Centre of dependable computing systems

Head of the research group
Related department
The research in the Centre for DependableComputing Systems covers a wide range of topics in the areas of design, reliability, security,verification and testing of nanoelectronic systems(including multi-/many-core systems).The main research activities in 2021 were thefollowing:‚ Hardware security (cooperation with TUDelft, LIRMM/University of Montpellier,Airbus, Frankfurt UAS, Intrinsic-ID, Riscure);‚ Embedded neural network accelerators(cooperation with Mälardalen University, Tartu University, Fraunhofer IKS,Philips, Siemens);‚ Cross-layer resilience in sensor networks(cooperation with Testonica Lab OÜ);‚ Verification (assertion mining) (cooperation with EPFL/Lausanne, TU Hamburg,DLR);‚ Diagnostic test generation and microprocessor testing (cooperation with Politecnicodi Torino).
nanoelectronics design
verification and test
multi-/many-core systems
reliability of neural network accelerators