wastewater switching promotes anammox nitrogen removal rate in organic-rich, low-temperature streams // Environmental technology (2021) vol. 42, 19, 10 p. : ill. - Zekker, I., Bhowmick, G.D., Priks, H., Nath, D., Rikmann, E., Jaagura, M. et al. ANAMMOX-denitrification biomass in microbial fuel cell to enhance the electricity generation and nitrogen removal efficiency // Biodegradation (2020) Vol. 31, 4-6, p. 249 - 264. - Zekker, I., Mandel, A., Rikmann, E., Jaagura, M., Salmar, S., Ghangrekar, M.M., Tennoa, T. Ameliorating effect of nitrate on nitrite inhibition for denitrifying P-accumulating organisms // Science of the total environment (2021) vol. 797, art. 149133, 10 p. : ill. - Kõrge, K., Bajić, M., Likozar, B., Novak, U. Active chitosan–chestnut extract films used for packaging and storage of fresh pasta // International Journal of Food Science and Technology (2020) vol. 55, 8, p. 3043 - 3052. - Warensjö Lemming, E., Pitsi, T. The Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2022 – food consumption and nutrient intake in the adult population of the Nordic and Baltic countries // Food & Nutrition Research (2022) vol. 66, p. 1-11. - Vaikma, H., Kaleda, A., Rosend, J., Rosenvald, S. Market mapping of plant-based milk alternatives by using sensory (RATA) and GC analysis // Future foods (2021) vol. 4, art. 100049. - Bajić, M., Oberlintner, A., Kõrge, K., Likozar, B., Novak, U. Formulation of active food packaging by design: Linking composition of the film-forming solution to properties of the chitosan-based film by response surface methodology (RSM) modelling // International Journal of Biological Macromolecules (2020) Vol. 160, p. 971 - 978. - Berg, G., Rybakova, D., Fischer, D., Cernava, T., Vergès, M.-C. C., Charles, T.C., Chen, X., Cocolin, L., Eversole, K., Sarand, I. et al. Erratum: Microbiome definition re-visited: old concepts and new challenges (Microbiome (2020) 8 (103) DOI: 10.1186/s40168-020-00875-0) // Microbiome (2020) vol. 8, 1, art. 119, 1 p.. - Kivima, E., Tanilas, K., Martverk, K., Rosenvald, S., Timberg, L., Laos, K. The composition, physicochemical properties, antioxidant activity, and sensory properties of Estonian honeys // Foods (2021) vol. 10, 3, art. 511, 14 p. - Adamberg, K., Jaagura, M., Aaspõllu, A., Nurk, E., Adamberg, S. The composition of faecal microbiota is related to the amount and variety of dietary fibres // International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition (2020) vol. 71, 7, p. 845-855 : ill. - Rosend, J., Kaleda, A., Kuldjärv, R., Arju, G., Nisamedtinov, I. The effect of apple juice concentration on cider fermentation and properties of the final product // Foods (2020) vol. 9, art. 1401, 12 p. - Kõrge, K., Šeme, H., Bajić, M., Likozar, B., Novak, U. Reduction in spoilage microbiota and cyclopiazonic acid mycotoxin with chestnut extract enriched chitosan packaging: stability of inoculated Gouda cheese // Foods (2020) Vol. 9, Issue 11, Art. nr. 1645. - Cernava, T., Rybakova, D., Buscot, F., Clavel, T., McHardy, A. C., Meyer, F., Meyer, F., Overmann, J., Stecher, B., Sarand, I. et al. Metadata harmonization-standards are the key for a better usage of omics data for integrative microbiome analysis // Environmental Microbiome (2022) vol. 17, art. 33. - Adamberg, K., Raba, G., Adamberg, S. Use of changestat for growth rate studies of gut microbiota // Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology (2020) vol. 8, art. 24, 12 p. : ill. - Kõiv, V., Adamberg, K., Adamberg, S. et al. Microbiome of root vegetables - a source of gluten-degrading bacteria // Applied microbiology and biotechnology (2020) vol. 104, 20, p. 8871-8885 : ill. - Callens, K., Fontaine, F., Sanz, Y., Bogdanski, A., D‘Hondt, K., Lange, L., Smidt, H., Overbeek, L. van, Kostic, T., Sarand, I. et al. Microbiome-based solutions to address new and existing threats to food security, nutrition, health and agrifood systems' sustainability // Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems (2022) vol. 6, art. 1047765. - Friedenthal, M., Eha, K., Kaleda, A., Part, N., Laos, K. Instability of low-moisture carrageenans as affected by water vapor sorption at moderate storage temperatures // SN Applied Sciences (2020) vol. 2, art. 243, 6 p. : ill. - M.J. Ryan, M. Schloter, G. Berg, Sarand, I. et al. Development of microbiome biobanks – challenges and opportunities // Trends in microbiology (2021) vol. 29, 2, p. 89-92. - Adamberg, K., Vilu, R., Pazienza, V. Inhibition of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase influence microbiota and metabolomic profile in pancreatic cancer xenograft mice // BMC Research Notes (2020) vol. 13, art. 540. - Vaikma, H., Kaleda, A., Rosend, J., Rosenvald, S. Erratum to “Market mapping of plant-based milk alternatives by using sensory (RATA) and GC analysis” [Future Foods, 4 (2021) 100049] (Future Foods (2021) 4, (S2666833521000393), (10.1016/j.fufo.2021.100049)) // Future Foods (2022) Vol. 6, Art. nr. 100166. - Tähemaa, T., Sarkans, M., Sarand, I., Pohlak, M., Niidas, A., Saarna, M. The effect of UV-C radiation on the durability of 3D printed plastic parts in disinfectant devices // IOP conference series : materials science and engineering (2021) Vol. 1140, art. 012046, 6 p. : ill. - Kärblane, K., Firth, A. E., Olspert, A. Turnip Mosaic Virus Transcriptional Slippage Dynamics and Distribution in RNA Subpopulations // Molecular plant-microbe interactions (2022) Vol. 35, 9, p. 835-844 : ill. - Lopp, A., Reintamm, T., Kuusksalu, A., Olspert, A., Kelve, M. Identification of a novel member of 2H phosphoesterases, 2',5'-oligoadenylate degrading ribonuclease from the oyster Crassostrea gigas // Biochimie (2019) vol. 156, p. 181–195 : ill. - Rosend, J., Kuldjärv, R., Arju, G., Nisamedtinov, I. Yeast performance characterisation in different cider fermentation matrices // Agronomy research (2019) vol. 17, 5, p. 2040–2053 : ill. - Stewart, H., Olspert, A., Butt, B. G, Firth, A. E Propensity of a picornavirus polymerase to slip on potyvirusderived transcriptional slippage sites // Journal of general virology (2019) vol. 100, 2, p. 199–205 : ill. - Taivosalo, A., Kriščiunaite, T., Stulova, I., Part, N., Rosend, J., Sõrmus, A., Vilu, R. Ripening of hard cheese produced from milk concentrated by reverse osmosis // Foods (2019) Vol. 8, Issue 5, Art. nr. 165. - Adamberg, K., Kolk, K., Jaagura, M., Vilu, R., Adamberg, S. The composition and metabolism of faecal microbiota is specifically modulated by different dietary polysaccharides and mucin : an isothermal microcalorimetry study // Beneficial microbes (2018) vol. 9, 1, p. 21-34 : ill. - Adamberg, K., Adamberg, S., Ernits, K. et al. Composition and metabolism of fecal microbiota from normal and overweight children are differentially affected by melibiose, raffinose and raffinose-derived fructans // Anaerobe (2018) vol. 52, p. 100-110 : ill. - Rosend, J., Kuldjärv, R., Rosenvald, S., Paalme, T. The effects of apple variety, ripening stage, and yeast strain on the volatile composition of apple cider // Heliyon (2019) vol. 5, 6, art. e01953, 7 p. : ill. - Kaleda, A., Tsanev, R., Klesment, T., Vilu, R., Laos, K., Ice cream structure modification by ice-binding proteins // Food Chemistry (2018) Vol. 246, p. 164-171. - Kortesniemi, M., Rosenvald, S., Laaksonen, O., Vene, K. et al. Sensory and chemical profiles of Finnish honeys of different botanical origins and consumer preferences // Food chemistry (2018) vol. 246, p. 351-359 : ill. - Mandel, A., Zekker, I, Jaagura, M., Tenno, T. Enhancement of anoxic phosphorus uptake of denitrifying phosphorus removal process by biomass adaption // International journal of environmental science and technology (2019) vol. 16, p. 5965–5978 : ill. - Panebianco, C., Adamberg, K., Jaagura, M., Adamberg, S., Kolk, K., Vilu, R. et al. Influence of gemcitabine chemotherapy on the microbiota of pancreatic cancer xenografted mice // Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology (2018) vol. 81, 4, p. 773–782 : ill. - Berg, H. Y., Arju, G., Becerra-Rodriguez, C., Galeote, V., Nisamedtinov, I. Unlocking the secrets of peptide transport in wine yeast: insights into oligopeptide transporter functions and nitrogen source preferences // Applied and environmental microbiology (2023) vol. 89, 11, art. e0114123. - Sessitsch, A., Wakelin, S., Schloter, M., Maguin, E., Cernava, T., Champomier-Verges, M-C., Charles, T. C., Cotter, P. D., Ferrocino, I., Kriaa, A., Lebre, P., Cowan, D., Lange, L., Kiran, S., Markiewicz, L., Meisner, A., Olivares, M., Sarand, I., Schelkle, B., Selvin, J., Smidt, H., van Overbeek, L., Berg, G., Cocolin, L., Sanz, Y., Fernandes, W. L., Liu, S. J., Ryan, M., Singh, B., Kostic, T. Microbiome interconnectedness throughout environments with major consequences for healthy people and a healthy planet // Microbiology and molecular biology reviews (2023) vol. 87, 3 - Sarand, I., Traksmaa, A., Klava, D., Kunkulberga, D., Straumite, E., Galoburda, R., Murniece, R., Juodeikiene, G., Bartkevics, V., Bartkiene, E. Traditional breads from the Baltic Countries (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) // Traditional European breads : An illustrative compendium of ancestral knowledge and cultural heritage. Cham : Springer Nature, 2023. p. 41–59.