Research group of food science and technology

Toidusüsteemide uurimisrühm (kuni 2022)
Head of the research group
The objectives of the research group: to developand promote healthy foods and healthy dietsthrough basic and applied research and teaching. We combine methods of chemistry, physics,sensorics, biotechnology, nutrition and foodsafety. Biochemical, physical and microbiological processes are followed during the whole foodchain, from production of raw materials to foodconsumption. The wide range of competencesenable to solve different problems and developments of food and biotechnology companies.One of the most important areas is the development of science-based food technologies to producehigher value-added products. We develop processesimproving product quality, process yields and costeffective production. We are also studying the useof alternative raw materials for novel foods.Main researc items:‚ Impact of human nutrition on gut microbiota, metabolism and health (leaderKaarel Adamberg). ‚ Nutrient’s circulation in food systems(Toomas Paalme).‚ Food sensory and instrumental analysis(Kristel Vene).‚ Peptides as a source of amino acids infermentation (Ildar Nisamedtinov).‚ Food quality and structure (Katrin Laos).‚ Food microbiomes: food quality, safety andinnovation (Inga Sarand)‚ Solid state fermentations (SSF) (AllanOlspert)
Research classification (Frascati)
food and drink
food processing technologies
food microbiology
food fermentations
food physics
food chemistry
food analysis
gut microbiota
cultivation technologies